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Integrated Master in Medicine

General information

Official Code: 9813
Acronym: MIMED

maria amelia ferreira


  • Master Degree in Medicine (360 ECTS credits)
  • Basic Health Sciences (180 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Biostatistics, Information and Decision in Health I

MI112 - ECTS

Information and decision sciences are, traditionally, supported by two great scientific areas, Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, and so it is expected that the students:

    • Acquire notions and training on probability and distributions, descriptive statistics Statistical inference and modelling, sample size;
    • Learn the concepts and applications of information systems (IS) in healthcare, Data coding and classification systems, Electronic clinical records, decision support systems, processing of biological signal and image, telemedicine and eHealth;
    • Acquire skills on data preparation, construction of probability plots, Bibliographic and modeling search and reference management, creation of databases  and queries to databases;
    • Understand the organization of health information as applied to statistical analysis and health research.


Bioestatistica, Informação e Decisão em Saúde I _A

MI112_A - ECTS

Bioestatistica, Informação e Decisão em Saúde I _B

MI112_B - ECTS

Molecular Structure of the Cell

MI110 - ECTS

To contribute to the understanding of the biology of the human being from the molecular bases of medicine and the way in which structure leads to function.

It is intended that the student who starts medical school has an adequate integration in the structural knowledge of biochemistry and cell biology easing the later understanding of the structures and the functioning of cells and of the general metabolic functions of the body.

Attention is given to the recognition of the denomination and the biological role of the chemical constituents of living beings with particular emphasis to those who are part of the constitution of the human being (namely: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, glycoproteins and glycation of proteins, amino acids, inorganic compounds and water).

To this end, we use as examples situations of illness, or common therapies. Similarly, we give attention to the fact that it is from these same molecules that are developed the biomarkers that will serve as a starting point for better diagnostic tests and, also, to the understanding of many of the pathological conditions that students will find more ahead at the clinical practice.

Molecular Genetics

MI111 - ECTS

The main objective of the UC “Molecular Genetics ” is to transmit student the more recent knowledge about the dynamics of the human genome and the mechanisms that allow molecular information transmission from DNA to protein.  Indeed, the syllabus is extensively dedicated to molecular mechanisms of maintenance of integrity of the genome, methodology employed for study, diagnostic and gene-based therapies. This UC also includes a strong laboratory component that elucidates how to get the knowledge, and integrative scientific papers discussion sessions. The teaching staff includes professors that investigate the basic mechanisms of molecular biology and specialists in human genetics, too.

Humanities in Medicine

MI113 - ECTS
To develop the instrumental role of humanities as a resource in healthcare professional education, towards: (1) transversal competencies, (2) humanistic competences; (3) self-awareness competencies; (4) recognition of different situations in the context of healthcare.

Humanidades em Medicina_A

MI113_A - ECTS

Humanidades em Medicina_B

MI113_B - ECTS

Morphophysiology of the Locomotor Apparatus

MI109 - ECTS

At the end of this course unit, students should :


- Be acquainted with the general principles of Anatomy, Histology and Physiology. This course unit will stimulate students’ observation skills by acquainting them with the anatomical, histological and physiological terminology. It will also endow them with description techniques, which will make them apply the adequate terminology;


- Be acquainted with the normal structure, both macroscopic and microscopic and the normal function of the locomotor apparatus; 


- To acquire a solid basis of knowledge that can be used in the different fields of morphophysiology, in other course units and in upcoming clinical activities. 




Biochemistry of Metabolism

MI116 - ECTS

Students must learn the metabolic pathways involved in the metabolism, in humans, of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and aminoacids, synthesis of aminoacid derivatives of biological interest, metabolism of heme group and purines and pyrimidines.

Students must understand the importance of human metabolism as a whole, by learning some important aspects of integration of metabolism (regulation of oxidative metabolism and energetic balance, hormonal regulation of metabolism, metabolic changes during the feeding/fasting cycle, metabolism in different cells and tissues, in the pregnant and newborn, during physical exercise and in some extreme situations).

Students must acquire knowledge on some factors that influence human metabolism, namely: vitamins and their metabolic importance, oxidative stress and defense mechanisms, nutrition, alcohol and alcoholic drinks, metabolism in cancer cells and metabolism of xenobiotics.

Finally, students must acquire knowledge on some human pathologies related to metabolism or associated with metabolic disturbances: obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemias, diseases of fructose and galactose metabolism, diseases of beta oxidation of fatty acids, diseases of glycogen metabolism, megaloblastic anemias, diseases of aminoacid metabolism, cachexia and jaundice.

Molecular Cell Dynamics

MI115 - ECTS

The main goal of this course is to teach the molecular basis of cell organization and functioning, namely the metabolic pathways and the molecular flux between the cell structures and compartments. This knowledge is important for the medical student to understand the molecular and biochemical abnormalities in pathological conditions. Therefore the syllabus focuses on structural, dynamical and functional aspects of the plasmatic membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, lysosome, mitochondria and peroxisome. This unit also contains practical laboratory classes and tutorial “Journal club” sessions which are modalities important to consolidate and deeply understand the acquired knowledge. To this end, this unit takes advantage of a teaching staff with expertise in the areas of Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.

Introduction to Research in Health

MI117 - ECTS One of the founding principles of a Medical degree program is the integration of components including the basics of medical research and experimental design. That is the reason supporting the importance of the inclusion, in the first semester of the program, of a curricular unit presenting practical examples of the medical research developed in our institution, covering the formalisms of medical research and exploring the basics of a set of generic and transversal methods for biomedical research, commonly used in clinical, laboratorial or epidemiological research.

The biomedical research methodology, including both research involving humans and research of a more basic nature, defines and describes a set of distinct procedures that warrant the quality of the discovery and application of scientific evidence. This curricular unit aims to provide students with the necessary theoretical and practical foundations, allowing them to define, to plan and to critically appraise medical research. In this context, the presentation and discussion of the concept of a research protocol is crucial, allowing them to understand the research enterprise as a phased and planned approach to answer a research question, and supporting the interpretation and dissemination of biomedical research.

This curricular unit will also promote the contact of their students with real examples of biomedical, clinical and epidemiological research made by research groups in the Faculty and the University of Porto, through the organization of research seminars.

Morphophysiology of the Nervous System

MI114 - ECTS

At the end of this course unit, students should :

-       Be acquainted with the general principles of Anatomy, Histology and Physiology. This course unit will stimulate students’ observation skills by acquainting them with the anatomical terminology. It will also endow them with description techniques, which will make them apply the adequate terminology;

-       Be acquainted with the normal structure, both macroscopic and microscopic and the normal function of the nervous system; 

-       Have acquired knowledge which can be used in the different fields of morphophysiology, in other course units and in upcoming clinical activities. 

During the semester, students should also acquire the following competencies:

-       Problem-solving skills;

-       Self-learning skills;

-       Critical reasoning;

-       Practical ability to evaluate the function of the different systems;

-       Identification of morphophysiological problems in selected clinical cases.

In order to provide students with the aforementioned skills and knowledge, this course unit will apply an integrated morphofunctional approach. Anatomists, histologists and physiologists will be part of the teaching staff.

Morfofisiologia do Sistema Nervoso_A

MI114_A - ECTS

Morfofisiologia do Sistema Nervoso_B

MI114_B - ECTS

Morfofisiologia do Sistema Nervoso_C

MI114_C - ECTS

Populations Health

MI118 - ECTS

This curricular unit has as main objective the acquisition of knowledge on the principles and concepts used in population’s health and its application for the understanding of the health and disease processes.

The syllabus of this Unit has a comprehensive nature in agreement with the objective of having a global understanding on the basic principles and major problems related with populations’ health, and to promote a vision of medical activity as part of a broader health team that it is present before and after the curative interventions.

Medical Anthropology and Humanization of Medicine


Medical Biophysics

OPT03 - ECTS Understand some of the concepts and fundamental principles of physics which are relevant for biology and medicine.
Acquire tools and competences for solving simple problems in biophysics.
Value the construction and use of models for the detailed quantitative description of biophysical processes.
Understand the potential and limitations of several modern techniques which rely on fundamental principles in physics for diagnosis and treatment in medicine.



To introduce students to biogerontology and its location within modern biomedicine.

To evidence the biological foundations of functional ability loss (ageing) foccusing on humans, and including cell and molecular changes as well as the role of genes.

To show current frontiers of knowledge in the field and explore biogerontology extensions to other fields and the society as a whole.

To develop the interest in the field and inspire further research in the area.

Brain and Behavior


The main goal of this course is to help students to understand how specific motor, limbic, and cognitive functions emerge within the brain. This will be achieved by acquiring and integrating knowledge from several disciplines, such as neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry and behavioral neuroscience. The students will be familiarized with modern experimental techniques used to investigate the neuronal basis of behavior. Finally, the students will familiarize themselves with the interests and motivations that have driven the investigation of the linkage between neural circuitry and complex behaviors.

Componente optativa - Ciências Básica da Saúde_1


Componente optativa - Ciências Básica da Saúde_2


Componente optativa - Ciências Básica da Saúde_3


Componente optativa - Ciências Básica da Saúde_4


Componente optativa - Ciências Básica da Saúde_5


Componente optativa - Ciências Básica da Saúde_6


Componente optativa - Ciências Básica da Saúde_7


Strategic Marketing and Communication applied to the Health Subject


Communication in healthcare teamwork


Science Communication


Effective communication of scientific knowledge is an essential component of any career in the sciences.

The overall objective of this unit is to help train doctors and scientists who will strive for excellence in writing and communicate science in scientific and popular science contexts.


At the end of the unit, the student is expected to be able to:

-select efficiently the scientific sources for its own study and research

-understand the importance of the communication inside a research team and the necessary articulations for translational research

-prepare and present a scientific poster

-write a scientific paper

-to develop the ability to analyze critically the strategies applied to communicating science in diverse social and professional contexts

-develop, oral and written communication skills in presenting research

-orally and by writing present a main message from own research to a scientific audience and a general public using different media

-present a well written curriculum vitae

-prepare a successful job interview

Contact in Primary Care

OPT09 - ECTS The Optional Curricular Unit "Basic Contact in Healthcare" will consist of an area of contact with the hospital external environment, where the student contacts with the patients and their families in their homes and in the Health Centres. Students will develop the following skills: - Knowing the Primary Health Care; - Identify the Portuguese National Health Service, and the institutions of the Community, their functions and skills.

Early Contact with Patients and their Families I


To complete successfully this curricular unit, students must achieve the following objectives:

  • To learn the method for collecting the medical history, including the including the psychosocial component and familial evaluation;

  • To use familial evaluation methods at level of Primary Health Care;

  • To develop skills of clinical interview;

  • To evaluatethe weight ofpsychosocial factorsin an individual with chronic disease, disability orrelevant health event.

  • To arguehow thesefactorsaffect the patient’s family environment and of other persons how share his / her life.

Early Contact with Patients and their Families II


To complete successfully this curricular unit, students must achieve the following objectives:

  • To develop a clinical approach oriented to the patient, his family and surrounding community, dealing health problems both in the physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual dimensions.

  • To acquire skills on the continuity of care over time, through a doctor-patient effective communication;

  • To promote the simultaneous management of acute and chronic health problems of the patients;

  • To use familial evaluation methods at level of Primary Health Care.

Genetic instability and disease


Social and Humane Formation

OPT14 - ECTS In this unit, it is intended to promote social and human development of future physicians through voluntary service.
To create a space where the student could contact with the reality of society and interact with different types of people helping to better understand the Human Person.
It is intended that the student understand their role in society and become more socially responsible.
It is hoped through this course to contribute to a medical doctor more humane and attentive to social problems.

Population Genetics and Disease


History of the Medical Armamentarium


The unit aims to

- provide systematic knowledge on the History of Medicine, in order to arouse the student’s continued interest in the subject as well as to be an important tool for interdisciplinary research;

- raise the student’s awareness regarding medical museology;

- teach the history of medical artefacts ‒ a relevant chapter in the history of mankind;

- promote the FMUP’s documental and material heritage, in order to raise awareness and provide the scholarly means for its safeguard and its pedagogical and scientific use;

- develop the student’s motivation to apprehend and feel cultural values through self training;

- contribute to the humanisation of Medicine;

- encourage the development of critical thinking about contemporary Medicine and all that finds validation in it.

Infection and Cancer

OPT17 - ECTS - To establish relationships between structural, biological and epidemiological features of cancer-associated infectious agents and the natural history of the infections;
- To distinguish the methods for detection and characterization of cancer-associated infectious agents;
- To compare the different types of cancer-associated infectious agents regarding their mechanisms of carcinogenesis;
- To describe the main epidemiological, clinical and pathological features of infection-associated cancers;
- To integrate epidemiological, experimental and clinical data that establish causal relationships between infectious agents and the respective cancers;
- To explain the contribution of the human microbiota to the pathogenesis of cancer;
- To discuss the potential of infection-associated cancers as targets for prevention and screening strategies and for early detection.

Introduction to research in molecular pathology applied in oncology



-Indicate the cellular characteristics of the neoplastic cells

- Describe the cellular characteristics of the neoplastic cells

- Identify appropriate methodologies for the study of the various cellular characteristics

- Explain the theoretical basis of the  methodologies

- Experiment techniques for the evaluation of neoplastic cells characteristics

- Distinguish the limitations of the various methodologies

- Planning experimental approaches to the study of a certain cellular characteristic

- Interpret results obtained in the various experimental approaches 

Laboratory Research - cardiovascular molecular evaluation.


Molecular mechanisms of response and therapeutic resistance in cancer


1 - To consolidate the learning concerning the basic principles of cancer and to identify the key molecular oncogenic pathways of the cell.

2 - Identify the major molecular therapeutic targets in cancer and describe their importance in cancer therapeutic management.

3 - To identify the different forms of therapeutic resistance in cancer

4 - To interpret the signaling crosstalk of the major oncogenic pathways in the context of the response and therapeutic resistance.

5 - To explain the importance of the molecular biomarkers in the clinical oncology practice, especially on the stratification of the patients and on the therapeutic decision.

6 - To discuss the importance of the translational research in cancer to the identification of new drugable targets.

Research methods in medical education


This curricular unit is intended to introduce students to mixed research in medical education. 

Molecular Approach on Personalized


Personalized medicine aims to provide precise and personalized diagnosis of patients, in order to conduct individualized therapy. It is in its early stages of implementation into European healthcare market and one of the main barriers to its development is the lack of knowledge among healthcare providers. Therefore, this curricular unit focuses on personalized medicine and integrates advanced molecular technologies, fundamental to its understanding. Educating medical students on the methodological science of genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics and molecular imaging techniques, will be essential to the development of new therapies that are targeted to the individual patient. Students will face this new healthcare paradigm and will be challenged to a theoretical implementation of the personalized medicine practice.

Cognitive Neuroscience

OPT25 - ECTS The course aims to introduce students to the field of Cognitive Neuroscience: the body of knowledge that studies the neural basis of cognitive functions. The course aims to expand the knowledge acquired in the course Morphophysiology of the Nervous System (1st year of Medical School), integrating it into a functional perspective that will be useful as a foundation for the later study of clinical neurology and psychiatry.

The unit will have an important practical component directed to experimental research in Cognitive Neuroscience: apart from contacting with various techniques currently used in cognitive experimental research (functional imaging in humans, neurophysiology in humans and animal models, and behavioral assessment in animal models), each group of 4 students will be responsible for designing and conducting a small research project.

The course will have two main objectives: a) to provide students with a comprehensive overview of the physiology of cognitive functions that will enable them to have a thorough knowledge of the neurobiological mechanisms that underlie the neurological and psychiatric diseases with which they will get in contact in future academic courses and throughout the professional career; b) to provide students with a powerful introduction to the methodologies of scientific research in cognitive neuroscience that will allow them to consider pursuing a postgraduate research program in this area.

Nutrition and prevention of cronic diseases


Reflective Practice I


Protein Biomarkers in cancer: molecular basis and diagnosis & therapeutic applications

  • Recognize the current protein-based biomarkers used in oncology.
  • Describe the mechanism of protein biosynthesis, structure and functions.
  • Define major molecular mechanisms leading to alterations of proteins in cancer. The model of gastric carcinoma and colorectal carcinoma.
  • Integrate methods for identification and application of protein research in oncology.
Interpret the fundamentals of the treatments applying novel biological products in oncology.

Reprogramming stem cells and carcinogenesis


Stress and metabolic syndrome


This curricular unit is intended to assist medical students to increase their awareness of stress and its deleterious effects on health. At the end of this unit students will be able to:


1. Recognize the impact of stress on modern life and health

2. Identify the major mediators involved in stress response

3. Understand the physiological responses to different types of stressors

4. Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of core stress knowledge

5. Review the biochemical basis of the main metabolism pathways

6. Recognize the underlying abnormalities causing metabolic syndrome features

7. Identify stress related diseases

8. Review the biochemical basis of the main metabolism pathways under stress conditions

9. Recognize the main human and animal experimental models, and biomarkers, to study stress

10. Recognize various strategies to cope with stress

Molecular Therapies


Cytogenetics and Cell Cycle

MI222 - ECTS

Acquire basic knowledge about: (A) cell cycle regulation, cell division and molecular processes underlying differentiation, dedifferentiation and cellular aging; (B) cytogenetic techniques and basic concepts on structure and function of chromosomes, (C) etiopathogenesis of chromosomal pathology, preparing students to acquire knowledge related to genetic transmission of chromosomal disorders and genetic risk assessment. Additionally it is intended that students be able to critically evaluate scientific literature and apply the basic principles of the scientific research in biology and genetics.

Introduction to Epidemiology

MI224 - ECTS Acquisition of knowledge os the concepts and methods specific of epidemiology. Enable the students to develop a particular way of thinking and get familiar with the proper language of science. To conduct autonomously simple epidemiological tasks such as data tabulation and calculation of mesures os frequency, association and impact. Application of epidemiologic principles and methods, in the interpretation of the cientific literature and reserarch planning.

Preventive Medicine

MI225 - ECTS

Develop a modern concept of health and of its effectors of biological, psychological, social and ecological nature;

To develop an attitude of health promotion;

To acquire an attitude promoting health;

 To identify the differences of between Healing and Preventive Medicine;

To discribe the organization of the health system as well as the organization of medical and paramedical professions in Portugal, recognizing their action in promoting health;

To identify and to analyze the main problems of health in Portugal in the context of the health promotion;

To understand the attitudes of health protection, and the disease prevention and their complications;

To understand the advantages and the risks of Preventive Medicine; To interpret and apply scientific evidence in the context of Preventive Medicine; Acquire communication skills in the context of Preventive Medicine; Learn to apply the model of shared medical decision in the context of Preventive Medicine;

To identify the way certain lifestyles can constitute risk factors and can compete as causal factors for some diseases;

To perform the capacity to perform education for health promotion.

Morphophysiology of the Cardiovascular System and Blood

MI221 - ECTS
At the end of this course unit, students should :
- Be acquainted with the general principles of Anatomy, Histology and Physiology. This course unit will stimulate students’ observation skills by acquainting them with the anatomical terminology. It will also endow them with description techniques, which will make them apply the adequate terminology;
- Be acquainted with the normal structure, both macroscopic and microscopic and the normal function of the cardiovascular apparatus and blood; 
- Have acquired knowledge which can be used in the different fields of morphophysiology, in other course units and in upcoming clinical activities. 

Morfofisiologia dos Sistemas Cardiovasculares e do Sangue_A (Anatomia II_PE07)

MI221_A - ECTS

Morfofisiologia dos Sistemas Cardiovasculares e do Sangue_B (Hist. Básica Embriologia_PE07))

MI221_B - ECTS

Morfofisiologia dos Sistemas Cardiovasculares e do Sangue_C(Fisiologia I _PE07)

MI221_C - ECTS

Morphophysiology of the Reproductive and Endocrine Systems

MI220 - ECTS

At the end of this course unit, students should :

-       Be acquainted with the general principles of Anatomy, Histology and Physiology. This course unit will stimulate students’ observation skills by acquainting them with the anatomical terminology. It will also endow them with description techniques, which will make them apply the adequate terminology;

-       Be acquainted with the normal structure, both macroscopic and microscopic and the normal function of the reproductive and endocrine apparatus;

-       Have acquired knowledge which can be used in the different fields of morphophysiology, in other course units and in upcoming clinical activities.

During the semester, students should also acquire the following competencies:

-       Problem-solving skills;

-       Self-learning skills;

-       Critical reasoning;

-       Practical ability to evaluate the function of the different systems;

-       Identification of morphophysiological problems in selected clinical cases.

In order to provide students with the aforementioned skills and knowledge, this course unit will apply an integrated morphofunctional approach. Additionally, anatomists, histologists and physiologists will be part of the teaching staff.

Morfofisiologia dos Sistemas Reprodutor e Endócrino_A(Anatomia II_PE07)

MI220_A - ECTS

Morfofisiologia dos Sistemas Reprodutor e Endócrino_B (HOS_PE07)

MI220_B - ECTS

Morfofisiologia dos Sistemas Reprodutor e Endócrino_C (Fisiologia II_PE07)

MI220_C - ECTS

Medical Psychology I

MI223 - ECTS

1. To approach the person as a complex whole and within the specificities of each developmental phase (childhood, adolescence and adulthood).

2. To adopt a clinical attitude that contributes to a more successful medical practice (based on respect and empathic approach to the person).

a. To apply observation, identification and interpretation skills to human expressions (behaviors, emotional reactions, or non-verbal communication) in the context of the dynamics of the medical interview.

b. To act appropriately in the presence of those expressions in the context of the dynamics of the medical interview.

Basic Immunology

MI231 - ECTS

Medical Microbiology I

MI229 - ECTS

The main objectives of the proposed curricular unit are the teaching of Medical Microbiology. We consider fundamental to promote the development of new mental structures, capacities and new attitudes so the students can analyse and solve problems.

Morphophysiology of the Digestive System

MI227 - ECTS

The main goal of this course unit is the description of the Anatomy, Histology, Embryology and Physiology of the Digestive System.                                                                                          

Morfofisiologia do Aparelho Digestivo_A (Anatomia II_PE07)

MI227_A - ECTS

Morfofisiologia do Aparelho Digestivo_B (HOS_PE07)

MI227_B - ECTS

Morfofisiologia do Aparelho Digestivo_C (Fisiologia II_PE07)

MI227_C - ECTS

Morphophysiology of the Respiratory and Urinary System

MI226 - ECTS
At the end of this course unit, students should :
-  Be acquainted with the general principles of Anatomy, Histology and Physiology. This course unit will stimulate students’ observation skills by acquainting them with the anatomical terminology. It will also endow them with description techniques, which will make them apply the adequate terminology;
-  Be acquainted with the normal structure, both macroscopic and microscopic and the normal function of the respiratory and urinary apparatus; 
-  Have acquired knowledge which can be used in the different fields of morphophysiology, in other course units and in upcoming clinical activities.  

Morfofisiologia dos Sistemas Respiratório e Urinário_A (Fisiologia II_PE07)

MI226_A - ECTS

Morfofisiologia dos Sistemas Respiratório e Urinário_B (Fisiologia I_PE07)

MI226_B - ECTS

Morfofisiologia dos Sistemas Respiratório e Urinário_C (HOS_PE07)

MI226_C - ECTS

Morfofisiologia dos Sistemas Respiratório e Urinário_D (Anatomia II_PE07)

MI226_D - ECTS

Integrative Morphophysiology

MI228 - ECTS Anatomical and functional integration of different organs and body systems.
Acquisition of a knowledge base that can be applied later in other courses of the course and in future clinical practice.

Morfofisiologia Integrativa_A (Anatomia Clínica_PE07)

MI228_A - ECTS

Morfofisiologia Integrativa_B (Fisiologia I_PE07)

MI228_B - ECTS

Medical Psychology II

MI230 - ECTS



Biopathology I

MI302 - ECTS

The main aim of Biopathology I – General Pathological Anatomy I is getting the students to learn a language. Learning of this language includes not only the memorisation and recall of words and of concepts that they wish to express but also the capability to use this knowledge in the interpretation of data and in solving problems. Another purpose is getting the students to improve their observation and report skills at different levels (macroscopic, microscopic, histochemical, etc.) to become capable of rationalising in biopathological terms starting from the data that observation provides.

Pharmacology I

MI301 - ECTS

To provide the current knowledge on the molecular interventions of medicines and poisons and to provide the skills to evaluate new knowledge and new drugs.

Clinical Semiotics I

MI305 - ECTS

Biopathology II

MI308 - ECTS

The main aim of Biopathology II – General Pathological Anatomy II is getting the students to use the study of lesions (morphological, immunological, biochemical, etc.) as a tool for understanding the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, therapeutic and prognostic selection of the diseases and/or patients, centered in organs/systems.

Epidemiology II

MI310 - ECTS

To fluently use the proper language of Epidemiology. To illustrate how epidemiologic methods contribute to anchor medical acts. To describe the epidemiology of some frequent diseases. To express express opinions on the value of screening and diagnostic tests, therapeutic interventions and other actions in medical practice. To accomplish simple epidemiological tasks autonomously, such as data tabulation, calculation of measures of disease frequency and association, interpretation of results of an investigation and writing a report. Critical appraisal of medical literature on the epidemiology area.

Pharmacology II

MI307 - ECTS

Students should know the drugs currently available and should be able to judge the value of future drugs.

Clinical Immunology

MI312 - ECTS

Medical Microbiology II

MI309 - ECTS

The main objectives of the proposed curricular unit are the teaching of Medical Microbiology. We consider fundamental to promote the development of new mental structures, capacities and new attitudes so the students can analyse and solve problems. Different competencies should be acquired by the medical students:

Basic competencies: learn how to learn, to know;

Transversal competencies: learn how to cooperate, to behave;

Specific competencies: learn how to do (specific objectives).

Competences: To know how to select microbiological tests within the clinical context.

To interpret the results of microbiological tests and to integrate results with clinical data.

Clinical Semiotics II

MI311 - ECTS

Bioethics and Professional Ethics

MI409 - ECTS

In the course of Medicine the discipline of Bioethics and Professional Ethics has as its essential aim the teaching, and consequent learning, of the ethics in healthcare, especially in what concerns the ethical dimension of health and of disease and its relationship with the medical profession. In the plan of the concepts the aims are the transmission of the more representative ethical theories of human thought. In such a way that the integration of those concepts is possible with regards the typical humanist tradition of Western societies. It is expected that these concepts, briefly shown in the module of Bioethics in the Discipline of Introduction to Medicine (1st year), are analysed in some detail in the several clinical disciplines along the course.


MI402 - ECTS


Acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable essential clinical performance in relevant surgical entities.

Dermatology and Venereology

MI406 - ECTS

To teach the scientific fundamentals of the cutaneous clinical semiology and of the main skin disorders focusing on infeccious diseases, neoplasms, cutaneous signs of systemic diseases or syndromes and on the precursors lesions of skin malignant tumors.
Basic and advanced principles of clinical examination, approach to the study of skin disorders and of the medical and surgical therapeutic options in the field of Dermatology.


MI401 - ECTS

Neurology and Neurosurgery

MI403 - ECTS

Provide competence in the execution neurological examination and in the understanding of the clinical picture of patients with Nervous System and Muscle disorders leading to the recognition the neurological syndromes that, together with clinical history, provides skills for an appropriate diagnosis
To provide the knowledge about the most frequent disorders of the Nervous System in the general population (based on international guidelines).

Knowledge about less frequent disorders deserving recognition in order to provide an appropriate orientation


Orthopedics and Traumatology

MI405 - ECTS

To provide the students with the basic knowledge of the Orthopaedics specialty.

To provide the students with the basic knowledge of the Orthopaedics specialty. Orthopaedics semiology. Approach of the patient from the orthopaedic point of view; Arthrosis; Vertebral column: Deformities; Trauma of the vertebral column (Part I); Trauma of the vertebral column (Part II); Back pain and sciatic pain disorders; Limbs: Trauma of the upper limb; Trauma of the lower limb; Lesions of the knee; Lesions of the ankle and foot; Osteoarticular infectious pathology; Tumours: general notions of bone tumours; Children orthopaedics: Congenital deformities; Diseases of childhood and adolescence


MI408 - ECTS

1. Obtain basic knowledge in the scope of Otorhinolaryngology.

2. Acquire competences in patient evaluation through clinical history and physical examination. 

3. Develop diagnostic strategies and criteria for selection of complementary diagnostic techniques/exams.

4. Enhance the critical view towards the resolution of clinical problems and proposal of management options.

5. Stimulate a spirit of excellence and compassion in the approach of the patient.


Radiology and Medical Imaging

MI407 - ECTS

To know the indications and contraindications of the radiological studies; to acquire basic concepts of radiologic semiology.

Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Clínica

MI404 - ECTS

To promote a critical view that will both facilitate the learning and application of rules adequate for the rational selection and prescription of drugs. Therapeutics has an essentially formative background, aimed at the acquisition of skills to allow the correct use of drugs and also the practice of pedagogical interventions in health education. It is well known that the patients´ education, in their relationship with therapeutics, has important outcomes even in the improvement of compliance.

Systemic Pathology - Oncological Pathology

MI506 - ECTS

The main goal of Systemic Pathology - Oncological Pathology is to create the conditions that will enable students to learn pathology from clinicopathology cases, using a “translational” approach, with the following specific aims:

- To identify the gene-environmental interactions behind the pathogenesis of different types of cancer;

- To apply the knowledge from basic and oncological pathology for the interpretation of the clinical expression of the most common types of cancer;

- To analyze the capacity of intervention in the fields of diagnosis, prognostic assessment and therapy selection.

Another aim of the curricular unit is to expose the students to the new biomedical knowledge applied to Oncology.


MI505 - ECTS 1. To integrate into the general education of the future physicians, the notions and basic requests of performance in real time and of continuous monitoting of vital functions; 2. To give information as to how the general physician deals with his patients who will be or have been subjected to anaesthesia; 3. To contribute, according to the Recommendations of European Council of Resuscitation, to the knowledge and the acquisition of the basic skills capable of saving lives, as well as the training regarding basic support; 4. To enhance the capacity of pluridisciplinary integration of knowledge and gathering of information on patients, particularly in situations of non-collaboration, as well as the use of medical language, 5. To show the extent of the professional practice of Anaesthesiology (general and regionall anaesthesia, peri-anesthetic medicine, intensive care medicine, emergency medicine, pain management) as a contribution to the informed choice of a professional career of future physicians.


MI502 - ECTS

Discipline of Surgery 5th year versa themes realcionados to the study of patients under their booed surgical aspects . To this end , it gives for granted the existence of knowledge in general and surgical examination in particular, essential for understanding the steps of the clinical history and ancillary tests that lead to the establishment of a diagnosis and treatment basis.

During this block, the student should become able to :

1 - Use gestures and knowledge acquired in previous years , in the field of general and surgical examination in particular;

2 - To gain confidence in the collection of clinical data , the clinical examination , physical examination , additional tests in the application and development of therapeutic proposals ;

3 - You should acquire additional knowledge or cognitive field or in the field of attitudes required for the direct practice of medicine , or for contact with the patient and for the investigation and treatment of their disease ;

4 - You should model your professional attitude towards a condicente behavior and medical duties ;

5 - You must be able to recognize its limitations and in gestures and in knowledge and understanding of the importance of involving other people on the path to diagnosis and treatment of their patients, thus learning the value of teamwork .


MI501 - ECTS

Gastroenterology: To obtain the clinical information through the history of disease and objective examination of the patient; to establish a diagnosis strategy; to obtain the core knowledge in the area of clinical Gastroenterology; To enhance the solving capability of clinical problems with therapeutics proposal in patients at the clinic, ward and emergency; To develop the attitudes of permanent ethic and scientific demand. Infeccious Diseases: The students will be integrated in clinical activities of the Department during the morning. In the afternoon they will participate in clinical rounds and in the discussion of clinical cases. Nephrology: Transmission of the core knowledge of nephrology that should be demanded in undergraduation, for all medical students based on the aspects that must be embraced by all the new physicians (nephrologic syndromes). Optimising a two-week period objective attributed to each block of Nephrology, knowing which are the areas of knowledge of unquestionable importance, that medical students and new physicians have greater difficulty in handling.

Forensic Medicine

MI509 - ECTS

General Aims: To provide the acquisition of knowledge and skills to prepare future medical doctors with the ability to perform in a correct and appropriate way the techniques to matters of a forensic nature, independent of their specialty, in order to contribute to the good application of justice, in the victims' best interest. Specific Aims: To provide basic knowledge on forensic semiology and on several aspects of performance of forensic medicine and of other forensic sciences, referring to its scope, objectives and skills; to supply guidelines in general on the medical performance, relative to specific forensic cases considering the fundamental transdisciplinary enunciation for the resolution of those cases, not only at a level of different medical specialties but, also, with other areas of knowledge, namely law, social service and psychology; to sensitise future doctors, through contact with real cases, of the need of their involvement in actions of violence prevention (voluntary and involuntary).

Obstetrics and Gynecology

MI507 - ECTS

The general objective of the discipline is the qualification of the student with the theory and the minimal practical skills in Obstetrics and Gynecology, necessary for the clinical clerkship of the 6th year of the medical course, for the continuing medical education and for the development of interest on research.


MI503 - ECTS

To show the students the extent of the eye specialists' professional performance. To stimulate the choice for a professional career as an eye specialist by the students who feel a vocation for the scientific-professional area of Ophthalmology.


MI508 - ECTS

n the teaching-learning program of Pediatrics we expect the students to acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills that allow them to learn clinical practice, in the 6th year.
The aims integrate 3 components.
1. Knowledge. The students must obtain information on: Community Pediatrics, Infantile Health, the child's specificity and screening deviations from normal; feeding and nutrition; growth and the healthy child's development, integrated in the family and social atmosphere; basic pediatric life support and the recognition of a seriously sick child; semiology, study and therapeutics of the most common pathologies in the different age groups;
2. Attitudes. The students must assess: the ethics and the deontology; the doctor/child/family relationship; the personality and the human being's individuality in growth; the multidisciplinar collaboration in Pediatrics; Social Pediatrics; the primary care in infantile health; the specificity of the Pediatric Medicine (growth and development); the prevention of disease and maintenance of the child's global health and of the adolescent in the family and in the community; the health education.

Psychiatry and Mental Health

MI504 - ECTS

We consider a priority in the Medical curriculum the presence of a study area covering the assessment of abnormal behavior and emotional / afective pathology as well as the skill for diagnosing and treating mental disorders. Other objective would be the learning the somatic expression of psychiatric ilness and psychological reaction of seroius somatic disorders in a holistis approach to human suffering. Learnig will be made through seminars, open to discussion, supervised clinical sessions next to the patient and the elaboration of a short monography were the basic skills in Clinical Psychiatry will be tought. The existence of the practical sessions through the wards and the emergency service, together with the theoretical-practical discussion, allows the student to acquire a general attitude of considering the patient as totally integrated psychosomatic being and anticipating a specific overall view of an individual patient integrating the psychosocial assessment in the sense of true Modern Medicine.


MI510 - ECTS

To transmit knowledge, skills and professional attitudes in order to promote the development in the area of the clinical Urology with adequate relevance for the education of the pluripotential doctor. 18 clinical sessions were planned for transmission of basic notions since the students (fifth year) still have no contact with the semiology and pathology of Urology. Clinical practice in the operating room and ambulatory guidance are also included. In selecting the program, the Portuguese reality of a high number of urologic diseases, an increase in the prevalence of the urologic diseases in the future, and the reduced exercise of clinical Urology in a large number of hospital units were considered. In this way, the future general physicians will be qualified to provide urologic care to the community.

Hospital Management

MI001 - ECTS

Over the last decades the crisis of the Welfare State in European countries led to a different approach with regards healthcare access. Indeed, the economic and financial lack of sustainability of most healthcare systems is a major social and political concern. In this context, the traditional practice of Medicine must be reframed in accordance with the traditional principles of medical ethics – beneficence and non-maleficence – the fundamental values of modern democracies – equity in the access to social goods – but also taking into consideration cost-containment in healthcare.
In this vein, the scarcity of resources implies that the medical decision-making process is also determined by opportunity cost criteria. That is, the balance of the sacrifices that will be imposed to other patients by medical decisions. Therefore, medical education should include the basic principles of hospital management that are a determinant for good clinical practice.

Angiology and Vascular Surgery

MI018 - ECTS

Acquisition of competences to accomplish the tasks related to semiology, pathology and essential nosologic clinical entities (frequent and/or relevant) to the speciality of Angiology and Vascular Surgery.

Management of labour and delivery

MI019 - ECTS

To prepare students for routine management of labour and delivery, and handling of the main complications that occur during this period. At the end of training, students should feel comfortable integrating health teams that assist labour and delivery.
To allow students to evaluate their vocation to follow a career in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Pediatric Surgery

MI026 - ECTS
To acquire competences (mainly attitudes and skills) that enable essential clinical performance on relevant entities of Pediatric Surgery.

Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic and Maxillofacial Surgery

MI023 - ECTS

To acquire competences to accomplish the basic tasks related to management of essential entities (frequent and/or relevant) from the specialty of Plastic Reconstructive, Esthetic and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Treatment and reconstruction of traumatic, congenital and oncologic lesions in cranio-maxillo-facial, hand and cutaneous surgery; reconstruction of upper and lower limbs and breast; treatment of burns; esthetic surgery.

Surgery (clinical practice)

MI602 - ECTS

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit

Acquisition of knowledgeskillsand competency to accomplish the tasks related to the propedeutics, pathology and nosological clinical essential entities (frequent and/or relevant) from specialties such as General Surgery, Plastic, Reconstructive, Esthetic and Maxilo-facial Surgery, Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Thoracic Surgery and Pediatric Surgery.


Thoracic Surgery

MI024 - ECTS

To become acquainted with the work methodology, the main types of pathology, thr operative techniques and the posoperative care in a cardio-thoracic unit.

Visceral Surgery

MI025 - ECTS

Clinical training applying previous knowledge, in a vertical perspective of the global learning of semiologic, semiotic and therapeutical surgery, in the most frequent visceral surgery situations.


Intensive Burns Care

MI040 - ECTS

To acquire competences (mainly medical attitudes and skills) and basic clinical performance in burn patient care.

Thesis/ Monograph/ Undergraduate Clinical Clerkship report

MI607 - ECTS

This course - based on specific skills and / or acquired over the Integrated Master Medicine Course - aim to give the student specific skills to develop a research project in an interest area. 



MI029 - ECTS


MI030 - ECTS

Acquisition of competency to accomplish the tasks  basic related to management of essential entities (frequent and/or relevant) of the Stomatology and Oromaxillofacial Surgery speciality.


MI006 - ECTS

1. To know and understand the basic mechanisms of disease manifestation.
2. To understand the pathophysiology of dysfunction and failure of the body organs and systems.
3. Identification of pathophysiologic changes and its clinical manifestations in major examples.

1. Problem solving capacities.
2. Critical thinking.
3. Assessment of clinical dysfunction of various organs and systems.
4. Identification of the pathophysiological problems in selected clinical cases.

Health Management

MI032 - ECTS

To identify the basic concepts of management in healthcare.

Basic Surgical Skills for Clinical Practice

MI033 - ECTS

Medical Informatics

MI009 - ECTS

Medical Informatics studies scientific aspects of biomedical information and the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to health care, aiming to achieve better safety, security, efficiency and accessibility.

Laboratory Investigation

MI010 - ECTS


To provide the student basic knowledge and practical skills for working in scientific projects requiring laboratory techniques for functional, morphologic and molecular biology assessment.


1. To design an experimental protocol.

2. Critical thinking and problem solving capacities.

3. To critically evaluate a scientific paper.

4. To learn at least two different laboratory techniques.

5. To learn how to analyze and present scientific results.

Community Medicine (clinical practice)

MI606 - ECTS

To introduce the students to the atmosphere of modern General Practice, in the teams of Primary Health Care, in epidemiology, consultation and practice of Medicine in this context; Expose the students to the appropriate context for them to learn the foundations of Public Health, prevention, screening of the early diseases diagnosis and of health promotion; Study of the community aspects of pediatrics, mental health, obstetrics, women’s health, psycho-social medicine and geriatrics care; To develop the students’ capacities to work independently, be it in a clinic, be it in self-education; To develop professional attitudes toward improving health care leading to good working relationships; Enlarge their experience in ethical subjects, in communication skills and in evidence based on clinical practice.

Pharmaceutical Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology

MI034 - ECTS

To promote a critical understanding of the medicament, from discovery to assessment and rational use. This approach will both facilitate the learning and application of rules adequate for the rational selection and prescription of drugs, as well as understanding the role of medical doctors in clinical pharmacology units, in regulatory agencies, in industry and in contract research organizations.

Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

MI035 - ECTS We desire that in the final period of learning the students are able to know, in general terms, the history, philosophy and the praxis of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM). To understand the concept of body functions and structure, and activities; Dominate some elementary semiology techniques in PRM; Know some therapeutic resources used in PRM; Value some diagnosis resources in PRM perspective; Identify clinical situations with indications to PRM.

Medicine (clinical practice)

MI601 - ECTS

At the end of the clinical rotation the student should be able to:
Apply the clinical method, in the context of the overall diagnosis that Internal Medicine implies; Integrate the acquired knowledge and information; Make clinical decisions; Relate adequately with patients, their relatives, members of the medical staff and other professionals of the health teams; Use informatics means; Exercise clinical practice in an autonomous way under supervision.

Neurobiology of Behavior

MI013 - ECTS

The main goal of this course is to help students to understand how specific motor, limbic, and cognitive functions emerge within the brain. This will be achieved by acquiring and integrating knowledge from several disciplines, such as neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry and behavioral neuroscience. The students will be familiarized with modern experimental techniques used to investigate the neuronal basis of behavior. Finally, the students will familiarize themselves with the interests and motivations that have driven the investigation of the linkage between neural circuitry and complex behaviors.


MI014 - ECTS

Knowledge of basic nutritional needs for a good health and of the more frequent deficiencies/errors and their relationship with pathology. Knowledge of food-related behaviour determinants with impact in human health.

Ability to identify the main nutrient classes and essential nutrients; to understand the mechanisms involved in the control of the appetite; ability to recognize relationships between metabolism and nutritional recommendations; to characterize malnutrition and obesity; ability to evaluate nutritional needs and indications for nutritional support; be able to emphasize the relevance of nutrition knowledge on preventive medicine and also on disease treatment.

Obstetrics (clinical practice)

MI603 - ECTS

The main objective is to introduce the medical student into general obstetrical and gynecological clinical practice.

The preferred areas are the prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment of the most frequent pathologies and obstetric and gynecological emergencies.


Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

MI038 - ECTS

To be able to value the importance of the right laboratory test to each individual patient according to its own particular situation and the phase of the disease, knowing also the main causes of analytical variability and developing critical reasoning in relation to the data coming from the clinical laboratory.

Pediatrics (clinical practice)

MI604 - ECTS

General objectives: includes knowledge, attitudes and skills which allow the student to provide child health-care in a familial and social environment.

Specific objectives: the student must consolidate knowledge about normal child: growth and development; familial, social and school integration; nutritional needs; prevention by vaccination; appropriate heath- life style, social child protection and health-care network.

Students must learn to diagnose and to treat common child diseases; to screen and guide rare diseases beyond their competences; to provide health-care in urgent situation; to recognize the disease impact on the child and his family.

Family Planning

MI039 - ECTS

To prepare the student for the resolution of most basic problems of a Family Planning consultation, in order to make him able to integrate primary health care teams, namely in the context of the support of unfavoured national and international communities. To provide the student with deeper knowledge and experience in the clinical area of the optional discipline, in order to make him more able to decide if he wants to pursue a career in this area.
The student should be able to develop competencies regarding:
- the understanding of the importance of Family Planning in the promotion of health and quality of life;
- the screening, diagnosis, medical treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, gynaecologic cancers and chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and dislipidemias;
- the detailed knowledge about the prescription of the most common conceptive and contraceptive methods;
- non directive counselling;
- legislation.

Psychiatry and Mental Health (clinical practice)

MI605 - ECTS

To be in contact with the "real world" of clinical psychiatry, its demands, limitations and specific problems (doctor-patient relationship, family cooperation, dependency, chronicity, co-morbidity); To develop and deepen the psychiatric knowledge adquired in the discipline of Psychiatry and Mental Health (5th grade), emphasising the clinical perspective; To train in the application of that knowledge in real life situations, particularly in diagnosis formulation and in action plans preparation; To improve communication skills with patients and their families; To work with other health professionals in multidisciplinary teams.

Public Health

MI016 - ECTS

By the end of the course unit students must be able to understand the binomial Health/Disease at a population level through the identification of health problems and its determinants.

Cardiovascular Therapeutics - Evidence and Individualization

MI041 - ECTS

Medicine comprises different areas of knowledge, one of which is Therapeutics – the phase in which a change is attempted in the natural history of the patient’s disease. Cardiovascular disease stand among the most common diseases, and this group of diseases is responsible for high rates of mortality and of morbidity. Medical doctors need to know, not only aspects of patho-physiology and of diagnosis of these diseases, but they are also in need of solid knowledge in the area of Therapeutics, taking in consideration that each patient is an autonomous reality and that general rules should be applied in an individualized way, the same is to say, taking into consideration all the clinical characteristics of each patient.

If it is true that Clinical Medicine is based on empirical evidence, which is used to establish several types of recommendations (including “Guidelines”), evidence itself is in constant shift, the same happening to recommendations. In this light, one of the pillars of this discipline consists in the study of therapeutic recommendations concerning common cardiovascular diseases, including the corresponding sources of knowledge and the way to have access, in an up-to-date form, to new knowledge and to new recommendations.

The second pillar of this discipline concerns the exceptions to the general rules, and aims at the study of circumstances that may lead to the fact that common recommendations cannot be followed. In a word, the basis of therapeutic individualization is studied, through case reports, taking into consideration that the final objective of medical activity is also concerned with results and not only with procedures.

Competences: The identification of the main sources of information regarding evidence on cardiovascular therapeutics; to be able to apply a set of recommendations and of therapeutic norms of particular importance in the treatment of common cardiovascular diseases; the identification of circumstances that may limit the application of frequently used norms, setting the stage for therapeutic individualization.

Medical Toxicology

MI017 - ECTS

To provide students with the possibility of early contact with medical toxicology considered as a recognized field of expertise focusing on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of poisoning and toxicity effects due to medications, occupational and environmental chemicals and toxins.

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