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Code: MI502     Acronym: CIR

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Medicine

Instance: 2014/2015 - SP

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Surgery Department
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master in Medicine

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIMED 277 Mestrado Integrado em Medicina 2007 5 - 8 86 216
Mestrado Integrado em Medicina- Plano oficial 2013 (Reforma Curricular) 5 - 8 86 216

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


Discipline of Surgery 5th year versa themes realcionados to the study of patients under their booed surgical aspects . To this end , it gives for granted the existence of knowledge in general and surgical examination in particular, essential for understanding the steps of the clinical history and ancillary tests that lead to the establishment of a diagnosis and treatment basis.

During this block, the student should become able to :

1 - Use gestures and knowledge acquired in previous years , in the field of general and surgical examination in particular;

2 - To gain confidence in the collection of clinical data , the clinical examination , physical examination , additional tests in the application and development of therapeutic proposals ;

3 - You should acquire additional knowledge or cognitive field or in the field of attitudes required for the direct practice of medicine , or for contact with the patient and for the investigation and treatment of their disease ;

4 - You should model your professional attitude towards a condicente behavior and medical duties ;

5 - You must be able to recognize its limitations and in gestures and in knowledge and understanding of the importance of involving other people on the path to diagnosis and treatment of their patients, thus learning the value of teamwork .

Learning outcomes and competences

Through the study of the syllabus adopted, the observation and study of clinical cases of hospitalized patients, monitoring of patients through the outer query and the frequency of emergency and operating room service, the student is able to meet the objectives mentioned in the respective line .

Working method



01 - Evaluation of the surgical patient in the preoperative, perioperative and postoperative

02 - Benign Pathology esophagogastric

03 - Pathology of malignant esophagus

04 - Pathology of malignant stomach

05 - Benign and malignant pathology of the small intestine

06 - Benign Pathology of the colon, rectum and anus

07 - Malignant Pathology of the colon, rectum and anus

08 - Benign Pathology of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas

09 - Cancer of the liver and bile ducts

10 - Cancer of the exocrine and endocrine pancreas

11 - Morbid Obesity

12 - Herniaria Pathology

13 - Abdominal Emergencies, traumatic and nontraumatic

14 - Digestive Ostomy

15 - Videosurgery

Mandatory literature

Wilmore, Cheung, Harken; ACS Surgery - principles & practice, McGrawHill

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical learning: lessons of 50 minutes four days a week. these classes include presentation topics listed in the syllabus.

Learning theory and practice: 3 hours per week with the presentation by the assistant or student groups of subjects listed in syllabus and will include the presentation by problem solving as well as seminars.

They consist of 1.5 hours weekly sessions between 14.30 and 16 hours.

Learning practice (clinical activity): lessons 3 hours, 5 days per week. Includes participation in clinical activity of service - Nursing, Outpatient, Operating Room  and ER.

Clinical cases - will be presented by the group of students from each worker, in accordance with their own rules.




Anular edições


Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 100,00
Total: 100,00

Calculation formula of final grade

Final evaluation:

Continuous assessment 25%

Practical test 25%

Theoretical assessment 35%

Clinical cases 15%

Oral evaluation (if> or = 17 marks)

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