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Concurso de Escrita Criativa da FEUP


Master in Industrial Engineering and Management

General information

Official Code: 9510
Acronym: MIEIG
Description: O MIEIG resultou do processo de adequação a Bolonha da LGEI, Licenciatura em Gestão e Engenharia Industrial, criada em 1990 na FEUP sob proposta do Prof. Rui Campos Guimarães. O plano curricular do MIEIG é constituído por disciplinas de base em Matemática e Física, disciplinas tecnológicas na área da Engenharia Mecânica, e disciplinas de Gestão. Muitas disciplinas envolvem a realização de trabalhos individuais e em grupo com uso de ferramentas informáticas muito variadas. Nos últimos anos, os estudantes têm acesso a programas de intercâmbio internacional, particularmente na Europa e no Brasil. O curso termina com um projeto individual de dissertação, que normalmente é realizado numa empresa em Portugal, na Europa ou em outros países. Após o curso, os diplomados poderão desempenhar funções de engenharia industrial e gestão em várias áreas, tais como produção, distribuição, logística, aprovisionamentos, manutenção, marketing, sistemas de informação e consultadoria, ou optarem por uma carreira de investigação.


  • Industrial Engineering and Management (300 ECTS credits)
  • Engineering Sciences - Industrial Engineering and Management (180 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry

This discipline has two main objectives: the promotion of logical reasoning and methods of analysis and the introduction and theoretical development of a set of concepts that will be fundamental to support the study of other disciplines along this course of studies.

At the end of this, students should be capable of:
1) Knowing vector algebraic operations, their properties and how to apply them;
2) Define vector space, vector subspace and Euclidian subspace;
3) Define linear combination of vectors, linear independence and subspace spanned by a set of vectors;
4) Define a basis and dimension of vector space; obtain the coordinates of a vector with respect to a given basis;
5) Define line and plane, properties and represent lines and planes;
6) Solve problems with lines and planes, such as distances, angles and relative positions;
7) Knowing basic matrix operations, properties and operations;
8) Define and calculate the rank of a matrix;
9) Define nonsingular matrix, properties of the inverse of a matrix and calculate the inverse of a matrix;
10) Define determinant of a matrix, properties and calculate it;
11) Analyse and solve linear systems of equations;
12) Define linear transformations, define and calculate kernel and algebraic operations;
13) Define change-of-basis matrix and apply it to problems with vector spaces and linear transformations;
14) Calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of linear transformations and knowing properties.

Mathematical Analysis I

The objectives are the development of the reasoning capacity of the students and to teach essential mathematical concepts. It is demand that the student gets solid theoretical and practical formation about the main concepts and results of the differential and integral calculus in R.

At the end of lecture period the students should be able to perform the following aspects:
1 – To apply the basic differentiation rules and to calculate differentials of one variable real function.
2 – To obtain polynomial approximation for real-valued functions using Taylor polynomials and to have the notion of error concept.
3 – To build Taylor series from polynomial developments.
4- To analyse the convergence of numerical series.
5 – To recognise the importance of fundamental theorems of calculus on the concept of definite integral, indefinite integral and primitive.
6 – To acquire strong acknowledge on integration by substitution and by parts.
7 – To calculate areas in Cartesian and polar coordinates.
8 – Volume calculations.
9 – To obtain the integration by decomposition on rational partial fractions and to calculate rational trigonometric integrals.
10 – To calculate integrals containing quadratic polynomials by trigonometric substitution.
11 – To calculate improper integrals.
12 – To solve first order differential equations.

Industrial Drawing


Introduction of the concept of Standardization in general and of its importance in Engineering. Acquisition of deep knowledge about the representation of the nominal shape and dimensions of objects. Development of spatial visualization and technical communication skills. Introduction to the concept of Geometrical product specification (GPS). Introduction to the functional analysis of mechanical systems with the detail drawing of some of their components.


At the end of the course, the students shall be able to:

1) Make drawings of objects in orthographic representation and with nominal dimensioning.
2) Read drawings of objects in orthographic representation and make the correspondent pictorial representations (isometric drawings).
3) Make detail drawings of mechanical systems components, through a functional analysis based on the corresponding assembly drawings.

Physics and Chemestry

EIG0004 - ECTS Specific Aims:
To level the background of the students in the subjects of "Electricity and Electromagnetism".

Learning Outcomes:
It is expected that at the end of these 4 weeks (8h of classes), the students will get the knowledge on electrical circuit analysis that is required for the 2nd semester course on Electricity and Electronics.

Introduction to Materials and Manufacturing Processes

EIG0006 - ECTS Specific Objectives:
To provide the students with an elementary background in the field of Materials and Industrial Technological Processes, enabling them to integrate theoretical knowledge direct or indirectly related to the subjects of the course. To increase their ability to understand and select relevant information to the course through the elaboration of literature research reports. To improve their communication and arguing skills through the presentation and discussion of the proposed works.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course it is expected that the students:
1. Know the characteristic properties of the main material groups used in industry and the associated processing methods.
2. Have the ability to select adequate materials to produce a given component (through catalogue and data bases or property tables analysis), and connect them with available manufacturing processes.
3. Will be able to comprehend (equilibrium, stress / strain, etc) diagrams and extract the elements needed to characterize corresponding material properties.
4. Recognize the terminology and main characteristics of Rapid Prototyping Processes and Foundry together with the ability to identify their tools.


The objectives are the review the fundamentals of mathematics. It is demand that the student gets solid theoretical and practical formation about the main concepts and results of the differential calculus in R.

At the end of lecture period the students should be perform the following aspects:
1 – To apply the basic differentiation rules of one variable real function.
2 – To apply the chain rule.
3 - To apply de derivative of the inverse functions.

Computer Programming I

The aim of this course is to provide the students with a fundamental knowledge about Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and, in particular, allow them to develop their skills in computer programming.

The students should be able to:
-work with computers using MS-Windows and Unix operating systems;
-use graphical, presentation and word processing applications;
-use network and internet services;
-build web pages and develop web sites;
-create algorithms in a pseudo language;
-use VBA script language for MS-applications and web pages;
-develop computer applications using MS-Visual Basic.

Project FEUP

FEUP002 - ECTS SOAPFEUP significa Socialização e Aprendizagem na FEUP.
Trata-se de uma oportunidade criada aos alunos que pela primeira vez ingressam na FEUP de poderem, de Forma activa e em trabalho de equipa, conhecerem a Escola e os recursos à sua disposição, bem como adquirirem conhecimentos pela prática nos domínios da pesquisa bibliográfica, da resolução de problemas, do uso de “ferramentas” informáticas e da comunicação.

Mathematical Analysis II

Almost every aspect of professional work in the world involves mathematics. A solid knowledge of mathematical analysis is required for any engineering degree namely to compute physical quantities.
Development of the reasoning capacity of the students and knowledge of essential mathematical concepts. Students should get solid theoretical and practical formation on the main concepts and results of differential and integral calculus of several variables, including the basic theorems of calculus. Computation of physical quantities.
Functions and graphs. Knowledge of differential and integral calculus of one real variable.
Scientific component:75%
Technological component:25%
Knowledge and Understanding- Parametric curves in Rn and normal and tangent vectors; to calculate line integrals on that curves. Partial and directional derivatives for real-valued and vector-valued functions; gradient vector and jacobian matrix. The chain rule for real-valued and vector-valued functions including implicit functions. Maxima and minima of unconstrained functions of two and three variables and for constrained functions as well as using Lagrange multipliers method applied to functions with one or two constraints. Evaluation of double integrals over general regions in R2 using rectangular and polar coordinates. Establishment of the relationship between the line integral and the double integral based on the Green’s theorem. Calculation of triple integrals over regions on R3 using rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
Engineering analysis- Differential and integral calculus of several variables.
Engineering design- Engineering problems of multiple variables.
Investigations- Practical formation on the main concepts and results of differential and integral calculus in Rn.
Engineering practice- Computation of physical quantities.
Transferable skills- Knowledge of differential and integral calculus of several real variable functions.


EIG0012 - ECTS The programme aims are to provide graduates with a knowledg on the economic theory, mainly the nature of economic reasoning, how does economic system work, embodying the achievement of economic aims through economic policies; how the agents ( individuals, corporations, gouvernment) act to solve scarcity, making choices in order to an efficient allocation of resource.By other side the programme also aims to provide graduates with a knowledg on management science mainly about the nature, scope and structure of profit organizations, and how managers achieve goals through people, adopting management principles and using management tchniques.Specif aims:
The students should be able to perform on the following activities:
To collect, select and interpret economic and financial data in order to use it on complex and varied professional situations.To apply the economic principles : scarcity; cost-benefice analysis; increasing opportunity costs; the principle of comparative advantage and economic efficiency ;To formulate possible scenarios concerning economic data in such a way to anticipate the behaviour of consumers, firms and economic and financial authorities and regulators.To equate the decision variables concerning the attainment of firm ´s goals.To equate the decision variables concerning the attainment of consumer´s goals.To perform as a team player on a profit-oriented corporation in accordance with the role of leadership and management theories.Learning outcomes:

At the end of the first month the students should be able to perform on the following areas:

To explain and apply economic principles;To explain and comment the economic situation.
And at the end of the lecture period the students should be able to perform on the remaining subjects.

Electricity and Electronics

The aim of this discipline is to present the basic principles and foundations of Electricity and Electronics to the "Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Industrial e Gestão" students.

At the end of the semester, the students should:
1. be able to use the fundamental techniques for the analysis of DC and AC circuits;
2. be able to analyze elementary electronic circuits;
3. have practice with basic laboratory equipment: multimeters, oscilloscopes, power supplies and signal generators.

Manufacturing Processes

EIG0009 - ECTS Specific aims:
This discipline presents the fundamental concepts needed to understand the theoretical foundations of the forming processes and machining processes as well as its practical applications.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the lecture period the student should be able to:

1.To understand the concepts required to theoretically analysis of these processes.
2.To identify the equipment and terminology related to these processes.
3.To design forming products and tools based on modern methods of analysis and manufacturing.
4.To relate a geometry to possible machining process in order to obtain such shape.

Computer Programming II

The aim of this course is to provide the students with a fundamental knowledge about Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and, in particular, allow them to develop their skills in computer programming.

The students should be able to:
-build MS-Excel spreadsheets models using formulas and VBA programming;
-use sequential and random access files in MS-Visual Basic;
-develop web pages with programming script languages (ASP, ASPX);
-create algorithms using primitive and complex data structures;
-build windows applications using object oriented programming in VB.

Mathematical Analysis III

EIG0045 - ECTS The objectives are: to transmit to the students various techniques of integration of diferential equations and systems of diferential equations, including physical and geometrical interpretations and also integration in curves and surfaces in three dimensions. The concepts and applications of trigonometric polinomial approximations and Fourier series are also considered a main objective

Industrial Automation

EIG0014 - ECTS To provide the future graduates with a set of basic and structuring concepts on Industrial Automation, enabling the dialogue with specialists of the area and the capability of making choices, technically and scientifically based, between several proposed solutions for a given problem.
By the end of this course, the student will be able to:
• Identify driving and control equipments presented in automatic systems;
• Describe the operating principles and applicability of equipments used for driving and control functions in automatic systems;
• Evaluate and specify driving and control solutions;
• Calculate driving and control solutions for pneumatic, hydraulic and electromechanical systems;
•Design control systems based on cabled logic with pneumatic and electromechanical components;
• Develop control solutions using Programmable logic controllers.

Statistics I

EIG0015 - ECTS It is expected that, by the end of this course, the students fully understand the basic statistical concepts, particularly those concerned with the deductive path “population-sample”. It is also expected that, by the end of Statistics I and II, the students fully understand the concepts of statistical inference and are able to use statistical methods and techniques with a high degree of autonomy.


EIG0013 - ECTS The main objective of this discipline is to give engineering students a broad introduction about for the main types of enginneering materials. Metallic alloys, both ferrous and non-ferrous, are studied. Polymers including thermoplastic, thermoset and elastomers are also studied. Synthesis, processing and applications of ceramic materials will be examined and ways of improving the toughness of these materials will be discussed.

Mechanics I

EM0014 - ECTS Specific Objectives
The students should identify correctly the forces acting on a structure and its connections. They should be able to perform the characterization of the internal loads resulting from external forces and to characterize the components in respect to its mass distribution.
At the end of the semester the students should:
-Identify all the actions and external connections on a structure and to obtain the free body diagram;
-Use the vector calculus to solve static problems and know the concepts of static equilibrium and body system;
- Analyze the internal loads in frames and identify its connection forces with and without dry friction (Coulomb);
- Learn how to characterize areas and volumes in what concerns its mass distribution, its gravity center and inertia matrix. The students should be familiar with the fundamental concepts to obtain the first and the second moment and product of areas and solids (the centroid and the inertia matrix).

Numerical Analysis

EM0016 - ECTS Para cada problema base de Análise Numérica, conhecer os métodos de resolução numérica mais aplicáveis e mais eficientes. Procura-se que os alunos conheçam as condições de aplicabilidade e teoremas de convergência destes métodos, que os saibam programar, e que executem testes de aplicação prática em computador, discutindo os resultados obtidos.

Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

EIG0016 - ECTS To transmit to the students the capacity to handle geometric and non-geometric information in the production area. Development of standardization concepts in Mechanical Engineering Drawing. First approach to conception drawing. Introduction to the functional analysis of mechanical systems, through the reading of their assembly drawings and the detail drawing of some of their components. To implement computer programs that allow the processing of the information retrieved from commercial software. To identify and use the diverse characteristics inherent to the drafting programs and numerical control machines.

Statistics II

EIG0018 - ECTS It is expected that, by the end of the course, the students fully understand the basic concepts of statistical inference and are able to use statistical methods and techniques with a high degree of autonomy.

Mechanics II

EM0018 - ECTS 1. Compreender e saber aplicar os conceitos de CINEMÁTICA necessários à caracterização do movimento dos CORPOS RÍGIDOS, nomeadamente a determinação de velocidades e acelerações.

2. Saber determinar os campos de velocidades e acelerações contemporâneas, em movimentos absolutos ou relativos dos diversos componentes de um mecanismo, em movimento arbitrário 3 D.

3. Conhecer as "solicitações" que actuam sobre um sólido devidas ao seu movimento (massa e inércia).

4. Saber determinar o equilíbrio dinâmico de sistemas mecânicos atrvés dos teoremas vectoriais, dos teoremas energéticos e do teorema do impulso e quantidade de movimento.

No final do semestre espera-se que o aluno saiba analisar os comportamentos cinemático e dinâmico de mecanismos bidimensionais e tridimensionais.

Industrial Automation Systems

EIG0017 - ECTS Present to the students the most representative elements of technological solutions available for automation of industrial environments. A central aspect will be analysing how each of these elements, either individually or together, can support the manufacturing processes and operations so they will not pose a limitation to the overall objectives and needs of the company or enterprise.

The students should be able of: explaining and evaluating the most recent and relevant elements of automation in production systems; explaining how these elements participate in the decision processes and flows of information of the company; evaluating the possibilities and understanding the limitations of these elements as automation alternatives at the production level; distinguish between applications of these elements of automation beyond production systems.

Operational Research I

EIG0022 - ECTS The main objective of this course is to transmit to the students a global vision of OR, stressing, in particular, its role as a method of approach to decision processes. Besides the methodological aspects, the students are invited to formulate and solve linear programming and project management problems, including the discussion of algorithms and computational behaviour.

Solid Mechanics and Structures

EIG0020 - ECTS Introduction to the basics concepts needed for the Analysis of Solids and Structures and acquisition of the capacity of solving and understanding basic problems of solid Mechanics.


EIG0023 - ECTS Esta disciplina funciona neste ano lectivo apenas com exame final.

Para ter acesso à ficha da disciplina por favor consultar a ocorrência de 2006/07.

Information Systems I

EIG0021 - ECTS Prepare the students to design information systems that organizations need and that satisfy the users, considering the short, medium and long term.

Termodinamics and Heat Transfer

EIG0019 - ECTS Ministrar aos alunos conhecimentos basilares de Termodinâmica e de Transferência de Calor


EIG0027 - ECTS No âmbito desta disciplina procura-se dotar os alunos de um conjunto de conhecimentos que lhes permita elaborar e interpretar os vários mapas que a informação contabilística proporciona, que estão na base de toda a análise económica e financeira, e que fazem parte dos processos de decisão.
Procura-se também dar a conhecer aos alunos as problemáticas de contabilidade de gestão com as quais as empresas se deparam, com especial relevo aos métodos de valorização das produções vendidas.

Operational Research II

EIG0026 - ECTS Specific objectives:

Kowledge of operational research techniques. Applicability of the Operational Research techniques to real-world problems.

At the end of the semester the students are supposed to be able to:

1. Know different Operational Research techniques
2. Construct models to represent real-word problems
3. Solve those problems using the thecniques presentes in this course.

Fluid Mechanics

EIG0024 - ECTS Conhecer, compreender e analisar, com base nas leis fundamentais da mecânica e usando metodologias específicas, o comportamento dos fluidos em repouso e em movimento, com vista a adquirir capacidades para resolver problemas na área da mecânica dos fluidos.

Espera-se que, ao fim de cerca de um mês, os alunos
1. Consigam caracterizar os fluidos em termos das suas propriedades e sejam capazes de resolver problemas simples envolvendo a lei de Newton da viscosidade.
2. Sejam capazes de aplicar os princípios da hidrostática à determinação de forças de pressão, incluindo a determinação dos respectivos centros de pressões, e à manometria.
3. Sejam capazes de aplicar a equação de Bernoulli ao estudo de escoamentos supostos ideais, incluindo a medição do caudal e da velocidade dos escoamentos.

Espera-se que, no final do período lectivo, os alunos
4. Conheçam e saibam aplicar os princípios básicos da análise dimensional e da semelhança na perspectiva do estudo experimental em mecânica dos fluidos.
5. Sejam capazes de aplicar as equações de conservação da massa e da energia ao estudo dos escoamentos em condutas, incluindo o cálculo das perdas de carga que afectam esses escoamentos, com vista ao dimensionamento de instalações simples.
6. Compreendam as curvas características de funcionamento das bombas e ventiladores, de forma a seleccionar correctamente esses equipamentos de acordo com as exigências das instalações.
7. Saibam determinar forças de interacção associadas aos escoamentos em torno de corpos neles imersos.

Machine Elements

EM0038 - ECTS A disciplina visa fornecer conhecimentos relativos ao
projecto de máquinas, através da análise de problemas de dimensionamento e de alguns tipos de órgãos de máquinas de uso frequente. Pretende-se que os alunos façam aplicação dos conhecimentos previamente adquiridos noutras disciplinas (Mecânica dos Sólidos, Estruturas, Materiais, ... ) e os complementem com a aplicação a orgãos mecânicos.

The objective of this course is to give knowledge relevant for machine design, through the analysis of design problems and of some machine elements frequently used. Students are expected to use knowledge already obtained in other courses, such as Solid Mechanics, Structures and Materials, and to complement that knowledge through applications to design of machine elements.

Information Systems II

EIG0025 - ECTS Objectives:
This course has multiple objectives:
-The main objective is to give the students the opportunity to gain practical experience in the analysis, specification and development of information systems. It is expected that the students will learn to implement the different stages of an information system project : requirements analysis, database design, software specification, application coding, and project documentation. It is given special attention to the user interface, the modularity of the application, the documentation of the system and the structure and presentation of the user manual.
-To expose the students to the difficulties and problems of the information systems implemented in real companies/organisations. The course involves seminars where it is given the students the opportunity to hear about examples of how real-world companies have addressed the implementation and evolution of their information systems.
-To present the students non-technical perspectives related to their career performance, such that they become aware of other important competencies to succeed.

Operations Management

EIG0029 - ECTS The aim of this course is to provide the students an integrated vision of the most important concepts, techniques and strategies of the Production/Operations Management. By completing the course, one expects that the students acquire a global vision of the concepts, problems and available tools, enabling them to take better decisions in the scope of the field of study.

Total Quality Management

EIG0028 - ECTS The students should have a clear understanding of the fundamental concepts of Total Quality Management together with the knowledge of its methods and techniques. A special emphasis is attributed to the problem-solving methodology and techniques, to the ISO 9000 standards and to the statistical process control.

Financial Management

EIG0032 - ECTS The aim of this course is provide the students with theoretical and practical knowledge of the basic financial management tools within the field of financial analysis and short-term/long-term financial decisions.

Logistics Management

EIG0030 - ECTS The aim is to give students an integrated view of the logisitcs function. The contents includes managing logistics opertations and logistics strategic planning.


EIG0031 - ECTS The main objective of this discipline is to transmit the student’s basic knowledge in the area of Marketing to allow them (i) to understand the importance of the customers approach in the success of Enterprise Strategies and (II) to elaborate a Strategic Marketing Plan.
It is also aimed to endow the students with real enterprise experiences and techniques so that their beginning of professional career should be done in an easier way.

Project Appraisal

EIG0035 - ECTS This subject’s objective is to provide students with the knowledge of basic methodologies for the analysis of the financial and economic feasibility of investment projects, in certainty and uncertainty conditions. It is intended that in the end of the course students are able to justify the decision making of real investments in companies.

Maintenance Management

EIG0033 - ECTS O objectivo desta disciplina é o de proporcionar aos alunos uma visão integrada dos conceitos, técnicas e estratégicas mais utilizadas na Gestão da Manutenção. No final do curso espera-se que os alunos detenham uma visão global dos conceitos, problemas e ferramentas disponíveis por forma a poderem tomar as melhores decisões no âmbito da Gestão da Manutenção.

Human Resources Management

EIG0036 - ECTS O principal objectivo da disciplina é a sensibilização dos alunos para o seu papel futuro de Gestores de Pessoas nas suas diversas facetas, salientando a importância da gestão de recursos humanos, em linha com a estratégia da organização.

As aulas sobre o tema genérico de Gestão de Recursos Humanos são de dois tipos: teórico (atrvés de palestras convidadas) e prático - resoluçao de projectos.

Project and Team Management I

EIG0037 - ECTS

General Management

EIG0034 - ECTS Transmitir aos alunos uma visão integrada dos modelos organizacionais, do papel da gestão (do gestor) e dos instrumentos de gestão necessários para implementar com sucesso uma dada estratégia. Desenvolver nos alunos a percepção de como a empresa pode interactuar com a envolvente e, com base na posição actual, como formular estratégias de competitivas e de desenvolvimento. É dada ênfase ao alinhamento das políticas de produção, "marketing" e logística, com os objectivos e estratégias das empresas.

Management Control Systems

EIG0039 - ECTS Esta disciplina funciona neste ano lectivo apenas com exame final.

Para ter acesso à ficha da disciplina por favor consultar a ocorrência de 2006/07.

Company and Business Law

EIG0041 - ECTS The purpose of this subject is to give our students - who do not have any prepation or knowledge on juridical matters - a complete information about the interference of law in the companies and in commercial business.Therefor the enterprise is observed under a juridical point of vue on different aspects, concerning it's activities, contracts and the problems that may occur when applying the law. Allthough the intention and purpose is not - and can not be - to give a complete preparation in business and company law the subject intends to make the students understand some of the problems that may emerge when starting and developing commercial activities and to prepare them to be aware of those problems and have the knowledge to take the right and lawful decisions.

Corporate Strategy

EIG0040 - ECTS Dotar os alunos com competências para analisar e delinear a estratégia de uma organização.

Project and Team Management II

EIG0042 - ECTS To provide the students with the necessary tools and some practice so they become able to understand and perform a Project Management activity, namely:
- Definition of a Project and in what conditions a Project Management approach should/must be used;
- Got acquainted with the language, concepts and fundamental models of Project Management;
- Definition of the Management Processes in the scope of the Project Management activity;
- The use of tools and techniques for carrying out the Project Management activities;
- The Project Management as an activity within the enterprise’s organizational structure: its relation with other activities, the authority and responsibility, communications processes, competition for resources, etc.;
- Attitudes and values needed for running and leading Project Management activity;
- Practice based on case studies addressing real situations of Project Management;

Quantitative Methods for Management

EIG0038 - ECTS Os gestores de qualquer empresa – sector privado ou público, industrial ou serviços – têm que tomar decisões sobre como afectar os recursos da organização. Sendo parte da informação necessária para tomar estas decisões quantitativa/numérica, os gestores de hoje devem ser capazes de a valorizar, analisar e utilizar.
O objectivo da disciplina é o de, recorrendo à análise de modelos quantitativos e ferramentas teóricas que suportam as melhores práticas de gestão de operações de empresas, dotar os estudantes de competências de análise e tratamento de dados para a preparação de decisões.

Dissertation Project

EIG0043 - ECTS To provide final year students the chance to apply the knowledge acquired throughout the course into solving real world problems and to provide them a first experience on integration in a enterprise environment.

Information Systems II

EIG0025 - ECTS Objectives:
This course has multiple objectives:
-The main objective is to give the students the opportunity to gain practical experience in the analysis, specification and development of information systems. It is expected that the students will learn to implement the different stages of an information system project : requirements analysis, database design, software specification, application coding, and project documentation. It is given special attention to the user interface, the modularity of the application, the documentation of the system and the structure and presentation of the user manual.
-To expose the students to the difficulties and problems of the information systems implemented in real companies/organisations. The course involves seminars where it is given the students the opportunity to hear about examples of how real-world companies have addressed the implementation and evolution of their information systems.
-To present the students non-technical perspectives related to their career performance, such that they become aware of other important competencies to succeed.

Dissertation Project

EIG0043 - ECTS
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