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Integrated Master Degree in Architecture

General information

Official Code: 9257
Acronym: MIARQ
Description: O Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura [MIArq], da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, visa assegurar uma formação qualificada em Arquitectura. Partindo da construção de um saber específico, que se funda na articulação de diferentes áreas disciplinares, a formação do arquitecto centra-se na compreensão e construção de um entendimento sobre o espaço - os seus fundamentos, propósito, relações e configurações. Para tal, são convocados e desenvolvidos no estudante o pensamento teórico e o exercício da crítica, elegendo-se e afirmando-se o desenho como instrumento privilegiado de pensamento, representação e comunicação.

O Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura é um ciclo de estudos acreditado pela Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior (A3ES)
O grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, atribuído pela U.Porto, é reconhecido na União Europeia ao abrigo da Directiva 2005/36/EC.


  • Master of Architecture (300 ECTS credits)
  • Architectural Studies (180 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Drawing 1

100103 - ECTS

The discipline of Drawing aims to promote the representation and knowledge of the visible world and the mental images through manual graphic skills, in accordance with the following objectives:
- To develop the student's the ability to observe;
- To develop the ability and knowledge about the act of drawing and the sensitivity to plastic and aesthetic values;
- To create conditions for the student to face the act of projecting with spontaneity, agility and awareness;
- To stimulate the presence in the act of project of non systematic, symbolic and poetic components.
- To promote the appreciation and understanding of the need and pleasure of representation;
- To recognize drawing as a graphic expression of an intention;
- To understand that you can learn how to draw through the practice of drawing.

Geometry and Architecture

100106 - ECTS

To know the different systems of representation, their properties and specificities, as a means for the reading, construction and representation of space, from the territory to the architectonic object.

Be able to use 3D modeling tools for the same purpose.

History of Ancient and Medieval Architecture

200202 - ECTS

To understand the conceptual and technical magnitude of ancient and medieval architectonic expressions in their specific territorial and urban, formal and constructive dimensions. 
To contribute to the development of an inquisitive introductory methodology to the study of the History of Architecture which may become a matrix to address the historic context of architectonic units, regardless of the time and space to which they belong, in terms of location, function, form, technique, image, symbol and meaning. 

Architectural Design 1

100101 - ECTS

The present Curricular Unit, inserted in the propaedeutic year of studies, aims to:
- approach the generic problematics of Architecture;
- manage the basic tools for design;
- introduce students to spatial composition methodology

General Theory of Spatial Organization

100102 - ECTS

The main goals of this discipline (TGOE - TEORIA GERAL DA ORGANIZAÇÃO DO ESPAÇO/ GENERAL THEORY OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE SPACE) is to get the students familiar with the greatest number of specific kind of spaces, as well as with the various concepts competing for its characterization: from "natural landscapes" to "humanized space", from medieval city space to contemporary one, from urban space to architectural space, from the public to the domestic ambiences.


Building Construction 1

200204 - ECTS

Studying the architectural space in its constructive dimension, by raising awareness and acquiring basic scientific knowledge about the materials and techniques involved in the construction processes.
Ensure that this learning, which is based on the study of generic building becomes necessary instrumentation to support architectural practice and theoretical action, permanently referred to the context of the place and the production system.

Drawing 2

200206 - ECTS

Objectives, Competences and Learning results.
To develop drawing praxis – the singularity of its expression and individual adequateness
(manners, techniques and systems of representation) – in such a way that it favours a free and effective construction of images closely related to architectural project.

History of Modern Architecture

300302 - ECTS

History of architecture has to be understood as an art that is attaining step by step a scientific goal and not, in any case, like a evocative summing up of buildings, cities, and interventions on natural landscape in order to achieve the basic means of life in an artificial HABITAT.

The history of modern architecture aims the acquaintance of the generally so called classical architecture. The chronological scope of this discipline mediates from the end of Middle Ages until the beginning of neo-classical period.

The history of modern architecture archives that are dealt with in this discipline are mostly the deeds of “stone and plaster”. The student is invited to understand how the architect/builder of those times could deal with the architectural concepts for the coeval time being, giving them form and substance, i.e., turning the architectural concept into the architectonic matter.

The knowledge of architecture could not survive without the written documents as well as drawings that, sometimes are due to arise some unexpected hypothesis to understand unconventional matters.

Architectural Design 2

200201 - ECTS

The vertical structure of the Course in the design area proposes for the 2nd year an introduction on the issues of design methodology and the continuity of the learning process started in the 1st year, developing and consolidating the instrumental and conceptual capacities for the design exercise. This practice presumes the capacity of experimentation and synthesis of diverse convergent issues on the architecture field, which will always be subjacent in the proposal of an architectonic form.
The 2nd year design process should focus on the renovation of a consolidated city area, easily identifiable, proposing buildings of variable dimension and complexity with an equipment and restaurant program. It should privilege the analysis of the building set, the public space and the city, using as support architecture and urban history and architectonic analysis methodology, with the goal that each student builds and fundaments its reading of the site. The process of intervention and context observation should lead to the identification and characterization of the diverse architectonic elements and forms that constitute the design area and its meaning in the city history, aiming an objective validity of each transformation proposed. This should result from a process in which the area knowledge and the creative and critic capacity of the student reveals a progressive improvement of the proposal validity and its design.

Architectural Theory 1

200203 - ECTS

The objectives, skills and outcome of the learning process are:
1 - To make the student familiar with the subject of Architectural Theory, in its specificities as well as with the interactions it establishes with other fields (i.s. Design, History, Building, Planning) 

2 - To make the student familiar with a sequence of theoretical movements, architectural languages and architecture' thinkers who left their mark in the developing of Architecture and in the field of Theory in particular.

3 - To develop general knowledge, critical capacity and personal interests that will support the student in his architectural practices and design experiences.


20203A2 - ECTS


When social dynamics change, so does the mode of appropriation and transformation of the territory. This issue requires not only the constantly review of the conceptual and theoretical geography tools, but also to update the knowledge of empirical reality, in the case of Portugal.






In general, students of architecture have a very poor training in Geography, a situation that becomes complicated when this gap is filled with inaccurate information too superficial and "common sense". In addition, the disciplinary body of Geography (Physical and Human) is extremely broad and includes other specializations and areas of interest shared by other knowledge fields. Geography by itself doesn’t fill this gap, nevertheless is possible to focus the objectives in some fields of interest that Geography, Architecture and Urbanism share, developing the theoretical discussion of common concepts and theories (urban, rural, city and country, urbanization, etc.)



Large Urban Projects

20204A2 - ECTS

Introduction to Landscape

20202A2 - ECTS Enlighten students regarding the profession and discipline of landscape architecture.

Clarification of the current vocabulary areas of this discipline as well as the guiding principles of interventions.

Understanding of basic methodologies and the various stages and components of a landscape architecture design project.

Knowledge of the various work scales - from landscape development to small garden projects.

Recognition of some of the major national and international works and projects.

Spatial Anthropology

10125C1 - ECTS

Knowledge of the main sociological and anthropological paradigms for the study of spatial questions; understanding of the frames of strcutural relation between spatial morphology and socio-cultural morphology; knowledge of the main implications of these relations in the study of portuguese society.


20203A2 - ECTS

Large Urban Projects

20204A2 - ECTS

The main objective of this unit is to stimulate curricular compreensão, under the big projectos urban problems of scale in intervenções, the role of agents transformação urban questão of the value of the land and the importance of the "Project Financing".

Building Construction 2

300304 - ECTS

The goal of this discipline is to introduce the theme of building construction, especially the understanding of the physics of buildings, which is the basis for the exercise of the project in its transition from project to construction.

It is intended that students learn about the following topics: Project and innovation; systems and construction elements; building functions and requirements; types of materials, their application and behavior; the stakeholders in the construction, function and responsibility; the concepts of building construction, phasing and management; the legal framework concerning the construction of buildings.

History of Contemporary Architecture

500502 - ECTS The aim of History of Contemporary Architecture is the critical knowledge of the architecture of contemporary age, considered as the period that begins wioth the end of baroque architecture and ends in present time. In the mid eighteenth century, the rise of the scientific archeology (with the separation between archeologists and architects) and the enlargement of the antiquity sources, no more predominantly related to roman examples, have an important role in a new way of understanding the relation of architecture with its own past. In this period different motivations intersect: the search of the origins as a new fundament of knowledge, the reorganization of the industrial city, abstract art and the rise of the modern movement, the discussion of its principles after World War II, etc. The year 1750, a possible date for its beginning, is the year Denis Diderot's published the "Prospectus" of the Encyclopédie witch would initiate its publication the following year.
In the lectures, the most important buildings, architectural projects and ideas of the period will be exposed diachronically. The particular circumstances of the architectural works will be discussed, but also its precedents and its consequences on other works in a broader time perspective.The relation with Portuguese examples will also be discussed, underlying their particular circumstances.
One work of contemporary Portuguese architecture, chosen by the students according to their interests, will be the subject of the group work. Throughout  the year, with a tutorial guidance, the students must extend and develop the reasons that gave rise to the initial choice. Starting from contemporary debate, they must also research new relations that problematize the work of architecture studied throughout the academic year.
The students will also visit some contemporary Portuguese architectural works that must be photographed and assembled in a field note book. This notebook is a complement of the lectures, but it is also a way to investigate the relations between the works visited and the architectural work studied in their group work.

Architectural Design 3

300301 - ECTS


Project 3 takes for granted the methodological skills and tecnical design handling necessarily acquired in previous years, having to test and develop them in order to increase the knowledge and experience of students to a superior level of capabilities and requirements.

Under the general theme of multifamily housing and the city as a framework, are carried out a series of exercises that enhance experimentation, reflection and the ability of materializing extensive projectual knowledge about Architectural Design and Architecture.

First of all, to make the general approach of the issues and problems of multifamily housing, defined as reflection on modes of living, as a test of the definition of programs and development of cell-spaces that reflect, as well as the study the association of these cells by systems and rules that constitute an effective link and empowering capable of contributing clear gains for the individual residence. It also intends, through the study of fires, distribution systems, the associations into modules and the conformation of the building, make informed and consistent choices typological possible. It is also to do so in an urban setting, forcing to study and understand the procedures and training elements of the urban fabric and the identification of their morphology, studying how to carry out a housing program defines substantial, is, alter or rebuild new urban fabric. Thus, the integration of the two components to reflect and understand the interdependence, the dialectical relationship between urban insertion, the urban morphology and architectural housing typology.

The exercises provided are also intended to advance the experience and skills of design students in three key areas: first in the vastness and complexity of the problems with the gradual introduction of programmatic constraints, urban and legal issues that interfere with the process simpler definition of the form exercised in previous years. Second, the particular difficulties and the potential that the joint work at the same time scales from 1 / 1000 to 1 / 2 provides, that is, checking interdependencies and mutual stimulation between the urban and the general design or detail of the buildings . Third, not least, to treat intensively the constructive aspects, both in its general logic or wisdom in detail, students have the opportunity to realize that they must materialize in a rigorous way, the desired construction, constituting more than one mere addition of information, an essential part of the work of shaping the expression of architecture and provide an opportunity for synthesis of language and construction, with implications and effect on larger scales and throughout the final result.

The general framework of these exercises is, deliberatly, quite conservative. It is understood that the approach to the subject of housing and multifamily dwelling goes better with the qualifying of the banal, than the playing with the  exceptionality of the speculation, be it programmatic, functional or formal - although not neglecting it. With the awareness that, in it, students can, without limiting the degree of quality or depth, gain strength for other demands.

In the sequence of what has been done in previous years, a Laboratory component will be experienced, simultaneously and in parallel with the program, electing, annually, a particular sub-theme of the universe of multi-family housing.
For the year 2020-21 it will be the one of "flexibility of uses", exploring its potentialities and limitations.

Architectural Theory 2

300303 - ECTS

A lecionação da Unidade Curricular (UC) Teoria 2 (T2) realiza-se numa condição intermédia da formação dos estudantes em Arquitetura, ano letivo em cuja UC (nuclear) Projeto 3 (P3) é exercitada a intervenção urbana e arquitetónico através do programa da habitação plurifamiliar.

Tendo em consideração o adquirido em matéria de História da Teoria, e na consciência de que se trata de uma panorâmica a revisitar constantemente, por de informação e conhecimento se tratar, pela theoria (História+teorias+Crítica), os estudantes experimentam a reflexão crítica, o exercício do diálogo e do contraditório, bem como a ação comunicativa (pela relação texto-imagem), favorecendo os processos de (re)conhecimento e consciencialização acerca das temáticas reconhecíveis nos “diálogos entre Arquitetura e Cidade”.

Estes processos de (re)conhecimento e consciencialização, potenciados pela orientação nas aulas práticas e pela realização dos exercícios práticos, pautado pelo equilíbrio didático das aulas teóricas, entre a “fonte de informação” e o "espaço para a formação” (próprio da “sociedade em rede” na “era da informação”), perspetivam, assim, a sofisticação do saber próprio, teórico e disciplinar da Arquitetura, auxiliando o estudante na organização de conteúdos e nos métodos, particularmente no que respeita às implicações sobre a observação, a seleção, a coleção, a categorização e a manipulação das matérias e materiais em causa.

Urbanistics 1

300305 - ECTS

The discipline of Urbanística 1 proposes a reflection on the meanings inherent to the contexts and processes of conformation and evolution of the city and the territories of urbanization, observing the results of the different models, forms and scales of action, within the respective agents' realm and technical and operational assumptions.
The understanding of (intervention in) city and territory naturally presupposes an interdisciplinary approach and the correct interpretation of the relationships between urban practices and physical, social, economic and political structures, their intrinsic characteristics and rules, identifying the permanence factors and the dynamics of change inherent in the very facts and processes to be recognized.
An objective and coherent perception of urban phenomena is sought as resultants and/or determinants of the interaction between programs, plans and projects (public spaces, infrastructure and architecture), their forms of concretion, articulation and management, especially with the generalization of the urban and territorial planning actions that aggregate several areas of scientific knowledge.

Architecture and Design 1

30318B3 - ECTS

We witness nowadays an overt difficulty among students in identifying, observing, recording, and retaining, with both celerity and effectiveness, many of the structural facts and forms of composing an architectural work. The haste promoted by the diffusion methods of architectural images present throughout the internet, potentiate the loss not only of the slow process of assimilation but also of the habit of “project studying”. As a means of complementing such fleeting perceptions, and furthermore as a pedagogical objective, it is important to advance the ability of focusing the attention, with acuity and efficiency, on the relevant facts of an image, a drawing, or a comment. Therefore, the purpose of this CU is to help propel and develop the ability to observe, identify, and understand (and depict by means of a quick drawing) the architectural signifiers essential to the project analysis.

Computer Aided Architectural Design 1

30306B3 - ECTS The aim of CAAD I, which is a 1st Semester 3rd year course in the first-cycle, is to develop theoretical and practical bases related to the universe of communication strategies for the design of architecture in an early stage of development (territory analysis, communication, concepts, schemes, site plans and volumes).

The focus is to use graphic design, photography and image synthesis software applied for communicating and image architecture with a special incidence in the early stages of the design process.

Human Figure and Space Rendering I

30314B3 - ECTS It is intended that the student can acquire technical and expressive skills in the fields of drawing the human figure and the representation of space.

It is intended to promote personal research paths that ensure the practice of drawing as dialogic and structural relationship of imagination.

Constructive Geometry 1

30312B3 - ECTS

The aim of the Constructive Geometry courses consist in researching the role of Geometry in Architecture, by exploring its relation with current digital technologies. The course of the first semester - Constructive Geometry 1 (GC-1) introduces the students to the research of new themes with a strong implication in the design and characterization of the architectural space.

The development of CG-1 curriculum unfolds through the pratical exploration of the computer, which is understood here as a media for:
- geometric representation (drawing and modeling);
- calculation and geometric computation (parametric and algorithmic design;
- physical materialization (digital fabrication).

Architecture and Design 2

30319B3 - ECTS

We witness nowadays an overt difficulty among students in identifying, observing, recording, and retaining, with both celerity and effectiveness, many of the structural facts and forms of composing an architectural work. The haste promoted by the diffusion methods of architectural images present throughout the internet, potentiate the loss not only of the slow process of assimilation but also of the habit of “project studying”. As a means of complementing such fleeting perceptions, and furthermore as a pedagogical objective, it is important to advance the ability of focusing the attention, with acuity and efficiency, on the relevant facts of an image, a drawing, or a comment. Therefore, the purpose of this CU is to help propel and develop the ability to observe, identify, and understand (and depict by means of a quick drawing) the architectural signifiers essential to the project analysis.

Computer Aided Architectural Design 2

30307B3 - ECTS

The aim of CAAD II is to keep developing theoretical and practical bases related to the universe of communication strategies for architectural design in an early stage of development (territory analysis, communication, concepts, schemes, site plans and volumes).

Photography and photomontage are used and the study, conception and production of a photobook is pursued.

Human Figure and Space Rendering II

30315B3 - ECTS Acquire technical and expressive skills in the areas of human figure drawing and representation of space. Develop the practice of drawing the human figure in their relationship with space. Depth, through the images of the design, understanding of the relationship between body and space
In short, it is promoting pathways personal search to ensure the practice of drawing as a relationship and structuring of imagination and thought.

Constructive Geometry 2

30313B3 - ECTS The aim of the Constructive Geometry courses consist in researching the role of Geometry in Architecture, by exploring its relation with current digital technologies. The course of the second semester - Constructive Geometry 2 (GC-2) - expands the knowledge acquired during GC-1, by researching a higher degree of complexity in geometrical subjects with a strong influence in the generative and constructive processes in architecture.

The development of CG-2 curriculum unfolds through the practical exploration of the computer, which is understood here as a media for:
- geometric representation (drawing and modeling);
- calculation and geometric computation (parametric and algorithmic design;
- physical materialization (digital fabrication).

Building Construction 3

400405 - ECTS

a) Promote the understanding of the object as a built physical body in the perspective of transforming the discourse on the materials and construction systems into a key component of the project process.
b) Develop the ability to understand the closeness between the ideas of Architecture and Construction.

c) To deepen the knowledge acquired in previous years regarding materials and construction systems, developing the technical skills of design as an essential component of the project process.

d) Enhance means of communication with the Work, in view of the operational integration of the acquired knowledge in Project practice.

e) Identify the discipline with the practice of the Integrated Project, crossing the information of the projects of complementary specialties, in the optics of interdisciplinarity that informs the creative act as synthesis process.

History of Portuguese Architecture

400402 - ECTS

The course aims at the acquisition of knowledge of Portuguese architecture, including with reference to architectures from other Iberian, European and Mediterranean spaces (and other parts of the world), so as to understand the encounter of cultures and interpret signs of specificity and identity of Portuguese architecture.

Architectural Design 4

400401 - ECTS

The aim of this Subject is the consolidation of the methods of project processes. It is considered that this consolidation should be done and confirmed through exercises with varying degrees of complexity, with special attention to the treatment and development of a solution for a Subject. This requires a work of architectural synthesis in its different program, contextual, functional, constructive and formal components that allows the student to enhance the knowledge indispensable to submit a projectual answer.

Structural Systems

400404 - ECTS This course unit aims to provide a clear understanding of the principles and methods governing the definition of the structural solution within the architectural design of buildings.
Starting from a deeper understanding of the mechanical behavior of the main structural elements types, it is expected that the student acquires a set of structural design guiding principles, coupled with simplified methods of structural analysis, adequate to promote a rapid and reliable verification of the solution.

Architectural Theory 3

400403 - ECTS
  1. To present Architectural Theory as the transmitting and sharing knowledge about the general organization of space, both in built forms and the processes of design, so contributing for the critical development and responsible innovation of methods and forms of Architecture. An articulated exposition of buildings and writings from masters of architecture, will show the historical, artistic and technical nature of architecture, the ever-open debate between universal and circumstantial values, and the endless search for expression into Spatial Forms, of human needs, aspirations and possibilities.
  2. To capacitate the student for his own elaboration of theory, as a combination of bibliographic and experimental research that belongs to the architect’s activity, which needs (1) identifying an object of study (2) delimitation of field and adequate scales for its approach (3) pertinence of data collection and organization (4) critical reasoning (5) personal and quoted argumentation (6) use of disciplinary instruments, methods and criteria.
  3. To deal, specifically and through case studies, the recognition of Public Spaces and Public Facilities, as architectonic forms that contribute functional and symbolically for the uniqueness of city character. Both conceptual constructs will be applied in the curricular units of Project 4 and Project 5. The theoretical elaboration on space experience must be comprehensive of context, conceptual, typological and construction definition, as well as the factors that originated them.

Urbanisation of Poverty

50135C5 - ECTS Nowadays, more than half of the world's population lives in urban areas, with around a quarter of this population living in extreme precarious conditions and an additional portion facing relevant gaps in its habitat. Estimates seem to indicate that this percentage has declined, but numbers will have increased, and the inequity of economic incomes will also have increased, especially in the economies considered as more developed.

In this way, the debate on equity is a global issue, from the countries of the North to the countries of the South, and that action in the environment built for more equitable spaces and democratic access to urban resources is, a challenge for architects and urban planners.

Given the most recent and contrasting global dynamics of urbanization and the current professional challenges placed at the international level, this curricular unit intends to create a theoretical and practical field of discussion around the spatialization of poverty and the disparities in this process of urbanization, social concerns in the disciplinary field of architecture and urbanism, as well as the limitations and potentialities of redistributive policies, social interest and fair management of the built environment.

Thus, it is proposed here the study of the disparities in the processes of production and management of the built environment, namely, discussing the visibility and role of population groups with lower economic incomes, both focusing on non-Western contexts (in the experiences of Latin America, Asia and in Africa) and in the critical areas of the Western contexts (in the evolution of social policy and in its current situation).

The aim is to establish a broad understanding of issues related to the urbanization process, not only by discussing extreme conditions of disparities and / or limiting resources, but also by framing multi-stakeholder management mechanisms. In these contexts, the professional practice of the architect / urbanist is rarely placed solely in a client - service provider relationship, but rather the actors involved in the decision - making process, recurrently encompassing entities such as public structures for territorial regulation and social interest ( at the central, municipal and / or local level), external financiers, international agencies, nongovernmental organizations, local associations and / or inhabitants, placing the architect / urbanist in the role of mediator and facilitator.

Thus, it is proposed to build an informed view of paradoxical realities, discussing methodologies and intervention tools, constraints and potentialities, experiences and strategic orientations of work in extended teams.

Architectural Toys - The Playful Construction of Architecture

50145C5 - ECTS The main porpouse of the Architectural toys course is to develop the student's skills in the comprehension and conception of reintroduction process in the architectural field. Since the generic educative processes, to academic methods, is ask to the students to develop a theoretical approach in order to understand the different ways that the discipline found to educate the subject.

Architecture of Public Space

50129C5 - ECTS

1 Theoretical and practical aproach to public spaces as architectonic entities composed by all kinds of buildings, urban infrastructures and natural forms.
2. Comprehension of the Architecture of Public Space in the context of the Significant Forms, socialy inclusive and sustainable.
3. Experimental research and personal thinking practiced with the instruments of architecture (hand and computer design and modeling, subject to measure, geometry and construction reasoning); photo, bibliography and other iconography location and credits.
4 Selection of critical arguments for the architecture of Public Space supported by the experimental case study.
5. Case study will be chosen by the student among several proposes presented by the professor, either as an individual work and/or after the constitution of teams.

Architecture and Cinema

50137C5 - ECTS The Course will systematize the affinities between architecture and cinema. It will explore how urban and architectural space, real or staged, is a constituent element of cinema, and will analyze the multiple dimensions in which cinema can be seen as a tool in the creative process, the perception and dissemination of architecture.

It will address how the moving images have the capacity to create a 'sense of place', a phenomenon related not only to the physical reality of the filmed spaces but also to the experiential connection that the viewer establishes with light, sound, the mise-en-scène or the narrative structure. Cinema represents architectural spaces as 'inhabited' places, stimulating, thus, an intense debate around architecture and urban life.

Architecture, Energy and Climate. Basics for the design of the Well-Tempered House

50139C5 - ECTS
The main objective of this curricular unit is to deepen the knowledge in Architecture in its technical and formal dimension directly related to the climatic conditions and the inhabited space, in the framework of energy efficiency and sustainable development. Based on elementary theoretical principles on climate, energy and thermal comfort - placed in a historical and contemporary perspective - we seek the understanding of integrated and exemplary building technological solutions, opening a critical reflection about design practices in its profound relationship to the place.

Concepção e Experimentação Estrutural

50143C5 - ECTS

The course unit aims to bring students closer to three types of structural principles – statics, materials and construction – that were on the conceptual genesis of reference structures of the past.

On statics, the objective is to develop an intuitive and holistic relationship between form and structure using graphical methods and physical models, in which structures are being calculated as they’re being drawn.

Starting with the simplest structural behavior, arch (compression) and cable (tension), the students will be able to visually understand, qualify and question the behavior of all types of structures – vaults, trusses, beams, deep-beams/slabs – including its lateral stability and response to actions such as wind or earthquake in regular buildings and skyscrapers. All theoretical models are explained using existing structures from reference authors.

The students, in groups of 4 or 5 people, should develop the project for a structure that will be built in January. This structure, with no program or function, should have its genesis on an idea or structural principle, around one of the engineering themes: equilibrium, surfaces, lines.

During this process, the students must question and explore the restrictions they’re being faced – technical and constructive process – and for their project they should produce three types of drawings – conception, execution and construction.


Circular Construction, Conscious Design and Certification

50149C5 - ECTS

The UC aims to raise students' awareness of the impact of buildings on environmental and social ecosystems, studying and discussing, throughout the sessions, some topics that can inform the construction of an individual position.

Construction of Architecture of Wood 

50140C5 - ECTS

"Construction of Wooden Architecture" introduces fundamental principles about materials, particularly on wood, taking into account its properties and the industrial processes associated with its transformation.

When reflecting on the topics covered in the course, it is expected that the student acquire tools that allow him, during his future practice as an architect, establish an increasingly adjusted relationship between form and construction, in the sense of an architectural production sensitive to place, circumstance and context.

Drawing as a method and instrument of research in Architecture

50144C5 - ECTS The aim of the course is to create study moments conducive to the development of a practice of research and critical thinking around projects of equipments of particular complexity in what concernes with its program and the architectural, structural and constructive solutions that determine it.
The course is based on the centrality of Drawing as an 'instrument of thought' and the construction of an 'intelligent memory', which are considered essential for the development and enrichment of an 'intelligent and instinctive intuition' that we consider to be essential to the architectural practice.
Alexandre Alves Costa summed up the above. About the pedagogical practice at Porto School, he states that "drawing has very quickly demonstrated its usefulness in various fields of architecture learning, first of all in the research of its essence, that of the nature of space, through an analytical process of observation of cases, aiming at composition, proportion, scale, volumetry, structure, textural values, relations with context and even some intangible factors such as light or color. "

Desígnios e Formas do Espaço Público na Cidade Contemporânea

50141C5 - ECTS The optional curricular unit "Design and Form of the Public Space in the Contemporary City" intends to approach the public space as a fundamental component in the different times of the city's history, taking into account its multiple dimensions and seeking to understand, interconnect the designs and the past and gifts from public space. It is intended to promote a broad reflection on the contemporary condition of the public space project, as well as the strategies and design tools that the architect has at his disposal to intervene and build the contemporary city.

Urban Economy

50123C5 - ECTS

Architecture, City and Territory Photography

50148C5 - ECTS

The general objectives of FACT are twofold. On one hand, to give theoretical and practical knowledge for using critically photography as a research instrument and support for communicating and representing Architecture, city and Territory. On the other hand, to raise the awareness of students for using different qualitative methods to conduct research using visual instruments for inquiring critically those spaces.

Initially students are asked to analyze, question and confront a set of public spaces and architecture, exploring the potential of photography, as well as the accessibility and interactivity on the Internet for communicating different experiences and perceptions of urban space. During the semester the students create a photobook and a visual portfolio in the scopio network platform on the web. This portfolio consists of an interactive visual narrative made up with images and text supporting a set of ideas that posit a position, argument or story about a particular subject or problem of the urban area being studied.

This photobook and viusla portfolio can be used later as the basis for a case study related to research on photography and digital media applied to the reading of public space and architecture, and therefore integrated in the work of the thesis to finalize the second cycle of the course.

History of the City of Oporto

50131C5 - ECTS

Identify and understand the historical process of formation and consolidation of physical Porto, between times of founding and refounding urban, integrated into the national and international context.

Develop a methodology for explaining historical confronting the different urban units within the city, between the "learn to see" and "know understanding", which constitute as historical and architectural narrative confrontation in the city of Porto and other European cities (exploiting origins of Erasmus students).

Urban Infrastructures

50120C5 - ECTS

Acquire a set of basic technical knowledge related to urban infrastructure necessary for the realization of an urban intervention. Perception of urban infrastructure systems, including storm drainage, water supply, collection and treatment of sewage (operating and design principles).

Identify, assess and characterize the technical aspects that influence the layout and implementation of urban infrastructure (without reaching the detail of the project execution).

Architectural Intervention in Archeological Circumstance

50136C5 - ECTS

This course aims to create a theoretical field of discussion around the issues related to architectural intervention in archaeological context, addressing methods of analysis and intervention tools as well as work experience carried out by cross-disciplinary teams.

It is also objective of the discipline to enhance the formation of theoretical reflection groups and / or preparation of intervention projects in that area, in particular for developing Master Theses in FAUP, in conjunction with other educational institutions and the Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura e Urbanismo (CEAU-FAUP); strengthening the cooperation with international partners, in terms of dimensions of research and knowledge transfer.

Research Laboratory. Dialogues between Practice and Didactics in Architecture

50146C5 - ECTS .


50122C5 - ECTS

It is intended that students acquire a wide range of concepts and fundamentals of work related to landscape architecture and outside space, either on a project perspective, describing the actions of man over the territory, whether on a prospective perspective that relates project actions to the changes in functioning of landscapes and the ecossystems in which they operate.

We also intend to debate contemporary issues of design and sustainability of urban space as well as the project critic.


Oporto. Territory and networks of invisibility.

50142C5 - ECTS


Process, project and public works of infrastructuring, sociabilization and urbanization of the Territory – Porto and "Grande Porto".



The present lecture of the integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP aims to contribute to deepen a field of theoretical and practical reflection on the relationship, in society, of process/project/work in the equation of urbanization, considering in parallel, regarding from the disciplinary area of architecture, the social, political, economic and cultural fields.


Combining territory and landscape, urbanization, urbanity and rurality, memory and forgetfulness, being human and being urban, it is intended, through a teaching practice based on the emphasis of the learning factor, to address the urgency of the reweighting of strategies for the space of the city and its territory.


We emphasize the importance of strengthening the presence in the teaching, in architecture, of academic reflection on the equation of invisibility networks, materials and immaterial, of the variable flows and geometries of mobility of urban and peri-urban populations in measure its potential to create real conditions for more inclusive, sustained, and sustainable development and planning. In this sense, from the first time, it concerns and obliges the reinvention of methods/didactic processes in order to capture the attention and develop the critical spirit in the student.


To break the boundaries/barriers of the daily life of contemporaneity, very marked by logics of physical and intellectual zoning, of borders and rigid territories in its spatiality and conformation, in a tense relationship between access and exclusion, identity and repulses, belonging and abandonment, we can characterize the pedagogical practice associated with this lecture as a catalyst and unblocking of critical positioning construction, in a constant dialectic between teaching and learning and between teaching and research.


Based on the specific case of the city of Porto and the territory called "Grande Porto" as a laboratory, this lecture, for the evidence that intends to create, by encouraging students to pursue their studies, for the purpose of reflecting on their focus, believes that it can enrich the field of collective memory (material and immaterial), both by the information and interpretation of the everyday reality, ethnography, the urban environment and the primary sources of material and intangible heritage as of research that could result in the curricular component and the extracurricular extensions.


Anchored in the objective of broadening and spreading the current knowledge and, combining it with the dynamics and pedagogical and didactic practices proper to a final cycle of an integrated master of the artistic-scientific field, constituted an integrated line of interdisciplinary studies, a research project, convening the FAUP and consolidating collaborative practices with CITCEM, betting on practices of sharing in the curricular and research spheres, making available, in the sense of creating platforms of an intellectual intersection, a set of classes open to the academic community. In these moments, which are expected to be very participative, with the presence of students of formal and informal attendance, portuguese, Erasmus, from other academic years, other organic units of the PU and even some who have completed the course, allow the Creation of a pedagogical atmosphere, an enrichment of critical mass and affirmation of diversity in the space of the classroom.


Observing the current formative and reflective offer in the context of FAUP and UP, considering as added value the construction of specific knowledge in an interdisciplinary register, transdisciplinarly enriching the curricula of the students, allowing them, by choice, to develop specialized studies in the plan of the last two years of the MIARQ, showing them possible paths leading to the elaboration of their dissertation or final project processes, with this lecture, is expected to open their perspectives in the discipline of architecture and transversality with related areas. In a prospective stimulus to the continuation of the studies, and the continued work of research.


Lastly, it is the objective of this lecture to help to understand contemporaneity, in the purpose of the study, understanding, problematization and interpretation of ideas, processes, projects and public works, from the unveiling of these territories and networks of invisibility, in the Portuguese case.

BIM Project

50130C5 - ECTS

1. Promote, experiment and develop theoretical and practical knowledge of BIM (building information modeling) methodology comprising the basic concepts during Architectural Project development as a process for innovation, research, management and architecture construction.

2. Promoting research on Architecture through project development simulating a real context of multidisciplinary and collaborative practice.

3. Collecting knowledge about BIM methodology application in international context in the vast AEC fields (architecture, engineering and construction) analyzing business context experiences and case studies and assessing advantages and disadvantages of applying the methodology in the production of an architectural idea.

4. In this course, the student should be able to use the available tools (individual selection of software and research methods) in order to apply BIM methodology in the development of a practical project developed by the student and an existing building case study.

Building Rehabilitation

50119C5 - ECTS

The UC has the following objectives: to make the students aware of the need of preservation and rehabilitation of the built heritage, to alert them for the most current causes of building pathologies associated with incorrect design and construction deficiencies and to provide them  with the knowledge that will allow them to recognize the most important building pathologies, determine their possible causes and to define the corresponding rehabilitation solution.

Build in the Built

50151C5 - ECTS

- Deepening knowledge on methodologies, theories and practices of intervention in the built heritage in a wide sense.

- Exploring methodological instruments and tools to support the characterization, diagnosis and intervention in the built heritage.

- Deepening knowledge on management, rehabilitation, conservation, restoration and maintenance of built heritage, considering its historical evolution and contemporary examples.

- Promoting the critical analysis of architectural design (projects and works) in the built heritage.

- Providing advanced training, skills and research methods in the area of architectural design in the built heritage.

- Promoting the multiplication of opportunities in the labour market and foster a closer relationship between the University and national and international agencies whose mission is the management and enhancement of built heritage.

History of the City of Oporto

50131C5 - ECTS

Identify and understand the historical process of formation and consolidation of physical Porto, between times of founding and refounding urban, integrated into the national and international context.

Develop a methodology for explaining historical confronting the different urban units within the city, between the "learn to see" and "know understanding", which constitute as historical and architectural narrative confrontation in the city of Porto and other European cities (exploiting origins of Erasmus students).

Heritage and Landscape. Management, Analysis, Project

50147C5 - ECTS

This curricular unit proposes to foster interdisciplinary work areas - between Architecture, Art History, Landscape Architecture and Civil Engineering - essential for an understanding of the concept of heritage in its contemporary and extended sense – built and natural, material and immaterial.

-Rasing awareness to the importance of the multidisciplinary character of heritage studies.
-Promoting a cross-cutting approach to the concepts of heritage and landscape in contemporary society.
-Acquiring knowledge about methodologies, theories and practices of intervention in built heritage and landscape;
-Critically analyzing the international charters conventions, the Portuguese legislation and its implementation.
-Deepening knowledge on management, rehabilitation, conservation, restoration and maintenance of heritage, considering its historical evolution and contemporary examples.
-Developing competences in the field of architecture and landscape design, involving the relationship between research and its theoretical framework with project conception.
-Acquiring knowledge about the history of landscape design and the management of cultural landscapes.
-Acquiring knowledge about the methodologies and principles of intervention in landscape heritage.
-Defining and interpreting the fundamental concepts of risk analysis and management.
-Developing competences related to the identification of risk areas.
- Organizing risk assessment frameworks applied to case studies

Urbanistics 2

400406 - ECTS


500504 - ECTS

According to article number 20, number 1, point b) of Decreto-Lei nº 74/2006, of March the twentieth-fourth, the structure of the "MsC degree cycle of studies includes a dissertation of scientific nature or a project, original and specially developed for this purpose (...)  as accordance to the above specified goals aimed in this, under the terms that will be fixed by the respective regulative norms (…)."

The Dissertation Course Unit is composed of two complementary curricular components:

1) Individualized Supervision, leading to the elaboration and delivery of the Dissertation, developed by the Student and managed by the Advisor;
2) an autonomous curricular component in plenary sessions which will be constituted as a collective and systematic time of contact hours, in parallel to complement the individualized work managed by the Advisor.

This autonomous curricular time, also designated as 'UC Dissertação', distinguished from the Individualized Supervision, aims to support the structuring of a research work plan, as well as the definition of its orientation, leading to the elaboration of a scientific dissertation. The Curricular Unit is approached in a transversal and comprehensive way, while, in parallel, the Advisor is responsible for the effective and specific orientation of each Student’s research. 

The structuring of the Plan and the development of the Dissertation, as research work, should involve the analysis of new situations; the collection of relevant information; the development and selection (or conception) of the methodological approach and of the instruments necessary for solving the addressed problem; its resolution; the exercise of synthesis and of drawing final conclusions. 

The dissertation prepared by the student is subjected to public presentation and to the discussion of results achieved before a jury specifically appointed for this purpose, by the Scientific Committee of the Integrated Master in Architecture, MIArq.

Architectural Design 5

500501 - ECTS

Urbanisation of Poverty

50135C5 - ECTS Nowadays, more than half of the world's population lives in urban areas, with around a quarter of this population living in extreme precarious conditions and an additional portion facing relevant gaps in its habitat. Estimates seem to indicate that this percentage has declined, but numbers will have increased, and the inequity of economic incomes will also have increased, especially in the economies considered as more developed.

In this way, the debate on equity is a global issue, from the countries of the North to the countries of the South, and that action in the environment built for more equitable spaces and democratic access to urban resources is, a challenge for architects and urban planners.

Given the most recent and contrasting global dynamics of urbanization and the current professional challenges placed at the international level, this curricular unit intends to create a theoretical and practical field of discussion around the spatialization of poverty and the disparities in this process of urbanization, social concerns in the disciplinary field of architecture and urbanism, as well as the limitations and potentialities of redistributive policies, social interest and fair management of the built environment.

Thus, it is proposed here the study of the disparities in the processes of production and management of the built environment, namely, discussing the visibility and role of population groups with lower economic incomes, both focusing on non-Western contexts (in the experiences of Latin America, Asia and in Africa) and in the critical areas of the Western contexts (in the evolution of social policy and in its current situation).

The aim is to establish a broad understanding of issues related to the urbanization process, not only by discussing extreme conditions of disparities and / or limiting resources, but also by framing multi-stakeholder management mechanisms. In these contexts, the professional practice of the architect / urbanist is rarely placed solely in a client - service provider relationship, but rather the actors involved in the decision - making process, recurrently encompassing entities such as public structures for territorial regulation and social interest ( at the central, municipal and / or local level), external financiers, international agencies, nongovernmental organizations, local associations and / or inhabitants, placing the architect / urbanist in the role of mediator and facilitator.

Thus, it is proposed to build an informed view of paradoxical realities, discussing methodologies and intervention tools, constraints and potentialities, experiences and strategic orientations of work in extended teams.

Architectural Toys - The Playful Construction of Architecture

50145C5 - ECTS The main porpouse of the Architectural toys course is to develop the student's skills in the comprehension and conception of reintroduction process in the architectural field. Since the generic educative processes, to academic methods, is ask to the students to develop a theoretical approach in order to understand the different ways that the discipline found to educate the subject.

Architecture of Public Space

50129C5 - ECTS

1 Theoretical and practical aproach to public spaces as architectonic entities composed by all kinds of buildings, urban infrastructures and natural forms.
2. Comprehension of the Architecture of Public Space in the context of the Significant Forms, socialy inclusive and sustainable.
3. Experimental research and personal thinking practiced with the instruments of architecture (hand and computer design and modeling, subject to measure, geometry and construction reasoning); photo, bibliography and other iconography location and credits.
4 Selection of critical arguments for the architecture of Public Space supported by the experimental case study.
5. Case study will be chosen by the student among several proposes presented by the professor, either as an individual work and/or after the constitution of teams.

Architecture and Cinema

50137C5 - ECTS The Course will systematize the affinities between architecture and cinema. It will explore how urban and architectural space, real or staged, is a constituent element of cinema, and will analyze the multiple dimensions in which cinema can be seen as a tool in the creative process, the perception and dissemination of architecture.

It will address how the moving images have the capacity to create a 'sense of place', a phenomenon related not only to the physical reality of the filmed spaces but also to the experiential connection that the viewer establishes with light, sound, the mise-en-scène or the narrative structure. Cinema represents architectural spaces as 'inhabited' places, stimulating, thus, an intense debate around architecture and urban life.

Architecture, Energy and Climate. Basics for the design of the Well-Tempered House

50139C5 - ECTS
The main objective of this curricular unit is to deepen the knowledge in Architecture in its technical and formal dimension directly related to the climatic conditions and the inhabited space, in the framework of energy efficiency and sustainable development. Based on elementary theoretical principles on climate, energy and thermal comfort - placed in a historical and contemporary perspective - we seek the understanding of integrated and exemplary building technological solutions, opening a critical reflection about design practices in its profound relationship to the place.

Concepção e Experimentação Estrutural

50143C5 - ECTS

The course unit aims to bring students closer to three types of structural principles – statics, materials and construction – that were on the conceptual genesis of reference structures of the past.

On statics, the objective is to develop an intuitive and holistic relationship between form and structure using graphical methods and physical models, in which structures are being calculated as they’re being drawn.

Starting with the simplest structural behavior, arch (compression) and cable (tension), the students will be able to visually understand, qualify and question the behavior of all types of structures – vaults, trusses, beams, deep-beams/slabs – including its lateral stability and response to actions such as wind or earthquake in regular buildings and skyscrapers. All theoretical models are explained using existing structures from reference authors.

The students, in groups of 4 or 5 people, should develop the project for a structure that will be built in January. This structure, with no program or function, should have its genesis on an idea or structural principle, around one of the engineering themes: equilibrium, surfaces, lines.

During this process, the students must question and explore the restrictions they’re being faced – technical and constructive process – and for their project they should produce three types of drawings – conception, execution and construction.


Circular Construction, Conscious Design and Certification

50149C5 - ECTS

The UC aims to raise students' awareness of the impact of buildings on environmental and social ecosystems, studying and discussing, throughout the sessions, some topics that can inform the construction of an individual position.

Construction of Architecture of Wood 

50140C5 - ECTS

"Construction of Wooden Architecture" introduces fundamental principles about materials, particularly on wood, taking into account its properties and the industrial processes associated with its transformation.

When reflecting on the topics covered in the course, it is expected that the student acquire tools that allow him, during his future practice as an architect, establish an increasingly adjusted relationship between form and construction, in the sense of an architectural production sensitive to place, circumstance and context.

Drawing as a method and instrument of research in Architecture

50144C5 - ECTS The aim of the course is to create study moments conducive to the development of a practice of research and critical thinking around projects of equipments of particular complexity in what concernes with its program and the architectural, structural and constructive solutions that determine it.
The course is based on the centrality of Drawing as an 'instrument of thought' and the construction of an 'intelligent memory', which are considered essential for the development and enrichment of an 'intelligent and instinctive intuition' that we consider to be essential to the architectural practice.
Alexandre Alves Costa summed up the above. About the pedagogical practice at Porto School, he states that "drawing has very quickly demonstrated its usefulness in various fields of architecture learning, first of all in the research of its essence, that of the nature of space, through an analytical process of observation of cases, aiming at composition, proportion, scale, volumetry, structure, textural values, relations with context and even some intangible factors such as light or color. "

Desígnios e Formas do Espaço Público na Cidade Contemporânea

50141C5 - ECTS The optional curricular unit "Design and Form of the Public Space in the Contemporary City" intends to approach the public space as a fundamental component in the different times of the city's history, taking into account its multiple dimensions and seeking to understand, interconnect the designs and the past and gifts from public space. It is intended to promote a broad reflection on the contemporary condition of the public space project, as well as the strategies and design tools that the architect has at his disposal to intervene and build the contemporary city.

Urban Economy

50123C5 - ECTS

Architecture, City and Territory Photography

50148C5 - ECTS

The general objectives of FACT are twofold. On one hand, to give theoretical and practical knowledge for using critically photography as a research instrument and support for communicating and representing Architecture, city and Territory. On the other hand, to raise the awareness of students for using different qualitative methods to conduct research using visual instruments for inquiring critically those spaces.

Initially students are asked to analyze, question and confront a set of public spaces and architecture, exploring the potential of photography, as well as the accessibility and interactivity on the Internet for communicating different experiences and perceptions of urban space. During the semester the students create a photobook and a visual portfolio in the scopio network platform on the web. This portfolio consists of an interactive visual narrative made up with images and text supporting a set of ideas that posit a position, argument or story about a particular subject or problem of the urban area being studied.

This photobook and viusla portfolio can be used later as the basis for a case study related to research on photography and digital media applied to the reading of public space and architecture, and therefore integrated in the work of the thesis to finalize the second cycle of the course.

History of the City of Oporto

50131C5 - ECTS

Identify and understand the historical process of formation and consolidation of physical Porto, between times of founding and refounding urban, integrated into the national and international context.

Develop a methodology for explaining historical confronting the different urban units within the city, between the "learn to see" and "know understanding", which constitute as historical and architectural narrative confrontation in the city of Porto and other European cities (exploiting origins of Erasmus students).

Urban Infrastructures

50120C5 - ECTS

Acquire a set of basic technical knowledge related to urban infrastructure necessary for the realization of an urban intervention. Perception of urban infrastructure systems, including storm drainage, water supply, collection and treatment of sewage (operating and design principles).

Identify, assess and characterize the technical aspects that influence the layout and implementation of urban infrastructure (without reaching the detail of the project execution).

Architectural Intervention in Archeological Circumstance

50136C5 - ECTS

This course aims to create a theoretical field of discussion around the issues related to architectural intervention in archaeological context, addressing methods of analysis and intervention tools as well as work experience carried out by cross-disciplinary teams.

It is also objective of the discipline to enhance the formation of theoretical reflection groups and / or preparation of intervention projects in that area, in particular for developing Master Theses in FAUP, in conjunction with other educational institutions and the Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura e Urbanismo (CEAU-FAUP); strengthening the cooperation with international partners, in terms of dimensions of research and knowledge transfer.

Research Laboratory. Dialogues between Practice and Didactics in Architecture

50146C5 - ECTS .


50122C5 - ECTS

It is intended that students acquire a wide range of concepts and fundamentals of work related to landscape architecture and outside space, either on a project perspective, describing the actions of man over the territory, whether on a prospective perspective that relates project actions to the changes in functioning of landscapes and the ecossystems in which they operate.

We also intend to debate contemporary issues of design and sustainability of urban space as well as the project critic.


Oporto. Territory and networks of invisibility.

50142C5 - ECTS


Process, project and public works of infrastructuring, sociabilization and urbanization of the Territory – Porto and "Grande Porto".



The present lecture of the integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP aims to contribute to deepen a field of theoretical and practical reflection on the relationship, in society, of process/project/work in the equation of urbanization, considering in parallel, regarding from the disciplinary area of architecture, the social, political, economic and cultural fields.


Combining territory and landscape, urbanization, urbanity and rurality, memory and forgetfulness, being human and being urban, it is intended, through a teaching practice based on the emphasis of the learning factor, to address the urgency of the reweighting of strategies for the space of the city and its territory.


We emphasize the importance of strengthening the presence in the teaching, in architecture, of academic reflection on the equation of invisibility networks, materials and immaterial, of the variable flows and geometries of mobility of urban and peri-urban populations in measure its potential to create real conditions for more inclusive, sustained, and sustainable development and planning. In this sense, from the first time, it concerns and obliges the reinvention of methods/didactic processes in order to capture the attention and develop the critical spirit in the student.


To break the boundaries/barriers of the daily life of contemporaneity, very marked by logics of physical and intellectual zoning, of borders and rigid territories in its spatiality and conformation, in a tense relationship between access and exclusion, identity and repulses, belonging and abandonment, we can characterize the pedagogical practice associated with this lecture as a catalyst and unblocking of critical positioning construction, in a constant dialectic between teaching and learning and between teaching and research.


Based on the specific case of the city of Porto and the territory called "Grande Porto" as a laboratory, this lecture, for the evidence that intends to create, by encouraging students to pursue their studies, for the purpose of reflecting on their focus, believes that it can enrich the field of collective memory (material and immaterial), both by the information and interpretation of the everyday reality, ethnography, the urban environment and the primary sources of material and intangible heritage as of research that could result in the curricular component and the extracurricular extensions.


Anchored in the objective of broadening and spreading the current knowledge and, combining it with the dynamics and pedagogical and didactic practices proper to a final cycle of an integrated master of the artistic-scientific field, constituted an integrated line of interdisciplinary studies, a research project, convening the FAUP and consolidating collaborative practices with CITCEM, betting on practices of sharing in the curricular and research spheres, making available, in the sense of creating platforms of an intellectual intersection, a set of classes open to the academic community. In these moments, which are expected to be very participative, with the presence of students of formal and informal attendance, portuguese, Erasmus, from other academic years, other organic units of the PU and even some who have completed the course, allow the Creation of a pedagogical atmosphere, an enrichment of critical mass and affirmation of diversity in the space of the classroom.


Observing the current formative and reflective offer in the context of FAUP and UP, considering as added value the construction of specific knowledge in an interdisciplinary register, transdisciplinarly enriching the curricula of the students, allowing them, by choice, to develop specialized studies in the plan of the last two years of the MIARQ, showing them possible paths leading to the elaboration of their dissertation or final project processes, with this lecture, is expected to open their perspectives in the discipline of architecture and transversality with related areas. In a prospective stimulus to the continuation of the studies, and the continued work of research.


Lastly, it is the objective of this lecture to help to understand contemporaneity, in the purpose of the study, understanding, problematization and interpretation of ideas, processes, projects and public works, from the unveiling of these territories and networks of invisibility, in the Portuguese case.

BIM Project

50130C5 - ECTS

1. Promote, experiment and develop theoretical and practical knowledge of BIM (building information modeling) methodology comprising the basic concepts during Architectural Project development as a process for innovation, research, management and architecture construction.

2. Promoting research on Architecture through project development simulating a real context of multidisciplinary and collaborative practice.

3. Collecting knowledge about BIM methodology application in international context in the vast AEC fields (architecture, engineering and construction) analyzing business context experiences and case studies and assessing advantages and disadvantages of applying the methodology in the production of an architectural idea.

4. In this course, the student should be able to use the available tools (individual selection of software and research methods) in order to apply BIM methodology in the development of a practical project developed by the student and an existing building case study.

Building Rehabilitation

50119C5 - ECTS

The UC has the following objectives: to make the students aware of the need of preservation and rehabilitation of the built heritage, to alert them for the most current causes of building pathologies associated with incorrect design and construction deficiencies and to provide them  with the knowledge that will allow them to recognize the most important building pathologies, determine their possible causes and to define the corresponding rehabilitation solution.

Architectural Theory 4

500505 - ECTS


- To identify dominant patterns of urbanization, advancing with explanatory hypotheses of the processes that gave rise to them;


- To identify drivers of change and structuring actors considered for the understanding of the processes of urbanization and to design intervention strategies and urban design/planning.


Build in the Built

50151C5 - ECTS

- Deepening knowledge on methodologies, theories and practices of intervention in the built heritage in a wide sense.

- Exploring methodological instruments and tools to support the characterization, diagnosis and intervention in the built heritage.

- Deepening knowledge on management, rehabilitation, conservation, restoration and maintenance of built heritage, considering its historical evolution and contemporary examples.

- Promoting the critical analysis of architectural design (projects and works) in the built heritage.

- Providing advanced training, skills and research methods in the area of architectural design in the built heritage.

- Promoting the multiplication of opportunities in the labour market and foster a closer relationship between the University and national and international agencies whose mission is the management and enhancement of built heritage.

History of the City of Oporto

50131C5 - ECTS

Identify and understand the historical process of formation and consolidation of physical Porto, between times of founding and refounding urban, integrated into the national and international context.

Develop a methodology for explaining historical confronting the different urban units within the city, between the "learn to see" and "know understanding", which constitute as historical and architectural narrative confrontation in the city of Porto and other European cities (exploiting origins of Erasmus students).

Heritage and Landscape. Management, Analysis, Project

50147C5 - ECTS

This curricular unit proposes to foster interdisciplinary work areas - between Architecture, Art History, Landscape Architecture and Civil Engineering - essential for an understanding of the concept of heritage in its contemporary and extended sense – built and natural, material and immaterial.

-Rasing awareness to the importance of the multidisciplinary character of heritage studies.
-Promoting a cross-cutting approach to the concepts of heritage and landscape in contemporary society.
-Acquiring knowledge about methodologies, theories and practices of intervention in built heritage and landscape;
-Critically analyzing the international charters conventions, the Portuguese legislation and its implementation.
-Deepening knowledge on management, rehabilitation, conservation, restoration and maintenance of heritage, considering its historical evolution and contemporary examples.
-Developing competences in the field of architecture and landscape design, involving the relationship between research and its theoretical framework with project conception.
-Acquiring knowledge about the history of landscape design and the management of cultural landscapes.
-Acquiring knowledge about the methodologies and principles of intervention in landscape heritage.
-Defining and interpreting the fundamental concepts of risk analysis and management.
-Developing competences related to the identification of risk areas.
- Organizing risk assessment frameworks applied to case studies

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