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General Theory of Spatial Organization

Code: 100102     Acronym: 100102

Classification Keyword
CNAEF Architecture and Urbanism

Instance: 2020/2021 - A Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Web Page: https://moodle.up.pt/enrol/index.php?id=274
Responsible unit: Arquitectura (A)
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master Degree in Architecture

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIARQ 161 MIARQ 1 - 9 - 243

Teaching language



The main goals of this discipline (TGOE - TEORIA GERAL DA ORGANIZAÇÃO DO ESPAÇO/ GENERAL THEORY OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE SPACE) is to get the students familiar with the greatest number of specific kind of spaces, as well as with the various concepts competing for its characterization: from "natural landscapes" to "humanized space", from medieval city space to contemporary one, from urban space to architectural space, from the public to the domestic ambiences.


Learning outcomes and competences

Clarification of current areas of vocabulary (from street to road, from ceiling to roof, from roof to cover, from patio to backyard or terrace). "Hidden" personal memories of space should be called (direct and indirect experiences), as well as the encouragement of "personal discovery", particularly in what concerns the discovery of the Architecture and the City. 

Working method



1. Natural space / built space 
2. Site and place 
3. Territorial apropriation 
4. The building of the architectural space
5. The building of the urban space 

6. Architecture and other arts
7. Interior / exterior and public / private binomials 
8. The "scale" and the different dimensions of the space 
9. The light, a modeller of the space 
10. The qualities of the space / A plural world 

Mandatory literature

TÁVORA, Fernando. 1962.; Da organização do espaço. , Porto: FAUP Publicações [1999]
Álvaro Siza Vieira; 01 textos. ISBN: 978-972-26-2923-2
CALVINO, Italo, 1972 ; Le città invisibili [As cidades invisíveis , Lisboa: Teorema, 1993]
Manuel Graça Dias; O homem que gostava de cidades. ISBN: 972-708-633-0

Complementary Bibliography

ARGAN, Guilio Carlo, 1984; Storia dell'arte come storia della cità [História da arte como história da cidade, São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1998]
BACHELARD, Gaston, 1957 ; La poétique de l'espace [A poética do espaço, São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1998]
BACON, Edmund N., 1967; Design of cities, New York: Penguim Books , [1976]
BENEVOLO, Leonardo. 1966. ; Introduzione all'architettura [Introdução à arquitectura. , Lisboa: Edições 70, 1991]
BENEVOLO, Leonardo. 1976. ; Corso di disegno, Laterza
BENEVOLO, Leonardo. 1984; La città e l'architetto [A cidade e o arquitecto. , Lisboa: Edições 70, 1984]
FARIELLO, Francesco. S.d. ; Architecttura delle strade, la strada come opera d´arte, Roma: Ed. dela Pace.
CHUECA GOITIA, Fernando. 1982; Breve historia del urbanismo. [Breve história do urbanismo, Lisboa: Editorial presença, 1982]
HALL, Peter. 1988; Cities of tomorrow [Cidades do amanhã, São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva, 1995]
JACOBS, Jane. 1961; The death and life of the great American cities. [Morte e vida de grandes cidades, São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2000]
JELLICOE, Geoffrey Susan. 1991; The landscape of man, London: Thames and Hudson
KAHN, Louis I. 1998; Conversations with students, Houston: Rice University School of Architecture
LE CORBUSIER. 1925; Urbanisme [Urbanismo., São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1992]
LYNCH, Kevin. 1960; The image of the city [A imagem da cidade, Lisboa: Edições 70, 1982]
NORBERG-SCHULZ, Christian. 1979; Genius loci, Roma: Electa
RASMUSSEN, Eiler Sten. 1983; Towns and buildings, Mass: MIT, Cambridge
RYCKWERT, Joseph. 2000; The sedution of place [A sedução do lugar: a história e o futuro da cidade, São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2004]
ZUMTHOR, Peter. 1998; Thinking architecture, Baden: Lars Müller publishers
ZEVI, Bruno. 1948. ; Sapere vedere l'architettura [Saber ver a arquitectura. , Lisboa: Arcádia, 1966]
LE CORBUSIER, 1923; Vers une architecture [Por uma arquitectura, São Paulo: Perspectiva Edições da USP, 1973]

Teaching methods and learning activities

COLLECTIVE SESSIONS (one lesson per week) 

Classes of theoretical exposure (in Portuguese language) illustrated and commented with visual materials through ten main topics (five in each Semester). 

ORIENTED TUTORIAL SESSIONS (one lesson per week) 

"Practical" classes with the objective of consolidate the concepts disclosed in the collective teaching sessions (in Portuguese language, but with incursions in French or English, if necessary, to include Erasmus students): circular conversations of "inventory" of each one personal memories, viewing of films appealing to the comprehension of the space; simple exercises (some of them with a playful character), of collective or individual resolution, motivating the discussion, the dialogue, the scientific correction of the vocabulary and / or the concepts, motivating also the continuous interrogation of the different TGOE themes and the research of the answers. 


Humanities > Philosophy > Phenomenology
Humanities > Arts
Technological sciences > Architecture

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 10,00
Trabalho de campo 15,00
Trabalho laboratorial 15,00
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 35,00
Trabalho escrito 25,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 15,00
Frequência das aulas 40,00
Trabalho de campo 15,00
Trabalho de investigação 15,00
Trabalho laboratorial 15,00
Total: 100,00

Eligibility for exams

Two assignements (written in Portuguese language), will be offered for the assessment of knowledge, one in the end of each Semester. 

The work done in practical classes or outside of the School (individual or collective) will be continuous assessment (in its various components of expression, originality, accuracy and adequacy), as well as the attendance and participation of the student(s). 

Calculation formula of final grade

The discipline of TGOE has an annual basis; so, the classification will be the average obtained from the sum of the results of the two assignments with the mark proposed during the practice’ lessons (mark that, in its turn, should result from the average of the scores assigned to individual and collective work, developed during the year, still considered the penalty provided in case of lack of attendance from the student), divided by 3 (three). 
The attendance, both in theoretical and practical classes, weights in the final grade, with the following criteria: 

Less than 20% of absence: the student will not be penalized. 
Between 15% and 25% of absence and: minus one (-1) point in the final classification. 
Between 25% and 35% of absence and: minus two (-2) points in the final classification. 
Between 35% and 50% of absence and: minus three (-3) points in the final classification.
More than 50% of absence: the student should not be able to finalize TGOE.* 

* Will be exempted from these criteria of attendance the repeating students for whom, in terms of schedule, should be impossible to attend any of the modules (theoretical or practical) of the discipline.

Examinations or Special Assignments

In the (remote) case that the two test failures could be adequately justified (illness, for example), the student will be asked to respond to a global test, in order to further discussion with the practice’ teachers the final classification. 

Similarly, the non-delivery of one of the works developed in the "practical" classes, if properly justified, should not penalize the student; the unjustified failure in delivery (or participation in) any of the works, would contribute with one (or as many as the works in absence) 0 (zero) for the sum of the final average; systematic non-delivery (or non-participation at all) in the various individual and collective works of the year, will impossible the student of being approved. 

Classification improvement

There will also be the possibility of individual assignment reformulation for students whose final grade is negative or for those who wish to improve grade. The final classification of the unit will be the average resulting from the sum of the new individual assignment results with the grade previously proposed by the practice classes.


According to the devellopment of COVID-19 pandemy, and depending on the dispostions that may be demanded by the Portuguese Health Authorities, changes may occur in face-to-face classes regime.
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