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Building Construction 3

Code: 400405     Acronym: 400405

Classification Keyword
CNAEF Architecture and construction
CNAEF Arquitetura e construção sem definição precisa

Instance: 2020/2021 - A Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Tecnologia da Construção (TC)
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master Degree in Architecture

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIARQ 186 MIARQ 4 - 9 142,5 243

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


a) Promote the understanding of the object as a built physical body in the perspective of transforming the discourse on the materials and construction systems into a key component of the project process.
b) Develop the ability to understand the closeness between the ideas of Architecture and Construction.

c) To deepen the knowledge acquired in previous years regarding materials and construction systems, developing the technical skills of design as an essential component of the project process.

d) Enhance means of communication with the Work, in view of the operational integration of the acquired knowledge in Project practice.

e) Identify the discipline with the practice of the Integrated Project, crossing the information of the projects of complementary specialties, in the optics of interdisciplinarity that informs the creative act as synthesis process.

Learning outcomes and competences


With regard to the incidence of learning in projectual practice one will seek bringing to evidence two complementary aspects whose apparent contradiction only the disciplined exercise of the Project will be able to clarify:
a) Setting reasonable limits in preparing the Project.
b) Construction as a stimulus for formal creation.
The student will develop the ability to integrate operatively in practical work knowledge and information gathered in the discipline of Construction, assuming the development of the Project as a comprehensive process.

If the drawing is the will of Form and the Construction is a means to objectify this will, then learning cannot be measured only by the set of theoretical acquisitions  but yes, and especially, by the way they are assimilated in the creative act - the Project.
The evaluation, which is intended to be continuous will focus on active participation in class times and exercises launched within the discipline, but also on how the project works reflect the understanding of the subjects covered in lectures.


Working method




Deepening the program of preceding Construction disciplines, from the perspective of interaction with the practice of project .

Discipline and norm in the practice of the project - the closeness between the ideas of Architecture and Construction.
- Program, Space, Form and Construction
– Light and the conception of space  
- Criticism to built models

Principles of Building Physics
– External and internal constraints
– Construction materials – physical and chemical properties
- Climate and hydrothermal behaviour
-  Solar controland the architectural design 

Building systems
- Floors, walls and roofs– stability, humidity, thermal and acoustic constraints
– Types of foundations and floors - ground contact and support walls
– Types of external walls and roofs – components and details

Particular details
- Exterior openings – frameworks and shading systems
- Design of interior spaces - constructive detailing (partitions, stairs, ramps, doors, bathrooms, kitchens, etc).

Design of outdoor spaces - constructive detailing

Construction techniques
- System, constructive logic and modulation
- Production processes and assembly work - their reflexes in the project
- Rationalization of processes - tradition and available technologies
- Light and heavy pre-manufacturing  - the persistence of craftsmanship of drawing

Practice of the Integrated Project
- Interdisciplinarity of architectural project
- Structural and infrastructural conceptions as inseparable from the formal conception
- Managing the process in conjunction with the specialties
- Positioning face to the applicable regulations
- Project and work: principles of organization of the process and communication with the work
- Bases for the preparation of technical specifications of the work.

Gathering and systematization of technical information to support the project


Construction classes will develop, in partnership with Project classes, all the important aspects of building design:
1- Structural and infrastructural conception.
2- Form and construction
3 –Main external and internal details

Mandatory literature

Abalos Inaki; Tecnica y arquitectura en la ciudad contemporânea, 1950-1990. ISBN: 84-86763-74-6
Allen Edward; How buildings work. ISBN: 0-19-509100-0
Avellaneda Jaume, Paricio Ignacio; Los revestimientos de piedra, Bisagra, 1999. ISBN: 84-923125-5-6
Deplazes Andrea 340; Constructing architecture. ISBN: 978-3-7643-8631-3
Detail; review of architecture + construction details, Detail publisher. ISBN: 0011-9571
Ford Edward R.; The details of modern architecture. ISBN: 0-262-56201-1 978-0-262-56202-7
Frampton Kenneth; Estudios sobre cultura tectónica. ISBN: 84-460-1187-5
Freitas Vasco Peixoto de 340; Humidade em paredes de edificios. ISBN: 972-752-021-9
Fumadó Joan LLuís, Paricio Ignacio; El tendido de las instalaciones, Bisagra, 1999. ISBN: 84-923125-8-0
González Jose Luis, Casals Albert, Falcones Alejandro; Claves del construir arquitectónico, Gustavo Gili, 2008. ISBN: 9788425218651
Jansá Ribera J. M; Detalles constructivos para puertas y ventanas, Editores técnicos asociados, 1975. ISBN: 8471461641
Le Corbusier; Le modulor. ISBN: 2-904-833-01-3
Meiss Pierre von; De la cave au toit. ISBN: 2-88074-232-3
Moita Francisco; Energia Solar Passiva, Argumentum, 2010. ISBN: 9789728479732
Neufert Ernst; Arte de projectar em Arquitectura. ISBN: 84-252-1900-0
Pallasmaa Juhani; The thinking hand. ISBN: 978-0-470-77929-3
Paricio Ignacio; Las claraboyas. ISBN: 84-923125-5-6
Paricio Ignacio; La construcción de la arquitectura
Paricio Ignacio; Las cubiertas de chapa. ISBN: 84-923125-7-2
Paricio Ignacio; La fachada de ladrillo. ISBN: 84-923125-1-3
Reid, D. A. G; Princípios de construcción, Gustavo Gili, 1980. ISBN: 84-252-1013-5
Schmitt Heinrich; Tratado de construcción. ISBN: 84-252-1729-6
Paricio Ignacio; La protección solar. ISBN: 84-923125-3-X
Silver Pete, McLean Will; Structural engineering for architects - a handbook, Paperback, 2014
Tectónica; monografías de arquitectura tecnología y construcción, várias, ATC ediciones. ISBN: 1136-0062

Complementary Bibliography

Abrantes Vítor; O Isolamento térmico da envolvente dos edifícios face ao regulamento (RCCTE). ISBN: 972-95969-0-5
Aroso Maria Helena; Estudo das pontes térmicas na envolvente dos edifícios, FEUP, 1987
Berthier J; Diffusion de vapeur au travers des parois - Condensations, CSTB, 1980
Banham Reyner; Theory and design in the first machine age. ISBN: 0-85139-632-1
Canha da Piedade A., Rodrigues A. Moret, Roriz Luís ; Climatização em edifícios, envolvente e comportamento térmico, Orion, 2002. ISBN: 972-8620-00-4
Chudley Roy, Greeno Roger; Construction Technology, Pearson, 1995. ISBN: 978-0-13-128642-0
Castro Villalba António; História de la construcción arquitectónica. ISBN: 84-7653-559-7
Daza Ricardo; Looking for Mies. ISBN: 3-7643-6238-3
Farrelly Lorraine; Construction + materiality, Ava publishing, 2009. ISBN: Ava publishing
Freitas Vasco Peixoto de; Isolamento térmico de fachadas pelo exterior, APCMC n.º 13, 1987
Freitas Vasco Peixoto de 340; Manual de apoio ao projecto de reabilitação de edifícios antigos. ISBN: 978-972-99918-7-5
Gomes Ruy José; Registos gráficos de dados climáticos em Locais de territórios portugueses, LNEC, 1970
Lauber Wolfgang; Tropical Architecture, Prestel, 2005. ISBN: 3-7913-3135-3
Leupen Bernard 070; Design and analysis. ISBN: 90-6450-259-5
LNEC; Coberturas de edificios, 1976
Lucas José A. Carvalho ; Exigências funcionais de revestimentos de paredes, LNEC, 1990. ISBN: 972-49-1508-5
Meiss Pierre von; De la forme au lieu. ISBN: 2-88074-105-x
Paricio Ignacio; Construcciones para iniciar un siglo, Bisagra, 2000. ISBN: 84-931320-0-4
Régles de calcul des caractéristiques thermiques utiles des parois de constrution; CSTB, 1977
Santos Carlos A. Pina dos; Coeficientes de transmissão térmica de elementos da envolvente dos edificios. ISBN: 972-49-1374-0
Torroja Eduardo; Razón y ser de los tipos estructurales
Tzonis Alexander 340; Tropical Architecture. ISBN: 0-471-49608-1

Teaching methods and learning activities

Referenced to the two complementary fields that correspond indeed to the very characteristics of the pedagogic times, of theory and of practice, we propose a teaching method that assumes the Architecture as an attitude of synthesis, naturally based on a systematization of information that, trying to privilege the understanding of the phenomena, will stimulate the further development of the project idea, passing inevitably, for the understanding of the articulation with the practice of the Project as a privileged field of gauging pedagogic results.
In addition the following actions will be undertaken:
- Direct contact with works
- Information activities with invited experts:
 - Passive thermal behaviour; - Acoustic conditioning; - Installations and equipments of waters and of residual waters; - Installations and mechanical equipments (AVAC),  - Electrical systems, telecommunications and renewable energies, - Integrated security
- Actions of information with collaboration of construction companies, including disclosure of selected products and systems.

The lectures will be based on developing an autonomous program, though sequentially structured to make it operative in conjunction with the practice of the project.
The program, based on the knowledge of materials, their properties and building systems that integrate them, will seek to explain the basic concepts necessary for understanding the behaviour of buildings.
The study of this behaviour will focus primarily on constructive surrounding of buildings and their main constituent elements (floors, walls, roofs and filling out of spaces), boarding in an integrated manner the principles of its design and execution mode at work.
In this sense, one must refer the relevance given in the theoretical program to the practice of project integrated within the interdisciplinarity inherent to its conception and understanding of the project as a mean of communication with the work.
The qualification of all these elements will always be referred to the configuration of space as the main protagonist of architectural experience.

Practical classes will focus on identifying and addressing issues within the discipline,  taking as a support the work to be developed in the Project area.
Thus, the definition of the topic and the phasing of work should be established at the beginning of the school year, in coordination with the discipline of Project.
Criticism will tend to be based on a reading of the solutions able to lead to the generalization of the problems to be considered, while trying to remain attentive to the specificity of the architectural discourse of each proposal.
We will seek, through the articulation of theory with practice, bringing  to evidence that analysis and synthesis are complementary parts of the same learning process that, by developing the ability to read the relations between the parts and their whole, will gradually lead to the identity between the most elementary detail and the idea of Architecture that makes it meaningful.
In parallel we predict the possibility, at an early stage, of development of practical work group that may take the form of constructively detailed small projects.
Particular attention will be given to the issue related to the practice of integrated project, including in works to be developed both structural and infrastructural components, trying to reproduce in the classroom situations inherent to the interdisciplinary nature of the project.
To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, it is desirable the participation of the teachers of the disciplines of Project 4, Construction 3 and Structural Systems in practical joint classrooms of support to the work of Project, especially from the moment the requirement of interdisciplinarity begins to emerge in its development.
For students not enrolled in Project 4 (a situation which should be avoided) it’s predicted the development of practical works, that can take the form of small projects detailed constructively.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de projeto 2,00
Frequência das aulas 1,50
Total: 3,50

Eligibility for exams

Minimum attendance record according to the MIARQ regulation, active participation in class according to teachers’ registration and positive mark on all the work performed.

Calculation formula of final grade

The evaluation will be continuous and, having in consideration the expressed objectives,  will be particularly taken into account:
a) The research and reflection on aspects of the relation between space, form and construction.
b) The use and mastery of principles and constructive logics.
c) The ability to integrate operatively constructive options in project design,including all structural and infrastructural components that inform it.
d) The overall quality of the solutions presented.
e) The clarity and rigor in the presentation of the work.
g) The participation and attendance in class.

In considering the final ranking of the year, it will be of most importance the student’s performance in the work to develop integrated with the discipline of Project 4, perceived as desirable that the same weighting results from a joint evaluation of the student's performance within the disciplines Construction 3 and Project 4.

Classification improvement

Under the  terms of development integrated with the discipline of Project and of continuous assessment, the process of improving the final grade will be obtained, if required by the student, only later in future school years.


According to the evolution of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, and depending on the guidelines that may be issued by the Directorate-General for Health, there may be changes to the operating regime of regular classes.
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