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Integrated Master in Dental Medicine

General information

Official Code: 9548
Acronym: MIMD
O ciclo de estudos integrado de Mestrado em Medicina Dentária visa uma formação integrada que culmina na atribuição do grau de mestre em Medicina Dentária, garantindo, contudo, a atribuição do grau de licenciado em ciências básicas em saúde oral aos estudantes que completem os 180 créditos ECTS correspondentes aos primeiros seis semestres curriculares de trabalho previsto no plano de estudos.
A Faculdade de Medicina Dentária da Universidade do Porto confere o grau de mestre em Medicina Dentária aos estudantes que tenham obtido 300 créditos ECTS, através da aprovação em todas as unidades curriculares que integram o ciclo de estudos e da aprovação no ato público de defesa de uma monografia ou de um relatório de estágio.
 O ciclo de estudos pretende formar Médicos Dentistas com um nível de excelência elevada, capazes de reconhecer no doente “um todo orgânico” socialmente integrado. Atenta às características do atual mercado do trabalho, o curso privilegia uma preparação científica abrangente, o desenvolvimento de competências transversais e a capacidade para conceptualizar projetos e integrar equipas. Para acompanhar a evolução contante do conhecimento cientifico e as necessidades da comunidade em matéria de saúde oral, a formação aposta no ensino pós-graduado, disponibilizando com regularidade cursos de Pós-Graduação, Mestrado e Educação Contínua.


  • Dental Medicine (300 ECTS credits)
  • Basic Oral Health Science (180 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Anatomy I

MIMD010101 - ECTS

This is a classic course in human macroscopic anatomy that is intended to impart systematic and detailed knowledge of the structure of the human body. In this anatomical course, concepts of physiology, neuroanatomy and some examples of clinical medicine will often be integrated. Systematic Anatomy I deals with three chapters of Human Descriptive Anatomy: Osteology, Arthrology and Myology. In theoretical classes, an overview of human anatomy will be presented and practical classes are intended for students to acquire the ability to identify, interpret and describe the anatomical elements of the human body in a systematic and complete way, having as object of study cadaveric specimens. The remaining chapters on Human Anatomy will be treated in detail in the disciplines of Systematic Anatomy II (Angiology, Splanchnology and Aesthesiology) and Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System (Neuroanatomy). The application of Topographic Anatomy concepts to Internal Medicine will be carried out in the Clinical Anatomy discipline.


MIMD010104 - ECTS The aim is to enable students to carry out statistical analysis, interpretation and publishing results. For this, students are expected to distinguish the measurement scales and interpret the different types of measurement errors, to estimate statistical parameters, to perform hypothesis tests by parametric and non-parametric methods for one and two populations.

Molecular and Cellular Biology I

MIMD010102 - ECTS

Acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge about diversity, structure and functioning of cells;

Acquisition of knowledge about research methods in cell biology

Biochemistry I

MIMD010103 - ECTS
1. To rationalize living systems in terms of basic Chemistry principles. To present Biological Chemistry as a mere subset of Chemistry.
2. To correlate knowledge from Organic and Inorganic Chemistry with Biological Chemistry.
3. To acquire specific knowledge about biological molecules and the cellular chemical organization.
4. Aspects of the specific Biological Chemistry of teeth and saliva.
5. To acquire some practical skills on chemical, biochemical and spectroscopic laboratorial methods.


MIMD010105 - ECTS
- identify the relationship that exists between Psychology and Dental Medicine;
- know the main behavioral systems;
- know and characterize the main stages of human development;
- understand stress models
- identify and understand the users' anxiety and fear situations
- be able to respond adequately to users' anxiety situations -
- understand the general principles of verbal and non-verbal communication
- be able to communicate effectively with patients of different ages, conditions and contexts.

Information and Communication Technology

MIMD010106 - ECTS The aim of this CU is to enable the student with communication skills not only oral but also written and by digital means, among peers, with other professionals and with the public spectrum, planning, implementing, presenting research work and disseminating scientific knowledge, taking into account;

- the phases of the scientific method;

- the use of credible sources of information;

- the rules for writing, presenting and/or publishing the various types of scientific work.

It is also intended to be able to recognise the role of both verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication. Since the use of collaborative tools is a fundamental aspect in different communicative activities, students are expected to become competent in their use.


Anatomy II

MIMD010201 - ECTS
This is the second part of a classical course of human gross anatomy that aims at knowledge of human morphology based on the observation and description of the detailed structure of the human cadaver, giving particular detail to Splanchnology, Angiology, Central Nervous System, Sensory Organs and the Cranial Nerves. Students will have the opportunity to integrate the morphological knowledge with notions of physiology, histology, functional and clinical anatomy.

Molecular and Cellular Biology II

MIMD010202 - ECTS
- Acquisition of knowledge related to the composition, structure, function and metabolism of nucleic acids;
- Acquisition of theoretical skills into the molecular mechanisms related to the maintenance, expression and transmission of genetic information;
- Recognition of the underlying molecular complexity to all cells;
- Understanding the mechanisms related to the characteristics of different cell types;
- Knowledge of the main techniques of molecular biology related to the identification, manipulation and analysis of nucleic acids;
- Recognition of the importance of different molecular biology techniques in the context of health sciences, in particular its importance in terms of molecular diagnosis and screening;
- Recognition of the importance of molecular biology in scientific research.

Biochemistry II

MIMD010203 - ECTS

Cellular metabolism is an integrated set of chemical reactions that aims to produce energy and to use it to synthesize the building blocks for protein, lipid, and carbohydrate production. The Biochemistry 2 subject aims at studying the cellular metabolism and the molecular mechanisms underlying its regulation, as well as the signal transduction pathways used to receive, process, amplify and integrate intra and extracellular signals. The student must be able to recognize and explain the function of metabolic pathways, relate digestion and the production and storage of energy with food composition, relate the mechanisms of metabolic regulation by hormones, enzyme activation and inhibition and other mechanisms with energy and metabolites requirements, recognize and explain the molecular bases of metabolism (including glucose and lipid homeostasis), relate the metabolic pathways with the molecular bases, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and actively participate in the resolution of problems.

Epidemiology and Public Health

MIMD010204 - ECTS The Curricular Unit intends to introduce the definitions, logic and use of epidemiological methods in the assessment of health and disease determinants, health policies and public health interventions. It uses an approach based on examples of the use of epidemiology in the real world of a doctor's activity and intends to be a continuation of the teachings of other previous Curricular Units and allow the development of critical capacity for a better understanding of the main challenges in public health.

Introduction to Dental Medicine and Clinical Practice

MIMD010205 - ECTS

To promote the integration of students in the  Dentistry's points of interest.

To present its different dimensions and possible scenarios of professional performance: clinic and its specialties, research, teaching, industry, administration, politics.

Understand the evolution of medical thinking in general, and dental medicine in particular, from ancient times to contemporary dentistry.

Let  know the creation and the current context of the practice of Dental Medicine in Portugal, in the European Union and in the world.

Prepare for integration in the clinic and make a first approach to the clinical environment.

Motivate for the importance of behavior in a clinical environment, and initiation to clinical team work.

To raise awareness of the responsibilities of citizenship  and of the communication and relationships between dentist / patient, dentist / society and peers.

Research Methology and Biostatistics

MIMD010206 - ECTS

The objectives of the course are to emphasize statistical concepts obtained in the discipline of the 1st semester, namely in the comparison of groups.
To highlight the relationship between statistical association and causality. To demonstrate the feasibility of different diagnostic methods according to their properties and, finally, to point out the importance of the relationship between the research question, the structure of an epidemiological study, the methods of measurement and statistical analysis.

Anatomy and Oral Histology I

MIMD020105 - ECTS

The UC aims to provide students the knowledge on the morphology of the permanent teeth of the anterior group, the ultrastructure of cells and tissues of the oral cavity, as well as the anatomy of the stomatognathic system in terms of osteology, arthrology and myology.

Oral Biosciences I

MIMD020107 - ECTS
Development of knowledge and competencies within the various subjects of oral sciences, particularly in the field of Biology, Biochemistry, Immunology and Oral Pathology, based on translational application of this knowledge to clinical practice of different specialties of dentistry. Thus it is intended that students develop theoretical knowledge, skills and reasoning ability on the structure, form, and function (particularly at metabolic level) of the oral structures in the context of oral function in an integrated and interdependent way, in physiological and pathological conditions.

Physiology I

MIMD020101 - ECTS Common targets to Fisiologia I and II, since they complement each other. Students should be familiar with major and minor functions of physiological systems, by learning their mechanisms of action, understanding their interrelationships and their contribute to homeostasis, students should be able to point the differences and complementary characteristics of the two majors control systems of the body, i. e., nervous system and endocrine system, with special emphasis to the endocrine system. These skills will be important to the later study of physiopathology.

Medical Genetics

MIMD020104 - ECTS
Students should have knowledge and skills that enable them to:
- Develop a modern concept of health and its determinants of hereditary nature;
- Acquire the ability to locate and analyze the main genetic pathologies in Portugal in the context for health promotion;
- Understand the attitudes taken in genetic counseling related to health education and the prevention of disease and its complications;
- Identify the etiology of the major resources and diagnostic techniques of genetic alterations and/or genetic pathology;
- Identify the main risk factors that may contribute to the emergence of a number of multifactorial diseases;
- Make a correct information transmission to patients and family that concerns them, once the situation is defined by the geneticist.

Histology and Embryology I

MIMD020102 - ECTS
Promote theoretical and practical knowledge of microanatomy and histophysiology of human tissues and circulatory and lymphoid systems and aspects of general embryology.

Provide knowledge and skills that facilitate the analysis, understanding and progressive integration of contents of histology, anatomy, cell biology, physiology, immunology, biopathology, among others.

Promote a dynamic view of content, encouraging integration and the perspective of the importance and applicability of knowledge, skills and competences in the context of the training of dentists and from a holistic perspective of the human body.


MIMD020103 - ECTS Acquisition of knowledge in basic Immunology and its application in physiological and pathological situations. Acquisition of skills for critical analysis of basic and advanced bibliographic information in the subject area of immunology. Acquisition of skills in the use of immunological methods and techniques. Acquisition of self-learning habits and methods.

Microbiology I

MIMD020106 - ECTS

At the end of the Microbiology I curricular unit is expected that students aquire knowledge and understand: i) the diversity and importance of the microbial world; ii) the microbial taxonomy, anatomy, physiology, metabolism and genetics; and iii) the taxonomic, morphological, reproductive and cultural characteristics as well as diagnosis of bacteria, fungi, parasites, virus and prions. Additionally, it is expected that students aquire knowledge, understand and acquire technical skills in laboratorial methods and techniques used in microorganisms handling, isolation, characterization, identification and study.

Anatomy and Oral Histology II

MIMD020205 - ECTS

The UC aims to obtain knowledge on the morphology of the permanent teeth of the posterior group, the deciduous teeth, the embryonic development of the teeth and the orofacial massif and the angiology and neurology of the stomatognathic system.

Oral Biosciences II

MIMD020207 - ECTS

The course of Oral Biosciences II aims the development of translational competencies, by the students, of concepts and reflexive mechanisms of Biomedical Sciences, for the practical application within the clinical frame  of Dental Medicine Sciences. As so, it is expected that the student, with the completation of this course, is able to:

  • Apply concepts of immunology, bacteriology, virology and mycology to oral disease;
  • Explain the biology, pathology, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes of pulpal, periapical and hard tissue-related pathologies;
  • Analyze the etiology of pulp pathology and determine factors, which influence its distribution, onset, progress and detection;
  • Identify the normal structures of the periodontum and analyze the etiology of periodontal disease, reporting on the histopathological alterations, the activation of the host response and propose solutions to periodontal problems;
  • Describe the process and development of dental caries and the pathologic alterations of the affected oral tissues, conceiving therapeutic solutions for the its resolution;
 Correlate the physiologic equilibrium of the oral microenvironment with the health status and identify causes for the unbalanced equilibrium that contribute to disease establishment and development.

Dental Biomaterials

MIMD020204 - ECTS

The subject of Dental Biomaterials should provide to the pupil these indispensable skills: - To learn the basic and elementary principles of the Biomaterials Science. - To know the definitions and terminology relative to metals, ceramics, polymers and its combinations. - To learn the scientific bases to select, to manipulate and to apply the dental materials. - To learn, through specific exercises, the correct appliance of each dental material. 

Pharmacology and Therapeutics I

MIMD020208 - ECTS
Teaching on "Pharmacology and Therapeutics I" aims at providing substantial pharmacological knowledge, in order to allow the understanding of subsequent course units related to therapeutics. It has the following objectives:
-   knowledge acquisition inGeneral pharmacology, namely, the basic pharmacological concepts, to the development of skills in the understanding and application of the principles of pharmacology, common to the use of any drug.
- knowledge acquisition in the pharmacology of drugs with actions in the main body systems, aiming a comprehensive and integrated understanding of the various pharmacological groups, for the knowledge of the actual drugs and the acquisition of skills for a critical assessment of the new drugs.
- understanding of toxics and intoxications.

Physiology II

MIMD020201 - ECTS The aims are common to Physiology I and II, complementary UCs. The student must become familiar with the primary and secondary functions of large systems, through their mechanisms of action, understand the relationships between them and the importance of each one for homeostasis. They must understand the differences and complementarity between the 2 main controllers of body functions, nervous and endocrine systems, with a special approach to the latter.

Histology and Embryology II

MIMD020202 - ECTS
Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about microanatomy (based on optical microscopy) and normal histophysiology of organs and systems of the human body, as well as their embryology, acquiring knowledge and skills essential to the training of dentists from a holistic perspective of the human body.

Provide knowledge and skills that support the analysis, understanding and progressive integration of content from other sciences (e.g., anatomy, cell biology, physiology, immunology, biopathology).

General and Orofacial Imaging and Radiology

MIMD020206 - ECTS This UC aims to provide students with knowledge about the medical and dental use of ionizing radiation, adequate radiation protection measures and the various diagnostic techniques and methodologies using ionizing radiation or other imaging techniques. It is intended that students know, understand and are able to demonstrate the most striking aspects of radiation physics, radiographic techniques, the theoretical foundations of radiographic methods, medical and dental pathology and their imaging translation and the execution and reading of images medical.

Microbiology II

MIMD020203 - ECTS At the end of the Microbiology II curricular unit is expected that students acquire knowledge and understand:
1. the microorganism-host interaction and, in particular, the relationship between microorganism and human disease; 2. different methods and the general principles of control of microbial growth;
3. the microbial population in the oral cavity and the etiology of the oral infections.
Additionally, it is expected that the students
4. interpret and understand the reading of clinical reports;
5. acquire skills in laboratorial methods and techniques used in oral microbiota diagnostic;
6. acquire skills in laboratorial methods and techniques used in evaluation of cross-infection in dental medicine clinical setting and
7. acquire the necessary skills to develop a scientific research project.

Biopathology I

MIMD030101 - ECTS
  1. Recognize “Pathology” as the study of structural, biochemical and functional changes in cells, tissues and organs, underlying the development of disease
  2. Understand the fundamental mechanisms of cell adaptation, injury and death
  3. Recognize the main types of inflammation, their mechanisms and role in tissue regeneration and repair
  4. Understand the mechanisms underlying changes in the vascular wall, hemostasis and thromboembolism
  5. Identify examples of changes in metabolism, correlating mechanisms with clinical and pathological manifestations
  6. Identify the main pathologies associated with the dysregulation of the immune system and its correlation with clinical immune syndromes
  7. Recognize the main cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the aging process and associated pathologies

Oral Surgery, Periodontology, Oral Medicine and Anesthesiology

MIMD030104 - ECTS
The main goual of the Curricular Unit (UC) is to prepare  students to clinical practice of Oral Surgery, Periodontology, Oral Medicine and Anesthesiology providing knowledge that will enable them to:
- To carry out a clinical exam and obtain the patient's medical history, namely information on the topics covered by the UC
- To know diagnostic techniques used in Oral Surgery, Periodontology and Oral Medicine.
- To list, describe and understand the main pathologies in Oral Surgery, Periodontology and Oral Medicine.
- To document the main pathologies in Oral Surgery, Periodontology and Oral Medicine.
- To develop basic treatment plans in the areas of Oral Surgery, Periodontology and Oral Medicine.
- To develop and adapt plans strategies of prevention in ​​Periodontology and Oral Medicine.
- To know, enumerate and use the equipments and matherials used in Oral Surgery, Periodontology, Oral Medicine and Anesthesiology.
- To make prognosis before and after treatments.
- T give local anesthesia and refer the patient for general anesthesia.
- To know the epidemiology of the main diseases of periodontology, surgery and oral medicine and their pathogens.
- To master the concepts of Asepsis and Anti-Sepsis and implement them in the clinical practice of Dentistry.
- To proceed in accordance with the service protocol of the Faculty's clinic.

Conservative Dentistry I

MIMD030102 - ECTS
Acquisition of knowledge and competencies by students in basic scientific and technical procedures of Conservative Dentistry that can lead to understanding of the disease etiology, as well as the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of Dental,to the understanding of the endodontology concept, the pulpal pathology, the clinical situations that lead to endodontic treatment and the techniques for doing that. Acquisition of scientific knowledge and competencies on the handling and use of biomaterials related to these two areas of dental medicine. Students should be able to technically perform, in pre-clinical environment, the tooth cavity preparation as well as the instrumentation of root canal of monorradicular teeth learning, through specific exercises, to properly have knowledge of each of the materials and instruments needed for that purpose.

Prosthodontics, Occlusion and Orofacial Pain I

MIMD030103 - ECTS


Understanding of concepts and terminology, and, the treatment sequencing in basic clinical cases of fixed rehabilitation.

Demonstrate understanding of the laboratory procedures, materials and new technologies for manufacturing inlays, crowns and short-span bridges.


To acquire knowledge and competencies for the rehabilitation of partially edentulous patients with removable dentures.

To understand the laboratory techniques for production of skeletal prosthesis.


To acquire knowledge on the parameters of interest and the diverse pathologies of the field.

Students will be competent in diagnosis and articulator mounting of casts.


Students should develop skills to manipulate materials used in rehabilitation treatments.


To acquire knowledge about CAD-CAM systems; practice of design/manufacturing of mock-ups/restorations.

Oral Public Health, Preventive and Community Dentistry

MIMD030105 - ECTS

At the end of the UC students will be able to understand the Health / Oral Disease binomial in the field of Oral Public Health through the identification of oral health problems and their determinants.

  They should acquire knowledge and develop skills and capacities within the field of Preventive and Community Oral Health in order to understand and recognize the risk factors and determinants of oral diseases and be able to incorporate a critical view of the importance of prevention, oral health education and oral health promotion.



Biopathology II

MIMD030201 - ECTS
  1. Understand the concept of neoplasia as alteration of growth and differentiation of cells / tissues
  2. Understand the bases of classification and recognize the main types of human neoplasia
  3. Recognize the main tumorigenic agents and their mechanisms of action
  4. Identify the main stages of neoplastic development and the underlying biological characteristics
  5. Recognize the genetic, epigenetic and molecular bases underlying the process of tumorigenesis
  6. Understand the role played by Pathological Anatomy, as a medical specialty, in the diagnostic approach and definition of patients' therapeutic strategy
  7. Contextualize the anatomopathological information in the set of clinical, analytical and imaging data of the patients
  8. Correlate morphological, macroscopic, microscopic, immunophenotypic and genetic changes with clinical manifestations of disease
  9. Integrate the general concepts of Anatomic Pathology into the main clinical models of human disease.
  10. Acquire and use appropriate medical language to discuss cases and anatomical-clinical topics

Oral Surgery, Periodontology, Oral Medicine and Sedation

MIMD030204 - ECTS


The theoretical-practical classes comprise a theoretical introduction to the theme, followed by a discussion space, in which the previously selected iconography from the UC archive is used, so that the student can clearly apply the theoretical knowledge acquired on a given theme.
Practical classes allow the contact and manipulation of surgical instruments, simulation and training of surgical techniques in equipment prepared for this purpose, and the first contact with patient care in the clinic supervised and tutored by the teachers.
The knowledge learned by the student of that interaction will be assessed by filling out individual assessment forms. The final classification corresponds to 50% of the theoretical evaluation (Theoretical Examination) and 50% of the practical evaluation. The student must obtain a minimum of 9.0 values ​​(out of 20) in each component of the evaluation.

• Periodontology
The teaching of the discipline includes theoretical classes (interactive classes guided by teachers or by guests) and practical classes (patient care by students under the supervision of a responsible teacher) Type of Assessment: distributed with final exam. Frequency: UP and FMDUP regulations; 75% contact hours with a minimum of 6 consultations per group. Evaluation formula: 45% Theoretical component + 45% Practical component + 10% Attendance = Minimum score of 9.0 (out of 20) in each of the ct and cp
 ct- discontinuous and terminal (Final written test) cp - continuous and procedural (punctuality, participation and interest, ability to establish a diagnosis and treatment plan, completion of the clinical record, quality of the treatments performed, theoretical and practical knowledge) ASSIDUITY attendance in practice 5% of absences - 2 values; 5.1 to 10% - 1.5; 10.1 to 15% of s - 1 value; 15.1 to 20% - 0.5; 20.1 to 25% - 0 FEATURE: Final Exam (c te e cp)

• Oral Medicine
Theoretical-practical classes comprise a theoretical introduction to the programmatic theme followed by a discussion space in which previously selected iconography is presented, from the UC archive, so that students can clearly apply the theoretical knowledge on a given theme. Additionally, by completing and discussing worksheets based on the iconography presented, it is intended that there will be a consolidation of concepts by the student. The assessment is distributed without a final exam.


Conservative Dentistry II

MIMD030202 - ECTS
Acquisition of scientific and technique skills by the students that will enable them for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of hard tissues of teeth, including the development and adoption of measures for the prevention of pulpal and periapical diseases, pulpal and periapical diagnosis, as well as for the development of treatment plans. Students should be able to technically perform the restorative treatments in a pre-clinical environment of the area of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontic tretments, selecting and rationally using biomaterials related to these two areas of dentistry.

Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry and Preventive Dental Medicine I

MIMD030205 - ECTS
Prepare to provide oral health care to children, adolescents and patients with special needs. To give competence, knowledge and qualifications related to this specialty. Train to collaborate in multidisciplinary health teams. Be efficient in teaching and motivating oral health literacy in children, caregivers and health care staff. Develop the scientific and professional attitude.To deepen the knowledge of the normal development and human pathological, with special incidence in the face and stmatognatic system. Knowledge in basic concepts of malocclusion, be able to recognize the normal and abnormal development of the face, occlusion and orofacial functions. To know and interpret as in general the orthodontic treatment in its biological and mechanical contexts. Provide knowledge, skills and competences that allow the application of preventive measures in clinical context.

Prosthodontics, Occlusion and Orofacial Pain II

MIMD030203 - ECTS
To acquire theoretical-practical and practical knowledge/competencies for executing tooth preparation in Fixed Prosthodontics and performing provisional restorations, impressions and cementations.
Learning of general concepts related to the rehabilitation of totally edentulous patients with removable dentures. The student should be able to establish a correct diagnosis and treatment planning for totally edentulous patients.
To understand the auxiliary diagnosis methods of temporomandibular disorders, intermaxillary registration, deprograming techniques and vertical dimension of occlusion.
Therapies for temporomandibular disorders. Fabrication and adjustment of an occlusal stabilization appliance.
Students should develop skills to manipulate materials used in rehabilitation treatments.

Oral Surgery, Periodontology, Oral Medicine I

MIMD040104 - ECTS
Know the relationship of Periodontal disease with diabetes, 
cardiovascular disease, elderly, immunocompromised or medically
patients, smoking, pregnancy, halitosis and occlusal
trauma and know how to act and establish a multidisciplinary
treatment plan.
Know the surgical versus non-surgical treatment decision factors, general principles of periodontal surgery, surgical anatomy, biological principles of wound healing, main surgical techniques in periodontology, general principles of periodontal regeneration,  diagnosis and treatment of bone defects and furcation injuries techniques, mucogingival surgery and periodontal surgical instruments.
Know the Pathology of dental inclusions, Extraction of third
molars, impacted canines and supernumerary teeth, odontomas,
periapical surgery, endodontic-surgical treatment, obturation
"à retro", implants and dental transplants and dental and
alveolar trauma.
Discuss of Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery and 
Periodontology clinical cases 


Conservative Dentistry Clinics I

MIMD040102 - ECTS

- Introduction to clinical activity in Conservative Dentistry, through an appropriate selection of cases.

 - Carrying out clinical acts that include the diagnosis of pulp and periapical lesions

- Presentation of therapeutic options, focused on resolving the patient's main complaint.

 - Assessment of the difficulty of treatment from the point of view of conservative dentistry

- Permanent restoration of low complexity, provisional and pre-endodontic restoration, in anterior and posterior teeth.

-Performance of low complexity endodontic treatments

- Endodontic treatment and deep coronal restorations follow-up protocol in patients

Medical Specialties I

MIMD040106 - ECTS

Oral health is fundamental for the overall health of each patient and, as in other medical areas, also in dentistry, a holistic approach to the patient is essential, considering his biopsychosocial condition, other pathologies that he presents, the usual medication and possible allergies, that allow choosing the most appropriate therapeutic approach for the individual.

The Curricular Unit of Medical Specialties I has the following general objectives for its students:

- The acquisition of postures and attributes essential to the performance of the profession and the establishment of an adequate doctor-patient relationship;

- Knowing how to stratify the patient into risk groups and choose, based on that risk, the most appropriate place and treatment, according to the data collected in the anamnesis;

- Knowing how to recognize the main symptoms and signs of the pathologies addressed and the implications for the practice of dentistry, namely the recognition of the need for further referral

- Knowing how to act in the most common urgent clinical situations in the field of dentistry.

Pharmacology and Therapeutics II

MIMD040101 - ECTS Teaching on Pharmacology and Therapeutics II aims to develop, within the students, (i) competencies on drug prescription and (ii) therapeutic approaches in clinical relevant situations of the dental practice, namely regarding the management of pain and inflammation, infection, anxiety and hemostasis - in both physiological and compromised medical conditions.

Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry and Preventive Dental Medicine II

MIMD040105 - ECTS

Application  and consolidation of the theorical knowledge of Pediatric Dentistry

Skills development in pre-clinical environment  with the most frequently used materials and treatments  in Pediatric Dentistry

Develop clinical knowledge and skills in order to recognize preventive treatment needs and to  performe acts of primary and secondary prevention in patients.

Apply clinical communication skills with patients and caregivers; train to motivate and educate, with the aim of improve oral health literacy and developing skills in the area of community oral health.

To teach the local etiology of malocclusion and the fundamentals of orthodontic diagnosis as well as its clinical application. To teach how to diagnose Class I, II and III malocclusions and define their treatment.

Prosthodontics and Implant Prosthetic Dentistry

MIMD040103 - ECTS


Acquire skills for preparation TP and practice in simulators of different complex dental preparations, temporary restorations, impressions and cementation.


Acquisition of knowledge, practical and theoretical, to proceed with the treatment with removable prosthesis of the simplest cases of oral rehabilitation of the partially edentulous patient. Acquire clinical skills for diagnosis, planning and treatment.


Acquisition of knowledge about available CAD-CAM systems and practice in designing and manufacturing waxes and restorations on teeth and implants


Acquire knowledge to understand Implantology and the biomechanics of the implant prosthesis.

Provide students with skills in diagnosis and planning of prosthetic options involving dental implants, and the clinical steps indicated in simple oral rehabilitation.

Oral Surgery, Periodontology, Oral Medicine and Implantology

MIMD040204 - ECTS

Recognize and evaluate the most common oral cavity diseases that require surgical and non-surgical treatment;


Develop skills in techniques and auxiliary means that help in the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the oral cavity;

Develop progressive autonomy in clinical reasoning and the ability to make decisions before a patient;

Be autonomous in approaching patients with periodontal pathology, regardless of their age and systemic condition;

To be qualified for a critical and reflective study in the field of Oral Implantology;

Diagnose, plan and execute integrated rehabilitation treatments;

Know the techniques and skills needed to carry out treatments in the field of Oral Implantology; Know and master the classic and current scientific literature in the field of Oral Implantology.

Conservative Dentistry Clinics II

MIMD040202 - ECTS
It is intended that students apply and consolidate the knowledge acquired in the previous units of conservative dental medicine, establishing diagnoses and treatment plans that coordinate treatments of operative dentistry and endodontics, with added complexity. They should be able to diagnose pulp and periapical injuries, identify traumatic injuries and propose the most appropriate treatments (endodontics and restoratives) in each specific clinical situation. Whenever possible, execute and complete the proposed treatment plan, applying the most appropriate materials and techniques.

Medical Specialties II

MIMD040206 - ECTS Dentists have an obligation to contribute to the global health promotion of their patients and to be able to collaborate with other health professionals, in order to harmoniously integrate all the healthcare provided.
They need to be able to deal with a medical emergency in a dental office.

The objectives of this Course Unit are the acquisition of knowledge:
1. In the interpretation of diagnostic tests;
2. In pathophysiology and pathology management in the areas of nephrology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, infectiology, clinical hematology, neurology, oncology, obstetrics, immunology and transplantation, mental health and geriatrics, and their interactions with dentistry;
3. In managing medical emergencies.

Forensic Dental Medicine

MIMD040207 - ECTS

To provide the students with scientific and technical knowledge which are vital to the development of attitudes and abilities required for an effective cooperation (in the different tasks) between Forensic Dental Medicine and justice.

Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry and Preventive and Community Dental Medicine

MIMD040205 - ECTS

To develop autonomy in the approach of pediatric patients and with special needs, regardless of their systemic condition. Competence in :patient's motivation and education, diagnosing, treatment plan design, evaluation of treatment results; also need's identification for advanced and / or multidisciplinary approach, as well as the ability to perform  pediatric dentistry treatment.

Promote and develop competence in Oral Health  primary prevention.

To promote and develop  Community Oral Health competences. 

Know the anomalies of occlusion and most types of orthodontic appliances. Train for the diagnosis of malocclusion, including cephalometric and aesthetic facial analysis. Integrate this knowledge with the study of clinical cases and be able to propose the appropriate type of orthodontic appliance.

Research Project

MIMD040201 - ECTS The curricular unit has the learning outcomes as follows: 1.To develop the ability of critical reflection on the research process; 2.To promote argumentation skills and critical thinking; 3.To improve students' science communication skills, both oral and written.

Oral Rehabilitation I

MIMD040203 - ECTS Once approved in this CU, students must be competent in the treatment of simpler cases of oral rehabilitation, using fixed and removable prosthodontics, showing knowledge, psychomotor skills and aesthetic sensibility. In concrete, they should be competent in: to know concepts and terminology of the scientific area; diagnose and assess the edentulous patients; establish a relationship of trust with patients; conducting clinical history and rehabilitation planning, with alternatives and corresponding cost estimates; be able to deal efficiently with simpler cases of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics; know the laboratory steps of confection of fixed and removable dentures; stimulate interest in acquiring updated knowledge to overcome difficulties approach in more complicated cases; recognize and guide patients with worse prognosis; integrate fixed and removable prosthetic knowledge in the broader area of MD; be aware of new technologies related to CU.

Oral Surgery, Periodontology, Oral Medicine II

MIMD050104 - ECTS The UC aims to provide students of the Integrated Master in Dental Medicine conditions, in a clinical setting, to consolidate the knowledge acquired in previous semesters regarding the classification, etiology and pathogenesis of soft and hard tissue diseases that affect the oral cavity and that make contact with its macroscopic and histological variations.

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

MIMD050101 - ECTS
Acquisition of competences in order to analyze the clinical cases of patients in a multidisciplinary philosophy. It is intended that students develop competences that enable them to diagnose and develop treatment plans with increasing levels of complexity and involving several areas of dentistry. Simultaneously, the student will develop competences in the acquisition of iconography and prepare their presentation in a way that allows him to succinctly and clearly exhibit a clinical case from the anamnesis, through clinical diagnosis, treatment plan development and ending of the treatment.

Ethics and Professional Legislation

MIMD050107 - ECTS The Ethics and Professional Legislation UC aims to provide students a broad understanding of the legislation that regulates the professional practice of dental medicine and the professional ethical standards that guide the practice of dental medicine. Students should develop skills and abilities to know the regulamentation and legislation on the licensing of health units and, in particular, clinics and dental offices. They will have to know the legislation about entities that regulate the practice of dental medicine, namely the OMD Statute and the legal diplomas of the Health Regulatory Entity and Infarmed. The Doentological Code of the Portuguese Dental Association and the regulations approved by the OMD will be analised and discussed.

Orofacial Genetics

MIMD050106 - ECTS
Enable students to perform the dental care to patients with specific needs (with hereditary genetic and / or hereditary pathology, pregnant womens, babies, puerperal patients, oncologic patients under chemotherapeutic and / or radiotherapeutic treatment).
Manage skills to students (future Dentists) to acquire capabilities of:
Request genetic tests to their patients, read the results of genetic tests prescribed to their patients and understand their clinical implications, identify individuals at risk and conduct in to a proper referral, integrate the future dentists in the multidisciplinary team that treats the genetically compromised individual.

Conservative Dentistry and Preventive Dentistry

MIMD050102 - ECTS
Application  of the scientific and technique skills aquired by students on the diagnosis, prevention, treatment planning and treatment of patients with diseases of hard tissues of teeth, as well as with clinical cases of traumatology, dental sensitivity and color changes in clinical environment and seminars. Students should be able to recognize the need for preventive treatment and, in addition, the implementation of primary prevention actions in patients, as well as technically perform more complex restorative treatments of the area of Restorative Dentistry including traumatology and bleaching in a clinical environment with patients. To enable students to perform conservative pulp, emergency and endodontic treatments of increasing difficulty and complexity. Students should be able to learn to share with patients the diagnosis and prognosis of their problems in the field of Conservative and Preventive Dentistry and prepare decisions in order to propose treatment plans in order to make.

Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

MIMD050105 - ECTS Competence for diagnosis, treatment planning planning in the pediatric / orthodontic dental patient; for the exercise of integrated clinical acts of pediatric dentistry and interceptive orthodontics. Train for integrated clinical practice of pediatric dentistry / orthodontics. Develop the capacity for analysis and diagnosis of malocclusion and interpretation of changes in the stomatognathic apparatus. Deepen orthodontic knowledge and its integration in clinical practice

Oral Rehabilitation II

MIMD050103 - ECTS
The objectives of this curricular unit are designed to provide competencies related to the areas of Fixed Prosthodontics - 2,5 ECTS, Removable Prosthodontics - 2 ECTS and Occlusion and Orofacial Pain - 1,5 ECTS.

Monograph / Internship Report

MIMD050202 - ECTS

The curricular unit is set on the development, presentation and defense of an individual and original work that includes an objective / justification, a thematic development, in the case of the Monography or a report of the activities developed within the scientific or professional internship. It is further aimed the development of competencies and interprofessional skills, in a professionalizing environment, within the frame of Biomedical Sciences and related areas. It is intended that the student acquires experience in the development of research or review works, know search and correct information, have critical sense and make a self-assessment exercise carried out clinical activity.

According to the theme to be developed by students, they are established specific objectives by the respective supervisor.

Integrated Clinical Practice / Scientific or Professional Internship

MIMD050201 - ECTS

Supervised clinical practice with patients, complemented by the presentation and discussion of clinical cases, allow students to develop theoretical knowledge, as well as the skills and competencies necessary to an integrated clinical practice of Dental Medicine.

 Relevant clinical cases might be considered for publication in scientific journals and/or meetings.
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