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Histology and Embryology II

Code: MIMD020202     Acronym: HISTEMB II

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2022/2023 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Mestrado Integrado
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master in Dental Medicine

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIMD 89 Official Plan from the academic year 2020/2021 2 - 4 63 108
NÃO INSCREVER - Plano exclusivo para uso administrativo 2 - 4 63 108

Teaching language



Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about microanatomy (based on optical microscopy) and normal histophysiology of organs and systems of the human body, as well as their embryology, acquiring knowledge and skills essential to the training of dentists from a holistic perspective of the human body.

Provide knowledge and skills that support the analysis, understanding and progressive integration of content from other sciences (e.g., anatomy, cell biology, physiology, immunology, biopathology).

Learning outcomes and competences

Students will be able to diagnose, differentially, organs of the human body, as well as their structural components, and to describe, in an integrated way, the underlying histophysiology.

Students will be able to perceive and foresee the morphofunctional consequences of altering the microanatomy and histophysiology of the studied systems.

At last, students will be able to know and describe the embryological development of humans, as well as know and understand the most frequent anomalies.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Previous knowledge of Cellular and Molecular Biology, of Anatomy, and of Histology and Embryology I.



1. Digestive system.
1.1. Oral cavity.
1.2. Esophagus and stomach.
1.3. Lower gastrointestinal tract.
1.4. Organs attached to the digestive tract (salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas).
2. Respiratory system.
3. Urinary system.
4. Endocrine system.
5. Visual and auditory system.
6. Male reproductive system.
7. Female reproductive system.


01. Ovulation, fertilization, segmentation, morula, blastula, implantation. Bilaminar germ disk. Gastrulation and trilaminar germ disk. Pre-embryonic, embryonic and foetal periods. Embryonic annexes. Teratology.

2. Skeletal and muscular systems, serous cavities, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive systems, head and neck, ear, eye, skin and attachments, central and peripheral nervous system, urogenital system.

Mandatory literature

Anthony L. Mescher; Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas (16th Edition), McGraw Hill, 2021. ISBN: 1260462986
Laboratório de Histologia e Embriologia do ICBAS; Manual de Aulas Práticas de HEII, Eduardo Rocha, 2021. ISBN: n.a.
Thomas W. Sadler; Langman's Medical Embryology, (14th Edition). Wolters Kluwer – LWW, 2018. ISBN: 1496383907
Wojciech Pawlina and Michael H. Ross; Histology: A Text and Atlas: With Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology (8th International Edition), Wolters Kluwer - LWW, 2019. ISBN: 9781975115364

Complementary Bibliography

Abraham Kierszenbaum, Laura Tres; Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology, (5th Edition). Elsevier, 2019. ISBN: 9780323673211
Carlos Gonçalves, Vasco Bairos; Histologia. Texto e Imagens, (4ª Edição). Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2013. ISBN: 978-989-26-0671-2
Daniel J. Chiego Jr; Essentials of Oral Histology and Embryology: A Clinical Approach, (5th Edition). Elsevier, 2018. ISBN: 10: 032349725X; 13: 978-0323497251
Samuel Webster; Embryology at a Glance (2nd Edition), John Wiley & Sons, 2016. ISBN: 9781118910801

Teaching methods and learning activities

Expository methods (plenary, interactive classes) and practical training.

It includes the analysis and discussion of histological preparations, in the form of modern digital slides, as well as projected static images and microscope images when appropriate.

In practical classes, there are interactive discussions of theoretical-practical and morphofunctional integration, using images, questionnaires, debates.

There is complementary support outside of classes, using SIGARRA and other digital platforms, providing data for study and self-assessment.



Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 5,00
Exame 95,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 45,00
Frequência das aulas 63,00
Total: 108,00

Eligibility for exams

According to the General Regulation of the University of Porto Learners Assessment is considered a student fulfills the attendance to a course if, having been regularly enrolled, does not exceed the number limit faults corresponding to 25% of the foreseen classes, as regulated in the existing organizational unit.

Attendance obtained in a previous school year (2020/21, inclusive, or later) is taken into account in the current school year.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final classification = (Grade of theory test x 0.45) + (Grade of practical test x 0.50) + (Grade of participation x 0.05).

Each partial grade is given on the scale of 0 to 20.

Minimum mark in the theory test: 9.5.

Minimum score on the practice test: 9.5.

Minimum final score: 9.5 (= 10 points).

Condition for admission to the practical test: to get a minimum score of 9.5 in the theoretical examination.

Participation rewards attendance, attitudes, collaboration, commitment and the quality of student performance over time, in person or at a distance. Theoretical and especially practical classes will be considered for this purpose. Questions will be asked which will serve to assess the final grade for Participation.

Internship work/project

THEORETICAL EXAM - Multiple choice test. Each question has 5 alternatives, of which only one is correct. All the desired items can be chosen - the correct item is worth 100% of the question; each of the wrong ones is worth -25%. The number of questions and duration of each exam is informed at the time. As a general rule, the time will not be less than 50 seconds / question.

PRACTICAL EXAMINATION - Consists of a questionnaire for short answers, made based on static and / or dynamic images (digital slides). Diagnosis of histological structures or related questions is requested. The number of questions is variable. The time of each exam is informed at the occasion. The exam is not divisible and is carried out during normal and recourse times.

There are no special assignments, and small questionnaires may be implemented, either in person or remotely.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

The exams explained above are for students who undergo an examination at regular times (normal use). Following this, the special tests required, for example for the associative students or the workers, can be of different types, according to a model/type to be determined by the course coordinator, in each case, and may well consist of the same kind of tests but with a different number of questions, theoretical and practical written assignments, theoretical and practical projections, direct examination with histological slides under the microscope, via Zoom, etc.

The fixation of the examination day(s) is the responsibility of teachers according to their availability and schedules of the available rooms for examination, with the candidates being informed by via announcement in the SIGARRA (course contents) and/or by e-mail, using the emails given by ICBAS, contained in the form of the students (SIGARRA).

Classification improvement

It is only possible to improve the grade after final approval to the UC.

It is done by conducting new final tests, theoretical and/or practical. The grade of the participation will be maintained.

It will always be considered the best possible combination between classifications obtained, at the same time or at different times.

It will be up to the student to check if the best combination was used and to draw attention if it was not.


If the student does not obtain final approval at a given time, the positive partial grades achieved (from 2020/21, inclusive) in the various assessment components may be carried over to subsequent periods and/or academic years, a situation that must be confirmed with the regent at the beginning of each school year.

In a certain period of exams, the student may choose to take only the theoretical exam. If you approve, you will be able to take the practical test at a later time. Until you pass, you cannot improve the theoretical exam. You can, however, dispense with the pending grade and take a new theoretical exam, being however subject to a new classification (whether positive or negative).

Pending classifications obtained from the 2020/2021 school year onwards are considered pending confirmation of their validity.

Repeating students are often exempt from attending practical classes, and it is advisable that they attend theoretical classes. They will only be able to attend practical classes again and there is an individual place available in the classroom.
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