Branco, P., Seixas, D., & Castro, S. L. (2019). Mapping language with resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging: A study on the functional profile of the language network. Human Brain Mapping, 41, 545-560.

Cordeiro, C., Limpo, T., Olive, T., & Castro, S. L. (2019). Do executive functions contribute to writing quality in beginning writers? A longitudinal study with second graders. Reading and Writing, 33, 813–833.

Correia*, A. I., Branco*, P., Martins, M., Reis, A. M., Martins, N., Castro**, S. L., & Lima**, C. F. (2019). Resting-state connectivity reveals a role for sensorimotor systems in vocal emotional processing in children. NeuroImage, 201, Article 116052. *Joint first authors; **Joint last authors

Ferreira-Valente, A., Sharma, S., Torres, S., Smothers, Z., Pais-Ribeiro, J., Abbott, J. H., & Jensen, M. P. (2019). Does religiosity/spirituality play a role in function, pain-related beliefs, and coping in patients with chronic pain? A systematic review. Journal of Religion and Health.

Lima, C. F., Anikin, A., Monteiro, A. C., Scott, S. K., & Castro, S. L. (2019). Automaticity in the recognition of nonverbal emotional vocalizations. Emotion, 19(2), 219-233.

Martins, M. A., Sousa, O., Castro, S. L., Dockrell, J., Papadopoulos, T., & Mifsud, C. (2019). Conceções dos professores portugueses sobre multilinguismo e práticas educativas em salas de aula multilingues [Views from Portuguese teachers on multilingualism and educational practices in multilingual classrooms]. Análise Psicológica, 47, 493-506.

Meneses, L., Torres, S., Miller, K. M., & Barbosa, M. R. (2019). Extending the use of the Body Appreciation Scale -2 in older adults: A Portuguese validation study. Body Image, 29, 74-81.

Moreira, H. S., Costa, A. S., Machado, A., Castro, S. L., Lima, C. F., & Vicente, S. G. (2019). Distinguishing mild cognitive impairment from healthy aging and Alzheimer’s Disease: The contribution of the INECO Frontal Screening (IFS). Plos One, 14(9), Article e0221873.

Nunes, A., & Castro, S. L. (2019). [Review of the book Observing writing: Insights from keystroke logging and handwriting, by E. Lindgren, & K. Sullivan (Eds.)]. Journal of Writing Research, 11(1), 245-250.

Nunes, A., Limpo, T., & Castro, S. L. (2019). Acceptance of mobile health applications: Examining key determinants and moderators. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 2791.

Precioso, J., Rocha, V., Sousa, I., Araújo, A. C., Machado, J. C., & Antunes, H. (2019). Prevalence of Portuguese children exposed to secondhand smoke at home and in the car. Acta Médica Portuguesa, 32(7-8), 499-504.

Precioso, J., Frias, S., Silva, C. N., Rocha, V., Cunha-Machado, J., Gonçalves, F., & Sousa, I. (2019). Prevalence of children exposed to secondhand smoke at home and in the car in Azores (Portugal). Pulmonology, 25(5), 283-288.

Rocha, R. S., Filipe, M., Magalhães, S., Graham, S., & Limpo, T. (2019). Reasons to write in Grade 6 and their association with writing quality. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 2157.

Silva, S., & Castro, S. L. (2019). Structural meter perception is pre-attentive. Neuropsychologia, 133, Article 107184.

Silva, S., & Castro, S. L. (2019). The time will come: Evidence for an eye-audiation span in silent music reading. Psychology of Music, 47, 504-520.

Silva, S., Vigário, M., Fernandez, B. L., Jerónimo, R., Alter, K., & Frota, S. (2019). The sense of sounds: Brain responses to phonotactic frequency, phonological grammar and lexical meaning. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 681.

Torres, N. L., Luiz, C., Castro, S. L., & Silva, S. (2019). The effects of visual movement on beat-based vs. duration-based temporal perception. Timing & Time Perception, 7, 168–187.

Torres, S., Guerra, M. P., Miller, K., Costa, P., Cruz, I., Vieira, F. M., Brandão, I., Roma-Torres, A., & Rocha, M. (2019). Factorial validity of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) in clinical samples: A critical examination of the literature and a psychometric study in anorexia nervosa. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 26(1), 33-46.

Book chapters

Nunes, A., Limpo, T., & Castro, S. L. (2019). Individual factors that influence the acceptance of mobile health apps: The role of age, gender, and personality traits. In P. D. Bamidis, M. Ziefle, & L. Maciaszek (Eds.), Information and communication technologies for ageing well and e-health (pp. 167-179). Springer.