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Bachelor in Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Study plan

Academic year:

  1st Year

1st Semester
LLC108MTPResearch Methods and Techniques6
LLC135CGGreek Culture6
LLC104MELP1Methodology in Literary Studies_Portuguese I6
LLC011BAGR_PPrinciples of Grammatical Analysis_Portuguese6
LLC039FB1.1French B1.16
2nd Semester
CL032TCOEOral and Written Communication Skills6
CL013INTLINIntroduction to Linguistics6
LLC136CRRoman Culture6
LLC040FB1.2French B1.26
LLC106MELP2Methodology in Literary Studies_Portuguese II6
1st Semester
LLC108MTPResearch Methods and Techniques6
LLC029EB1.1Spanish B1.16
LLC104MELP1Methodology in Literary Studies_Portuguese I6
LLC011BAGR_PPrinciples of Grammatical Analysis_Portuguese6
LLC135CGGreek Culture6
2nd Semester
CL013INTLINIntroduction to Linguistics6
LLC030EB1.2Spanish B1.26
LLC106MELP2Methodology in Literary Studies_Portuguese II6
CL032TCOEOral and Written Communication Skills6
LLC136CRRoman Culture6

  2nd Year

1st Semester
LLC085LFCClassic French Literature6
LLC025FCFMFrom Colonial France to Multicultural France6
LA005CFCONContemporary French Culture6
LA019LINFRAFrench Linguistics6
LLC041FB2.1French B2.16
2nd Semester
LLC137HCFCultural History of France6
LLC042FB2.2French B2.26
LLC086LFRSFrench Literature from Romanticism to Symbolism6
LLC075LCEFContemporary Francophone Literature6
Uporto option and/or Personal Development/Transversal and Transferable Skills
1st Semester
LLC142LI_NCEnglish Literature - Contemporary Narrative6
LLC024CNAIHNorth American Culture - Identity(ies) and History6
LA020LININGEnglish Linguistics6
LLC023CIEIFIEnglish Culture - from the Industrial Age to the End of the Empire6
LLC120IB2.3English B2.36
2nd Semester
LLC143LI_DCEnglish Literature - Contemporary Drama6
LLC144LNAS19North American Literature of the century XIX6
LLC121IB2.4English B2.46
LLC022CIFIMEnglish Culture - the Formation of Modern England6
Uporto option and/or Personal Development/Transversal and Transferable Skills
1st Semester
LA018LINESPSpanish Linguistics6
LA004CECONContemporary Spanish Culture6
LLC154EHAHispanic-American Writers6
LLC153CHAHispanic-American Culture6
LLC031EB2.1Spanish B2.16
2nd Semester
LLC080LECContemporary Spanish Literature6
LLC084LE_1919th Century Spanish Literature - Romanticism and Realism6
LLC051HCEHistory of Spanish Culture6
LLC032EB2.2Spanish B2.26
Uporto option and/or Personal Development/Transversal and Transferable Skills
1st Semester
LLC076LEA1German Literature I6
LLC061ICLA1Introduction to German Culture and Literature I6
LA002CACONContemporary German Culture6
LLC148POEAOral and Written in German Production6
LLC005AB1.1German B1.16
2nd Semester
LLC062ICLA2Introduction to German Culture and Literature II6
LLC077LEA2German Literature II6
LLC066IGMIntroduction to Medieval German Studies6
LLC006AB1.2German B1.26
Uporto option and/or Personal Development/Transversal and Transferable Skills
1st Semester
LLC135CGGreek Culture6
EPL029LPRHUMPortuguese Literature from the Renaissance to Humanism6
EPL032LPMEDMedieval Portuguese Literature6
EPL013HTP_GVHistory of Portuguese Theatre - from Gil Vicente to the 18th Century6
CL011HLPORHistory of the Portuguese Language6
2nd Semester
CL005EFMPPhonological and Morphological Structures in Portuguese6
LLC158LBBrazilian Literature6
EPL028LPBNEOPortuguese Literature from the Baroque to Neoclassicism6
EPL041TGLITTheory of Literary Taste6
Uporto option and/or Personal Development/Transversal and Transferable Skills

  3rd Year

1st Semester
LLC138LFMMedieval French Literature6
LLC074LITCOMCompared Literature6
LLC043FC1.1French C1.16
LLC139CFFrancophone Culture6
Uporto option and/or Personal Development/Transversal and Transferable Skills
2nd Semester
LLC140TLTheory of Literature6
LRI018RCLFRAPortuguese-French Cultural Relations6
LLC044FC1.2French C1.26
LLC141LIEFLiterature and Image in Francophone Europe6
LLC103LFRAFrancophone Literatures6
1st Semester
LLC146ESUUtopian Studies6
LA021LIPCNTEnglish Literature - Contemporary Poetry6
LLC059IC1.1English C1.16
LLC093LIMEnglish Literature - Modernism6
Uporto option and/or Personal Development/Transversal and Transferable Skills
2nd Semester
LLC147LI_CREnglish Literature - from Classicism to Romantism6
LLC092LISREnglish Literature - Shakespeare and the English Renaissance6
LLC033EIRLIrish Studies6
LLC060IC1.2English C1.26
LLC124LNACModern and Contemporary North American Literature6
1st Semester
LLC083LERSpanish Literature of the Renaissance6
LLC081LEIMMedieval Spanish Literature6
LLC127EC1.1Spanish C1.16
LLC021CERBSpanish Culture - from the Renaissance to the Baroque6
Uporto option and/or Personal Development/Transversal and Transferable Skills
2nd Semester
LLC082LEBBaroque Spanish Literature6
LLC126NHACContemporary Hispanic-American Narrative6
EPL006CPBLUZPortuguese Culture during the Baroque and the Enlightenment6
LLC140TLTheory of Literature6
LLC129EC1.2Spanish C1.26
1st Semester
LLC149LAC Contemporary German Literature 6
LLC007AB2.1German B2.16
LLC074LITCOMCompared Literature6
LLC150CEACulture in German-speaking Countries6
Uporto option and/or Personal Development/Transversal and Transferable Skills
2nd Semester
LLC140TLTheory of Literature6
LLC116SL_LLCGerman Literature Seminar6
LLC152LCLiterature and Cinema6
LLC008AB2.2German B2.26
LLC0130HRLAHistory of Portuguese German Relations6
1st Semester
EPL006CPBLUZ Portuguese Culture during the Baroque and the Enlightenment 6
LLC160LOMOral and Marginal Literature6
LLC159ESSPSyntatic and Semantic Structures in Portuguese6
EPL030LPRNATPortuguese Literature from Romanticism to Naturalism6
Uporto option and/or Personal Development/Transversal and Transferable Skills
2nd Semester
CL028VPORTVarieties of Portuguese6
EPL031LPSMODPortuguese Literature from Symbolism to Modernism6
LLC140TLTheory of Literature6
LLC161CPCContemporary Portuguese Culture6
EPL027LPCONTContemporary Portuguese Literature6

Type of Classification: OFICIAL

Course units belonging to the academic fields defined in the active curricular structure(s) in the current academic year


  Personal Development and Transversal/Transferable Skills

  Cultural Studies




  Any Scientific Area of UPorto

Unidades curriculares pertencentes a áreas científicas não definidas na(s) estrutura(s) curricular(es) ativa(s) neste ano letivo


  Literary Criticism - Portuguese


  Cultural Studies - Portuguese



  Portuguese Lingustics

  Portuguese Language Literature
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