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Francophone Literatures

Code: LLC103     Acronym: LFRA

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Literature

Instance: 2022/2023 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LLC 8 Study plan 3 - 6 41 162
Study plan 2 - 6 41 162

Teaching language

Portuguese and French


This course aims to a general survey of French writing literatures born out of France with specific identity features (according to space or country); which involves a specific relationship to French language and France. All works will be sudied according to their historic and cultural context.

Learning outcomes and competences

At the end of the teaching of this Francophone Literatures course, students are expected to have acquired clear, scientifically and critically sustained notions about the multifaceted realities of Francophone spaces, particularly as far as literary productions (narrative fiction) in that language outside France are concerned.

They should therefore have had a geographically representative contact and study of the plurality of fictional writing in French language outside France in a critical, aesthetic, thematic and identity approach.

The specific and plural status of Francophone literatures will be considered in their critical relationship, on the one hand with French literature, but on the other hand, in the context of the phenomenon of globalization and complexity of literature, particularly in postcolonial perspective.

Working method



1 Francophone studies: theoretical perspective, and bibliographical and critical state of the art;

2 Operative theoretical categories and instruments in Francophone Studies;

3. Critical reflection on the status of the French language outside the Hexagon and its implications in literary creation;

4. Francophone Literatures: full reading and analysis of representative works from various contingencies identity of the literary use of the French language outside France: native literary francophonies (Belgium, Switzerland, Canada); postcolonial literary francophonies (Maghreb, Mashreq, Africa, Madagascar and the West Indies); in France, with post-colonial relevance (beur); or elective francophonies (allophones).

Mandatory literature

Marc Quaghebeur; Balises pour l’Histoire des Lettres Belges de langue française, Labor, 1998. ISBN: 2-8040-1361-8
Marc Quaghebeur; Lettres belges entre absence et magie, Labor. ISBN: 2-8040-512-7
Moura, Jean-Marc; Littératures francophones et théorie postcoloniale. ISBN: 2-13-049898-1
Bonn, Charles 300; Littératures des immigrations. ISBN: 2-7384-3789-3 vol. 1
Porra, Véronique; Langue française, langue d.adoption. ISBN: 978-3-487-14539-6
François Provenzano; Vie et mort de la francophonie. Une politique française de la langue et de la littérature, Impressions Nouvelles, 2013
Delbart, Anne-Rosine; Les exilés du langage. Un siècle d’écrivains venus d’ailleurs (1919-2000), Pulim, 2005
Dominique Combe; Les littératures francophones. Questions, débats, polémiques., PUF, 2010. ISBN: 978-2-13-056845-2

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical and practical presentation.
Film adaptation viewing
PPT presentation and annual Francophone Week participation (posters and conferences) in March.


TV5 Monde


Humanities > Literature > European literature > Romance literatures > French literature

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 10,00
Prova oral 30,00
Teste 60,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de projeto 61,00
Estudo autónomo 60,00
Frequência das aulas 41,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

According to FLUP regulation

Calculation formula of final grade

Average: 2 written tests (60%) + one work presentation (30%) + participation (10%)

Examinations or Special Assignments


Classification improvement

Students who wish to improve their final mark may only repeat ONE written test. Students must inform their teacher in writing (via email) which test they wish to repeat. Students must also be properly enrolled for ‘melhoria’ with the ‘Serviços Académicos’ so that their names are included in the marks list on Sigarra.


Teaching languages: Portuguese and/or French according to audience (Erasmus students). Specific bibliography suggested at the beginning of classes.
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