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Baroque Spanish Literature

Code: LLC082     Acronym: LEB

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Literature

Instance: 2022/2023 - 2S

Active? No
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LLC 0 Study plan 3 - 6 41 162
Study plan 2 - 6 41 162
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2023-01-24.

Fields changed: Calculation formula of final grade, Obtenção de frequência, Melhoria de classificação

Teaching language

Portuguese and Spanish


The main objectives of this course (UC) are:

-Provide students with access to the knowledge of seventeenth-century Spanish literature, with a strong focus on the transition between the Renaissance and Baroque.


-Situate and understand this literary period within the historical context of the 17th century, specially in Iberian Peninsula and Europe.


-Understand the main features of this literature: authors, genres, themes, aesthetics (particularly conceptismo).


-Critically analyse representative texts of the genres and of the most significant authors of this period.

Learning outcomes and competences

All the contents of the syllabus are framed in order to allow  students to achieve the objectives listed above, bearing in mind the development of the following skills and competences:

- Capacity to contextualise and relate the literary contents of this crucial period of Spanish literature  to the historical, ideological and cultural setting of the seventeenth century, establishing links with the Renaissance period.

- To know hows to identify the mais caracteristics and contributions os Spanish literature (authors, literary genres, themes and aesthetics, particularly conceptivismo) for the literary, esthetic and cultural development in Europe; 

 - To provide students with the tools required for critical analysis, specially about authors ant texts in the syllabus, and to relating them with the literary and cultural context in that period.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

non applicable


1. Introduction to Baroque Literature.
2. Prose in the 17th century:

      -Miguel de Cervantes: the long novella Don Quijote de la           Mancha and the exemplary short novellas «exemplary».

3. Poetry in the 17th century:

     -Luis de Góngora

     -Francisco de Quevedo

     -Félix Lope de Vega

4. Theatre in the 17th century:

     -Félix Lope de Vega

     -Tirso de Molina

     -Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Mandatory literature

Blecua José Manuel 340; Poesia de la edad de oro. ISBN: 84-7039-427-4
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 1600-1681; La vida es sueno. ISBN: 84-7039-700-1
Cervantes, Miguel de, 1547-1616; Don Quijote de la Mancha. ISBN: 84-08-05549-6
Lope de Vega, 1562-1635; Fuente ovejuna. ISBN: 84-376-0273-4
Tirso de Molina, 1584?-1648; El burlador de Sevilla. ISBN: 84-376-0094-4
Miguel de Cervantes; Novelas ejemplares

Complementary Bibliography

ALBORG, Juan Luis (ed.); Historia de la literatura española, Gredos, 1992-1996. ISBN: 84-249-1483-X
ALONSO, D. ; Obras Completas (vols. V, VI y VII dedicados a Góngora) , Gredos, 1982
ARELLANO, I.; Convención y recepción: estudios sobre el teatro del Siglo de Oro., Gredos, 1999
CANAVAGGIO, Jean (dir.); Historia de la literatura española, Ariel, 1994-1995. ISBN: 84-344-7453-0
DÍEZ BORQUE, J. M. ; Historia del teatro en España, I., Taurus, 1983
LARA GARRIDO, J.; Relieves poéticos del Siglo de Oro. De los textos al contexto, Universidad de Málaga, 1999
LÁZARO CARRETER, F. y CORREA CALDERÓN, E.; Cómo se comenta un texto literario, Cátedra, 1981
MARAVALL, J. A.; Teatro y literatura en la sociedad barroca, Crítica, 1990
MENÉNDEZ PELÁEZ, Jesús (coord.); Historia de la literatura española. II. Renacimiento y Barroco, Everest, 1993
OROZCO DÍAZ, E.; Cervantes y la novela del Barroco, Universidad de Granada, 1992
PEDRAZA, F. y RODRIGUEZ, M.; Manual de literatura española. Barroco, CENLIT, 1981
PONCE CÁRDENAS, J.; Góngora y la poesía culta del siglo XVII, Ediciones del Laberinto, 2001
RILEY, E. C.; Introducción al Quijote, Crítica, 1990
WARDROPPER, Bruce W. (ed.); Siglos de oro : barroco, Crítica, 1983-1992. ISBN: 84-7423-193-0

Comments from the literature

Students may give priority to other editions of the cumpulsory readings, notably in the collections of Crítica (Barcelona), Cátedara or Castalia (Madrid)

Teaching methods and learning activities

This course involves theoretical and practical sessions where interactivity is fundamental. Classes will be taught in Portuguese and Spanish, and students can present papers, oral presentations and take Portuguese tests. They will also have support materials available in Sigarra.

The compulsory readings of this curricular unit are

- some passages from the Primera parte del ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de La Mancha and two ejemplares novels by Miguel deCervantes (to be decided at the beginning of the semester according to the students' preferences)

-A selection of poems available on Sigarra

- Fuenteovejuna - Lope de Vega, La vida es sueño - Calderón de la Barca, or El burlador de Sevilla - Tirso de Molina

With the aim of allowing students to have a broad knowledge of 17th century Spanish Literature. The concept "Siglo de Oro" will be used as a starting point and connections between the Renaissance and the Baroque will be established, both at a cultural, socio-political, economic and religious level, and at an aesthetic level, through different artistic representations, favouring interactivity with the students and their critical and analytical spirit.

The concept of "baroque" and its reflection in the culture, literature and plastic arts of the 17th century will also be discussed. XVII, relating the artistic and literary phenomenon with the Spanish crisis of this historical period.

This will be followed by an approach to the main literary genres of the 17th century. XVII starting with some of the most influential and striking at the time: particularly the most universal novel of Spanish Literature: Don Quijote de La Mancha by Cervantes. The First part of the ingenious hidalgo don Quijote de La Mancha will be approached at a theoretical and practical level from the analysis of representative excerpts. This will be followed by an analysis of some of Cervantes' "novelas ejempalres", which had a strong impact on European literature (including Portuguese literature) in the 17th century and subsequent centuries.

This is followed by poetry, with special emphasis on the lyrical renewal of Góngora and a discussion of "gongorina" poetry, through the critical analysis of representative poems by Góngora, Quevedo and Lope de Vega.

Finally, the theatrical phenomenon in the Baroque will be studied: the creation of the "comedia nueva" by Lope de Vega, the "lopesque" theatre of Tirso de Molina and the improvement of Calderón de la Barca. Throughout the lessons we will comment on Fuenteovejuna, El burlador de Sevilla and La vida es sueño at a theoretical and practical level, analysing representative extracts.

This methodology will allow students to acquire solid theoretical knowledge and to apply it to the critical analysis of texts.  In addition, their oral participation should enable them to broaden and strengthen their knowledge of "baroque" authors and works.




Humanities > Literature > European literature > Romance literatures > Spanish literature

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 20,00
Teste 80,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 121,00
Frequência das aulas 41,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams


Calculation formula of final grade

The assessment is distributed throughout the semester without final exam and consists of three tests (one for each work analysed, with a global weight of 80%) to be held in class on dates agreed with the students, and oral participation in class with a total weight of 20% (may be replaced by an oral presentation on a literary work, a text or a bibliography to be presented until the end of the semester).

Student-workers are exempt from attending classes, as provided by law, but will have to take the same tests as the rest of their colleagues (adjusted to the conditions provided by the employer and agreed with the teacher at the beginning of the semester).
Students who have a negative mark in one of the tests may make up this component on the date of the final examination.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Non applicable

Internship work/project

Non applicable

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to the law in force at FLUP.

Classification improvement

As this is a course that only foresees distributed evaluation without final examination, the improvement of classification implies the realization of several tests foreseen in the evaluation criteria. Other situations will be submitted to the appreciation and decision of the Pedagogical Council of the FLUP.

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