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History of Art, Heritage and Visual Culture

General information

Official Code: M902
Acronym: MHAPCV
Description: The Master's Degree in Art History, Heritage and Visual Culture aims to update and diversify the scientific area of Art History, from the perspective of an expanded field, which has been assuming its rightful place with the broadening of the world of professions related to Heritage and Visual Culture.


  • Master in History of Art, Heritage and Visual Culture (120 ECTS credits)
  • Master's Course in History of Art, Heritage and Visual Culture (60 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Applied arts: techniques, forms and functions


- To understand the artistic and heritage value of the themes under study;

- To raise awareness to inventory, preservation and safeguard of applied arts;

- To contribute to a better knowledge of the production centers, artistic training and development of techniques, forms and decorative programs;

- To understand the international influences in the Portuguese artistic production;

- To relate the characteristics of the applied arts to the circumstances of the training / learning, ordering and application contexts;

- To provide a direct contact with the artistic practices in the context of production, urban spaces, architectural and museum;

- To understand the importance of laboratory research and practical knowledge for restoration and preservation of these arts;

- To acquire research tools on the issues under analysis from the study of bibliography sources, manuscripts, observation and inventorying of artistic work.

Dynamics of the sacred space


To understand the sacred space diachronically and in a systemic perspective.

To identify the forms and meanings of the sacred space in articulation with the rituals.

To understand the changes in the sacred space in the various art-historical contexts.

To relate the changes in the sacred space with the contemporary needs of use.

Architectural Studies I

  1. Understand and critically analyse the architectonic object in the historical, geocultural and sociocultural environments.
  2. Study the articulation between the architectonic program with its function, the order and the production.
  3. Study the portuguese arquitecture and the international diffusion of shapes, models and artists.
  4. Analyse the architectonic objecy and the author/artist program.
  5. Study and analyse diachronicly the typological diversity of portugues architecture, emphasizing the religious, civil and military architecture.
  6. Analyse the tradition and the architectonic programs renovation developed in Portugal between the 15th and the 18th centuries.
  7. Study the specific solutions of religious and civil architecture produced in Portgual.

Studies and Practice in Heritage


To raise awareness of the importance of multidisciplinary approach to the heritage study.

To analyze critically international charters and conventions, Portuguese legislation and its applications.

To understand the international influences in the architecture practices, urban planning, safeguarding and promotion of the built heritage.

To develop instrumentation skills of heritage's economic value as a social and cultural development agent.

To acquire research tools on the issues under analysis from the study of literature sources, handwritten sources, observation and inventory.

Image and Contexts I


Understand the new methodological perspectives used nowadays by the History of Art for the study of image meanings in their socio-cultural contexts;

Interpret the image in its anthropological context and as a multicultural expression;

Understand the relationship between image, architecture, liturgy, devotion and Power;

Identify media, materials and techniques in the production and uses of the image.


Project methodologyand research I

  1. To identify and understand the research steps to be taken in order to begin dealing with a research topic.
    research topic;
  2. To develop research skills in artistic heritage and visual culture.
  3. To master specific methodologies of research in artistic heritage and visual culture.

Contemporary Art and Visual Culture



-To know the ideas and the most relevant discussions within the artistic practices in the XX and XXI centuries;

-To understand the changes to the concept of artist and work of art in the diversity of economic and artistic contexts;

-To identify trends, authors and works, national and international, in relation to its theoretical foundations, and understand their importance in context.

-To understand proposals of transgression in the traditional specific fields of art and their contribution to the public’s engagement/inclusion and for the origin of new practices;

-To understand how the development of audio-visual technologies has enabled the expansion of media, supports and resources, both theoretical and practical, in the artistic and cultural universes.

Architectural Studies II


Understand the multidisciplinary character of the study of contemporary architecture.

Relate the architectural transformations with the technological advance of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Understand the architecture in the sociocultural context of its production.

To study the role of artists and clients in the production of architecture.

Integrate Portuguese architecture in the international context.

Understand the language of architectures in diverse contexts.

To understand the international references, theoretical and practical, in the achievements of architecture.

To study the architectural object in the urban context and in the design of the city.

Acquire tools for the development of academic and scientific studies on Contemporary Architecture.

Cultural and Patrimonial Management

MHAPCV008 - ECTS The learning objectives and skills of this CU have as reference the "21-century skills" (UNESCO) that promote the development of 1) creativity and innovation, 2) communication and collaboration, 3) research and information and 4) digital citizenship. This course has as its primary objective to awaken vocations and develop in the students cultural and heritage management skills applied to the History of Art, Heritage and Visual Culture, allowing them to:

  • To ddentify the social and economic role of cultural heritage in society, taking into account the new paradigms of communication and fruition;
  • To know international networks of critical studies in Heritage and Visual Culture;
  • To explore mediation tools for disseminating heritage and cultural content aimed at various types of the public;
  • To obtain a practical experience that contributes to the insertion in the labour market;
  • To design a cultural and heritage management project;
  • To stimulate critical discussion and collaborative work

Image and contexts II

MHAPCV009 - ECTS - Positioning as an active and critical observer in the universe of the image in various media and times

- To know the means, techniques and languages of the image and the questions inherent to its enjoyment and analysis

- To know and analyze the different techniques, theoretical and aesthetic principles of sound media and moving image

- To understand the concepts of intermediation, self-referencing and metafiction and analyze their presence and possible meaning in the production of images

- To understand different methods in the context of cross-sectional and transdisciplinary analysis of the art object;

- To identify and analyze images, their attributes and cultural significance.

- To apply the knowledge acquired in different contexts of research and professional practice.

Project methodology and research II


The main goals are to:
Develop the skills to improve an idea for scientific research and make it feasible;

Master the techniques to make an idea work;

Plan a dissertation, project or internship report in the areas of Art History, Heritage and Visual Culture;

Organize the stages of scientific work by defining workpackages, outlining results (deliverables), milestones and managing a timeline;

Develop the writing of scientific texts;

Communicate the scientific work;

Evaluate the impact of the scientific work on the community.

Territory and urban space


To raise awareness among student to the importance of multidisciplinary studies on the Territory and Urban Space;

To relate the changes of the territory in its diachronic and present engolfing processes,

To understand, apply and discuss the concept(s) of Place, Territory, Landscape and Heritage promoting its analysis and interpretations amongst History of Art and Heritage Studies

To identify structural elements of Territory, and its importance for the construction and analysis of the landscape and the notion of Heritage;

To understand urban space in its cultural and material stratigraphy and its different and cultural embodiments.

To understand the international influences and legal policies in architecture practices, urban planning, safeguarding and dissemination of urban and landscape heritage.

Develop studies and interpretative texts on the Territory distinguishing and applying the concepts of Aesthetics and Ethics.

To contribute to the acquisition of research tools on the issues under analysis from the study of documentary and visual sources, analysis and its interpretation.



To develop a scientific study according to History of Art methodologies applied to artistic heritage and visual culture

To research and critically analyze written and iconographic sources available in accordance with the theme of the dissertation;

To relate and to systematize the information gathered, anchored in an updated theoretical basis properly articulated with the resultant contributions of applied research;

To carry out a Dissertation.



To deep and apply/experience knowledge in artistic heritage and visual studies;

To integrate knowledge in the work environment of professional field for which the student is acquiring skills;

To relate and systematize the information gathered, anchored in an updated and properly articulated theoretical framework to the requirements of professional practice;

To get an interactive experience with qualified technicians in exercise;

To contact with the demands of a profession’s quotidian;

To learn to plan, schedule and execute with existing resources;

To value ethics, persistence, consistency, initiative, creativity and quality in work;

To get reputable professional skills and become aware of the ethical aspects and the ethical principles of professional practice;

To learn to manage the different relationships with communities, users and customers;

To develop working skills and team cooperation with other professionals, as well as an entrepreneurial spirit;

To build an traineeship report.



Apply knowledge in Heritage Art and Visual Culture in the creation of a product or service;

Promote the development of initiative and decision-making skills;

Identify innovative fields in Artistic Heritage and Visual Culture;

Foster entrepreneurship in Artistic Heritage and Visual Culture;

To relate and to systematize the information gathered, anchored in a theoretical updated framework, properly articulated to the requirements of professional practice;

Contact with the market requirements in artistic heritage and visual culture;

Learn to plan, schedule, execute a product or service in Artistic Heritage and Visual Culture;

To value ethics, persistence, consistency, initiative, creativity and quality in the Artistic Heritage and Visual Culture’s field of action;

Build an individual project.

Supervison Seminar


To find and use various types of historical and iconographic sources and doctrinal documents relevant to the topic to study.

To deepen knowledge on a specific theme.

To analyze in an integrated way the art and/or heritage object.

Develop a research methodology and presentation of the object of study. Produce integrated knowledge about the object of study.

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