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Image and contexts II

Code: MHAPCV009     Acronym: IC_II

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Art History

Instance: 2024/2025 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Heritage Studies
Course/CS Responsible: History of Art, Heritage and Visual Culture

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MHAPCV 25 MHAPCV - Study Plan 1 - 6 41 162

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Hugo Daniel Silva Barreira

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical and practical : 1,50
Tutorial Supervision: 1,00
Fieldwork: 0,50
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical and practical Totals 1 1,50
Hugo Daniel Silva Barreira 1,50
Tutorial Supervision Totals 1 1,00
Hugo Daniel Silva Barreira 1,00
Fieldwork Totals 1 0,50
Hugo Daniel Silva Barreira 0,50

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


- Positioning as an active and critical observer in the universe of the image in various media and times

- To know the means, techniques and languages of the image and the questions inherent to its enjoyment and analysis

- To know and analyze the different techniques, theoretical and aesthetic principles of sound media and moving image

- To understand the concepts of intermediation, self-referencing and metafiction and analyze their presence and possible meaning in the production of images

- To understand different methods in the context of cross-sectional and transdisciplinary analysis of the art object;

- To identify and analyze images, their attributes and cultural significance.

- To apply the knowledge acquired in different contexts of research and professional practice.

Learning outcomes and competences

At the end of the semester students must be abble:

- to analyse and interpret the uses of image on diachronica and synchronic views.

- to explain the  content of images as complex units within architectural, landscape and other contexts.

- to know methodologies of study, research and interpretation of textual and image sources in the approach to the artistic object.

Working method



- Methodological and theoretical formulations on image studies in various media

- The active observer

- The audiovision

- The means, techniques and languages of the image - problematic

- The narrative possibilities of the image

- The work of art and technical reproduction

- Photography: techniques, theoretical and aesthetic principles

- Sound media: techniques, theoretical and aesthetic principles

- The means of moving image: techniques, theoretical and aesthetic principles

- Intermediality: key concepts and possibilities of approach

- Self-referencing and metafiction

- Case studies

Mandatory literature

Arnheim Rudolf 1904-2007; A arte do cinema
Barreira Hugo Daniel da Silva; Imagens na imagem em movimento
Belting Hans 1935-; Antropologia da imagem. ISBN: 879-989-97684-5-1
Berger John 1926-2017; Ways of the seeing. ISBN: 0-563-122447
Chion Michael; Audio-vision. ISBN: 0-231-07899-4
Dominique Nasta & Didier Huvelle ; Le son en perspective : nouvelles recherches, Peter Lang, 2004
Gardies René 340; Compreender o cinema e as imagens
Jacob Stevens; Framing Pictures: Film and the Visual Arts, Edinburgh University Press, 2011
Erwin Panofsky; Estudos de iconologia
Aby Warburg; Atlas Mnemosyne. ISBN: 978-84-460-2825-3

Comments from the literature

Other bibliographical information will be given when deemed appropriate.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The exposure of programmatic contents in class is supported by the presentation of audiovisual material, the analysis of primary and secondary sources and the presentation of case studies in the classroom context (WT) and in field work (TC) - approaches that aim to consolidate the acquired knowledge and promote critical exercise.
OT sessions are for the monitoring of practical work and the deepening of program contents.
This course works with distributed evaluation without final exam.


Humanities > History > Art History
Humanities > Arts > Visual arts > Film studies

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Prova oral 50,00
Trabalho escrito 50,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Frequência das aulas 41,00
Trabalho de investigação 75,00
Estudo autónomo 46,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Compulsory attendance of 75% of lesson units, except when otherwise specified in the Law.

Calculation formula of final grade

Written research assignment + oral presentation = 100%.
The timing of the presentation of the Written Work and Oral Presentation will be established by the teacher with the students' knowledge and collaboration, and will be formally announced in advance in "Documents" in the UC File.

Criteria for consideration/evaluation - oral presentation:

- Accuracy of information

- Clarity of the presentation structure

- Relevance of the information submitted in relation to the guiding idea of the presentation

- Level of understanding of the subject under study:
reflection and maturation

- Involvement and personal investment in the study and preparation of the presentation

- Suitability of the structure to the available time; capacity for synthesis and organization of information

- Originality and creativity in approaching the suject of study

- Effectiveness in the transmission of information.

Criteria for consideration/evaluation - written submission

- Creativity (choice of subject, justification of the relevance of the approach, ways of articulating acquired knowledge);

- Rigor and accuracy in the application of the specific norms of an academic work in the formal and methodological scope;

- Ability to relate the subject under study with the objectives of the UC and its transversality in the course.

This course works with distributed evaluation. The final exam will be in the form of an oral presentation.

Examinations or Special Assignments

In accordance with the Assessment Regulations in force.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to FLUP regulation.

Classification improvement

The Written Research Assignment is not subject to improvement after the delivery to the teacher, in the final version.


On the assessment:

A minimum score of 10 (out of 20) is required in each assessment component.

The hours of individual student work include visiting exhibitions and conferences assistance in accordance with the statement of the professor.

Foreign students will have specific support: 

- Regular meetings with teachers will be provided; 

- International Bibliography will be provided;

- Foreign students can do their assessment research and final examination in english (or in other language after teacher's approval);

This course works with distributed evaluation. The final exam will be in the form of an oral presentation.


Under the MHAPCV, students are encouragedto to submit papers to scientific journals with referees, as well as the participation and organization of scientific meetings. If articles resulting from the research carried out in the context of this UC, which are subject to monitoring by the teacher (s), are submitted, students must inform the submission of the article to their teachers. In addition, we ask you to indicate (in a footnote and / or during the communication) that the study was carried out in the context of this UC, within the scope of the Master in Art History, Heritage and Visual Culture of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Porto and in the present academic year.

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