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Master in Industrial Engineering and Management

General information

Official Code: 9510
Acronym: MIEIG
Description: O MIEIG resultou do processo de adequação a Bolonha da LGEI, Licenciatura em Gestão e Engenharia Industrial, criada em 1990 na FEUP sob proposta do Prof. Rui Campos Guimarães. O plano curricular do MIEIG é constituído por disciplinas de base em Matemática e Física, disciplinas tecnológicas na área da Engenharia Mecânica, e disciplinas de Gestão. Muitas disciplinas envolvem a realização de trabalhos individuais e em grupo com uso de ferramentas informáticas muito variadas. Nos últimos anos, os estudantes têm acesso a programas de intercâmbio internacional, particularmente na Europa e no Brasil. O curso termina com um projeto individual de dissertação, que normalmente é realizado numa empresa em Portugal, na Europa ou em outros países. Após o curso, os diplomados poderão desempenhar funções de engenharia industrial e gestão em várias áreas, tais como produção, distribuição, logística, aprovisionamentos, manutenção, marketing, sistemas de informação e consultadoria, ou optarem por uma carreira de investigação.


  • Industrial Engineering and Management (300 ECTS credits)
  • Engineering Sciences - Industrial Engineering and Management (180 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry

The promotion of logical reasoning, methods of analysis and the theoretical development of mathematical concepts is fundamental to support the study of the majority of course units along this programme of studies.
This course unit aims to introduce the basic fundamental concepts of Linear Algebra, Vector Algebra and Analytic Geometry.
The student must be acquainted with basic notions on trigonometry, real functions, plane analytic geometry, systems of linear equations and logic operations.
Scientific component: 100%.
At the end of this, students should be capable of:
a) Knowing vector algebraic operations, their properties and how to apply them;
b) Define vector space, vector subspace and Euclidian subspace;
c) Define linear combination of vectors, linear independence and subspace spanned by a set of vectors;
d) Define a basis and dimension of vector space; obtain the coordinates of a vector with respect to a given basis;
e) Define line and plane, properties and represent lines and planes;
f) Solve problems with lines and planes, such as distances, angles and relative positions;
g) Knowing basic matrix operations, properties and operations;
h) Define and calculate the rank of a matrix;
i) Define nonsingular matrix, properties of the inverse of a matrix and calculate the inverse of a matrix;
j) Define determinant of a matrix, properties and calculate it;
k) Analyse and solve linear systems of equations;
l) Define linear transformations, define and calculate kernel and algebraic operations;
m) Define change-of-basis matrix and apply it to problems with vector spaces and linear transformations;
n) Calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of linear transformations and knowing properties.

Mathematical Analysis I

Almost every aspect of professional work in the world involves mathematics. A solid knowledge of mathematical analysis is required for any engineering degree namely mechanics and industrial management.
Development of the reasoning capacity of the students and understanding essential mathematical concepts. Students should get solid theoretical and practical formation on the main concepts and results of sequences, differential and integral calculus real functions of one real variable.
High school math. Functions and graphs. The limit concept, the concept of continuity at a point and the derivative of a function. Differentiation rules.
Scientific component:75%
Technological component:25%
Knowledge and Understanding- Theoretical concepts and practical formation on differential and integral calculus real functions of one real variable. Polynomial approximation for real-valued functions using Taylor's polynomials and the error concept. Calculation of areas in cartesian and polar coordinates.Volume calculations.
Engineering analysis-Application of differentiation and integral calculus of one real variable function.
Engineering design- Engineering problems of one real variable.
Investigations- Practical formation on the main concepts and results of differential and integral calculus in R.
Engineering practice- Applications in Physics and Mechanics.
Transferable skills- Knowledge of differential and integral calculus of one real variable.

Industrial Drawing


In the present global market, engineers and technologists must be more and more visually literate to successfully face the increasing use of graphical communication of technical information. Technical drawing is a globally standardized graphical language for technical communication in all engineering fields. Industrial drawing, in particular, plays a significant role in the different stages of the product development process, allowing the preparation of basic documents for the establishment of industrial contracts, particularly at an international level.


Introduction of the concept of Standardization in general and of its importance in Engineering. Acquisition of deep knowledge about the representation of the nominal shape and dimensions of objects. Development of spatial visualization and technical communication skills. Introduction to the concept of Geometrical product specification (GPS). Technical skills acquired in this Unit are important for course units like “Introduction to Materials and Manufacturing Processes”, “Manufacturing Processes”, “Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing” and “Project and Team Management”.


- Basic notions about drafting and drawing instruments (secondary school).
- Fundamentals of plane and solid Euclidean geometry (secondary school).
- Elements of descriptive geometry (secondary school).


Estimated percentual distribution for the scientific and technological contents:
- Scientific component: 40 %.
- Technological component: 60 %.


At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1) Make drawings of objects in orthographic representation and with nominal dimensioning.
2) Read drawings of objects in orthographic representation and make the correspondent pictorial representations (isometric drawings).
3) Read or write geometrical specifications (tolerances) in the detail drawings of mechanical systems components and select ISO fits in order to fulfil the predetermined design requirements.

Physics and Chemestry

The pervasive presence of electronic devices and instrumentation in all aspects of engineering design and analysis is one of the manifestations of the electronic revolution that characterized the second half of the 20th century. Every aspect of engineering practice, and even of everyday life, has been affected in same way of another by electrical and electronic devices and instruments. Computers are perhaps the most obvious manifestations of this presence. However, many other areas of electrical engineering are also important for the practicing engineer, from mechanical and industrial engineering to chemical, materials engineering and civil engineering.

The integration of electronics and computer technologies in all engineering academic disciplines and the emergence of digital electronics and microcomputers as a central element of many engineering products and processes have become a common theme across the world. In this context, this course acts as an introductory course in electrical circuits analysis within the Industrial Engineering and Management curriculum.

To level the student's background in the basics of "Electricity and Electromagnetism".

A previous knowledge on electromagnetism and calculus from the secondary school , is required.

Estimated percentual distribution for the scientific and technological contents:
- Scientific component: 90 %.
- Technological component: 10 %.

It is expected that, at the end of these 4 weeks (8h of classes), the students will be able to analyse basic electrical circuits (DC analysis), achieving the required level for the 2nd semester unit on Electricity and Electronics.

Introduction to Materials and Manufacturing Processes

In the current global environmental engineers must have fundamental knowledge about the materials: diversity, properties (physical-chemical) in order to cope with the demands in various areas that embrace engineering. At the same time should match the material to the manufacturing process and the implications for properties of the final products.

Specific Objectives:
To provide the students with an elementary background in the field of Materials and Industrial Technological Processes, enabling them to integrate theoretical knowledge direct or indirectly related to the subjects of the course.

- Understanding of materials science (high school education).

Estimated percentage distribution of scientific and technological content:
- Scientific Component: 70%.
- Component technology: 30%

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course it is expected that the students:
1.Know the characteristic properties of the main material groups used in industry and the associated processing methods.
2.Have the ability to select adequate materials to produce a given component (through catalogue and data bases or property tables analysis), and connect them with available manufacturing processes.
3.Will be able to comprehend (stress / strain, etc) diagrams and extract the elements needed to characterize corresponding material properties.
4.To understand the concepts required to theoretically analysis of these processes.
5.To identify the equipment and terminology related to these processes.
6.To design forming products and tools based on modern methods of analysis and manufacturing.


Almost every aspect of professional work in the world involves mathematics. A calculus course is a gateway to technical and professional careers for a wide range of curricula. A solid knowledge of mathematical analysis is required for any engineering degree namely mechanics and industrial management.
To review the basics of mathematical analysis. To acquire theoretical and practical concepts of differential calculus in R.
High school math. Recognition of relationships that expresses one variable as a function of another: functions and graphs. The limit concept, the concept of continuity at a point and the derivative of a function.
Scientific component:75%
Technological component:25%
Knowledge and Understanding-The basics of differential calculus.
Engineering analysis-Application of differentiation rules of one real variable function.
Engineering design- Identification of derivatives as slope predictors and rates of change.
Investigations- Dependent variables as a function of both of the intermediate variable and of the independent variable.
Engineering practice- Differentiation of composite functions. Applied maximum-minimum simple problems.
Transferable skills- Differentiation rules.

Computer Programming I

Many engineering and management problems are today difficult to solve without a computer. In order to solve those problems is essential to know how to create algorithms and build computer programs. These skills are fundamental along the course but also in supporting future engineering work.

The aim of this course is to provide students with fundamental knowledge about Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and, in particular, allow them to develop their skills in computer programming.

Although is not mandatory it is useful previous knowledge in Information Technology and programming.

Scientific component: 60%
Technological component:40%

The students should be able to:
- identify different computer equipments and technical terms used in this area;
-work with operating systems such as MS-Windows and Unix and use different functions of computer networks;
- use the Internet for different purposes: communication between users, access to remote computers, document transfer and information (design of HTML pages and programming in script languages)
- use applications of personal productivity such as word processors, graphic applications and presentation. To be capable of developing integrated applications using programming languages such as Visual Basic for Applications (VBA);
- create algorithms in a pseudo language;
- implement algorithms and develop applications using Visual Basic language;
- develop applications using object oriented programming in Visual Basic in Windows environment

Project FEUP

FEUP002 - ECTS Objectives:
- To receive and integrate the new coming students.
- To introduce the most important services
- To teach “Soft Skills” and to stress their importance (soft skills: team work, communication, etc)
- To discuss a scientific theme/ project

Learning Outcomes:
RES_1: To know FEUP and to use its services, such as: CICA, SICC, SERAC, SDI.
RES_2: To have communication skills (report, oral presentation and poster)
RES_3: To have research skills and to be organized
RES_4: To have team work skills: to make part of a team, to be assessed; to have flexible interpersonal relationships; to have the ability to interiorize and respect group rules
RES_5: To reach the specific aims of the Theme/Project.

Note: Further down is explained how each of theses results are assessed

Mathematical Analysis II

Almost every aspect of professional work in the world involves mathematics. A solid knowledge of mathematical analysis is required for any engineering degree namely to compute physical quantities.
Development of the reasoning capacity of the students and knowledge of essential mathematical concepts. Students should get solid theoretical and practical formation on the main concepts and results of differential and integral calculus of several variables, including the basic theorems of calculus. Computation of physical quantities.
Functions and graphs. Knowledge of differential and integral calculus of one real variable.
Scientific component:75%
Technological component:25%
Knowledge and Understanding- Parametric curves in Rn and normal and tangent vectors; to calculate line integrals on that curves. Partial and directional derivatives for real-valued and vector-valued functions; gradient vector and jacobian matrix. The chain rule for real-valued and vector-valued functions including implicit functions. Maxima and minima of unconstrained functions of two and three variables and for constrained functions as well as using Lagrange multipliers method applied to functions with one or two constraints. Evaluation of double integrals over general regions in R2 using rectangular and polar coordinates. Establishment of the relationship between the line integral and the double integral based on the Green’s theorem. Calculation of triple integrals over regions on R3 using rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
Engineering analysis- Differential and integral calculus of several variables.
Engineering design- Engineering problems of multiple variables.
Investigations- Practical formation on the main concepts and results of differential and integral calculus in Rn.
Engineering practice- Computation of physical quantities.
Transferable skills- Knowledge of differential and integral calculus of several real variable functions.



To deal with the economics of management and the need to manage scarce resources are the main justification for this unit.
1. To be capable of solving problems and justify arguments
2. To be capable of dealing with new and unfamiliar situations in different and multidisciplinary contexts
3. To be capable of collecting, selecting and interpreting relevant information to justify solutions and opinions
4. To be capable of integrating knowledge, dealing with complex subjects and developing solutions with limited information, by reflecting on ethic and social responsibilities
5. Continuous assessment; group assignment; presentation and discussion;
6. To be capable of communicating conclusions (knowledge and reasoning related to them) to specialists and non-specialists in a clear and objective way.
7. To be capable of taking a long-life learning in a self-oriented and autonomous way by showing a proactive attitude

Students should be capable of collecting, selecting and interpreting economic and financial information, so that they can integrate them in complex and multidisciplinary situations.
According to the program of this course unit, students should be capable of:

- applying Economics principles: principle of scarcity; cost-benefit principle; increasing opportunity costs; principle of comparative advantage and economic efficiency;
- performing an elementary cost-benefit analysis;
- interpreting and commenting on the economic situations based on macroeconomic variables;
- reaching a concluding by the evolution of relationships between the main aggregates and their consequences regarding opportunities and limitations to companies, families, investors and government;
- formulating elementary decision making scenarios, in order to meet the objectives of the different economic society members in a concrete economic situation, which is characterized by some economic indicators;
- questioning decision variables in order to reach producers’ short-term objectives;
- questioning decision variables to meet consumers’ objectives.


The previous knowledge required is intermediate algebra level


Principle of economics: 20%; micreoeconomics: 40%; maroeconomics:40%.

At the end of the first month of classes, students should be capable of:
- applying the general principles of Economics;
- interpreting economic mechanisms in a macroeconomic level, in order to interpret and comment on the country situation based on macroeconomic variables.

At the end of the semester, students should be capable of:
- applying their knowledge.

Electricity and Electronics

The pervasive presence of electronic devices and instrumentation in all aspects of engineering design and analysis is one of the manifestations of the electronic revolution that characterized the second half of the 20th century. Every aspect of engineering practice, and even of everyday life, has been affected in same way of another by electrical and electronic devices and instruments. Computers are perhaps the most obvious manifestations of this presence. However, many other areas of electrical engineering are also important for the practicing engineer, from mechanical and industrial engineering to chemical, materials engineering and civil engineering.

The integration of electronics and computer technologies in all engineering academic disciplines and the emergence of digital electronics and microcomputers as a central element of many engineering products and processes have become a common theme across the world. In this context, this course acts as an introductory course in electrical circuits and electronics within the Industrial Engineering and Management curriculum.

The main objective of this course is to present the basic principles and foundations of Electricity and Electronics to the Industrial Engineering and Management students. That is, to an audience composed of non-electrical engineering students.

A second objective is to present the essential material in an uncomplicated fashion, focusing on the important results and applications, and presenting the students with the most appropriate analytical and computational tools to solve a variety of practical problems.

A previous knowledge on basic electricity, from Physics and Chemistry course, and differential and integral calculus, from Mathematical Analysis I course, is required.

Estimated percentual distribution for the scientific and technological contents:
- Scientific component: 60 %.
- Technological component: 40 %.

At the end of the course, the students should:
1. be able to use the fundamental techniques for the analysis of DC and AC circuits, including 3-phase circuits;
2. be able to use the fundamental techniques for the analysis of electronic circuits (diodes, transistors and operational amplifiers);
3. have practice with basic laboratory equipment: multimeters, oscilloscopes, power supplies and signal generators.

Manufacturing Processes

In the context of Industrial Engineering and Management, teh engineer must have undamental knowledge about the mian principle envolved in ​​manufacturing processes in order to able to understand all the variables involved and can to be able to act on them.

This course unit aims to endow students with knowledge in the field of Industrial Technological Processes. This course unit comprises the manufacturing process of casting and the fundamental characteristics of rapid prototyping processes. It also comprises stock removal processes and corresponding tools.

- Understanding materials properties (prior semester).

Estimated percentage distribution of scientific and technological content:
- Scientific Component:40%.
- Component technology:60%

At the end of the semester, students should be capable of:
1. understanding the necessary concepts to perform a theoretical analysis of these processes
2. identifying equipments and terminology
3. identifying the name and the fundamental characteristics of casting and process and rapid prototyping and corresponding tools;
4. identifying the name and the fundamental characteristics of stock removal processes and corresponding tools
5. relating the different methods of manufacturing to reach machining sequences.

Computer Programming II

Many engineering and management problems are today difficult to solve without a computer. In order to solve those problems is essential to know how to create algorithms and build computer programs. These skills are fundamental along the course but also in supporting future engineering work.

The aim of this course is to provide the students with a fundamental knowledge about Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and, in particular, allow them to develop their skills in computer programming.

Build algorithms and develop sequential computer programs.

Scientific component: 60%
Technological component:40%

The students should be able to:
-build MS-Excel spreadsheets models using formulas and VBA programming;
-use sequential and random access files in MS-Visual Basic;
-develop web pages with programming script languages (ASP, ASPX);
-create algorithms using primitive and complex data structures;
-build windows applications using object oriented programming in VB.

Mathematical Analysis III

Mechanical Engineering evolution shows that advanced mathematics is of main importance in present skills and research areas.
Development of the reasoning capacity of the students and knowledge of advanced mathematics for engineers. Students should get solid theoretical and practical skills on the main concepts and results of differential and integral calculus of several variables and be able to develope some technological applications.
Functions, graphs, three-dimensional integration, differential and integral calculus and linear algebra.
Scientific component 75%
Technological component 25%
Knowledge and understanding of: ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Linear equations of first order, Riccati equation, homogeneous equations and orthogonal trajectories. Equations of higher order. Reduction of order: some examples. Linear equations of order n , homogeneous solution and particular solution: method of variation of parameters. Systems of differential equations. The Laplace Transform. The s-shifting theorem and t-shifting theorem, the convolution theorem. The Laplace Transform of discontinuos functions. Application to differential equations
LINE INTEGRAL of scalar and vector functions. Independence of path. Work done by a force. Green’s Theorem. SURFACE INTEGRAL. Area of a surface, mass, center of gravity, centroid and moment of inertia. Flux integral. Theorems of Stoke´s and Gauss. FOURIER ANALYSIS Fourier Series. Euler formulas . Even and odd functions, half-range expansions. Approximation by trigonometric polynomials and minimum square error.
PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Equations of first order. General solution of linear equations. Surfaces orthogonal to a family of surfaces. Second order equations. Solution by the method of factorization for homogeneous partial differential equations with constant coefficients. The wave equation: D’Alembert solution and separation of variables. The heat equation.

Industrial Automation


To provide the future graduates with a set of basic and structuring concepts on Industrial Automation, enabling the dialogue with specialists of the area and the capability of making choices, technically and scientifically based, between several proposed solutions for a given problem. To provide the students with the necessary tools so they can be able to understand, characterize, specify and design industrial automatic systems that use pneumatic or electrical actuating systems.

This course aims to introduce and develop a set of concepts and knowledge in the field of pneumatic drives, electrical and control systems necessary for the selection and implementation of industrial automation systems.

The students should have basic knowledge of logic, electrical circuits and programming skills.

Scientific component – 30%
Technological component - 70%

By the end of this course, the student will be able to:
• Identify driving and control equipment used in automatic systems;
• Describe the operating principles and applicability of equipment used for driving and control functions in automatic systems;
• Evaluate and specify driving and control solutions;
• Calculate driving and control solutions for pneumatic, hydraulic and electromechanical systems;
•Design control systems based on cabled logic with pneumatic and electromechanical components;
• Develop control solutions using Programmable logic controllers.

Statistics I

There is no functional business area that operates today without a good understanding of Statistics. As such, Statistics plays a fundamental role in the decision making process of any engineer and should be taught in all engineering syllabus.

The aim of the course units Statistics I and II is to endow students of the "Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Industrial e Gestão" with an integrated vision of the basic concepts and statistic techniques frequently applied. At the end of these course units, students should be capable of using methods of statistic analysis in an autonomous way. Statistics I is manly focused on providing a solid knowledge of the basic statistical concepts.

High school math.
EM0009: Integral Calculus in R.

100 % scientific.

At the end of the semester, students should be capable of:
(I) identifying the concepts of this course unit in a structured way;
(II) using tools of descriptive statistics in the analysis of data samples;
(III) solving common problems, which involve elementary probability theory, random variables, probability distributions and point and interval estimation.


EIG0013 - ECTS This course unit aims to acquaint students with mechanical properties of metal, polymeric and ceramic alloys.

At the end of the first five weeks, students should be capable of:
1- understanding the microstructures of steel and cast iron and relate them to the chemical composition and cooling speeds in different thermal treatments
2- relating microstructures with mechanical properties: resistance, ductility and tenacity.

At the end of the semester, students should:
3- be familiar with the names and objectives of the main ways of supply of metal alloys and corresponding thermal treatments;
4- be capable of identifying the main commercial polymers and their advantages and limitations;
5- be capable of identifying the advantages and limitations of polymers manufacturing processes;
6- be capable of identifying the general properties of ceramic materials and traditional applications of ceramics.

Mechanics I

EM0014 - ECTS Specific Objectives
The students should identify correctly the forces acting on a structure and its connections. They should be able to perform the characterization of the internal loads resulting from external forces and to characterize the components in respect to its mass distribution.
At the end of the semester the students should:
-Identify all the actions and external connections on a structure and to obtain the free body diagram;
-Use the vector calculus to solve static problems and know the concepts of static equilibrium and body system;
- Analyze the internal loads in frames and identify its connection forces with and without dry friction (Coulomb);
- Learn how to characterize areas and volumes in what concerns its mass distribution, its gravity center and inertia matrix. The students should be familiar with the fundamental concepts to obtain the first and the second moment and product of areas and solids (the centroid and the inertia matrix).

Numerical Analysis

General objectives:
The students will be able to choose the most efficient methods for the solution of each basic Numerical Analysis problem. The students are expected to understand the theorems and convergence conditions of each of the methods described, to be able to program them, to test them effectively on a computer and discuss the results obtained.

For each chapter in the program the successful students
will be able to list the applicability conditions of the numerical methods and state the corresponding theorems of convergence;
they will be able to apply the methods, formula and algorithms taught to simple problems;
they will be able to describe the behavior of the methods, translate them into algorithms and
‘Matlab Functions’ as well as test them on examples comparing and analyzing the results;
they will explain the proofs of the theorems given and apply the proof techniques involved to other related situations;
they will be able to solve new problems with the numerical tools here taught and compare the performance of the various numerical methods in terms of speed and accuracy.

The students are supposed to know the subjects taught in Linear Algebra and Mathematical Analysis as well as in Computer programming

Teoretical matters 60%
practical matters 40%

The students will do small computer projects and self evaluation tests available on the e-learning platform Moodle, from GATIUP, which do not count directly to the final classification. The final exam will include questions about knowledge acquired in these projects and quizzes.
The classifications will be obtained in a partial quiz (25%) and in the final exam (75%). For students with more than 16 the exam will be completed with an oral exam.

Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

In the present global market, there is an increasing demand for highly sophisticated functions of workpieces at a low-cost and a tendency to use both sub-contracting and outsourcing. With those goals, computational systems assume increasingly importance. CAD and CNC systems are major examples of those systems that are progressively been integrated in leader industries. With so high importance in nowadays industry, it is crucial that engineers know deeply their main characteristics and functions as well as have the ability to handle and process the geometrical and non-geometrical information involved.
As such, the course Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing promotes the consistent and efficient use of 2D/3D CAD and CNC systems, resulting from the integration of concepts on technical product documentation, standardization of mechanical systems and components and on geometrical product specifications.

To transmit to the students the capacity to handle geometric and non-geometric information in the production area.
Development of standardization concepts in Mechanical Engineering Drawing. First approach to conception drawing. Introduction to the functional analysis of mechanical systems, through the study of their assembly drawings and the detail drawing of some of their components.
To implement computer programs that allow the processing of the information retrieved from commercial software.
To identify and use the diverse characteristics inherent to the drafting programs and numerical controlled machines.

Students should have knowledge to:
- Make drawings of objects in orthographic representation and with nominal dimensioning (course Technical Drawing).
- Understand and define geometrical specifications (tolerances) in detail drawings of mechanical systems components and select ISO fits in order to fulfill predetermined design requirements (course Technical Drawing).
- Select materials and manufacturing processes for components (courses Introduction to Materials and Manufacturing Processes and Manufacturing Processes).

Estimated percentual distribution for the scientific and technological contents:
- Scientific component: 40 %.
- Technological component: 60 %.

By the end of the semester, the students should:
1. Be acquainted with CAD/CAM systems;
2. To know concepts on standardization in Mechanical Engineering Drawing;
3. To understand of the functional work of mechanisms from the study of their assembly drawings;
4. Be capable of design a definition drawing or an assembly drawing using CAD systems;
5. Be able to create three-dimensional components of mechanical systems and be capable of assembling them using CAD systems;
6. Be able to obtain definition and assembly drawings previously created, or one of their components using CAD systems, easily;
7. Know how to develop computer programs to process information of CAD/CAM systems;
8. Be acquainted with the main concepts of numerical command systems and associated machine tools;
9. Know how to develop numerical command programs for milling and turning lathe machines.

Statistics II

There is no functional business area that operates today without a good understanding of Statistics. As such, Statistics plays a fundamental role in the decision making process of any engineer and should be taught in all engineering syllabus.

The aim of the course units Statistics I and II is to endow students of the "Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Industrial e Gestão" with an integrated vision of the basic concepts and statistic techniques frequently applied. At the end of these course units, students should be capable of using methods of statistic analysis in an autonomous way. Statistics II is manly focused on applying statistical techniques.

EIG0015: All topics.

100 % scientific.

At the end of this course unit students should be able to:
(I) define hypothesis and test them statistically;
(II) perform different types of parametric and non-parametric tests;
(III) perform analysis of variance;
(iv) perform regression analysis;
(v) use Microsoft Excel to apply the above mentioned techniques.

Mechanics II

EM0018 - ECTS 1. To understand and to apply the essential concepts of KINEMATICS which are related with the motion of RIGID BODIES. To determine its velocity and acceleration.
2. To know how to determine velocity fields and contemporaneous accelerations in absolute or relative motions of the various mechanism components in an arbitrary 3D motion.
3. To identify what happens on a solid due to its motion (mass and inertia).
4. To know how to determine the dynamic balance of mechanical systems through vector theorems, energy theorems, impulse theorem and quantity of movement.

By the end of the semester, students should know how to analyze kinematic and dynamic behaviours of bi dimensional and tri dimensional mechanisms.

Industrial Automation Systems


Industrial automation systems can be considered at various levels and perspectives. In an industrial engineering and management professionals perspective, being aware of the potential of automation technologies is essential. A global view of the automation systems is particularly relevant for understanding and evaluating their application within the complex production systems.
This course complements the technical background previously acquired by exposing the students to computer communications and automation solutions available to support the main activities at the shop floor level and the planning levels, both technological and organisational.


A central aspect will be to analyse how each of the automation elements presented, either individually or as a system, can support the manufacturing processes and operations so they will not pose a limitation to the overall objectives, or needs, of the company or enterprise. In addition to an understanding of the technological issues involved in each of the specific automation systems, it is also an objective to discuss and understand their contribution to modern manufacturing concepts such as production flexibility and integration.


This course can take advantage on technical knowledge previously acquired on other courses:
- sensors/actuators, programmable logic controllers from Industrial Automation-IA, EIG0014;
- product data representation and CAD models from Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing- CFAC, EIG0016).


Estimated percentual distribution for the scientific and technological contents:
- Scientific component: 30 %.
- Technological component: 70 %.


At the end of the course, the students should be able of:
1. Identifying the most recent and relevant elements of automation in production systems.
2. Explaining how these elements participate in the decision processes and flows of information of the company.
3. Evaluating the possibilities and understanding the limitations of these elements as automation alternatives at the production level.
4. Understanding the application of these elements of automation beyond the production systems.
5. Understanding and evaluating modern concepts of manufacturing systems such as production flexibility and integration.

Operational Research I

In order to become leaders of organizations in today's highly competitive business environment, managers must be aware of fundamental tools and methods for quantitative modelling. The purpose of the Operational Research I course is to make students aware of the main concepts and key-aspects of the quantitative techniques studied, as well as develop the require skills to identify the situations where these techniques can be applied, as well as the expertise to apply them successfully in a real world context. This course also has a formative character, in particular in what concerns the development of rationality and respect for rigour.

This course unit aims to acquaint students with underlying knowledge in Operations Research techniques. It will be stressed its role as a method for taking decisions.

EIG0015 - Statistics I
EIG0018 - Statistics II

Scientific component: 70%
Technological component: 30%

This course unit aims to endow students with the following skills:
a) to identify decision problems;
b) to apply the various stages of problem solving decision, namely the definition and structure of problems, construction of models, use of quantitative methods to obtain a solution;
c) to critically analyse a solution;
d) to recognize the importance of the role of the agent of change in organisations.

Solid Mechanics and Structures

EIG0020 - ECTS The main objectives are to help the students to develop the Knowledge that will make them to develop competences in the context of Solid Mechanics.Make them able to solve some problems and be able to understand why solids and structures do not fall down in service.
Since when the students arrive to this subject they only have a knowledge of statics and some simple mass geometry concepts they will be confronted with the use of this knowledge to develop the main concepts of the theory of elasticity and apply this concepts to solve simple problems of Beams in flexion and torsion.
The outcomes expected are:
Capacity to use the stress tensor, the strain tensor and make operations with them. Be able to relate them and to have a proper sense in judging the values using a criterion of resistance.
To be able to solve problems of beams in bending.
To be able to deal with torsion problems.


EIG0023 - ECTS In this course it is aimed that students are able to correctly implement different economical concepts to understand the way markets work and the interaction between the economic agents.

Information Systems I

Industrial Engineering and Management graduates will increasingly work on organizations using information systems to operate or to support operations and business strategies. It is therefore important that they know the basic technical concepts required to understand how information systems work, and to be able to negotiate with informatics departments specifications and designs in order to deploy effective information systems that are aligned with the objectives and strategies of organizations.

The main aim of this course unit is to educate students to design adequate information systems that fulfil users’ needs and the objectives of organisations, always taking into account the short, medium and long term.

In particular to allow students to:
- Use conceptual modelling techniques, particularly UML class diagrams and use case diagrams.
- Apply user interface modelling techniques.
- Use design methods for developing information systems based on existing software processes.
- Apply relational modelling techniques.
- Use Database Management Systems (DBMS) for information systems prototyping.

Students will need a basic understanding of mathematics, in particular of relational algebra and calculus, and basic computer skills, all usually acquired before University education.

The following courses are also relevant for Information Systems I:
EIG0007: Computer Programming
EIG0011: Computer Programming II

- Modelling concepts (conceptual modelling, relational modelling, user interface modelling, information systems development process modelling): 60%
- Technological concepts (relational database systems, programming, group project): 40%

At the end of this course students will be able to:
- Develop the project plan for the development of an information system, from requirements specification and design to implementation;
- Establish the specification of requirements for an information system in natural language;
- Design an information system through use case diagrams, class diagrams, normalized relational model, and user interface mock-ups;
- Implement a prototype information system using a relational database management system, in particular Microsoft Access.

Termodinamics and Heat Transfer

EIG0019 - ECTS By the end of the course the students will be able to do the following things:
Basic engineering calculations: define, calculate and estimate properties, or variations in properties, of substances or of thermodynamic systems, such as enthalpy, internal energy, entropy, specific volume, mass flow rate, pressure and temperature.
Thermodynamic calculations using the first law: Define and calculate works of acceleration and elevation of masses, in a gravitational field, electric, shaft and boundary displacement. Define and calculate heat and work exchanges between a system and its neighbourhood in close and open systems, stationary or
unsteady flow.
Applications of the second law: calculate ideal thermal efficiencies of heat engines, refrigerators and heat pumps. Define and calculate efficiencies of several energy conversion devices. Define and calculate isentropic efficiencies of several steady flow devices.
Power and refrigeration cycles: draw the thermodynamic cycles in properties plots and calculate their thermal efficiencies with several degrees of realism.
Heat transfer: perform calculations of heat transfer by conduction in plane, cylindrical and spherical surfaces.
Computation: Use the EES program in the resolution of problems involving energy balances and other thermodynamic applications.
Team work: work effectively in problem-solving teams and carry out meaningful performance assessments of individual team members


EIG0027 - ECTS This course unit aims to endow students with knowledge, which make them able to develop and interpret reports of accounting information, which underpin firms’ economic and financial analysis and are an integral part of the decision processes.
This course unit also aims to acquaint students with the problems of management accounting which companies come across, giving a special emphasis to production, stocks and sales valuation.

Operational Research II

In order to become leaders of organizations in today's highly competitive business environment, managers must be aware of fundamental tools and methods for quantitative modelling. The purpose of the Operational Research II course is to make students aware of the main concepts and key-aspects of advanced operational research techniques, as well as to develop the skills required to apply these techniques successfully.

This course unit aims to acquaint students with advanced knowledge in Operational Research techniques, including stochastic methods.

EIG0015 - Statistics I
EIG0018 - Statistics II
EIG0022 - Operational Research I

Scientific component: 70%
Technological component: 30%

This course unit aims to endow students with the following skills:
1. Know the key-concepts and features of the different Operational Research techniques and algorithms included in the course program.
2. Construct models to represent real-word problems
3. Solve those problems using the techniques presented in this course.

Fluid Mechanics

A good engineering background should have a good part of physics. An engineer who mastered physical concepts and knows methods of analysis has advantage in study and design of new solutions. Students must correctly understand the differences in pressure, forces, velocities and flow rates acting on a flow system.

This course unit aims to make students understand and analyse the behaviour of fluids at rest and in motion, based on the fundamental laws of mechanics and using specific methodologies. Hence they can solve problems of fluid mechanics in the areas of engineering.

EM0005 Vector Algebra; Determinants; Systems of Linear Equations.
EM0009 Functions and graphs. The limit concept, the concept of continuity at a point and the derivative of a function.
EM0010 Evaluation of double integrals over general regions in R2 using rectangular and polar coordinates.
EIG0019 Basic concepts of Thermodynamics, properties of pure substances, first Law of Thermodynamics.

Scientific component: 100%.

At the end of the first month, students should be capable of:
1. characterizing fluids regarding their properties. Students should also be capable of solving simple problems using Newton’s law of viscosity.
2. applying hydrostatic principles to determine pressure, centres of pressure and manometry.
3. applying Bernoulli equation to the study of flows, discharge measurement and flow velocity.

At the end of the semester, students should be capable of:
4. applying and be acquainted with the basic principles of dimensional analysis in the experimental study of fluid mechanics
5. applying mass and energy conservation equations to the study of duct flows.
6. understanding the functioning of pumps and ventilators, so that the right equipment is selected.
7. determining interaction forces associated to flows and immersed bodies

Machine Elements

EM0038 - ECTS 1- BACKGROUND - Students are expected to use knowledge already obtained in other courses

2- SPECIFIC AIMS - The objective of this course is to give knowledge relevant for machine design, through the analysis of design problems and of some machine elements frequently used.

3- PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE - Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Structures and Materials

4- PERCENTUAL DISTRIBUTION - 50% theoretical lectures, 50% practical exercises by the students

5- LEARNING OUTCOMES - to design machine elements

Information Systems II

Information Systems (IS) are essential in supporting business process and operations. Many IS projects fail, so it necessary to understand the different aspects that affect IS implementation success. Most of current IS have web interfaces so it is important to know web programming languages and how to develop IS to the Internet.

Understand the role of Information Systems (IS) in organisations and the importance of meeting organisations’ strategy. Make decisions in IS mainly in the area of planning and IS management. Be able to develop IS for the Internet.

Computer programming, relational databases models and SQL.

Scientific component:40%
Technological component:60%

- understand the role of Information Systems (IS) in organisations and the importance of meeting organisations’ strategy;
- know the main business models of digital economy;
- understand how to make decisions in IS, mainly in the area of planning and IS management;
- explore IS concerning business analysis and knowledge management;
- broaden students’ knowledge in Database Management Systems, mainly in Unified Modeling Language (UML), relational model and SQL;
- endow students with skills to develop Web applications.

Operations Management

EIG0029 - ECTS 1-BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of Production Systems is a source of competitive advantage for companies or countries. Operations Management provide guidelines on how to design, organize, operate and control systems of people, raw materials, equipment and facilities in order to serve the customers of products or services in competitive terms.

2-SPECIFIC AIMS: The aim of this course is to provide the students an integrated vision of important concepts, techniques and strategies of the Production/Operations Management. By completing the course, one expects that the students acquire a global vision of the concepts, problems and available tools, enabling them to take better decisions in the scope of the field of study. The students are expected to better analyze production situations, recognizing “trade-offs” between Cost, Quality, Time and Flexibility in devising solutions for competitive systems. They should be aware of the Strategic, Tactical and Operational levels of the decisions to be taken.

Material Source
Statistical Distributions Statistics I
Linear Programming Operational Research I
Integer Programming Operational Research II

Scientific component 20%
Technological component 80 %

Knowledge and Understanding – Understand the importance of Operations Management to obtain competitive advantages in the market; Know the main methods to deal with the problems faced to manage the main types of production organization.

Engineering Analysis – Student will be able to use tools of process analysis to better describe the problems faced or to do diagnostics of existing systems to prioritize improvements.

Engineering Design – Students will better understand the connections between Product and Process design, taking in account the production volume forecasted and the economic implications of the decisions taken at the start of the project.

Investigations – The use of internet resources and DVD of the main book is required to obtain a better understanding of the field of study.

Engineering Practice – The use of several simulations during the practical sessions and the two full days of “immersive” dedication to a “digital production simulator” provides “hands-on” experience in better solving production problems. Solving the proposed cases promotes team skills and applying the tools learned.

Transferable Skills - Students should be able to use the skills of “connect the dots” between different sides of the problems and manage the interactions of the proposed solutions to more complex problems.

Total Quality Management

EIG0028 - ECTS 1. Background
Nowadays, quality management methods and tools are ubiquitous within the activity of an industrial engineer QM. From product design, to production management and procurement, quality management is always present. Therefore, an industrial engineer should master the quality management methods and techniques, and he should have the ability to develop quality management systems and manage quality improvement projects.
2. Aims
The course aims at providing the students a deep understanding of the quality management principles, knowledge of the fundamental methods and techniques and the skill required to apply them on the design of industrial quality management systems and on quality improvement projects.
3.Previous knowledge (Course Statistics I and II)
• Descriptive statistics and elementary probability theory
• Random variables and fundamental univariate discrete and univariate continuous distributions
• Statistical inference: confidence intervals and hypothesis testing

4. Percent distribution
• Scientific component:50%
• Technological component:50%

5. Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students should:
• understand the fundamental and principles of quality control, quality assurance and quality management
• be able to identify, model and analyze business processes
• be able to develop quality management systems according to ISO9001 standard
• know the fundamental quality tools and the problem solving methodology and be able to apply them using software tools
• know advanced quality tools like statistical process control and be able to to apply quality tools in manufacturing and product development

Financial Management

EIG0032 - ECTS

The course covers the basic issues in the main subareas of corporate finance.

Specic Aims

Develop fundamental insights into decisions of corporate finance as well as problem solving capacities in this field.

Previous Knowledge

Basic accounting concepts.

Learning Outcomes

It is intended that at the end of the course students are capable of
1- analysing companies audit reports and doing an economic and financial diagnosis of the company
2- dealing with the main financial decisions in a company, both in operational and strategic areas

Logistics Management

The logistics function is, overtime, becoming more important for the organizations. This course approaches this from a cross-functional perspective and addresses the interfaces with marketing (other course) and with production management (other course).

The aim is to give students an integrated view of the logistics function, from inbound to outbound and across the Supply Chain. In particular, to develop the skills required to manage logistics, to conceive a warehouse, to design a fleet (size and mix) and to define inventory levels and control models.

General basic knowledge/background Engineering students have on the 4th year.

* Scientific component - 50%
* Technological component - 50%

At the end of this subject, students should be able to:
- understand the role of logistics management in the organization
- understand the basic concepts of supply chain management
- design/conceive a warehouse
- define the fleet size & mix required for a given situation
- establish adequate inventory levels and control mechanisms


In the global and very competitive markets we are living, the understanding of the importance of the consumer oriented companies is crucial for its sustainability. This discipline focuses on this student understanding in several practical situations and apply to the use of different Marketing concepts and techniques.
The main objective of this discipline is to transmit to the students basic knowledge in the area of Marketing to allow them (i) to understand the importance of the customer´s approach in the success of Enterprise Strategies and Politic Leadership and (II) to elaborate a Strategic Marketing Plan.
It is also aimed to endow students with real enterprise experiences and techniques, so that the beginning of their professional careers should be done in an easier and successfully way.
It is important the basic Engineering knowledge, usual in the students of the 4th year mainly in:
EIG0012 Economics
EIG0023 Microeconomics
EIG0027 Accounting
EIG0021 Information Systems I
Scientific component (based in Marketing concepts understanding) – 40%
Technological component (based in concepts practical application) – 60%
At the end of this course the students should be able to:
- deeply understand the importance of the Marketing concept in the Company’s core business definition and in its consequent strategic development
- understand markets and environmental approach techniques including a market research construction.
- be aware of the importance of the positioning preliminary to the strategic option
- understand the Marketing strategy construction using the Marketing Mix resources
- be aware of the complementarities between the market offer (product/price) and the persuasion (distribution/communication) and its specific policies.
- be comfortable in the several Market fields: consumer/industrial products and services and e-marketing and international Marketing.
- construct an applied Marketing Strategy.

Project Appraisal

EIG0035 - ECTS Background

This subject deals with the analysis of one of the most important decisions in Corporate Finance - the allocation of funds to capital projects, in order to maximize firm value.

Specic Aims

To provide students with the knowledge of basic methodologies for the analysis of the financial and economic feasibility of investment projects, in certainty and uncertainty conditions.

Previous Knowledge

Basic accounting concepts; basic financial mathematics.

Learning Outcomes

It is intended that at the end of the course students
know how to justify the decision making of real investments in companies, and are capable of analysing and ellaborating Business Plans.

Maintenance Management

EIG0033 - ECTS
The effectiveness of the Maintenance of a Production Plant lies in its ability of assuring a certain required level of technical availability, and optimizing the entrepreneurial productivity and flexibility and the product’s quality itself. All the maintenance actions shall comply with defined strategic company goals and organizational schemes.

Specific Aims
The aim of this subject is to acquaint the students with an integrated overall view of concepts, techniques and strategies most commonly used in Maintenance Management. At the end of the course it is expected that students have a global view of concepts, problems, available tools and decision support systems to help them making the best decisions to solve the main maintenance management problems related to TPM (total productive maintenance) and RCM (reliability centered maintenance).

Previous Knowledge
Operational Research I
Operational Research II
Statistics I
Statistics II
Procution Management
Total Quality Management

Percentual Distribution
Technological component 25%
Scientific component 75%.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the semester, students should be capable of:
- Analyse the actual or expected reliability of a product, process or service, identifying the actions to reduce the failures and mitigate their effect;
- Acquire competences in using tools and techniques for the lifetime analysis of systems;
- Acquire detailed knowledge of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
- Understand the critical factors of success when implementing TPM plans;
- Use tools and methodologies to support TPM, such as Kobetsu Kaizen, Autonomous Maintenance and Planned Maintenance

Human Resources Management

The main aim of this course unit is to train students on human resources/people management, by stressing the importance of Human Resources Management as an area, which deals with policies, systems, orientation and strategies of organisation. This course unit also aims to develop students’ skills on the use of different Human Resources Management tools, which contribute to a more efficient management of people.
The main objective of this discipline is to convey to students basic knowledge in the area of Human Resourses Management in order to allow them (i) to understand the importance of Human Resources Planning in the whole company startegy;(ii) to be aware of the current challenges of HRM; (iii) to know and understand the core HRM functions and respective tools; (iv)to acquire and comprehend the most important concepts regarding organizational behavior.
It is also aimed to lead students to take contact with real experiences in the area of HRM.
Basics of Organization Management.
Scientific component (based in in the classification of two theoretical tests) – 50%
Technological component (based in an assignment carried out within a real company) – 40%
Others (critical summary of HR professionals' talks) - 10%
At the end of this course the students should be able to:
- identify how firms gain sustainable competitive advantage through people;
- understand the advantages of integrating human resources planning and strategic planning;
- recognize job analyis, job design, HR recuitment and selection, HR training and development and HR appraisal as HR main functions;
- be familiar with the approaches and techniques used in the scope of the different HR functions;
- be confortable with leadership and motivation theories and be able to apply them to practical examples

Project and Team Management I

EIG0037 - ECTS 1- BACKGROUND - Knowledge of the design of machine elements.

2- SPECIFIC AIMS - Development of standardization concepts in Mechanical Engineering Drawing. Improvement of spatial visualization and technical communication skills. Introduction to the design drawing. Introduction to the functional analysis of mechanical systems, through the reading of their assembly drawings and the detail drawing of some of their components.

3- PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE - Machine elements design

4- PERCENTUAL DISTRIBUTION - 100% Development of a small mechanical design project

5- LEARNING OUTCOMES - Selection of machine elements.Development of the ability to establish relationships between the design, product definition, manufacturing and verification phases. Capacity to develop small projects in machine design.

General Management

The students do several courses on functional areas of a company (production, finance, HR, etc, ...). This course is intended to put some umbrella general management concepts (planning, organizing, implementing, controlling) on top and to align company wide policies and strategies with the functional ones.

This course unit aims to acquaint students with organisational models, the role of management (and the manager) and the required management tools to successfully manage an organization, unit or department. Also aims to introduce students to the strategic analysis (external and internal) and the development of business/competitive strategy formulation.

EIG0029 Operations Management
EIG0028 Total Quality Management
EIG0032 Financial Management
EIG0030 Logistics Management
EIG0031 Marketing

* Scientific component - 70%
* Technological component - 30%

At the end of this subject, students should be able to:
- understand the role of management and the manager
- understand the key issues involved with planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling
- understand the various organizational models
- carry out an adequate external/environmental analysis
- carry out an adequate internal analysis
- design a specific business strategy

Management Control Systems

Strategy implementation and control are key factors for the success of any type of organization. Therefore, a complete and profound knowledge of 'Management Control Systems, specially of those ' suitable for industrial organizations is mandatory for an adequate preparation of tomorrow's professionals.


With this course, students are expected to understand the nature and scope of 'Management Control Systems', mastering not only the different stages of the management control cicle, but also the main technical skills of the controller activity.


EIG0012 - Economics
EIG0023 - Microeconomics
EIG0027 - Accounting
EIG0032 - Financial Management
EIG0031 - Marketing
EIG0035 - Project Appraisal
EIG0034 - General Management


Scientific component : 60%
Technological component: 40%


At the end of this subject, students should be able to:
- understand the boundaries and techiques of a 'management control system'
- design a manegement control system with adequate key performance indicatorsfor a specific business

Company and Business Law

EIG0041 - ECTS The purpose of this subject is to give our students, who do not have any preparation or knowledge on juridical matters, a complete training about the interference of law in the companies and in commercial business.Therefore the enterprise is observed under a juridical point of view on different aspects, concerning its activities, contracts and the problems that may occur when applying the law. Although the intention and purpose is not, and can not be, to give a complete preparation in business and company law the subject intends to make the students understand some of the problems that may emerge when starting and developing commercial activities and to prepare them to be aware of those problems and have the knowledge to take the right and lawful decisions.


EIG0047 - ECTS To provide final year students the chance to apply the knowledge acquired throughout the course into solving real world problems and to provide them a first experience on integration in a enterprise environment.

Corporate Strategy

Strategic thinking is becoming more and more relevant for an Industrial Engineer. The need to develop strategic management skills is crucial for the competitiveness of organizations, and only those o possess such skills will be able to assume higher levels of responsibility.

This course unit aims to endow students with the basic skills to think strategically, to develop a specific business and corporate strategy, to understand the issues and hurdles of implementation, in order to play a role in a given company's competitiveness.

EIG0035 Project Appraisal
EIG0036 Human Resources Management
EIG0034 General Management
EIG0029 Operations Management
EIG0028 Total Quality Management
EIG0032 Financial Management
EIG0030 Logistics Management
EIG0031 Marketing

* Scientific component - 60%
* Technological component - 40%

At the end of this subject, students should be able to:
- think strategically
- understand the issues and hurdles of implementing a given strategy
- design a specific business and corporate strategy
- design a strategic implementation plan
- define the controlling mechanisms for a given implementation plan

Project and Team Management II

Project management capabilities is of paramount importance to ensure the competitive capacity of a company or institution. It is one of the most best known methodology to mange and carry out efficiently and effectively the activities within a company or organization to improve efficiency, manage R&D activity, manage new product development activity, and innovation processes. Mastering Project Management comprises the ability to use effectively a broad set of technical, management and soft skills, most of them already addressed in other courses, in an integrated and challenging way. This course addresses the techniques and methods that are the constitutive tools in Project Management, and the effective use of them as a methodology.

To provide the students with the necessary tools and some practice so they become able to design and perform a Project Management activity, namely:

Definition of a Project and in what conditions a Project Management approach should/must be used;
Got acquainted with the language, concepts and fundamental models of Project Management;
The Project Management as an activity within the enterprise’s organizational structure and its relation with other activities, the authority and responsibility, communications processes, competition for resources, etc.;
The Project Management as a Management Methodology to achieve the company’s strategic objectives;
Identification and application of Management Processes in the scope of the Project Management activity;
Attitudes and values needed for running and leading Project Management activity;
Practice based on case studies addressing real situations of Project Management;

EIG0012 Economia
EIG0015 Estatística I
EIG0018 Estatística II
EIG0022 Investigação Operacional I
EIG0027 Contabilidade
EIG0023 Microeconomia
EIG0026 Investigação Operacional II
EIG0021 Sistemas de Informação I
EIG0025 Sistemas de Informação II
EIG0029 Gestão da Produção
EIG0028 Gestão da Qualidade Total
EIG0032 Gestão Financeira
EIG0035 Análise de Projectos de Investimento
EIG0036 Gestão de Recursos Humanos
EIG0034 Organização e Gestão da Empresa
EIG0039 Controlo de Gestão
EIG0038 Métodos Quantitativos de Apoio à Decisão

Scientific component (establishes and develops scientific bases) – 20%
Technological component (apply to design and process operation) – 80%

On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
- Define a Project in the context of overall company’s activity;
- Describe the Project management methodology and knowledge areas that it comprises;
- Identify the company’s organizational structure and its relation with the company’s competitive strategy;
- Describe how the Project management activity relates with the main activity and processes of the company;
- Recognize the conditions that recommend the application of the project management methodology;
- Set the statement of work of a project including its strategic objectives;
- Make a Project master plan;
- Make a detailed project plan including all the relevant dimensions to be managed;
- Select and apply the most suitable techniques, tools and management processes for a given project;
- Design a suitable organizational structure for implementing a project team;
- Direct and manage the project execution;
- Monitor and control Project work;
- Manage the stakeholders;

Quantitative Methods for Management

EIG0038 - ECTS Background

The managers of every company – from the private or public sectors – have to make decisions on how to allocate the organization resources. Being part of the necessary information to take decisions quantitative, the managers of today’s world must be able to assess, analyse and use it.

Specific Aims

The aim of this course is to provide the students the suitable analytical skills and data treatment tools and quantitative models to support decision making procedures.

Previous Knowledge
1. Production Management
2. Operations Research I
3. Operations Research II
4. Logistics
5. Statistics I
6. Statistics II

Percentual Distribution
Scientific Knowledge: 70%
Technological Knowldege: 30%

At the end of this course, students should be able to :
a) understand the importance of Forecasting Methods in the performance of the organizations
b) Distinguish between different types of methods
c) Implement direct extrapolation methods
d) Identify combinatorial optimization problems
e) Analyse scientific papers
f) Develop approximate solution methods.


EIG0047 - ECTS To provide final year students the chance to apply the knowledge acquired throughout the course into solving real world problems and to provide them a first experience on integration in a enterprise environment.
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