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Industrial Automation Systems

Code: EIG0017     Acronym: SAI

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Automation

Instance: 2009/2010 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Automation, Instrumentation and Control Section
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Engineering and Industrial Management

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEIG 75 Syllabus since 2006/2007 2 - 5 56 133

Teaching language




Industrial automation systems can be considered at various levels and perspectives. In an industrial engineering and management professionals perspective, being aware of the potential of automation technologies is essential. A global view of the automation systems is particularly relevant for understanding and evaluating their application within the complex production systems.
This course complements the technical background previously acquired by exposing the students to computer communications and automation solutions available to support the main activities at the shop floor level and the planning levels, both technological and organisational.


A central aspect will be to analyse how each of the automation elements presented, either individually or as a system, can support the manufacturing processes and operations so they will not pose a limitation to the overall objectives, or needs, of the company or enterprise. In addition to an understanding of the technological issues involved in each of the specific automation systems, it is also an objective to discuss and understand their contribution to modern manufacturing concepts such as production flexibility and integration.


This course can take advantage on technical knowledge previously acquired on other courses:
- sensors/actuators, programmable logic controllers from Industrial Automation-IA, EIG0014;
- product data representation and CAD models from Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing- CFAC, EIG0016).


Estimated percentual distribution for the scientific and technological contents:
- Scientific component: 30 %.
- Technological component: 70 %.


At the end of the course, the students should be able of:
1. Identifying the most recent and relevant elements of automation in production systems.
2. Explaining how these elements participate in the decision processes and flows of information of the company.
3. Evaluating the possibilities and understanding the limitations of these elements as automation alternatives at the production level.
4. Understanding the application of these elements of automation beyond the production systems.
5. Understanding and evaluating modern concepts of manufacturing systems such as production flexibility and integration.


I. Introduction to industrial automation systems: examples of industrial systems using automation components; importance and justification for automated solutions; automation at the factory level and at the product level; human element. Structure of an automated system: main elements; technical processes and technical systems. Degrees of automation: off-line, on-line open loop, on-line closed loop. Types of automation: dedicated, programmable, flexible.

II. Communication networks: basic concepts and terminology in computer communication systems; Internet, TCP, IP; requirements of industrial communication networks.

III. Automation at the supervising, monitoring and control level: SCADA-Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition type systems; RFID-Radio Frequency Identification Devices, bar codes.

IV. Automation of the flow of materials: manual versus mechanised solutions; automated storage and retrieval systems (“AS/RS”); conveyor type systems; automated guided vehicles (“AGVS”) and mobile robots;

V. Automation at the manipulation level: industrial robots and its implications upstream and downstream of the manufacturing processes.

VI. Automation at the workstation or process level: numerical control technology (CN/CNC); autonomy versus flexibility. Integration of design (CAD) and process levels (CAM): product model data representation and exchange: ISO10303 (STEP). Integration of shop floor activities with the technological and organisational, planning levels. Overall control architecture of an industrial automation system.

VII. Industrial automation and modern manufacturing concepts: flexible production and integrated production.

Mandatory literature

Manuel Romano Barbosa; Slides on Parts: I, III, IV, VI and VII
Francisco Vasques; Slides on Part II, 2009
James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross ; internat. ed. adap. by Bhojan Anand; Computer networking. ISBN: 978-0-321-51325-0
Groover, Mikell P.; Automation, production systems, and computer-integrated manufacturing. ISBN: 0-13-088978-4
Rembold, U.; Computer integrated manufacturing and engineering. ISBN: 0-201-56541-2

Complementary Bibliography

Paulo Abreu; Slides on Parts: V (Industrial Robotics)

Teaching methods and learning activities

There are two main types of lectures:

1- One class with all students, where the lecturer presents and discusses with the students the subjects making use of audio-visual or other materials available. These lectures are scheduled twice each week and have duration of 1,5h.

2- Classes in a laboratory, where a limited number of students organised in groups interact with devices representative of industrial automation systems, through demonstrations and by completing a worksheet according to each work. These labs are scheduled once every two weeks and have duration of 2h.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Attendance (estimated) Participação presencial 56,00
Exams (component B) Exame 2,50
Preparation of laboratory classes and written reports Trabalho escrito 40,00
Study and preparation for exams Exame 36,00
Total: - 0,00

Eligibility for exams

Minimum attendance to the practical classes.

Calculation formula of final grade

There are two evaluation components:

1. Component A (25%): Individual performance analysis of each student in the laboratory, complemented by the analysis of a set of requested home-works;
2. Component B (25%+50%): B1 written exam at mid term (25%) and B2 written exam at end of term (50%).

When the marks obtained in component B are less than 9 marks in 20, the final classification will be the one obtained in component B.
For students with a classification in component B greater or equal to 9 in 20, the final classification will be the average of component A (25%) and component B (75%);

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

One oral practical examination replaces component A;
One two and a half hour written examination paper replaces component B.

Classification improvement

One oral practical examination replaces component A;
One two and a half hour written examination paper replaces component B.
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