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Integrated Masters Degree in Veterinary Medicine

General information

Official Code: 9847
Acronym: MIMV


  • Master degree in Veterinary Medicine (330 ECTS credits)
  • Degree in Basic Studies of Animal Health (180 ECTS credits)

Courses Units


MV111 - ECTS

To enable the students: - To understand and use basic principles of classical and modern physics that are relevant to the biological sciences. -To be familiar with examples taken from the life sciences that illustrat how these basic principles are applied. - To recognize the clarity and simplicity of many biophysical descriptions of a multitude of mechanisms that are key to our understanding of physical chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology and physiology. - To acquire the tools and to develop the competences needed to solve simple problems that are frequently multidisciplinary in nature.

Cell Biology

MV112 - ECTS


More specifically:

-acquire specific notions on the structure and function of the various cell components.

-acquire autonomy in the use of the optical microscope (OM).

-acquire basic notions on the use of fluorescence microscopy (MF) and electron microscopy (TEM).

-acquire the basic notions of tissue and cell processing for MO, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and TEM.

-acquire autonomy in identifying the cellular structures and organelles at MO and TEM.

Animal Cytogenetics

MV113 - ECTS

The student must acquire the following basic cytogenetic capacities/knowledge: morphological, structural and functional organization of chromosomes, mutations that can change this organization and application of these knowledge to veterinary pathology, with a particular incidence in fertility problems and tumoral situations.

Animal Ethology

MV114 - ECTS

The curricular unit of ETOLOGY is part of the study plan for the Integrated Master in Veterinary Medicine of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Abel Salazar of the University of Porto. It is a semester course of the 1st year of this degree, with a workload of four hours per week, divided into two theoretical classes and two practical classes.

It is a general training discipline that aims to raise students' awareness of the importance of studying animal behavior in its theoretical and applied aspects, addressing themes that will serve as the basis for subjects taught later.

Exognosis and Animal Management

MV115 - ECTS A. To initiate the study of the animal morphology and the student’s contact with animals of several species.
B.To know the morphological characteristics and aptitudes of the principal Portuguese and exotic breeds of animals belonging to bovine, equine, sheep, goat, pig, rabbits, chicken, canine and feline species.
C.To know some animal management practices.

Quantitative Methods

MV116 - ECTS

The aim of this course is to familiarize first year students with basic mathematical/statistical concepts and techniques essential for formulating and understanding models in biology.

Biological Chemistry I

MV117 - ECTS

It is intended that the student learns to use the basic principles of Chemistry to understand the importance of essential chemical elements in the perspective of their biogeochemical cycles and to be able to interpret the biochemical processes in a structural and reactional perspective.

It is intended that the student is able to handle tools that allow him to interpret qualitatively and quantitatively the mechanisms through which energy flows in a living cell.

It is intended that the student integrates the knowledge of the various areas of Chemistry to interpret Biological Chemistry.

Agriculture and Ecology

MV121 - ECTS

To learn basic ecological and agriculture concepts that will help to comprehend environmental phenomena with veterinary relevance.

Systematic Anatomy I

MV122 - ECTS

Systematic Anatomy I unit, is the first of three disciplines (distributed sequentially over time) taught to students of the Department of Anatomy MIMV ICBAS / UP that comprise the "Anatomical Course".

The main objective of the "Anatomical Course" is the teaching of the normal morphology of domestic animals. The Systematic Anatomy courses are focused in the systematic study of body systems as well as the acquisition of an anatomical language / terminology. Clinical anatomy on the other hand aims to relate the topographical anatomical aspects with medical and surgical procedures.


In Systematic Anatomy I the following major anatomical chapters of domestic animals are addressed in a systematic perspective: a) Locomotor system, ie the teaching of the bones, joints and muscles, (osteology, arthrology and miology) b) Central Nervous System Central c) Peripheral Nervous System (spinal nerves). The dog is used as anatomical model and comparison with other domestic animals, which include horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, cats and lagomorphs (rabbits), is done.

General Physiology

MV123 - ECTS

The aim of the General Physiology course unit (CU) is to study the normal functions of the organism of domestic animals, from the cell to the most complex organ systems. This CU is integrated with the CU Veterinary Physiology (1st semester of the 2nd year), so that the most relevant topics to understand the contents of the pre-clinical and clinical CUs of the Integrated Master in Veterinary Medicine (MIMV) are addressed.

Molecular Genetics

MV124 - ECTS

To acquire knowledge about:

- the structure and replication of the genetic material and its organization
- the organization of genes in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
- the information contained in the genome and how it is expressed, transcribed and translated
- the different types of RNA molecules that exist
- the mechanisms of RNA processing
- recombinant DNA techniques
- alterations and mutations that can occur in DNA
- recombination mechanisms
- regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes - viruses and oncogenes.

Animal Histology and Embryology I

MV125 - ECTS

The main objective is to teach the structure of cells, tissues and organs, mostly at the level of light microscopy. It is intended to furnish basis for a better understanding of Physiology, Biochemistry, Immunology and Pathology are furnished. The practical component consists of the study of cells, tissues and organs, under light microscope, by using different staining techniques.

General Microbiology

MV126 - ECTS At the end of this course, the student shoud be able to: Acknowledge the central importance of Microbiology for his/her own daily life, for Earth’s environment, for the health of plants and animals and for the development of other Biomedical Sciences. Enumerate the basic structural features of viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa, as they are know today. Enumerate different strategies used by bacterial cells to obtain the energy and biosynthetic precursors they need. Describe bacterial growth in mathematical terms and identify the main factors impacting bacterial growth rate. Explain the main differences between viruses, procaryotic and eucaryotic cells in terms of the organization of their genomes and the way genetic material is transferred between cells. Identify microbial virulence factors. Enumerate the main components of the antimicrobial defense systems present in vertebrate animals. Enumerate the mechanisms of action of some the antibiotics in clinical use today and suggest new targets for the development of new antibiotics in the future. Explain the mechanisms of emergence of bacterial resistance to antibiotics and ways to avoid this emergence. Manipulate microrganisms using a correct asseptic technique. Correctely use the optical microscope for the observation of different types of microrganisms. Apply different types of staining methods to visualize and classify microorganisms. Apply metabolic tests to the identification of microorganisms. Quantify bacteria or phages present in a given sample. Analyse a water sample for the presence of fecal contamination. Find and critically analyse scientific literature, so that he/she may keep up-to-date to relevant scientific knowledge throughout life.


Biological Chemistry II

MV127 - ECTS

1. To rationalize living systems in terms of basic Chemistry principles. To present Biological Chemistry as a mere subset of Chemistry.

2. To correlate knowledge from Organic and Inorganic Chemistry with Biological Chemistry.

3. To aquire specific knowledge about biological molecules and and cellular chemistry organization.

Systematic Anatomy II

MV211 - ECTS

The main goal of Systematic Anatomy II is the teaching and learning, under a systematic perspective, of the following chapters: splanchnology, angiology, neuroanatomy (cranial nerves and autonomic nervous system) and sense organs. The dog is used as the reference animal model but the anatomy of other domestic animals (cat, horse, cow, sheep, goat and pig) is also studied.


MV212 - ECTS

Cellular metabolism is an integrated set of chemical reactions that aims to produce energy and uses it to synthesize the building blocks for protein, lipid and carbohydrate production. The Biochemistry subject aims at studying the cellular metabolism and the molecular mechanisms underlying its regulation, as well as the signal transduction pathways used to receive, process, amplify and integrate extracellular signals.

Veterinary Physiology

MV213 - ECTS
The curricular unit (UC) of Veterinary Physiology aims to acquire knowledge regarding the physiological mechanisms responsible for maintaining homeostasis in domestic animals.
Students should develop the necessary skills to understand the phenomena that underlie the pre-clinical and clinical courses of the Integrated Master in Veterinary Medicine.

Animal Genetics and Improvement

MV214 - ECTS

It is intended that students develop and deepen knowledge of the applications of population, quantitative and molecular genetics in the improvement and conservation of animal species; Assessment of the impact of different mating systems (inbreeding and crossing) on ​​animal production; Development of genetic evaluation methods and prediction of the expected response to selection; Planning of organized improvement schemes for different livestock and fish species.

Animal Histology and Embryology II

MV215 - ECTS

Continuing the unit of Histology and Embryology Animal I, the aims are teach the differential microanatomy of the organs and to understand their histophysiology, based on the study of species of veterinary interest. Addiitonally, we promote as understanding the usefulness of cytology as a diagnostic tool, exemplifying the characteristics of cytological preparations from different organs.We want the students to learn the descriptive embryology of species of veterinary interest.

Veterinary Microbiology

MV216 - ECTS

Infectious diseases are amongst the most important diseases affecting domestic animals. The veterinarian must be able to recognize and control these. Therefore a veterinarian must understand the microbiology as well as the pathogenesis and epidemiology of the disease. Veterinary microbiology is a subject that will focus on morphological aspects, mechanisms of pathogenicity and laboratory diagnosis of microorganisms, with particular emphasis on animal health and zoonoses. 

Clinical Anatomy

MV221 - ECTS

The major aims of the Clinical Anatomy curriculum are to acquire knowledge and to understand the topographic anatomy of carnivores, equines and bovines. The purpose is to develop the ability to reason from an anatomical basis in to the solution of clinical problems and providing the anatomical features that are the basis of medical, diagnostic and surgical procedures. The acquisition of anatomical knowledge on rabbit and avian morphology is also a goal of the subject.

Animal Welfare, Deontology and Veterinary Ethics

MV228 - ECTS

1. To enlighten the students regarding professional rights and duties, according to deontological and ethical rules described in the Portuguese Veterinary Deontologic Code and relevant literature in animal bioethics;

2. To present a set of rules and guidelines that aim to ensure animal welfare and the respective ethical-professional responsibility of Veterinary Medicine professionals.

Economy and Business Management

MV223 - ECTS

As result of the learning process the student should be able:

To make available basic knowledge that provides a better understanding of the general economic questions and specifically within agricultural and animal production

To understand the problematical aspects as a manager for a global vision of the business and putting at their disposal a package of instruments and techniques for analysis whose goal is to support the decision-making process.

To characterize the Common Agricultural Policy by identifying its goals, understanding its evolution and the various mechanisms for intervention.


MV224 - ECTS

1. Acquisition of knowledge and skills on fundamental immunology, emphasizing the particular specificities of different domestic animals. 2. Acquisition of skills helpful for a better understanding of basic and advanced bibliographic information in the area of veterinary immunology. 3. Acquisition and development of rational mechanisms useful for the interpretation of immunological data and resolution of immunological problems. 4. Acquisition of skills for self-oriented study, including the correct usage of specific databases. 5. Improvement of communication skills regarding oral and written transmission of knowledge. 6. Acquisition of skills and knowledge on specific immunological diagnostic techniques. 7. Improvement of laboratory skills.

Animal Nutrition

MV225 - ECTS

The general objective of the curricular unit of Animal Nutrition is to provide students with knowledge of the fundamental principles of nutrition that contribute to the optimization of feed efficiency, the prevention of pathologies of digestive and metabolic origin, animal health and well-being, for the quality of products of animal origin and for environmental sustainability, within the One Health concept. The comparative approach used in the curricular unit allows the study of different production and companion animal species.


MV226 - ECTS

The general objective of the Veterinary Parasitology Course is to provide to the students a broad knowledge of the main parasites and parasitosis afflicting domestic animals in Portugal. It is also intended that students develop critical capacity and self-learning attitudes.

General Pathology

MV227 - ECTS General Pathology studies the basic principles necessary for understanding disease processes in animals. The discipline is focused on the mechanisms underlying the disease process and on the morphological (macroscopic, cellular and ultrastructural), physiological and biochemical changes through which it manifests itself. The main objective is the scientific study of the disease and the knowledge of the etiologies, as well as its pathogenesis and possible explanation of the clinical signs displayed. It studies the structural and functional alterations caused by the disease, for which it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of Histology (organization and architecture of tissues) and physiology (life functioning mechanisms). The disease will also be addressed at the level of ecosystems with the breakdown of homeostasis systems and loss of biodiversity and the complexity of ecosystems. In the practical component, the macro and microscopic aspects of the various types of diseases will be addressed

Anatomical Pathology I

MV311 - ECTS Post-mortem changes: identification, assessment and interpretation.
Necropsy technique with sample selection, collection and sending to histopathologic examination.
Description of macroscopic lesions.
Understand the etiopathogenesis, recognize the gross and histological changes inherent to pathological processes involving the alimentary system, liver, pancreas and salivary glands, peritoneum, skin and cardiovascular system, of domestic and farm animals.

Pharmacology and Therapeutics I

MV312 - ECTS

To provide students with knowledge in General Pharmacology, with special reference to drug mechanisms of action (from molecules to the system), pharmacokinetics, relation of mechanisms of action to clinical response, side effects, clinical problems and toxicity and its use in Veterinary Therapeutics.


MV313 - ECTS

1. Provide the student with the knowledge about the diagnostic imaging techniques in use in clinical practice of small animals, equines and exotic pets, namely radiology, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and scintigraphy.

2. Provide the students the knowledge so they can perform and interpret radiographies and ultrasound exams and to identify images obtained by CT, MRI and scintigraphy.

3. To promote critical thinking in the diagnostic imaging context.



Animal Production I

MV314 - ECTS

To understand the production systems in which animal species with greater commercial importance are explored and in which students, in the near future, as veterinarians, will participate.

Surgical Semiology

MV315 - ECTS

Techniques and methods of diagnosis and clinic exploration that demand the application of surgical ways. It transmits knowledge on techniques and methods of semiologic diagnosis applied for surgery and care of pré, intra and postoperative.

Clinical Semiology - Companion Animals

MV316 - ECTS

The "Semiologia Médica de Animais de Companhia" subject is to
 develop in the students, skills to realize clinical history and animal exploration methodologies  to recognize the signs of disease in companion animals.

Animal Welfare  is a high priority within that teachear of this Curriculum Unit. The highest standard of animal care and welfare. Priority objective of teaching and learning in this Curricular Unit is that all students should be able to action and education to protect and improve animal welfare.

Anatomical Pathology II

MV321 - ECTS

Theoretical component:

- To understand the etiopathogenesis, the lesional condition and the changes inherent to pathological processes that involve the respiratory, urinary, nervous, muscular-skeletal, reproductive systems and lymphoid organs in production animal species, companion animals, some exotic and wild specie , laboratory animals and fish.

- To relate injury conditions to the associated degree of dysfunction.

Practical component:

- To perform correctly the necropsy technique on different animal species;

- To distinguish pathological changes resulting from euthanasia, or those following cadaveric changes;

- To carry out sample collection for cytological diagnosis: perform fine needle aspiration (FNA) procedures and staining;

- To carry out biological sample collections to the different veterinary diagnostic laboratories (histopathology, microbiology, virology, parasitology, molecular, toxicological…), according with the respective criteria;

- To write a necropsy report using proper language and terminologies;

- To interpret necropsy and histopathology reports.


MV322 - ECTS

Equip students with fundamental knowledge of anesthesiology and analgesia, to enable them to practice the most common anesthetics and analgesics protocols used in several animal species .
Enable students to distinguish and resolve the possible systemic complications that may occur during an anesthetic protocol.
Trasmit to students the procedures and means to identify and eliminate pain in the practice of veterinary medicine.
Provide students with scientific knowledge to facilitate their permanent practice update, and thus be able to follow scientific and technological innovations that occur in this area.

Pharmacology and Therapeutics II

MV323 - ECTS

Provide students with knowledge in Systemic Pharmacology, with relevance to drugs used to treat specific pathological entities of each organ or system, and important agents used to control infections and infestations of microbial agents (bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, etc.). In the approach of each drug group makes up a special reference to the mechanism of action (from molecules to the system), the pharmacokinetics, the relationship of the mechanism of action to clinical response, side effects, clinical problems and toxicity, as well as its clinical relevance to veterinary therapy.

Pathology and Clinics of Infectious Diseases I

MV324 - ECTS

1- Develop knowledge on infectious diseases in swine, poultry and companion animals (dog, cat)

2- Explore the paradigm shift in the prophylaxis and therapy of infectious diseases, with special emphasis on Animal Welfare (AW), the use of clinical guidelines and antimicrobial stewardship programs.

3- Explain the legal framework of specific infectious diseases

4- Contribute to the development of clinical decision-making

5- Develop transversal skills: analysis of scientific articles, scientific writing and communication at different levels (scientific, tutors/producers, general public)

Animal Production II

MV325 - ECTS

To understand the production systems in which animal species with greater commercial importance are explored and in which students, in the near future, as veterinarians, will participate.

Clinical Semiology - Farm Animals and Equine

MV326 - ECTS

Management practices of livestock species and horses. Knowledge of clinical signs of disease in livestock animals and horses of interest. Nomenclature of clinical exam. Clinical exam. Features, pathophysiology, history, the physical examination. Knowledge and practice protocols for the investigation of major organ systems. Laboratory procedures for blood, bone marrow and urine analysis.

Surgery - Farm Animals and Equine

MV411 - ECTS

The student must achieve theoretical and practical knowledge on the current surgical techniques used in equine, swine and ruminants. The student must be able to select the anesthetic protocols as well as the pre and post   therapeutic protocols to differente clinical situations.


MV412 - ECTS The purpose of this course unit is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of veterinary epidemiology. Specifically, it aims for students to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about:
- The scope and nature of epidemiology as a scientific discipline, as well as its practical application in the field of Veterinary Medicine.
- The fundamentals, principles, and methods used in the characterization and study of animal diseases at the population level.
- The practical applications of epidemiology in the context of animal health, animal welfare, and veterinary public health.

Additionally, the course unit aims to equip students with the ability to use fundamental methodologies in epidemiology, including:
1. Disease measurement.
2. Sampling.
3. Types of studies and conducting epidemiological studies.
4. Animal health management.
5. Organization, management, and control of animal diseases.mal diseases.

Farm Animal and Equine Internal Medicine I

MV427 - ECTS

Knowledge of the pathophysiology, clinical signs, diagnostic methods and therapeutic principles of the diseases of horses.

Pathology and Clinics of Infectious Diseases II

MV414 - ECTS

This syllabus deals with relevant infectious diseases in cattle, sheep, goats, horses, leporids and aquatic animals.

It aims to prepare students for clinical practice in these areas of animal production. In the approach to Animal Health and disease control, methods uised at national and international level are studied, as well as their legal framework. The course is oriented towards understanding the principles and timeframes, the type of hosts, emphasizing Emerging and re-Emerging Infectious Diseases, Zoonoses, where the Concepts of One Health are integrated into technical-scientific thinking.

Food Technology I

MV415 - ECTS

The students should be able to describe, in a critical way, the needed characteristics of the main food industry raw materials, processes and equipments, including the phases of collecting, harvesting or catching, preservation, transport, processing, packaging and presentation and selling of food products, and also general procedures of maintenance and hygiene of several materials and equipments and of their quality evaluation during the whole production process. Focus is mainly on products with origin in terrestrial animals, as it is the most traditional scope of the Veterinary Medicine, but some training is also made on all other food items, including mainly seafood, following the recent tendency of the professional performances of the Veterinarians already working on Portuguese and European realities.

Veterinary Toxicology

MV416 - ECTS

KNOWLEDGE: To get 1) knowledge on fundamental concepts of toxicology and ecotoxicology and the capability of applying them to different situations and contexts; 2) knowledge and training on classical and novel approaches, methods and techniques.

COMPETENCES: To (1) stimulate and develop the aptitude of students for scientific research and to get scientific knowledge; (2) develop the ability of students to integrate and use the knowledge and training obtained in the scope of previous courses when addressing toxicological and ecotoxicological problems.

ATTITUDES: To (1) stimulate and develop the critical capability of students; (2) stimulate and develop the capability of working in a team, in an integrated and multidisciplinary perspective; (3) develop the capability of communicate in distinct contexts  and to different types of audience; (4) promote the acquisition of responsible and ethically correct attitudes.

Surgery - Companion Animals

MV421 - ECTS

1. Surgical Pathology knowledge of small animals: nomina, surgical techniques, etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, surgical treatments.

 2. Practice routine surgical protocols in veterinary clinic of small animals

Small Animal Internal Medicine

MV429 - ECTS

The teaching of the CU is mainly theorectical and theorico-practical work, in order to equip students with the knowledge and clinical reasoning to allow them to participate, from the start of the CU SAMS I and II, of the 5th year, in the clinical cases presented to the Veterinary hospital of ICBAS, regardless of the speciality, with a solid base of knowlledge. With this principle, the main objectives of the CU relate mostly with the knowllege of the most frequent diseases of companion animals, teached by organs or systems, comprising its aetiology, pathophisiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods, therapeutic management and prognostic factors. In the practical part of the discipline, the therorectical information will be complemented with the application of ancillary diagnostic methods to the various systems, their advantages, risks, methods and interpretation.

Farm Animal and Equine Internal Medicine II

MV428 - ECTS


- To provide students information about etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis, therapy and prevention of farm animals diseases

- To inform students about the impact of these diseases in the farm economy and how appropriate measures can reduce or eliminate that impact

Pathology and Clinics of Parasitary Diseases

MV424 - ECTS Develop competencies on parasitosis afecting large and small animals, with special focus on diagnosis, prophylaxis, treatment and surveillance

Public Health

MV425 - ECTS Equip students with the concepts and fundamentals of Veterinary Public Health (VPH) as it is currently understood in Portugal, the European Union, and by international organizations. This includes knowledge of the political, economic, and social context necessary to understand the VPH framework. Provide them with the interpretative keys that will allow them to understand and respond to societal expectations regarding the performance of veterinarians in their professional activities. Address the scientific, technical, and legal aspects as well as the methodologies adopted to ensure food safety, animal health, animal welfare, and thereby contribute to the high levels of Public Health that European citizens legitimately expect from food production systems and the food chain as a whole. Train students in the use of appropriate laws and methods to achieve this goal. Deepen the concept of 'One Health,' addressing its various dimensions and reflecting on it in depth

Food Technology II

MV426 - ECTS Food Technology II aims to provide knowledge and understanding of the technological processes involved in the production and processing of the main foodstuffs of animal origin. These are based on meat, milk, eggs and fish.

In addition, students are encouraged to reflect on how the production and processing of foodstuffs impact on human health and the ecological equilibrium of the planet.

Sanitary Inspection I

MV511 - ECTS 1. To make students aware of the importance of Sanitary Inspection as a competence of the Official Veterinarian and for its contribution to the protection of Public Health and Animal Health and Welfare. 2. Provide the scientific, technical and legal foundations of Food Hygiene and inspection, particularly for food of animal origin. 3. Motivate to exercise functions in the Veterinary Public Hygiene, in the Animal Health-Human Health and Environment interface, framing its activity in the One Health paradigm. 4. Stimulate the aptitude for researching information from a multidisciplinary perspective and permanent updating to integrate knowledge acquired in the scope of other curricular units.

Internal Medicine and Surgery of Companion Animals I

MV512 - ECTS

The objective of the discipline is to integrate and improve the students capacity to apply clinical skills learned in pre-clinical disciplines, as well as to develop clinical thinking and its application in real situations. The work with real cases presented to the UPVet - Veterinary Hospital of the University of Porto, under the supervision of senior staff (teachers and practitioners), allows for the development of communication skills, as well as ethical principles of clinical practice, as important as technical abilities. The activities on hopitalized animals, allways under senior staff supervision, allows for the development of an individual responsability awareness and team work, which constitute the basis of the veterinary clinical activity.

Internal Medicine and Surgery of Farm Animals and Equines I

MV513 - ECTS

The objective of the discipline is to improve the student’s capacity to apply clinical procedures, as well as to develop clinical thinking and its application in real situations. The work with real cases in ambulatory clinics allows the development of clinical skills as well as communication skills.

Theriogenology I

MV514 - ECTS

Acquire knowledge in theriogenology of dairy cattle, dogs, cats and know to relate them. To Know:

Objective 1: Female

a. Characteristics of the estrous cycle

b. To perform clinical and genital examination and use of complementary diagnostic techniques

c. Perform reproductive management and associated techniques (hormonal assays, insemination, ultrasound)

d. To perform pregnancy diagnosis

e. To diagnose and treat: abnormalities of the estrous cycle, pregnancy; ovarian, uterine, mammary gland and periparturient diseases; main causes of infectious and non-infectious infertility

f. To calculate and interpret reproductive indexes in dairy farms

h. To use the protocols to manipulate estrous cycle;

i. Utility of reproductive biotechnologies


Objective 2: Male

j . Breeding soundness evaluation

k . Perform the evaluation of fresh/chilled /frozen semen

l. Prepare cooled and frozen semen

m. Diagnose and treat major diseases of the testes, accessory glands and most common causes of reproductive failure.

Sanitary Inspection II

MV521 - ECTS

Understand the general principles of the European Food Law (Regulation (EC) 178/2002): the integrated framework ("from farm to fork"), responsibility (greater involvement of all stakeholders), transparency (information provided to authorities), cooperation (product withdrawal) and harmonization (European citizenship).

Recognize Risk Analysis as the cornerstone of food security. Have a formal knowledge of risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication. Understand the benefits of directly linking potential food-related hazards with epidemiological data about Human health. Understand that this rational method reduces the incidence of foodborne diseases, stimulates continuous improvement in food safety, and strengthens consumer protection and, as such, global trade.

Understand the general hygiene rules applying to all foodstuffs (Regulation (EC) 852/2004) and the specific hygiene rules for products of animal origin (Regulation (EC) 853/2004), as well as the specific rules for the organization of official controls on products of animal origin (Regulation (UE) 625/2017) regarding official controls and other activities that ensure the implementation of official controls and other official activities aimed at ensuring the enforcement of food and feed legislation and rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products

Briefly explain the scientific basis that supports European food legislation, as well as the flexibility needed to accommodate the specific needs of each establishment.

Explain why and how the nature and intensity of the official controls should be based on the assessment of public health risks, animal health and welfare, where possible, on the type and throughput of the processes carried out, and on the food business operator concerned.

The transmission of theoretical knowledge and the technical preparation of students on veterinary inspective acts that fall in i) poultry meat, lagomorphs meat, wild game and farmed game meat; ii) minced meat, mechanically separated meat, meat preparations, meat products, and processed fishery products; iii) live bivalve mollusks, fishery products, and processed fishery products; iv) eggs and eggproducts; v) milk and dairy products; vi) honey; and vii) frogs' legs and snails.

Be aware that in addition to ante-, in-, and post-mortem inspection, the official veterinarian is also responsible for i) animal welfare (Regulation (EC) 1099/2009) and ii) specified risk material and other animal by-products (Regulation (EC) 1069/2009).

Preparing students for conducting audits of good hygiene practices and hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP)-based procedures in food business operators, checking in a very generic way i) traceability and food-chain information; ii) the design and maintenance of premises and equipment; iii) pre-operational, operational and post-operational hygiene; iv) personal hygiene and training in hygiene and in work procedures; v) pest control; vi) water quality; and vii) temperature control.

Practical exercises about microbiological analysis of foodstuffs collected in various stages of preparation, processing, packaging, storage and distribution. In the end, students are encouraged to interpret the results considering both microbiological standards and legal requirements, i.e. criteria for foodstuffs and Process hygiene criteria (Regulation (EC) 2073/2005).

After successful completion of the course, the students should dominate legislation contents and should have acquired theoretical and practical skills to perform a quality evaluation in regard to food hygiene and safety, nutritional value, sensory aspects, storage stability, convenience, economic value, and social perceptiveness.

Internal Medicine and Surgery of Companion Animals II

MV522 - ECTS

The objective of the discipline is to improve the students capacity to apply clinical skills learned in pre-clinical disciplines, as well as to develop clinical thinking and its application in real situations. The work with real cases presented to the UPVet - Veterinary Hospital of the University of Porto, under the supervision of senior staff (teachers and practitioners), allows for the development of communication skills, as well as ethical principles of clinical practice, as important as technical abilities. The activities on hopitalized animals, once again under senior staff supervision, allows for the development of an individual responsability awareness and team work, which constitute the basis of the veterinary clinical activity.

Internal Medicine and Surgery of Farm Animals and Equines II

MV523 - ECTS

The objective of the discipline is to improve the student’s capacity to apply clinical procedures, as well as to develop clinical thinking and its application in real situations. The work with real cases in ambulatory clinics allows the development of clinical skills as well as communication skills.

Theriogenology II

MV524 - ECTS

General: To provide the student with information related to reproductive management and clinical equine and farm animal theriogenology.

After completion of the program, students should be able to

• Perform a BSE of the male (clinical examination, semen collection and evaluation, libido testing)
• Surgical castration
• Vasectomy and epidydectomy
• Pregnancy diagnosis in small ruminants(ultrasound)
• AI in the ewe (cervical)
• Estrus synchronization in ewes

• Estrus detection
• Gynecological examination of the mare
• Clitoral and endometrial collection of samples
• Execution and interpretation of endometrial cytology
• Interpretation of reproductive ultrasonographies
• BSE of the stallion (external genitalia, semen collection and evaluation)
• Artificial insemination
• Chilled semen processing

• Pregnancy diagnosis (ultrasonography)
• Collection and evaluation of semen
• Artificial insemination
• Surgical castration of the boar

Professional Training Period

MV600 - ECTS 1. To provide the acquisition of competencies specifically directed to the exercise of the professional activity.

2. To promote the professional insertion of the new masters in Veterinary Medicine in the labor market.

3. To foster synergies between the University and professional institutions.
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