1st Year
- (1) The Electives are chosen from a fixed cast, from the areas of Economics, Management Studies, Mathematics, Social Science or Legal Sciences.
2nd Year
- (1) The Electives are chosen from a fixed cast, from the areas of Economics, Management Studies, Mathematics, Social Science or Legal Sciences.
Electives UPorto- 1st year
Code | Acronym | Name | Credits | Year | Period |
2ME10 | DE | Digital Economics | 3 | 1st | 2S | 2ME33 | DM | Demand Modeling | 3 | 1st | 2S | | | Qualquer unidade curricular do 2º ciclo da Universidade do Porto | | | 2S | | | Qualquer unidade curricular do 2º ciclo da Faculdade de Economia | | | 2S |
Obtain approval in:
- at least 3 credits and a maximum of 4 credits
Electives UPorto- 2nd year
Code | Acronym | Name | Credits | Year | Period |
| | Qualquer unidade curricular do 2º ciclo da Faculdade de Economia | | | 1S | | | Qualquer unidade curricular do 2º ciclo da Universidade do Porto | | | 1S |
Obtain approval in:
- at least 3 credits and a maximum of 3 credits
Electives 2
Obtain approval in:
- at least 6 credits and a maximum of 7.5 credits
Electives 1
Code | Acronym | Name | Credits | Year | Period |
2M3E26 | IS | Sustainability and Impact | 3 | 1st | 2S | | | Qualquer unidade curricular do 2º ciclo da Faculdade de Economia | | | 2S |
Obtain approval in:
- at least 3 credits and a maximum of 4 credits