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Master in Economics of Business and Strategy

General information

Official Code: MA76
Acronym: MEEE


  • Master in Economics of Business and Strategy (120 ECTS credits)
  • Master Course in Economics of Business and Strategy (90 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Business Cycle Analysis

2M3E05 - ECTS

The curricular unit of Business Cycle Analysis has as main objective to provide graduates in Economics or Management, with future responsibilities of business management, the knowledge necessary to understand the current and predictable macroeconomic environment for their firm.

Business Valuation

2M3E22 - ECTS

Provide the students with knowledge about available valuation methods that enable them to prepare or to critically appraise, acquisition proposals for existing businesses. The course will seek to raise participants' awareness of the necessary conditions for the acquisition of companies so as to add value to an organization, understand the risk factors to be taken into account and the accounting consequences of this type of operations.


2M3E03 - ECTS Students should be able to master the main techniques for estimation of linear models, namely least squares, and instrumental variables.
Students should also learn econometric software in order to be able to put into practice what they learn.

Economics of Strategy

2M3E02 - ECTS The main goal of this course is to offer students a deep knowledge of the economic fundamentals of the strategic decisions that corporations need to address. The syllabus is organized to cover all the topics necessary for a thorough understanding of business strategy ranging from the economic theory of strategy to the application of microeconomic models and game theory to the design and evaluation of strategy. All the topical issues relevant for the today’s businesses strategic process, from pricing to R&D and innovation are covered. Whereas the topics covered assure the command of the field, teaching methodologies (formal lectures, class discussion, and case studies) assure that students are able to use the theoretical knowledge to understand, critically discuss real-world strategic choices and act as an advisor in the strategic process of businesses.

Economics of Organizations

2M3E01 - ECTS

The goal of this course is to introduce the application of the economic logic and the methods of Economics to the study and understanding of the nature of organizations, their internal structure and processes and the behaviour of individuals and groups on their inside. The role of managers inside organizations is also addressed as is the relationship between organizational design and market structure and strategy. 

The main aim is to help students understand the economic analysis of organizations, why firms exist, and how firms organize and co-ordinate their activities in order to stay competitive.


2M3E04 - ECTS Familiarize the students with the main techniques used to deal with seccional level microdata when the dependent variable is dependent, partially dependent, or a duration.

Project 1

2M3E07 - ECTS Introduce competences and tools for the development of an entrepreneurial project, from sustainability/ business model definition to implementation.
Enable teamwork, from brainstorming to conflict resolution.
Stimulate strategic planning and reflection, according to a multidisciplinar approach and considering ethical and impact questions.

Seminar 1

2M3E06 - ECTS

This course offers students the opportunity to broaden both their theoretical and applied knowledge through lectures given by guest speakers in the areas of economics of business and strategy.
The aim is that students develop the ability to critically discuss topics of interest for their academic training and professional career. It is also expected that they will be able to integrate knowledge from different courses taking a multidisciplinary approach to the problems at hand.


Digital Economics

2ME10 - ECTS

The course aims at providing solid foundations for the economic analysis of digital markets. The course presents the introductory concepts and analytical methods adopted within digital environment. The game theory models studied in this course allow students to acquire the tools and capabilities to better understand the firms’ strategic action within the digital economy and the policy implications of such strategies.

World Economy

2M3E08 - ECTS This course intends to make students knowledgeable to some of the main features of the contemporaneous world economy and more capable of critically discuss its major trends and anticipate scearios for their evolution.

Corporate Strategy

2M3E09 - ECTS
The syllabus is organized to cover the entire field of strategic analysis and implementatiom, buiding on the theoretical fundamentals leaned in the Economics of Strategy course. The students will be able to practice and understand how strategic options are made and corporate strategy is implemented. The focus is on developing skills of analysis of strategic processes by means of business case analysis, preparing students to act as strategy consultants.

Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring

2M3E24 - ECTS

The main objective of this curricular unit is to introduce the students to the analysis of mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructuring topics in oder to enable students both to analyses such operations in their professional practice as well as to identify possible academic research questions.

Business Intelligence

2M3E10 - ECTS The curricular unit is organized in two parts with the objective of providing the student with the understanding of Business Intelligence as a technological apparatus of applications for the collection, storage and analysis of information, but also on the sharing of information and its use for effect of controlling the operations and execution of the strategy.

This ensures that the student will have a knowledge of management control systems in terms of their design, operation and use, but also that they know information systems from the perspective of information technologies and their architecture and governance.

Business Analytics

2M3E11 - ECTS After completing the course, the student must:

To know:

1)Structuring information in multidimensional databases
2) the various types of data mining tasks (Data Mining);
3) to know the main methods / algorithms for each type of task;

and be able to:
a) apply these methods to a new data analysis problem;
b) evaluate the results and understand the methods studied.


Demand Modeling

2ME33 - ECTS The course aims to introduce economic modeling of the discrete demand choices function, its estimation and use in forecasting and as an
instrument of economic policy.
In this context, the main objectives of the course are:
1. Characterize the alternative ways of modeling the demand for
discrete elements identifying the underlying economic theory
2. Know the components and the basic principles to design a customer survey of stated preferences, based on the design of statistical experiments (experimental design)
3. Know the different econometric procedures to estimate discrete choice models with stated preferences data, revealed preferences data
and aggregated data
4. Identify the multiple applications of the addressed methodologies and their framework in economic theory

International Business

2M3E23 - ECTS
  • Know key trends/patterns related to multinational enterprises (MNEs) and internationalization
  • Master concepts and theories related to MNEs and internationalization
  • Understand motivations for internationalization
  • Identify strategic choices related to internationalization
  • Understand the modern MNE and its impact
  • Understand the regulatory framework underpinning FDI and respective institutions and policies.

Project 2

2M3E13 - ECTS Introduce competences and tools for the development of an entrepreneurial project, from sustainability/ business model definition to implementation.
Enable teamwork, from brainstorming to conflict resolution.
Stimulate strategic planning and reflection, according to a multidisciplinar approach and considering ethical and impact questions.

Seminar 2

2M3E12 - ECTS

This course offers students the opportunity to broaden both their theoretical and applied knowledge through lectures given by guest speakers in the areas of economics of business and strategy.
The aim is that students develop the ability to critically discuss topics of interest for their academic training and professional career. It is also expected that they will be able to integrate knowledge from different courses taking a multidisciplinary approach to the problems at hand.

Sustainability and Impact

2M3E26 - ECTS Corporations play an important role in the development of the territories where they are located, generating economic, social, and environmental impacts, and influencing governance models. These impacts should be adequately assessed and monitored. The objective of this course is to understand the range of potential impacts generated by corporations, as well as to anticipate, plan, and quantify them, so that positive effects can be further strengthened, namely in favor of a greater corporate sustainability. On the other hand, considering current global and geopolitical challenges, as well as of an increasingly demanding regulatory framework, corporations are expected to integrate the principles of sustainable development into their activities. More than that, they should increasingly act as models of sustainability. In this regard, the course also intends to provide students with the needed skills and knowledge about the management of corporate sustainability, including the creation of long-term value in corporations based on sustainable development principles.

Decision Analysis

2M3E15 - ECTS Students should master the key concepts, methods and techniques that support decision making.

 In addition, they should be able to apply them to solve specific problems.

Behavioral Economics

2M3E14 - ECTS
Behavioral Economics combines insights from Psychology and Economics to understand how people process information and make decisions, paying particular attention to common deviations from purely rational and self-interested decisions.

The main objective of this course is to raise awareness of future decision makers (economists, managers, consultants or politicians) about these deviations and the psychological processes that lead to them, so that these are taken into account in the definition of marketing strategies, in the management of human resources and in decision-making in general.


2M3E17 - ECTS

Understand the main characteristics of entrepreneurship in its various forms;

Understand the historical evolution of entrepreneurship and its place in economic theory;

Identify and critically discuss opportunities, constraints, challenges and trends of entrepreneurship.

Business Ethics

2M3E18 - ECTS The aim of this course unit is to give students an overview of business ethics, its relevance to companies and society.
The connection between ethics, social responsibility and sustainability and the instruments of ethics management in an organization will be addressed.
The course is aimed at self-reflection and identification of one's own values and preparation for ethical decision-making.

International Management

2M3E25 - ECTS This course provides an overview of the key issues and challenges involved in managing organizations that operate across national boundaries.

The contents were defined and are organized so that students are able:

. To relate and respond to the major operational issues of an internationalization strategy;

. To develop strategic thinking and problem-solving skills related to international business decision making;

. To provide students with tools and frameworks that support decision-making processes related to internationalisation;

. Understanding and dealing with cultural differences;

. To prepare students for careers in international business by providing practical experience through real-world cases and projects.


2M3E16 - ECTS The main objective of the course is to provide a specialized knowledge of innovation and innovation management in a business environment, with a focus on the ways innovation becomes part of the strategic process and its impact on the internal organization and management practices.

Project 3

2M3E20 - ECTS
The course’s objectives are the following ones: (i) develop team-work skills; (ii) promote the integration and application of theoretical knowledge to the resolution of complex problems;(iii) allow for a multidisciplinary approach, emphasizing ethical issues. 

Risk and Foresight

2M3E27 - ECTS

The curricular unit presents how economic reasoning can be used to study the impact of risk (operational, strategic, and external) on the organization, having three specific objectives. First, to provide students with in-depth knowledge to anticipate and manage structural change in various domains (scientific and technological, economic, geopolitical, social) in the organization. Second, to use economic principles (which govern the strategic and organizational context) to assess and respond to risk and uncertainty. Third, to adopt a strategic perspective to exploit the opportunities generated by risk and structural change.

Seminar 3

2M3E19 - ECTS

This course offers students the opportunity to broaden both their theoretical and applied knowledge through lectures given by guest speakers from the corporate, governamental, and social sectors. The guest speakers present real-life cases that are crucial for a good understanding of what are the dominant trends, how the world and economy are changing, and how organizations are adjusting their strategies to an increasingly complex and uncertain environment.

Dissertation / Project / Internship

2M3E21 - ECTS Following an individual work plan, students must conduct a study - dissertation, curricular internship and its report, or project - on specific subjects in the area of Economics of Business and Strategy.
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