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Dental Medicine

General information

Official Code: 5597
Acronym: DMDB


  • Dental Medicine (180 ECTS credits)
  • Dental Sciences (60 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Oral Biosciences I

1051 - ECTS
The syllabus of the course allows students to gain a global perspective of the main cellular and molecular characteristics of the oral cavity, under physiological conditions and in pathological conditions. It is valued the importance of biochemical and molecular knowledge associated with various pathological changes in different structures of the oral cavity, to allow a better understanding of them, as well as a greater ability to act in clinical practice is valued. It also seeks to encourage scientific research among students in order to highlight the need for constant updating of knowledge as an asset for the performance of the dentist profession.

Orofacial Biomechanics

1045 - ECTS
The objectives of this course are intended to provide students with skills that enable them to specialized training in the context of physics and biomechanics.
Thus, understanding the basic structures of mathematics coupled with the physical through the interdisciplinarity of dentistry, it is central to understanding the functioning of the biomechanics of the procedures used on the day to day of the clinic, in a particular case of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics, Implantology, Surgery, Dentistry, Periodontology, Endodontics and Orthodontics.

Ciências de Odontopediatria I

1049 - ECTS
The mentioned program contents enable the fulfillment of the proposed objectives as they allow the learning of specific and multidisciplinary materials and surgical techniques as well as more recent dental materials used in dentistry, also permit the acquisition of knowledge and necessary skills to perform informed basic Sciences of Odontopediatrics I.

Ciências de Ortodontia I

1047 - ECTS
Orthodontics is a dentistry specialty that demands a fulltime three year specialization course to qualify a dentist to candidate to the specialty exam in the Portuguese Dental Association (OMD). Being a regulated clinical and practical profession, the teaching of the specialty is not advisable in a PhD course. Besides, orthodontics is also an important research area of dentistry with considerable scientific publications in the world. So, we thought to promote the teaching of the great controversial scientific questions that worry academic and clinic orthodontic professionals and to provide knowledge about what arrives at the present time, in order to motivate research projects in this ambit.

Ciências Morfológicas Orais I

1052 - ECTS
Provide skills to enable the identification and recognition of genetic features and/or their patterns of inheritance.
Provide knowledge to enable the investigation of issues related to dental medicine and medical and orofacial genetics.
Manage studant competencies in order to acquire knowledge and interpretation capacity about:
  • The applicability of new sequencing technologies insituations of normality and pathology,
  • The vanguard of morphologic sudy techniques of chromosomes.
  • The usefulness of the whole human genome study technologies.
  • Investigation of issues related to dental medicine and medical and orofacial genetics.

Cirurgia e Patologia Oral I

1040 - ECTS The dentist has a responsibility to assess the overall medical condition of the patients and identify the diseases of the oral cavity. As such, this course covers the fundamentals and methods of relevant medical and dental information collection, including examination of the patient, and uses this information to provide oral health care is safe and suitable in the field of oral pathology. The student should be able to: collect the patient's medical history, examining the patient, establish a differential diagnosis, to get the additional information necessary for a final diagnosis, such as studies and consultations with other clinical laboratory and ancillary diagnostic imaging relevant formulate a treatment plan, perform the surgical procedure indicated for each oral pathology.

Controlo do Comportamento em Odontopediatria

1050 - ECTS
The program of curricular unit Control of Behavior in Odontopediatrics was prepared in order to provide the student the acquisition of cognitive, psychomotor and affective essential for the good practice of pediatric dental care, able to respond to community requests.
Was concern of teaching staff that the program be as comprehensive as possible without however surrealist, according to the conditions currently offered by our school.
At the end of the semester students should be able to systematize, support and plan the most complex clinical cases and their treatment options.

Dentisteria Conservadora e Estética I

1043 - ECTS
Acquiring skills and more in­depth scientific knowledge of topics related to facial harmony, aesthetic and functional.
At the end of the semester students should be able to systematize, support and plan the most complex clinical cases and their treatment options.

Diagnosis and Therapeutics I

1001 - ECTS
This discipline is designed to the 1st year  – 3rd cycle.

Development of diagnostic skills and integration in interdisciplinary therapies.

Valuation of the  protocol clinical files as reliable future databases for scientific research.

Awareness of the holistic view in diagnostic and therapeutic processes.

Motivation of interest in academic career.

Endodontics I

1044 - ECTS
Get differentiation and ability to develop sufficient skills to be able to further training of excellence.
It is intended that the PhD student of Endodontics area are able to:
- Develop and perfect the fundamental theoretical knowledge acquired during the bachelor/integrated masters needed to carry out the practical work.
- Acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to enable them to diversify into different areas, particularly in new technologies, materials and equipment on a daily basis are placed at your
- Seize materials and scientific conditions available to develop search programs, research and innovation in known or emerging areas.

Ethics and Professional Legislation

1002 - ECTS
The teaching of the syllabus of this course aims to enable students with theoretical and practical knowledge in the Ethics, Professional Ethics and Legislation. This form will be forwarded to the conduct guidelines are recognized as essential to professional practice of Dental Medicine.

Informatic and New Technologies in Dental Medicine

1003 - ECTS

This discipline is designed to the 1st year graduation students from the 3rd cycle.

Development of skills in informatic tools.

Familiarization with computers and the information sciences use in clinical practice and research;  education with  information technologies.

Increase motivation for new technologies with special attention to its reliable application.

Conscientize to permanent updating.

Research and Statistics I

1004 - ECTS

It is intended that the student know to distinguish and apply different types of epidemiological studies; implement and interpret the main epidemiological indicators: morbidity, mortality and risk. It is an aim that students know how to identify the main sources of measurement error, research and writing rules accordingly with the experimental method. So, it is intended to raise awareness among students of the importance of internal and external validity of a scientific research.

Clinical or Laboratorial Investigation I

1005 - ECTS
The Dental Medicine is a scientific area of strong clinical and laboratory component.
The PhD course in Dental Sciences (non­degree awarding), corresponding to the 1st year of the Doctorate in Dental Medicine (60 ECTS credits), is an eminently theoretical course and theoretical and practical. The course Research in Clinical Environment Laboratory and was integrated into the said doctoral study plan to address the lack of student relationship to clinical and laboratory practice.

Biomedical Materials I

1042 - ECTS

When completing the course of Biomaterials the student must be qualified:

-                 To select and to manipulate the dental materials included in the syllabus of this course.

-                 To evaluate these biomaterials performance based in the scientific knowledge of its composition, structure and


-                 To know the biomaterials limitations and the characteristics that can cause alterations when in service.

-                 To recognize and to understand the reasons for dental materials clinical failure.

-                 To evaluate in a critical way the characteristics of new materials presented by the producing industry, by the international standardization organizations or reported in scientific journals.

Regenerative Medicine

1039 - ECTS
The course aims to develop, within students, basic knowledge regarding regenerative medicine approaches for Dental Medicine. Through the acquisition of fundamental concepts of cell functionality, biological response modulation with biomodulators and the recognition of the relevance of scaffolds for the mimicking of the adequate microenvironment, that the student develops his competences for the application of these concepts within the regenerative strategies for oral­based biological tissues.

Periodontologia I

1041 - ECTS
The student must be able to present research and synthetic overview of some issues related to research in the field of Periodontology, getting ready to prepare a research protocolthe end of the semester should carry out a systematic revision of a periodontology theme.
the student should master the concepts of the relationship periodontal disease / periodontal treatment and smoking and brief intervention for smoking cessation and be familiar with the concepts of intensive intervention on smoking cessation.

Prótese Dentária e Oclusão I

1046 - ECTS
The objectives of this course are designed to provide students with skills to enable them to scientific research in the areas of Oral Rehabilitation ­ Fixed Prosthodontics, Removable Prosthodontics and Occlusion and Orofacial Pain.
Be competent in the knowledge of materials, techniques and methodologies of research in dental and occlusion prosthesis, and its interrelation with other important sciences for the training of dentists, including Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontology, Orofacial Genetics and Biomechanics.
Be aware of laboratory procedures and new technologies used in Dental Prosthesis and Occlusion, and its relations with the research methodologies.
Have knowledge of research leading to PhD theses in Prosthodontics in Portuguese dentistry schools.

Técnicas Ortodônticas

1048 - ECTS
Ensure the appropriate knowledge of removable appliances, functional appliances and extra­oral appliances;

Develop the ability to analyze different types of fixed orthodontic techniques;

To acquire a desire to learning based on curiosity, rigor and the pursuit of knowledge;

To ensure the basic knowledge of straight wire technique;

Develop the capacity of analyze and apply the principles of the bioprogressive technique;

To acquire the basic knowledge of skeletal anchorage.

Oral Biosciences II

1061 - ECTS
Acquisition of knowledge related to the physiological and bacteriological characteristics of the oral cavity.
Development of theoretical knowledge on the cellular communication between the host cells and microorganisms in the oral cavity.
Understanding of the molecular events involved in maintaining the oral microbiota.
Understanding of the molecular events involved in the creation of pathological imbalances in the oral microbiota.
Integration of knowledge of biology, biochemistry and oral microbiology in the areas of clinical intervention of dentistry.

Ciências de Odontopediatria II

1059 - ECTS

The aim of the course UC Pediatric Dentistry II was prepared in order to develop and specify the previously acquired knowledge whether physical, psychic and biological about the child and deepen knowledge of odontopediatrics specific techniques and provide thus a workout one that can be deftly reliability and efficiency dental treatment of the child.

Was concern of teaching staff that the program be as comprehensive as possible without however surrealist, according to the conditions currently provided at our school. 

Ciências de Ortodontia II

1060 - ECTS
The general aims of the course of Orthodontic Sciences II provide the following core competencies :
- Ensure the appropriate knowledge of the basic science of orthodontics to allow recognize deviations from normal dentition and craniofacial growth;
- Develop knowledge on issues related to the malocclusion and biological bases of tooth movement and orthopedic dentofacial ;
- Being able to diagnose dentition abnormalities, craniofacial structures and functional conditions.

Ciências Morfológicas Orais II

1062 - ECTS
Provide knowledge to students on the morphology and dental histology likely to allow the identification and recognition of human teeth, deciduous and permanents, with special emphasis on the characteristics with clinical and forensic implications.

Cirurgia e Patologia Oral II

1053 - ECTS
At the end of curricular unit, the student must: Be capable of a critical and reflective study in the field of Surgery and Oral Pathology. To acquire knowledge on the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the most common oral diseases. Making a correct diagnosis of oral diseases Knowledge and mastery of methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases in the area of ciruriga and Oral Pathology Master the technical and scientific literature necessary to perform treatments in Oral Surgery area. Mastering the research methodology on the field of Surgery and Oral Pathology. Be able to perform clinical and laboratory research. Have the theoretical and practical bases for the preparation and publication of articles and scientific papers.

Dentisteria Conservadora e Estética II

1056 - ECTS
It is intended that students should be competent in structuring a research methodology in Conservative Dentistry and Aesthetic properly framed with the inherent features. At the end of this academic component, students should be able to undestnd the differences between an investigation in vitro, in vivo and epidemilogic. They should also be able to present a research project in area.

Diagnosis and Therapeutics II

1020 - ECTS
Provide students with knowledge that will enable the differential diagnosis of orofacial disorders with overlapping signs and symptoms.
Provide students with knowledge that will enable them to better interpret and understand the aspects related to the diagnosis and treatment of these particular patient groups, including the differential diagnosis and the different treatment options of dental­maxillo­facial diseases.

To develop work skills in multidisciplinary teams and to work protocols as a way of creating reliable data for research, mainly in the clinical field.

Endodontics II

1057 - ECTS

Get differentiation and ability to develop sufficient skills to be able to further training of excellence. It is intended that the doctoral student of Endodontics area are able to:




Research and Statistics II

1021 - ECTS

With the implementation of this course is intended to deep the skills acquired in the previous curricular unit in the first semester, particularly in causation, considering the existence of multifactor etiological relationships.

Clinical or Laboratorial Investigation II

1022 - ECTS

Dental medicine is a scientific area in which the clinical and laboratory components are notorious.

The doctoral Course in dentistry, with 60 ECTS, is a highly theoretical course, but in which the need for connection to the clinic and laboratories, in terms of research, is useful and necessary.

Thus, this curriculum unit objectives are:

1. Research in clinical environment (retrospective studies or other) or not members of the dissertation.

2. Research in the laboratory environment (dental anatomy and Physiology, genetics, Prosthodontics, biomechanics, histocompatibility or other) or not members of the dissertation.

3. Teaching experience in ECTS in dentistry (MIMD), Masters (Oral Surgery – MCOB, or Oral Rehabilitation - MROB) or in specialized courses of FMDUP.

Materiais Biomédicos II

1055 - ECTS

When completing the course of Biomaterials the pupil must be qualified:

-                 To select and to manipulate the dental materials.

-                 To evaluate the biomaterials performance based in the scientific knowledge of its composition, structure and properties.

-                 To know the biomaterials limitations and the characteristics that can cause alterations when in service.

-                 To recognize and to understand the reasons for dental materials clinical failure.

-                 To evaluate in a critical way the characteristics of new materials presented by the producing industry, by the international standardization organizations or reported in scientific journals.

This information is related to biomedical materials included in the syllabus of this course.

Periodontologia II

1054 - ECTS
The student should be able to:
- Establish a comprehensive bibliographic search;
- design research protocols;
- Interpret, discuss and synthetize the results.

Prótese Dentária e Oclusão II

1058 - ECTS
­ Be competent in understanding of the current concepts of Prosthodontics and Occlusion and its research lines. ­ Be competent to diagnose and present a correct occlusion and prosthodontics treatment plan, justifying their decisions. ­ Be competent in understanding the existing epidemiological data in the area of oral rehabilitation. ­ Be competent to resolve in clinical practice, independently, simple or complex situations, such as single restorations and bridges, dento or implant­supported, removable dentures, overdentures on teeth and implants, and occlusal gutters. ­ Be aware of new concepts and lines of inquiry in the field of prosthodontics, occlusion and orofacial pain.

Seminar of Thesis Project

1023 - ECTS
The course seeks to identify epidemiologic paradigms of research, promoting knowledge­date research methods; the use of instruments and research practices and their application to the investigation process.
The unit supports the preparation of the thesis project, and assessment procedures of continuous nature.

Clinical or Laboratorial Investigation III

1035 - ECTS
The curricular unit Clinical or Laboratorial Investigation III, annual curricular unit from 2nd year of the PhD program in dentistry, would establish a bridge between research and clinical and laboratory practice, key components in this scientific area.
So are goals of this course produce scientific work in clinical and/or laboratory environment, on issues that can integrate or not the thesis, as well as developing skills in monitoring and control of clinical or laboratory activity in the Master in Dental Medicine or the other Master's degree or specialization courses of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Porto

Clinical or Laboratorial Investigation IV

1037 - ECTS
The curricular unit Clinical or Laboratorial Investigation IV, annual curricular unit from 3nd year of the PhD program in dentistry, intend to continue the previous work at curricular units of Clinical or Laboratorial Investigation I, II e III, continuing to support the students in its scientific in clinical and / or laboratory work, with the final goal of development of scientific works that could be published in scientific journal. So, the primary goals of this curricular unit are con continue support the development the scientific work in clinical and / or laboratory environment, on issues that can integrate or not the thesis, as well as developing skills in monitoring and control of clinical or laboratory activity in the Master in Dental Medicine or the other Master's degree or specialization courses of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Porto.
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