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Maria Alexandra Guedes Pinto

Fotografia de Maria Alexandra de Araújo Guedes Pinto
Name: Maria Alexandra de Araújo Guedes Pinto
Sigla: MAAGP
Estado: Active
Extensão Telefónica: 4306
Salas: A316


Categoria: Professor Associado
Carreira: Pessoal Docente de Universidades
Professional Group: Docente
Department: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Interrupção: Licença sabática
Início da Interrupção: 01-03-2024
Fim da Interrupção: 31-08-2024


Cargo Data de Início
Lic Course Director Licenciatura em Ciências da Linguagem 2023-03-08
Member of the Scientific Committee Mestrado em Tradução e Serviços Linguísticos 2023-04-10
Member of the Program Follow-up Committee 3º Ciclo de Estudos em Ciências da Linguagem 2023-03-08
Member of the Direction of R&D Center Centro de Linguistica da Universidade do Porto 2022-01-10
Docente Responsável de Curso de Educação contínua Português europeu e português brasileiro: apontamentos sobre as diferenças entre as duas variedades 2022-11-24
Docente Responsável de Curso de Educação contínua Português europeu e português brasileiro: apontamentos sobre a variação e a adaptação linguística entre as duas variedades 2023-11-10

Apresentação Pessoal

Maria Alexandra de Araújo Guedes Pinto graduated in 1989 in Modern Languages and Literatures in the Arts Faculty of University of Porto and has pursued her Master and Ph.D. studies in the same Faculty, where in 2008 she obtained her Ph.D. in Linguistics, with a thesis about aspects of the advertising textualization.

In 1998 she begins her career as a teacher in the Arts Faculty of University of Porto, where she still works nowadays as an Asssociate Professor in several curricular units of Linguistics in the three cycles of studies: Bachelor; Master and Ph.D.  She is specialist in Discourse Analysis; Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics.

She is director of the Bachelor Degree in Language Sciences, member of the Scientific Committee of the Masters in Translation and Linguistic Services and member of the Monitoring Comittee of the PhD in Language Sciences.

In 2000 she joins the research team in CLUP - Centro de Linguística da Universidade do Porto, being a part of the ‘Text / Discourse’ research line, in 2008 she integrates the Scientific Committee of the Centre and in 2021, the Directive Committee.

She participates in several international investigation projects and networks, such as Es.Por.Atenuación - Atenuación en el español y el portugués, coordinated by António Briz from University of Valência; MEMITAMemory, identity, integration to identify analysis models in media communication, based in University of  Palermo and applicant, in 2017, to the European Program Horizon 2020.
She has also been chief coordinator of the International Project 63IT41G0, financed under the International Cooperation Agreement I&D USP/U.Porto, on the Discourse of Science.

She is also main organizer, since 2011, of JADIS – Annual International Conferences on Discourse Analysis (http://web4.letras.up.pt/jadis) and editor in chief of REDIS – Discourse Studies Review – by CLUP / FLUP. http://ojs.letras.up.pt/index.php/re

She is a member of the work groups of advertising of SOPCOM: Sociedade Portuguesa de Comunicação and the “Argumentation Hub” of Media Innovation Labs from University of Porto (https://mil.up.pt/)

She is also author of several works in national and international publications in the area of Discourse Studies, having focused on aspects of the discursive functioning of advertising discourse, of media opinion discourse, of political discourse and also of scientific discourse. Some of her publications can be seen in: 


Categoria: Não definida
Research and Development Centre: Centro de Linguística da Universidade do Porto
Faculdade: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
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