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Master in Industrial Engineering and Management

General information

Official Code: 9510
Acronym: MIEIG

O MIEIG resultou do processo de adequação a Bolonha da LGEI, Licenciatura em Gestão e Engenharia Industrial, criada em 1990 na FEUP sob proposta do Prof. Rui Campos Guimarães. O plano curricular do MIEIG é constituído por disciplinas de base em Matemática e Física, disciplinas tecnológicas na área da Engenharia Mecânica, e disciplinas de Gestão. Muitas disciplinas envolvem a realização de trabalhos individuais e em grupo com uso de ferramentas informáticas muito variadas. Nos últimos anos, os estudantes têm acesso a programas de intercâmbio internacional, particularmente na Europa e no Brasil. O curso termina com um projeto individual de dissertação, que normalmente é realizado numa empresa em Portugal, na Europa ou em outros países. Após o curso, os diplomados poderão desempenhar funções de engenharia industrial e gestão em várias áreas, tais como produção, distribuição, logística, aprovisionamentos, manutenção, marketing, sistemas de informação e consultadoria, ou optarem por uma carreira de investigação.


  • Industrial Engineering and Management (300 ECTS credits)
  • Engineering Sciences - Industrial Engineering and Management (180 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry

EIG0048 - ECTS

This course unit aims the promotion of logical reasoning, methods of analysis and the theoretical development of mathematical concepts is fundamental to support the study of the majority of course units along this programme of studies.

This course unit aims to introduce the basic fundamental concepts of Linear Algebra, Vector Algebra and Analytic Geometry.

Mathematical Analysis I

EIG0049 - ECTS

Students should get solid theoretical and practical formation on the main concepts of differential and integral calculus of real functions of one real variable.

Industrial Drawing

EIG0005 - ECTS

Introduction of the concept of Standardization in general and of its importance in Engineering. Acquisition of deep knowledge about the representation of the nominal shape and dimensions of objects. Development of spatial visualization and technical communication skills. Introduction to the concept of Geometrical product specification (GPS).

Physics and Chemestry

EIG0004 - ECTS

Specific Aims: To level the student's background in the basics of "Electricity and Electromagnetism".

Introduction to Materials and Manufacturing Processes

EIG0006 - ECTS

To provide the students with an elementary background in the field of mechanical behavior of materials and about the main groups of materials. 


EIG0003 - ECTS

 BACKGROUND Almost every aspect of professional work in the world involves mathematics. A calculus course is a gateway to technical and professional careers for a wide range of curricula. A solid knowledge of mathematical analysis is required for any engineering degree namely mechanics and industrial management.

SPECIFIC AIMS To review the basics of mathematical analysis. To acquire theoretical and practical concepts of differential calculus in R. 

PERCENT DISTRIBUTION Scientific component:75% Technological component:25%

Computer Programming I

EIG0007 - ECTS

The aim of this course is to provide students with fundamental knowledge about Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and, in particular, allow them to develop their skills in computer programming.

Project FEUP

  • To welcome and integrate the new coming students.
  • To introduce the most important services of the campus
  • To teach “Soft Skills” and to stress their importance (soft skills: team work, communication, etc) 
  • To discuss a scientific Theme / Project of limited complexity in engineering areas.

Mathematical Analysis II

EIG0050 - ECTS

Development of the reasoning capacity of the students and knowledge of essential mathematical concepts. Students should get solid theoretical and practical formation on the main concepts and results of differential and integral calculus of several variables, including the basic theorems of calculus. Computation of physical quantities.


EIG0012 - ECTS

Main aims
1. To be capable of solving problems and justify arguments
2. To be capable of dealing with new and unfamiliar situations in different and multidisciplinary contexts
3. To be capable of collecting, selecting and interpreting relevant information to justify solutions and opinions
4. To be capable of integrating knowledge, dealing with complex subjects and developing solutions with limited information, by reflecting on ethic and social responsibilities
5. Continuous assessment; group assignment; presentation and discussion;
6. To be capable of communicating conclusions (knowledge and reasoning related to them) to specialists and non-specialists in a clear and objective way.
7. To be capable of taking a long-life learning in a self-oriented and autonomous way by showing a proactive attitude 

Electricity and Electronics

EIG0010 - ECTS

SPECIFIC AIMS The main objective of this course is to present the basic principles and foundations of Electricity and Electronics to the Industrial Engineering and Management students. That is, to an audience composed of non-electrical engineering students. A second objective is to present the essential material in an uncomplicated fashion, focusing on the important results and applications, and presenting the students with the most appropriate analytical and computational tools to solve a variety of practical problems. 

Manufacturing Processes

EIG0009 - ECTS

This course unit aims to endow students with knowledge in the field of Industrial Technological Processes. This course unit comprises the manufacturing process of casting, the fundamental characteristics of rapid prototyping processes, metal forming processes and weldind technologies. It also comprises stock removal processes and corresponding tools.

Computer Programming II

EIG0011 - ECTS

SPECIFIC AIMS: The aim of this course is to provide the students with a fundamental knowledge about Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and, in particular, allow them to develop their skills in computer programming.

Mathematical Analysis III

EIG0045 - ECTS

1- BACKGROUND Mechanical Engineering evolution shows that advanced mathematics is of main importance in present skills and research areas. 2- SPECIFIC AIMS Development of the reasoning capacity of the students and knowledge of advanced mathematics for engineers. Students should get solid theoretical and practical skills on the main concepts and results of differential and integral calculus of several variables and be able to develope some technological applications. 3- PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE Functions, graphs, three-dimensional integration, differential and integral calculus and linear algebra. 4- PERCENT DISTRIBUTION Scientific component 75% Technological component 25% 5- LEARNING OUTCOMES Knowledge and understanding of: ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Linear equations of first order, Riccati equation, homogeneous equations and orthogonal trajectories. Equations of higher order. Reduction of order: some examples. Linear equations of order n , homogeneous solution and particular solution: method of variation of parameters. Systems of differential equations. The Laplace Transform. The s-shifting theorem and t-shifting theorem, the convolution theorem. The Laplace Transform of discontinuos functions. Application to differential equations LINE INTEGRAL of scalar and vector functions. Independence of path. Work done by a force. Green’s Theorem. SURFACE INTEGRAL. Area of a surface, mass, center of gravity, centroid and moment of inertia. Flux integral. Theorems of Stoke´s and Gauss. FOURIER ANALYSIS Fourier Series. Euler formulas . Even and odd functions, half-range expansions. Approximation by trigonometric polynomials and minimum square error. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Equations of first order. General solution of linear equations. Surfaces orthogonal to a family of surfaces. Second order equations. Solution by the method of factorization for homogeneous partial differential equations with constant coefficients. The wave equation: D’Alembert solution and separation of variables. The heat equation.

Industrial Automation

EIG0014 - ECTS

The aim of this course is to provide the future graduates with a set of basic and structuring concepts on Industrial Automation.  The unit will  present and develop a set of concepts and knowledge in the field of sensors and actuators (pneumatic, hydraulic, and electrical) as well as the components for their implementation. It is thus intended that students acquire the ability to dialogue with experts and are able to make choices, technically and scientifically based, among various solutions that a particular problem may require.

Statistics I

EIG0015 - ECTS

This course unit aims to acquaint students with underlying knowledge on Descriptive Statistics, Probability Theory, Probability Distributions, Random Sampling, Sampling Distribution and Point and Interval Estimates. Later on, when attending to the course unit Multivariate Statistics, students will be asked to recall this knowledge in order to learn statistics techniques, which will have an important application in their future career.


EIG0013 - ECTS

This course unit aims to acquaint students with mechanical properties of metal, polymeric and ceramic alloys. It is expected students to know how to use theses properties for material selection exercises or heat and thermochemical  treatments projects.

Mechanics I

EIG0051 - ECTS

This course aims to teach and develop students’ skills on problems of mechanics of particles and rigid bodies in static conditions, by introducing theoretical concepts and practical methodologies to solve engineering problems, with a special emphasis on Civil Engineering.

This course aims also to develop students’ technical skills regarding structural matters, which are relevant to train a civil engineer, according to lines 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 of CDIO (Conceiving, Designing, Implementing and Operating real-world systems and products) standards.
This course also aims to develop students’ personal and professional skills according to lines 2.1 and 2.2 of CDIO standards, and also to develop their reasoning and teach them how to apply knowledge in new problems and explore new concepts.

Numerical Analysis

EIG0052 - ECTS


The students will be able to choose the most efficient methods for the solution of each basic Numerical Analysis problem. The students are expected to understand the theorems and convergence conditions of each of the methods described, to be able to program them, to test them effectively on a computer and discuss the results obtained.

For each chapter in the program the successful students
will be able to list the applicability conditions of the numerical methods and state the corresponding theorems of convergence;
they will be able to apply the methods, formula and algorithms taught to simple problems;
they will be able to describe the behavior of the methods, translate them into algorithms and
‘Matlab Functions’ as well as test them on examples comparing and analyzing the results;
they will explain the proofs of the theorems given and apply the proof techniques involved to other related situations;
they will be able to solve new problems with the numerical tools here taught and compare the performance of the various numerical methods in terms of speed and accuracy.

Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

EIG0016 - ECTS

The main objectives of this course are:

I) To transmit to the students the capacity to handle geometric and non-geometric information in the production area.

II) The development of standardization concepts in Mechanical Engineering Drawing: First approach to conception drawing and introduction to the functional analysis of mechanical systems, through the study of their assembly drawings and the detail drawing of some of their components.

III) To identify and use the diverse characteristics inherent to drafting programs (CAD), numerical controlled machines (CNC) and manufacturing systems (CAM).

IV) To implement computer programs that allow the processing of the information retrieved from CAD/CAM/CNC software. 

Statistics II

EIG0018 - ECTS

The aim of the courses Statistics I and II is to endow students with an integrated vision of the basic concepts and statistic techniques frequently applied. At the end of these courses, students should be able to use methods of statistic analysis autonomously in statistical decision making. Statistics II is manly focused on applying statistical inference techniques.

Mechanics II

EIG0053 - ECTS

1- BACKGROUND: Mathematics, Algebra, Physics, Statics, Mechanisms, Mechanical Drawing. 2- SPECIFIC AIMS: 1. To be acquainted with the essential concepts of KINEMATICS that is related with the motion of RIGID BODIES. To determine its velocity and acceleration. 2. To know how to determine velocity fields and contemporaneous accelerations in absolute or relative motions of the various mechanism components in an arbitrary 3D motion. 3. To identify what happens on a solid due to its motion (mass and inertia). 4. To know how to determine the dynamic balance of mechanical systems through vector theorems, energy theorems, impulse theorem and quantity of movement. 3- PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE Physics - Secondary school. Mathematics - EM0009, EM0010, EIG0045. Algebra - EM0005. Statics - EM0014. Mechanisms & Mechanical Drawing - EIG0005. 4- PERCENTUAL DISTRIBUTION Science - 85%; Technology - 15%. 5- LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the semester, students should know how to analyze the kinematic and dynamic behaviours of plannar and spacial mechanisms. Understand and the kinematics and dynamics of trivial mechanisms (gears, rolling bearings, cam - follower, piston ring-cylinder liner, rolling/sliding contacts ...)

Industrial Automation Systems

EIG0017 - ECTS

This course aims to give an overview on the potentialities of logic control systems and technologies that are related to industrial automation. A special attention to safety issues will be given. This course is oriented to the design to logic controllers, which is especially suitable for Industrial Engineering students. By the end of the semester, students should be acquainted with technical and scientific concepts that are essential on the development of studies regarding the use of logic control systems in industrial automation. Students should bear in mind all the essential safety measures.

Operational Research I

EIG0022 - ECTS

The main objective of this course is to give students an overview of the principles and techniques of Operational Research, highlighting in particular the role of quantitative methods in decision-making. It is also intended that students develop the skills necessary to identify situations where decision support techniques can be applied. At the end of the course students should be able to apply the techniques studied in real contexts.

Solid Mechanics and Structures

EIG0020 - ECTS

Understanding the basics concepts needed for the Analysis of Solids and Structures and acquisition of the capacity of solving and understanding basic problems of solid Mechanics.


EIG0023 - ECTS

In this course it is aimed that students are able to correctly implement different economical concepts to understand the way markets work and the interaction between the economic agents. 

Information Systems I

EIG0021 - ECTS

Prepare students for designing information systems appropriate to user needs and objectives of organizations, considering the short, medium and long term. So they should be able to prepare conceptual models of information, in particular classes of objects and relational models, develop conceptual models of user interaction, apply software engineering methodology, and use relational database management systems.

Termodinamics and Heat Transfer

EIG0019 - ECTS

In a world where energy is an increasingly scarce and expensive commodity, is critical to an industrial engineer to possess a solid knowledge of thermodynamics so he can take informed decisions in this area. Students should therefore know the functioning of the various thermodynamic cycles of thermal engines and refrigeration machines, as well as being able to perform basic calculations of heat transfer. SPECIFIC AIMS This course unit aims to provide the students with a solid knowledge in the area of thermodynamics and heat transfer as well as some training in team work, through the realization of thermal design of several equipments, using the knowledge of thermodynamics and heat transfer acquired in this course.


EIG0027 - ECTS

This course unit aims to endow students with knowledge, which make them able to develop and interpret reports of accounting information, which underpin firms’ economic and financial analysis and are an integral part of the decision processes. This course unit also aims to acquaint students with the problems of management accounting which companies come across, giving a special emphasis to production, stocks and sales valuation.

Operational Research II

EIG0026 - ECTS

The purpose of the Operational Research II course is to make students aware of the main concepts and key-aspects of advanced operational research techniques. The students are intended to develop the skills required to apply these techniques successfully in real world situations. This course continues the study of Operational Research techniques started in the Operational Research I course.

Fluid Mechanics

EIG0024 - ECTS

Analyse, understand and characterize, based on fundamental laws of mechanics and using specific methodologies, the behaviour of fluids at rest and in motion, in view of solving problems of fluid mechanics in engineering.

Machine Elements

EIG0054 - ECTS

This course is a foundation for machine design, through the analysis and design of some machine elements frequently used. Students are expected to use knowledge already obtained in other courses, such as solid mechanics, materials and technological processes, and to complement that knowledge through applications to design of machine elements.

Information Systems II

EIG0025 - ECTS

This course unit aims to: understand the Information Systems (IS) role in organizations and make decisions in IS management and strategic planning.; know how to develop web applications using HTML, CSS, object oriented programming in PHP and MySql database.


Operations Management

EIG0029 - ECTS

The aim of this course is to provide the students an integrated vision of important concepts, techniques and strategies of the Production Management. One expects that the students acquire a global vision of the concepts, problems and available tools, enabling them to take better decisions. The students are expected to better analyze production situations, recognizing “trade-offs” between Cost, Quality, Time and Flexibility in devising solutions for competitive systems. 

Total Quality Management

EIG0028 - ECTS
  • Objective 1: To understand the fundamental principles of quality control, quality assurance and quality management;
  • Objective 2: To be able to understand the principles, organization and requirements of ISO9001 standard;
  • Objective 4: To know the fundamental quality tools and understand problem solving methodology;
  • Objective 5: To use able to use statistical methods and other problem-solving techniques to improve the quality of products and services (with software tools);
  • Objective 6: To be able to use statistical process control tools to achieve process stability and improve process capability.
  • Objective 7: To know and master other benchmarks, methodologies and tools within the quality management.

Financial Management

EIG0032 - ECTS

The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the major issues facing the area of  corporate financial management  providing them with the knowledge and basic tools for:I

1-financial statement analysis, in order  to make an economic and financial diagnosis of the firm;  2- taking  the most appropriate financial decisions in a company, in both  operational and strategic level.

Logistics Management

EIG0030 - ECTS

Within this course we provide students with an overview of the Logistics function and Supply Chain Management. In particular, this course aims to develop the skills necessary to manage the logistics function, to set inventory levels and the respective control mechanisms, to design a supply network, to plan a warehouse, and to plan transport activities.


EIG0031 - ECTS

The main objective of this discipline is to transmit the students basic knowledge in the area of Marketing to allow them (i) to understand the importance of the customers approach in the success of Enterprise Strategies and (II) to elaborate a Strategic Marketing Plan. It is also aimed to endow students with real enterprise experiences and techniques, so that the beginning of their professional career should be done in an easier way.

Project Appraisal

EIG0035 - ECTS

This course unit aims to provide students with knowledge of basic methodologies for the analysis of the financial and economic feasibility of investment projects.

Maintenance Management

EIG0033 - ECTS


The effectiveness of the Maintenance of a Production Plant lies in its ability of assuring a certain required level of technical availability, and optimizing the entrepreneurial productivity and flexibility and the product’s quality itself. All the maintenance actions shall comply with defined strategic company goals andorganizational schemes.


Specific Aims

The aim of this subject is to acquaint the students with an integrated overall view of concepts, techniques and strategies most commonly used in Maintenance Management. At the end of the course it is expected that students have a global view of concepts, problems, available tools and decision support systems to help them making the best decisions to solve the main maintenance management problems related to TPM (total productive maintenance) and RCM (reliability centered maintenance).


Human Resources Management

EIG0036 - ECTS

1.To provide an understanding of the human and organizational contexts in which you will be working and the skills you will need to be productive and successful as you enter the world of work and throughout your career.

2.To explore how to put the scientific, technical and organizational knowledge learned at FEUP to work in addressing the major challenges facing management and organizations today.


Project and Team Management I

EIG0037 - ECTS

Provide students with an overview of product development methodologies for the design of products with moderate complexity, following a comprehensive approach from the design of products to their production.

General Management

EIG0034 - ECTS

This course unit aims to acquaint students with organisational models, the role of management (and manager) and the required management tools to successfully implement a management model  suitable for a specific business model.

It also aims to develop students’ perception regarding the interaction of a company with its surrounding environment and teach them how to develop competitive and development strategies. It will be given a special emphasis on organizational desig and on the definition of strategies to support future deveopment.

It is also an object of study the issues related to organizational diagnosis. In that context we intend to discuss suitable methodologies to perform consultancy activities  in the context of organizational consulting work.

Upon completion of this course the student will recognize the fundamentals of current management practices, the changing roles of the manager and the managed, future trends in worldwide management structures and activities in manufacturing and service organizations.

Management Control Systems

EIG0039 - ECTS

The objective is to explore tools capable of supporting effective organizational performance management, ensuring the promotion of strategic and operational objectives and avoiding the adoption of dysfunctional attitudes and behaviours.



Company and Business Law

EIG0041 - ECTS

To prepare students for the basic but essential legal problems they most probably will have to deal with either when starting a business or when assuming contracts and responsabilities in the life and business of any company. Based also in international legislation, directives and rules from EU and ICC, besides portuguese law.


EIG0047 - ECTS

Individual project work aiming at the integration and application of knowledge, skills and attitudes obtained along the course. The work will take place in a business or research environment, promoting the development of capabilities of initiative, decision, and of individual and group work.

Corporate Strategy

EIG0040 - ECTS

This course unit aims to endow students with the basic skills to think strategically, to develop a specific business and corporate strategy, to understand the issues and hurdles of implementation, in order to play a role in a given company's competitiveness.

Project and Team Management II

EIG0042 - ECTS

Prepare students to implement project management methodologies in the context of the activities of an organization as well as to perform the function of project manager. So they should be able to recognize the relevance of applying the project management methodology, to structure and implement project management methodologies for the development of critical activities in the context of a given organization and to starting performing the role of project manager.

Quantitative Methods for Management

EIG0038 - ECTS

The managers of every company – from the private or public sectors – have to make decisions on how to allocate the organization resources. Being part of the necessary information to take decisions quantitative, the managers of today’s world must be able to assess, analyse and use it. The aim of this course is to provide the students the suitable analytical skills and data treatment tools and quantitative models to support decision making procedures.


EIG0047 - ECTS

Individual project work aiming at the integration and application of knowledge, skills and attitudes obtained along the course. The work will take place in a business or research environment, promoting the development of capabilities of initiative, decision, and of individual and group work.

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