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General Management

Code: EIG0034     Acronym: OGE

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Marketing and Strategy

Instance: 2015/2016 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Engineering and Industrial Management

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEIG 91 Syllabus since 2006/2007 4 - 7 56 189
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2015-10-03.

Fields changed: Learning outcomes and competences, Bibliografia Obrigatória, Componentes de Avaliação e Ocupação, Lingua de trabalho, Observações, Objetivos, Bibliografia Complementar, Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final, Programa, Componentes de Avaliação e Ocupação, Lingua de trabalho, Programa, Resultados de aprendizagem e competências, Objetivos

Teaching language



This course unit aims to acquaint students with organisational models, the role of management (and manager) and the required management tools to successfully implement a management model  suitable for a specific business model.

It also aims to develop students’ perception regarding the interaction of a company with its surrounding environment and teach them how to develop competitive and development strategies. It will be given a special emphasis on organizational desig and on the definition of strategies to support future deveopment.

It is also an object of study the issues related to organizational diagnosis. In that context we intend to discuss suitable methodologies to perform consultancy activities  in the context of organizational consulting work.

Upon completion of this course the student will recognize the fundamentals of current management practices, the changing roles of the manager and the managed, future trends in worldwide management structures and activities in manufacturing and service organizations.

Learning outcomes and competences

The students should be able to: 

Obj1 - Describe and explain the main theoretical foundations associated with the conceptual framework of the Organization of the Company;

Obj2 - List and explain the various sub-systems that make up an organization, including the components: technical, management, human, cultural and political power.  Describe the organizational environment: general and specific

Obj3 - Describe and explain the different concepts, principles, parameters and functions of organizational design as a means for defining the structure of the organization;

Obj4 - Enumerate and describe the main ways that an organization can adopt. Explain the advantages and disadvantages associated with the different types of organizational structure. Explain a suitable methodology to perform consultancy work in the context of organizational analysis and design;

Obj5 - Understand and explain the organizational function and particularly the steering system of an organization

OBJ6 - Understand, explain and develop the  control manegement system;

OBJ7 - Understanding the dynamics of improvement as well as the methodologies supporting the continuous improvement process. 

The syllabus coherence is demonstrated by associating each of the program components with one or more objectives.

1. Obj1 and contents Part I
2. Obj2 and contents Part I
3. Obj3 and contents Part I
4. Obj4 and contents Part III
5. Obj5 and contents Part II
6. OBJ6 and contents Part IV
7. OBJ7 and contents Part V

Working method



Part I – Fundamentals of Organization and Management

  • Introduction to Management
  • Models of managment. Evolution of managment thought
  • The Organizational environment: internal and external environment; general Environment and Specific Environment
  • The four functions of Management
  • Management task and roles. Management levels and styles
  • Interorganizational strategies

Part II – Planning and Decision Making

  • Types and levels of planning
  • Strategic planning: planning process
  • Main tools for external and internal analysis: PEST, 5 forces model, SWOT
  • Strategy types: differentiation, cost and focus
  • Strategy tools: BCG matrix, GE/Mckinsey and Ansoff matrix
  • The Blue Ocean Strategy approach
  • Decision making process and supporting tools

 Part III – Organizational Strucuture and Design

  • Business model and organizational structure
  • Functional and process oriented organizations.
  • Mechanistic and organic approaches
  • Vertical and horizontal differentiation
  • Basic structures: functional, geographical, divisional, matrix
  • Elements of organizational design: chain and unit of command, span of control, centralisation and decentralisation, etc
  • Organizational diagnosis

 Part IV – Foundations of Control

  • The fundamentals of controlling
  • Control process steps
  • Developing of control systems and supporting tools: budget and balanced scorecard
  • Setting Goals, Objectives and Performance Measures 

Part Y – Organizational Improvement

  • Scope and approaches
  • Improvement methodologies: phases, milestones, tools
  • Improvement management

Mandatory literature

Gareth R. Jones ; Organizational Theory, Design, and Change , Pearson

Complementary Bibliography

Carlos A. Marques Pinto... [et al.]; Fundamentos de gestão. ISBN: 972-23-3654-1
David Boody; Management: An Introduction , Pearson
Sebastião Teixeira; Gestão das Organizações , McGraw Hill
Kathryn M. Bartol, David C. Martin; Management. ISBN: 0-07-005722-2

Teaching methods and learning activities

This course consideres the following components:

1. Theoretical classes will be based on the presentation of the themes of the course unit.

2. Practical classes will be based on the discussion of company based on case studies.

3. Several assignment, oriented to the definition of structure and organizacional model of a company (organizational structure, functions manual, processes manual, control model, etc) will be explored and analyzed by a group of students (teams of 6 to 8).

4. Assignment of individual weekly homeworks grounded in analysis of specific short cases  or exploitation of subjects aligned with the weekly class. 


Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 40,00
Participação presencial 15,00
Trabalho escrito 45,00
Total: 100,00

Eligibility for exams

Attendance of the foreseen classes  and delivery  of the proposed assignments. 


Calculation formula of final grade

Type of evaluation: Distributed evaluation with final exam

Course grades will be based on participation and completion of assignments. The final grade will consider the weighted average of the following components:

- participation of the student in classes (both lectures and recitations) (P): 15%

- teamwork assignments (TE): 45%

- written exam (EE): 40%

The evaluation of the "teamwork" (TE) will result from two components:

- AE: global teamwork Rating - average assessment of the work of the team (scale 1-20), weighing 0.9;

- AI: Individual Assessment: should reflect the performance of the element evaluated throughout the semester. Each team can define your own valuation methodology of its elements, but at the end of the semester, must be reported using any value in a range between -2 and +2, ensuring that the average individual team reviews is 0.

Final evaluation formula:

 P *0,15 + (AE *0,9 + AI) * 0,45 + EE*0,4

To be approved in the course unit, the student must reach the a minimum threshold of 40% in each evaluation component.

In case there is a difference of more than 4 points (on a scale 0-20) in the marks obtained in practical work (individual or team) and written test, then top ranking will be reduced until the difference is 4 points.

All assignments received late will be graded down.

Class sessions will be mixed in format, to include interactive lectures, discussions of readings, case analyses and in-class exercises. Much of the learning in this course will occurs in class as you share your experiences, questions, and analyses with each other. So, attendance is strictly required. If you are unable to attend class due to illness or family emergency, you are expected to notify in advance. Unexcused absences will negatively affect the final grades.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable

Internship work/project

Not applicable

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

For students with a special status that dispense with the presence in the classroom, the evaluation component "class participation" will be replaced by an oral examination.

This event will be held during the month of January and will have the same weight (the minimum threshold will be considered (40%)).

Students in these conditions, can also opt for the regular evaluation of students. In that case, should communicate their option to teachers at the latest by the end of the 2nd week of classes.

Classification improvement

Exame part: Written Exam. 


Student Behavior involving cheating, copying other’s work, and plagiarism is not tolerated and will result in disciplinary action.
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