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Sports Sciences

General information

Official Code: 9707
Acronym: LCD


  • Sports Sciences - Area of Sport Training (180 ECTS credits)
  • Sports Sciences - Area of Sport and Special Populations (180 ECTS credits)
  • Sports Sciences - Area of Exercise and Health (180 ECTS credits)
  • Sports Sciences - Area of Sports Management (180 ECTS credits)

National Calls for Application

The average grade of the last approved student in the last 5 years

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
139,5 134 139 136 142


Scheme Phase Vacancies
General Regulation 1 145
Applications and deadlines are managed by Directorate-General for Higher Education.

Courses Units

Functional Anatomy

109 - ECTS The student must learn to identify and appropriately use anatomical nomenclature. The student must also learn to observe, to identify, to differentiate, to describe, to enumerate and to systematize from the analytical description of the human body. The student must understand the morphological foundations of human movement in a functional perspective.

Biochemistry and Cell Biology

111 - ECTS


- To provide students theoretical knowledge on the biochemical concepts regarding the different metabolic pathways of cellular energy production (bioenergetics)
- To provide students theoretical knowledge regarding the structural and molecular organization of the cell as well as the associated mechanisms for normal cell function

Practical Studies I

124 - ECTS To ko know the basic technical skills of gymnastics, athletics and swimming.
To know the basic technical skills and tactics of basketball.
To know the theoretical bases of the technical and tactical skills (when applicable) of gymnastics, athletics, swimming and soccer.
Know the technical regulations of gymnastics, athletics, swimming and basketball.

Practical Studies I - Athletics

127 - ECTS

The Curricular Unit introduces the fundamental principles of the different Track and Field disciplines. Scientific, pedagogic and methodological aspects of running, jumping and throws are discussed in an integrated approach. Although these contents, are important for the education of a future sports professional, they are fundamental in professional activity regardless of the sport in question.

Understand Athletics in its entirety, knowing how to identify its different events.

Recognize the differences between Olympic and non-Olympic events and distinguish between competitive and non-competitive events;

To acquire knowledge about the historical evolution of Athletics.

Understand the institutional framework of athletics in the national and international context (International Association of Athletics Federation, Portuguese Athletics Federation, Regional Associations and Clubs).

Know and understand the regulations and current rules of the different Athletics events.

Acquire theoretical-practical knowledge to identify the main motor actions of the basic technical elements, relating them to the different scientific areas (Anatomy, Biomechanics, Physiology, among others), in order to conceptualize a set of strategies that allow to develop specific learning in teaching the all Athletics events.

Understand the motor richness circumscribed in the variety of technical elements in the sense of learning to develop motor skills (strength, flexibility, endurance, speed, balance, coordination, rhythm, spatial orientation, kinesthetic differentiation) specific to different Athletics events.

Acquire general and specific knowledge of each Athletics event that allow to know how to organize, plan and apply correctly warm-ups, physical preparation skill cards and sets of learning situations for the different athletic techniques, considering the level of learning of the students;

Know the basic attitudes in the Athletics. Identify different rhythms of movement execution relating them to performance.

Develop skills for observation and immediate identification of main technical errors and knowledge of adequate strategies for their prevention and correction.

Know the practical implications of security rules throughout the teaching process.

In addition to the guidelines outlined above, hurdles events, middle and long distance running events and jumps, will be further studied during the semester to:
— Provide the students with specific experiences in hurdles, jumps, middle and long distance running.
— Teach the rules about hurdles, jumps, and middle and long distance running events.
— Acquire basic skills for teaching the basic aspects of Athletics, in terms of hurdles, jumps, middle and long distance running.

Practical Studies I - Basketball

119 - ECTS Provide the students with the theoretical knowledge about the tactical and technical abilities and the collective tactical organization of basketball rules.
Achieve the motor control of the basic tactical and technical abilities of basketball

Practical Studies I - Gymnastics

128 - ECTS

The Practical Studies of Gymnastics in this Faculty is guided by the following goals:

- Acquire motor experience in the different areas of gymnastics;

- Understand the biomechanics of gymnastics elements;

- Understand the technique of different gymnastics elements;

- Understand and consider the value and variety of gymnastics movements for developing motor skills;

- Be aware of technical regulation of the different disciplines.

Practical Studies I - Swimming

120 - ECTS

Provide students with the specific experiences and basic knowledge of swimming.

History of Sport

112 - ECTS

The main purpose of the History of Sports is to provide the essential skills that enable students to develop the ability to relate the themes of the History of Sports with the discussion of current issues in sport as well as the issues about its future development. It is also aimed that students develop skills in literature research and identify the sources and methods of the History of Sports.
Aims of the course:
1) To reflect on the importance of the History of Sports in the context of Sport Sciences.

2) To understand the sports culture along the historical process, concerning the most important societies of each historical period.
3) To know the settings about the different paradigms of contemporary sport.

Water Sports

623 - ECTS Students should acquire the basic knowledge relating to both sports - Rowing and Canoe. They must be able to maneuver on land and in the water the various equipment. They should be able to master the basic principles in the teaching-learning respecting the motor field of prospective students observing all safety procedures on land, river and sea. Should experience as much experience in both modalities.


114 - ECTS The UC Applied Statistics, in the 1st year of Sport Sciences studies, aims to fullfil a fundamental purpose - to allow students a wise use of quantitativa data obtained in the most varied contexts - school and sports field.
In this UC, knowledge is based on fundamental topics of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics as a function of the number of available classes.

Aesthetics of Sport

608 - ECTS

1.To interpret through critical understanding the major issues of aesthetics of sport.
2.To understand and develop an aesthetic attitude which facilitates access to aesthetic experience, as well as its reflection and analysis.
3.To recognize that the Aesthetics of Sport is featured by the dialectic presence of objective requirements (aesthetic qualities) and subjective requirements (aesthetic attitude).
4.To understand the significance of aesthetic sporting body.
5.To enhance visual and conceptual imagination and to interpret critically the polysemy of sporting images.
6.To identify and understand the presence of sport in art and develop the taste for its enjoyment.

Practical Studies II

125 - ECTS
To know the theoretical foundations of the specific motor skills, of the structural and functional tactical organizations and game rules of Gymnastics, Athletics, Swimming and Basketball.

Mastering the basic skills of Gymnastics, Athletics, Swimming and Basketball.

Acquire didactic knowledge to understand the logics of teaching different modalities (Gymnastics, Athletics, Swimming and Basketball).

(The specific objectives of each sport are referenced in the record of each curricular area).

Pratice Studies II - Athletics

121 - ECTS


The subject introduces the fundamental principles of the different track and field disciplines. The scientific aspects, pedagogical and methodological disciplines of jumping, running and throwing are taught in an integrated way. These contents will equip the future professional with skills and knowledge to act independently of the sport.



Provide students with the specific experiences and basic knowledge of track and field –starting blocks, sprint, relays and throwing;

- Present the regulations of the sprint, relays and throwing;

- Acquire basic skills for teaching the basic aspects of Athletics, in terms of sprint, relays and throwing.

Practice Studies II - Basketball

134 - ECTS Provide the students with the theoretical knowledge about the tactical and technical abilities and the collective tactical organization of basketball rules.
Achieve the motor control of the basic tactical and technical abilities of basketball

Practice Studies II - Gymnastics

122 - ECTS

Acquire knowledge about the different disciplines of Gymnastics.

Understand the Gymnastics features as sport - competitive and non-competitive areas.

Understand the institutional framework of the sport, through the practice of basic gymnastic skills.

Understand the learning stages to develop gymnastics skills.

Understand the manual help.

Practical Studies II - Swimming

133 - ECTS

Acquire basic knowledge that supports practice and swimming teaching;
To know the swimming techniques, starts and turns and understand the process of performance development;
Develop basic knowledge and competences for swimming teaching.

General Physiology

115 - ECTS

General purposes: (1) to provide to students the fundamental knowledge of how the of major organs, systems and devices function; (2) to promote knowledge of the various factors and mechanisms underlying organic functionality; (3) to promote students' interest and motivation in relation to the knowledge of the function in a systemic perspective; (4) provide the fundamental physiological and biochemical bases for a more fluid understanding of the matters to be addressed in the discipline of Exercise Physiology.

Muscular Functionality

645 - ECTS Purposes: (1) to provide students with fundamental knowledge about the functionality of skeletal muscle; (2) to promotebetter understanding of the different susceptible factors which may affect this muscular functionality.

Gender and Sport

622 - ECTS

This curricular unit aims to provide a holistic and current understanding about gender issues in sport and physical activities. It also seeks to focus the construction of masculinities and femininities and the impact on participation in sport activities. Finally, it aims to expose students to the main lines of research in the field. At the end of this curricular unit, students should be able to: 1) Identify Gender as a social construct that outlines the roles, behaviors, activities and attributes that a particular society believes are appropriate for men and women, particularly in sport 2) Understand the challenges of the importance of gender equity — particularly for girls and women 3) Identify the mechanisms that promote hegemonic representations and power relations in sport concerning gender issues 4) Integrating concerns about gender equality into the analyses and formulation of policies, programs and projects in sport and physical education

Management of Sports Organizations

123 - ECTS

To present the participant students the fundamental principles of the Sport Manager activity

To motivate the students who are interested in this area of knowledge to follow their studies in the Sport Management main option

To comprehend the basic knowledge that can support the understanding about the Portuguese sport system

To be aware of the basic theoretical presuppositions of organizational development, marketing and sport events management

To develop practical skills in the scope of projects, marketing plans and sport events planning and consecution


642 - ECTS

Have a positive experience at the first Golf exposure.

Knowing the fundamental principles and spirit of the Golf game

Know the general rules of Golf and its application in game situations practices.

Know and implement the rules of etiquette in game situation

Know and apply in training and game situation of the main safety rules.

Learn the specific denomination and terms used for golf equipment.

Understand, practice and consolidate the fundamental technical skills of the Golf game.

Know the importance of Golf Setup (alignment, stance, distance to the ball, ball position, position of the hands, posture as well as the golf grip)

Learn the setup fundamentals: (i) proper alignment; (ii) the correct stance and ball position; (iii) good posture; (iv) a correct grip.

Learn, practice and become familiar with the swing and shots using several clubs [takeaway, backswing (earlbackswing, midbackswing, latebackswing) top of the backswing, downswing, impact, extension and rotation, follow through and finish position]

Develop key technical and tactical skills that are part of the Golf game: (i) Putting skills (i.e. starting the ball on line and speed control); (ii) chipping skills; (iii) Pitching skills; (iv) full swing; (v) specialty shots (knock-down, flop shot, uphill, downhill, etc.); (vi) fairway bunkers play; (vii) centeredness on ball contact.

Learning basic concepts surrounding ball flight.

Concepts of distance control for clubs. Accuracy and distance control with all clubs.

Awareness of changing conditions and their effect on performance.

Adding shot variety to basic skills learned.

Knowledge of escape shot techniques (fades, draws, ball position, body alignment, clubface angle).

knowledge of trouble shot techniques (punch shots, low shots, high shots, club selection).

Empower students with essential knowledge on Golf for in situations of school and/or club, provide technical and didactic response in teaching the bases of this sport

Introduction to Academic Scientific Comunication

654 - ECTS
- Understand and interpret academic-scientific texts
- Understand the characteristics and structure of academic and scientific works.
- Know standards of some journals and congresses where to present academic-scientific studies

- Know how to research academic theses and scientific articles in person and virtually

- Know how to make effective communication in the context of Physical Education and Sports Training

- Understand how Sports Science contents can be transmitted to contemporary societies

The Future of Sports

655 - ECTS
To debate the future of sport and its impact on society

To discuss the transformations ahead in those more conservative sporting activities

To debate the future of major sports competitions

To discuss how the invasion of sport by “new technologies” will lead to:
  • the emergence of super athletes;
  • the emergence of “new practices” such as E-Sports and Fantasy Sports (among others);
  • the modification of all sporting practices contexts.

Sport Pedagogy

110 - ECTS The Course Sport Pedagogy (SP) refers to pedagogical dimension of sport, as element of our culture, in the overall process of education and training of human beings.
Sp as a scientific discipline
Anthropological foundations os SP
Problematic areas of Sport Pedagogy: education, training, learning, game, body, movement. Ethical dimension of sport. Sport and profession.

Laboratory Practice and Motor Behaviour

641 - ECTS The main purpose of the course Laboratory Practice in the Study of Motor Behavior is to provide any help to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and its practical applicability as regards the area of evaluation of motor behavior (in its subareas motor development, motor learning and motor control), namely in the study of its intraindividual and interindividual variations.

- Based on the theoretical reference Behavior Motor to make known methodologies, data collection and analysis procedures and evaluation tools that enable the applied academic research.

- To familiarize the students with the main laboratories, at national and international level, whose lines of investigation refer to the study of Motor Behavior.

- Acquire competences in the field of choice and application of test protocols and test batteries that allow to appreciate intraindividual differences and between subjects, particularly in parameters of motor coordination, motor competence, body perception, laterality and functional motor asymmetries.

- Develop knowledge and skills for the application, in the field, of some tests and Batteries with the consequent collection and processing of the data.

- To initiate the students in the analysis and discussion of the results comparing them with the theoretical body of knowledge.

- Understand intraindividual differences and between subjects in different types of practice and in different conditions of practice.

- To stimulate the critical sense of the students in a controversial field such as the evaluation of motor behavior in the various ages and in the populations that the Sports Sciences involve as a subject of study (infantojuvenil, high income, special needs and elderly).

Psychology of Development

116 - ECTS

This curricular unit is fundamental for preparing professionals in different areas of Sport and Physical Education and is intended to review and deepen basic knowledge of human development over the course of the lifespan. Various developmental theories and theoretical conceptions are presented and critically analyzed regarding changes across a broad range of topics, including physical and motor skills, and cognitive, socio-emotional and moral development.
Another objective is to develop awareness in students to the importance of knowledge and observation of children’, adolescents’ and adults’ development from prenatal to death, analyzing and exploring the practical implications and applications of the major theories of development, so as to empower the students to properly and correctly select the best intervention methods in different practical situations in Sport and Physical Education domains.

Risks & Challenges - Personal Skills Development Program

653 - ECTS Promote protection behaviors and prevent health risk behaviors;

Promote a social support network among university students;

Facilitate the adaptation and success of the student in the university context;

Develop personal and interpersonal skills;

Promote the adoption of healthy lifestyles;

Decrease dropout rates in the first year of university attendance.

Traumatology and Injury Prevention

606 - ECTS
Approach in detail the main causes of the commonest injuries in sports contexts, with the aim of developing preventive strategies for its occurrence.

Non Competitive Aquatic Activies

600 - ECTS

Developing knowledge and competences related with aquatic activities that can be used with population that were not evolved in competitive sports.

Gymnastic basis for children

646 - ECTS

Understand the children’s problematics and their development.

Acquire knowledge about Gymnastics and its various variants.

Understand how gymnastics can be a positively influence or a way for developt children.

Acquire practical experiences of gymnastic’s skills.


602 - ECTS

- Knowledge of the Biophysics history
-Understand the inter-relationships between the Physical and the Biological Sciences
- Understand the concept of wave and know their properties
- Understand the speech and earring mechanisms and their relation with sound waves
- To apply the concepts learned in order to understand the echography mechanism and the Doppler effect
- Understand the concept of electromagnetic wave and know their properties
- To understand the functioning of the mirrors and lenses
- To understand the vision mechanism and the correction of visual defects by the use of lenses
- To understand the concept of electrically charged particles and the existence of the electric and magnetic fields
- To understand the physical mechanism for the creation and propagation of the action potential in nervous and muscle cells and its relation to electromyography

Motor Development

207 - ECTS Motor development UC aims to show students the dynamics of human growth, biological maturation and motor performance of children and adolescents in varied contexts, namely sports and school related. Additionaly, it builds up an interpretative window around the theme of genetic and environmetal factors.
It also addresses main research questions related to fundamental motor skills within the first years of academic life of children.

Práctical Studies III

240 - ECTS Master the basic skills of Handball, Football and Volleyball.

Understand the theoretical foundations of the skills, tactics and rules of Handball, Football and Volleyball.

(Specific objectives are listed in the file of each area)

Practice Studies III - Handball

233 - ECTS 1. Acquire and develop theoretical and practical knowledge about the Handball game, with emphasis on the collective and individual tactical-technical components.

2. Acquire knowledge about the general and specific rules of the handball game. Know thoroughly the organic of the sport and understand the implications of the rules for the actions of the game and its practice.

3. Acquire mastery of the practical skills of the handball game. Experience all of the motor constraints of the game and understands how the actions are related with the emergent problems in the game.

4. Understand the Handball evolution and the reasons for this progress.

Practice Studies III - Soccer

220 - ECTS

To perform the specific motor skills of Football in a game context.

- To understand and to perform the different specific principles of the game of Football in the context of the game.

- To know the specific regulation of the game of Football.

- To understand the different phases of the evolution of the game and the football player.

Practice Studies III - Volleyball

219 - ECTS
  • To acquire basic knowledge concerning the main actions of the volleyball game and their logic sequence: serve, reception, setting, attack, block and defence.
  • To acquire basic knowledge of collective tactical organization in the context of 2 vs. 2 and 3 vs. 3 games.
  • To acquire basic knowledge concerning Portuguese rules for Gira-Volei (Levels 1 and 2) and Minivolleyball (Age Groups A and B).
  • To domain minimum motor skills to apply the previous points under game conditions.
  • To domain pedagogical progressions for teaching the game (2 vs. 2 and 3 vs. 3) and its tactical-technical actions (main variations).
  • To acquire basic knowledge of effective organization of tournaments in the context of 2 vs. 2 and 3 vs. 3 games.
  • To acquire basic knowledge of the history of volleyball.

Body Expression and Dance

652 - ECTS Develop knowledge, experiences and pedagogical-didactic skills to an approach of Body Expression and Dance at school, with a current and responsible vision;
Know and explore the body as an expressive and communicative agent;
Explore the meaning of musicality, establishing relationships between music and movement;
Promote and develop skills in the execution of expressive sequences and construction of choreographic projects;
Implement different expressive approaches to dance in different contexts and diverse populations.

Muscular Functionality

645 - ECTS Purposes: (1) to provide students with fundamental knowledge about the functionality of skeletal muscle; (2) to promotebetter understanding of the different susceptible factors which may affect this muscular functionality.

Fundamentals of Sports Didactics

634 - ECTS

Didactical treatment of contents and objectives

The scope and sequence of contents in the instructional design

The dynamic interrelationships among the systems that form the ecology of teaching and learning in sport and physical education.

The role of feedback in the instructional design



Introduction to Computer Sciences

610 - ECTS

- To know the history of computation
- To know the way computers work
- To know the MS Windows operating system
- To know and to use antivirus and antimalware programs
- Learn to use MS Word
- Learn to use email clients
- Learn to use MS PowerPoint
- Learn to use MS Excel
- To program formulas in MS Excel

First Aid

648 - ECTS Learn about the operation of the Integrated Medical Emergency System (SIEM) and the Urgent Patient Guidance Centers (CODU) in Portugal;

To know the basic techniques of First Aid (PS) and how to activate the means of SIEM;

Theoretical description and practical familiarization of the Basic Life Support (SBV) maneuvers and the importance of the External Automatic Defibrillator (DAE);

Theoretical description and practical familiarization of the Heimlich maneuver in the obstruction of the airway by foreign body;

Identify the basic rules of rescue and aquatic lifeguard in a deep pool;

Acquire skills in the observation / interpretation of the type of accident and victim and how to guarantee an adequate, pre-hospital intervention;
Know the precautions to take both in sports and in any other indoor or outdoor activity / nature of leisure and / or recreation, as well as their first aid when necessary (Hemorrhages, Wounds and burns).

Theory and Methodology of Sport Training

211 - ECTS

The curricular unit of Theory and Methodology of Sports Training (TMTD) is located in the 2nd year of the Sports Sciences course. This curricular unit is not specifically oriented to any field of sport practice or sport discipline.
The curricular unit of Theory and Methodology of Sports Training is oriented to the study of sport performance, particularly the study of the theoretical and methodological fundamentals of sport performance development and its formal verification (in testing or competition). Thus, changes in sport performance induced by deliberated practice are the main issue of this curricular unit. In general, this unit aims to provide students with basic knowledge about the theoretical and methodological principles of sports training, and by this way allowing them to access and respond successfully to more specific educational and training demands within the different areas included in the Sports Sciences curriculum, such as elite sports training, sports training for populations with special needs or training for health and fitness. Therefore, the curricular unit has propaedeutic features supporting the educational training in more specific professional settings like physical education and sports at school, sports rehabilitation, or recreational and leisure sport.
The general purpose of this curricular unit is to develop attitudes and values that enable students the realization of their future professional practice in a competent, efficient, enthusiastic manner and based on ethics and responsibility.

Traumatology and Injury Prevention

606 - ECTS
Approach in detail the main causes of the commonest injuries in sports contexts, with the aim of developing preventive strategies for its occurrence.

Sport and Special Population

208 - ECTS Goals

This course aims to:

1) raise awareness of the issue of Special Needs through experimenting practical situations and theoretical analysis.
2) To highlight the relationship between physical activity and the various domains (biological / psychological / social) of the person with special needs.
3) Give the students a set of basic knowledge in the different special needs and different types of Adapted Physical Activities.
4) To promote activities and contacts with the various modes of Adapted Sports.
5) To experience and experiment techniques, tactics, accessories and specific equipment used under Adapted Physical Activity

Water Sports

623 - ECTS Students should acquire the basic knowledge relating to both sports - Rowing and Canoe. They must be able to maneuver on land and in the water the various equipment. They should be able to master the basic principles in the teaching-learning respecting the motor field of prospective students observing all safety procedures on land, river and sea. Should experience as much experience in both modalities.

Aesthetics of Sport

608 - ECTS

1.To interpret through critical understanding the major issues of aesthetics of sport.
2.To understand and develop an aesthetic attitude which facilitates access to aesthetic experience, as well as its reflection and analysis.
3.To recognize that the Aesthetics of Sport is featured by the dialectic presence of objective requirements (aesthetic qualities) and subjective requirements (aesthetic attitude).
4.To understand the significance of aesthetic sporting body.
5.To enhance visual and conceptual imagination and to interpret critically the polysemy of sporting images.
6.To identify and understand the presence of sport in art and develop the taste for its enjoyment.

Practical Studies IV

241 - ECTS Master the basic skills of Handball, Football and Volleyball.

Understand the theoretical foundations of the skills, tactics and rules of Handball, Football and Volleyball.

(Specific objectives are listed in the file of each area)

Practice Studies IV - Handball

222 - ECTS 1. Acquire and develop theoretical and practical knowledge about the Handball game, with emphasis on the individual, grupal and collective tactical-technical components.

2. Acquire knowledge about the general and specific rules of the handball game. Know thoroughly the organic of the sport and understand the implications of the rules for the actions of the game and its practice.

3. Acquire mastery of the practical skills of the handball game. Experience all of the motor constraints of the game and understands how the actions are related with the emergent problems in the game.

4. Acquire knowledge about the methods and didactic strategies of the Handball teaching at school.

Practice Studies IV - Soccer

238 - ECTS
  • Acquire and improve the football specific motor skills.
  • Comprehend and identify the logical organization of the game.
  • To know and understand the laws of the game.
  • Understand and to identify the evolutionary trends of the game and of the player.

Practice Studies IV - Volleyball

239 - ECTS
  • To acquire advanced knowledge concerning the main actions of the volleyball game and their logic sequence: advanced variations of serve, reception, setting, attack, block and defence.
  • To acquire basic knowledge of collective tactical organization in the context of 4 vs. 4 and 6 vs. 6 games.
  • To acquire basic knowledge concerning rules for 6 vs. 6 volleyball.
  • To domain minimum motor skills to apply the previous points under game conditions.
  • To domain pedagogical progressions for teaching the game (4 vs. 4 and 6 vs. 6) and its tactical-technical actions (main variations).
  • To acquire basic knowledge of effective organization of tournaments in the context of 4 vs. 4 and 6 vs. 6 games.

Exercise Physiology I

232 - ECTS

To develop knowledge on exercise physiology by using them in the creation, design and discussion of problems in Sport Sciences.

Exercise Physiology II

236 - ECTS

To develop knowledge on exercise physiology by using them in the creation, design and discussion of problems in Sport Sciences.

Muscular Functionality

645 - ECTS Purposes: (1) to provide students with fundamental knowledge about the functionality of skeletal muscle; (2) to promotebetter understanding of the different susceptible factors which may affect this muscular functionality.

Gender and Sport

622 - ECTS

This curricular unit aims to provide a holistic and current understanding about gender issues in sport and physical activities. It also seeks to focus the construction of masculinities and femininities and the impact on participation in sport activities. Finally, it aims to expose students to the main lines of research in the field. At the end of this curricular unit, students should be able to: 1) Identify Gender as a social construct that outlines the roles, behaviors, activities and attributes that a particular society believes are appropriate for men and women, particularly in sport 2) Understand the challenges of the importance of gender equity — particularly for girls and women 3) Identify the mechanisms that promote hegemonic representations and power relations in sport concerning gender issues 4) Integrating concerns about gender equality into the analyses and formulation of policies, programs and projects in sport and physical education


642 - ECTS

Have a positive experience at the first Golf exposure.

Knowing the fundamental principles and spirit of the Golf game

Know the general rules of Golf and its application in game situations practices.

Know and implement the rules of etiquette in game situation

Know and apply in training and game situation of the main safety rules.

Learn the specific denomination and terms used for golf equipment.

Understand, practice and consolidate the fundamental technical skills of the Golf game.

Know the importance of Golf Setup (alignment, stance, distance to the ball, ball position, position of the hands, posture as well as the golf grip)

Learn the setup fundamentals: (i) proper alignment; (ii) the correct stance and ball position; (iii) good posture; (iv) a correct grip.

Learn, practice and become familiar with the swing and shots using several clubs [takeaway, backswing (earlbackswing, midbackswing, latebackswing) top of the backswing, downswing, impact, extension and rotation, follow through and finish position]

Develop key technical and tactical skills that are part of the Golf game: (i) Putting skills (i.e. starting the ball on line and speed control); (ii) chipping skills; (iii) Pitching skills; (iv) full swing; (v) specialty shots (knock-down, flop shot, uphill, downhill, etc.); (vi) fairway bunkers play; (vii) centeredness on ball contact.

Learning basic concepts surrounding ball flight.

Concepts of distance control for clubs. Accuracy and distance control with all clubs.

Awareness of changing conditions and their effect on performance.

Adding shot variety to basic skills learned.

Knowledge of escape shot techniques (fades, draws, ball position, body alignment, clubface angle).

knowledge of trouble shot techniques (punch shots, low shots, high shots, club selection).

Empower students with essential knowledge on Golf for in situations of school and/or club, provide technical and didactic response in teaching the bases of this sport

Introduction to Academic Scientific Comunication

654 - ECTS
- Understand and interpret academic-scientific texts
- Understand the characteristics and structure of academic and scientific works.
- Know standards of some journals and congresses where to present academic-scientific studies

- Know how to research academic theses and scientific articles in person and virtually

- Know how to make effective communication in the context of Physical Education and Sports Training

- Understand how Sports Science contents can be transmitted to contemporary societies

Introduction to Contemporary Thought

229 - ECTS

The purposes of this curricular unit are:

- To adjust contemporary thinking to the questions raised by sport sciences.
- To face sport in a multivariable perspective.
- To understand the major importance of aesthetics and ethics to the understanding of sports.
- To think about sport in the context of corporality.

The Future of Sports

655 - ECTS
To debate the future of sport and its impact on society

To discuss the transformations ahead in those more conservative sporting activities

To debate the future of major sports competitions

To discuss how the invasion of sport by “new technologies” will lead to:
  • the emergence of super athletes;
  • the emergence of “new practices” such as E-Sports and Fantasy Sports (among others);
  • the modification of all sporting practices contexts.

Laboratory Practice and Motor Behaviour

641 - ECTS The main purpose of the course Laboratory Practice in the Study of Motor Behavior is to provide any help to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and its practical applicability as regards the area of evaluation of motor behavior (in its subareas motor development, motor learning and motor control), namely in the study of its intraindividual and interindividual variations.

- Based on the theoretical reference Behavior Motor to make known methodologies, data collection and analysis procedures and evaluation tools that enable the applied academic research.

- To familiarize the students with the main laboratories, at national and international level, whose lines of investigation refer to the study of Motor Behavior.

- Acquire competences in the field of choice and application of test protocols and test batteries that allow to appreciate intraindividual differences and between subjects, particularly in parameters of motor coordination, motor competence, body perception, laterality and functional motor asymmetries.

- Develop knowledge and skills for the application, in the field, of some tests and Batteries with the consequent collection and processing of the data.

- To initiate the students in the analysis and discussion of the results comparing them with the theoretical body of knowledge.

- Understand intraindividual differences and between subjects in different types of practice and in different conditions of practice.

- To stimulate the critical sense of the students in a controversial field such as the evaluation of motor behavior in the various ages and in the populations that the Sports Sciences involve as a subject of study (infantojuvenil, high income, special needs and elderly).

Risks & Challenges - Personal Skills Development Program

653 - ECTS Promote protection behaviors and prevent health risk behaviors;

Promote a social support network among university students;

Facilitate the adaptation and success of the student in the university context;

Develop personal and interpersonal skills;

Promote the adoption of healthy lifestyles;

Decrease dropout rates in the first year of university attendance.

Traumatology and Injury Prevention

606 - ECTS
Approach in detail the main causes of the commonest injuries in sports contexts, with the aim of developing preventive strategies for its occurrence.

Non Competitive Aquatic Activies

600 - ECTS

Developing knowledge and competences related with aquatic activities that can be used with population that were not evolved in competitive sports.

Anthropology of Sport

317 - ECTS

The Sport’s Anthropology Curriculum Unit is designed to enable students to understand that sports is, above all, a cultural phenomena housing a cultural subject which grounds itself upon man, and therefore bringing to light an Anthropology’s course .
Students should have not only the knowledge of the anthropological groundings that authenticate sports but also should place them over time – temporal line – as through each individual lifetime – personal line.

Motor Learning

314 - ECTS
The Motor Learning course aims to acquaint students with the dynamic set of internal processes associated with practice and experience that, articulated with the conditions of learning, instruction and practice, lead to success in the learning and performance of motor skills in distinct contexts, namely, sports, school, elderly populations and populations with special needs.

Gymnastic basis for children

646 - ECTS

Understand the children’s problematics and their development.

Acquire knowledge about Gymnastics and its various variants.

Understand how gymnastics can be a positively influence or a way for developt children.

Acquire practical experiences of gymnastic’s skills.


602 - ECTS

- Knowledge of the Biophysics history
-Understand the inter-relationships between the Physical and the Biological Sciences
- Understand the concept of wave and know their properties
- Understand the speech and earring mechanisms and their relation with sound waves
- To apply the concepts learned in order to understand the echography mechanism and the Doppler effect
- Understand the concept of electromagnetic wave and know their properties
- To understand the functioning of the mirrors and lenses
- To understand the vision mechanism and the correction of visual defects by the use of lenses
- To understand the concept of electrically charged particles and the existence of the electric and magnetic fields
- To understand the physical mechanism for the creation and propagation of the action potential in nervous and muscle cells and its relation to electromyography

Body Expression and Dance

652 - ECTS Develop knowledge, experiences and pedagogical-didactic skills to an approach of Body Expression and Dance at school, with a current and responsible vision;
Know and explore the body as an expressive and communicative agent;
Explore the meaning of musicality, establishing relationships between music and movement;
Promote and develop skills in the execution of expressive sequences and construction of choreographic projects;
Implement different expressive approaches to dance in different contexts and diverse populations.

Muscular Functionality

645 - ECTS Purposes: (1) to provide students with fundamental knowledge about the functionality of skeletal muscle; (2) to promotebetter understanding of the different susceptible factors which may affect this muscular functionality.

Fundamentals of Sports Didactics

634 - ECTS

Didactical treatment of contents and objectives

The scope and sequence of contents in the instructional design

The dynamic interrelationships among the systems that form the ecology of teaching and learning in sport and physical education.

The role of feedback in the instructional design



Introduction to Computer Sciences

610 - ECTS

- To know the history of computation
- To know the way computers work
- To know the MS Windows operating system
- To know and to use antivirus and antimalware programs
- Learn to use MS Word
- Learn to use email clients
- Learn to use MS PowerPoint
- Learn to use MS Excel
- To program formulas in MS Excel

Metabolism and Nutrition

315 - ECTS

To provide the students with the basic knowledge to enable them to understand the requirements of a balanced diet regarding the daily metabolic requirements, either in health or in high performance perspectives.

First Aid

648 - ECTS Learn about the operation of the Integrated Medical Emergency System (SIEM) and the Urgent Patient Guidance Centers (CODU) in Portugal;

To know the basic techniques of First Aid (PS) and how to activate the means of SIEM;

Theoretical description and practical familiarization of the Basic Life Support (SBV) maneuvers and the importance of the External Automatic Defibrillator (DAE);

Theoretical description and practical familiarization of the Heimlich maneuver in the obstruction of the airway by foreign body;

Identify the basic rules of rescue and aquatic lifeguard in a deep pool;

Acquire skills in the observation / interpretation of the type of accident and victim and how to guarantee an adequate, pre-hospital intervention;
Know the precautions to take both in sports and in any other indoor or outdoor activity / nature of leisure and / or recreation, as well as their first aid when necessary (Hemorrhages, Wounds and burns).

Sport Psychology

344 - ECTS

Overall, this course takes as its main objective to introduce the students in the field of sports psychology, developing a comprehensive approach to the main topics of this area of knowledge, and always with reference to the contexts in which they'll do their activities.

Traumatology and Injury Prevention

606 - ECTS
Approach in detail the main causes of the commonest injuries in sports contexts, with the aim of developing preventive strategies for its occurrence.


319 - ECTS

To study the mechanical laws that rule human movement and their importance in teaching, training, and evaluation of physical activity in sports, ergonomics and rehabilitation.

Health Education

320 - ECTS

Taking into account the increase of compulsory schooling and the new challenges linked to social changes induced by individual lifestyle, it is essential to provide training and improving the content and methods of Education for Health. Therefore, this unit aims to provide the student the theoretical and practical knowledge that allows him to intervene in the school environment and community, promoting choices and healthier lifestyles. Additionally this course aims to highlight the training of various intervention techniques and the development of skills demand and analysis of documents (articles, reports, websites) configured as important sources of information. Further it is an objective to encourage students to become responsible and active in their learning.
Achieving positive classification students must meet the following objectives:

1. To explain health concepts, health promotion, risk and quality of life and to compare the interpretations of the biomedical and ecological models of health.

2. To be able to define physical activity, exercise, physical fitness and its components. Illustrate, compare and apply assessment methods. Explain the physical activity role in health promotion. Identify the determinants of physical activity. Illustrate and discuss the physical activity recommendation for different populations.

3. Analyze the contents and interventions in education and health promotion in schools and communities. Explain and compare different interventions in the school context.

4. Reflecting on the problem of obesity and its health implications.

Functional Reeducation

322 - ECTS To situate Functional Rehabilitation in the field of Sport Sciences.

Sport Sociology

346 - ECTS
Theoretical and practical components:

- To locate the sociology of sport in the field of social sciences;

- To analyze sport as a total social phenomenon capable of showing the functioning of society;

- To promote the development of the interest in understanding and the reflection of the phenomenon of sport as a social field of contemporary societies.

Sport Methodology I - Sport Training - Handball

214 - ECTS
- Conhecer as características do Andebol no âmbito da formação de atletas e do alto rendimento; 
- Perceber e contextualizar os conhecimentos da Teoria e Metodologia do Treino, na modalidade de Andebol;
- Identificar o processo de formação desportiva a longo prazo do jogador de Andebol.
- Adquirir conhecimentos no âmbito da planificação, implementação, condução e avaliação do treino e da competição.

Sport Methodology I - Sport Training - Athetics

223 - ECTS

1. Adquirir novos conhecimentos teóricos no âmbito do treino desportivo no Atletismo.

2. Desenvolver os conhecimentos teóricos abordados noutras unidades curriculares direcionando-os para as várias especialidades do Atletismo.

3. Identificar alguns problemas inerentes à prescrição do exercício de treino.

4. Entender as estretégias mais corretas para a um trabalho de prevenção e recuperação de lesões desportivas.

5. Entender os melhores procedimentos de avaliação e controlo do treino e como este prescrever treino a partir dos resultados obtidos em testes.

6. Comparar propostas metodológicas de outras modalidades desportivas.

7. O enquadramento e desenvolvimento das várias especialidades do Atletismo no âmbito das Capacidades Motoras e Coordenativas.

8. Análise do controlo de treino numa perspetiva interdisciplinar

Sport Methodology I - Sport Training - Basketball

224 - ECTS
-Conhecer o desporto de participação e de rendimento
- Integrar e contextualizar os conhecimentos da Teoria e da Metodologia do Treino na modalidade de Basquetebol;
- Identificar o processo de formação desportiva a longo prazo do jogador de Basquetebol.
- Adquirir conhecimentos no âmbito da planificação, implementação, condução e avaliação do treino e da competição.

Sport Methodology I - Sport Training - Gymnastics

226 - ECTS
  1. Integrar e reorganizar os conhecimentos da Teoria e da Metodologia do Treino em Ginástica;
  2. Aprofundar os conhecimentos no treino de alto rendimento;
  3. Conhecer o processo de formação desportiva na ginástica;
  4. Adquirir conhecimentos no âmbito da planificação, implementação, condução e avaliação do treino e da competição.

Sport Methodology I - Sport Training - Volleyball

228 - ECTS
  • Compreender a estrutura formal e funcional do jogo de Voleibol, nomeadamente a sua lógica de sete complexos de jogo (K0 a K6).
  • Entender a relevância da construção de Modelos de Jogo coerentes internamente e adaptados aos atletas e nível competitivo.
  • Entender a relevância da construção de Modelos de Treino coerentes com os Modelos de Jogo.
  • Integrar e contextualizar os conhecimentos de Teoria e Metodologia do Treino Desportivo na modalidade de Voleibol, nomeadamente:
    1. Mitos e factos sobre aquecimento e retorno à calma.
    2. Mitos e factos acerca de preparação física, com ênfase na força e seus derivados (velocidade e resistência).
    3. Mitos e factos acerca da utilização de alongamentos.
    4. Mitos e factos acerca da utilização de programas de treino periodizados.
  • Entender a importância de perspetivar a formação do atleta a longo prazo, nomeadamente efetivando escolhas de ensino que visem aprendizagens úteis a longo prazo e não somente o rendimento imediato.

Sport Methodology I - Sport Training - Soccer

225 - ECTS
  • Possibilitar um entendimento do Futebol consentâneo com o seu quadro específico de problemas, enquanto desporto de rendimento, promovendo nos estudantes uma atitude de curiosidade e de busca do conhecimento a partir de fontes diversas, embora complementares.

  • Dotar os estudantes de conhecimentos acerca da Teoria e da Metodologia do treino do Futebol, com incidência em distintos níveis de rendimento. Neste âmbito, levar os formandos a adquirirem conhecimentos acerca da programação, planificação, condução e avaliação do processo de treino e da gestão da competição em Futebol. 

  • Perspetivar diferentes modelos de reflexão e intervenção no âmbito do processo de treino e de competição, no contexto do treino de crianças e jovens e no alto rendimento, que encontrem sustentação nos conhecimentos recentes do Treino Desportivo e de outras áreas científicas. Neste sentido, serão enfatizados os constrangimentos específicos dos contextos de prática e as conceções suscetíveis de induzir práticas profissionais eficazes, no exercício da atividade de treinador desportivo. 

Sport Methodology I - Sport Training - Swimming

227 - ECTS

- Conhecer o desporto de participação e de rendimento
- Conhecer a natureza, processos de potenciação e controlo do desenvolvimento dos diferentes pressupostos de rendimento da Natação, tendo em vista a obtenção de prestações competitivas superiores
- Dominar teórica e metodologicamente as questões relativas ao controlo e avaliação de treino, bem como a prospecção precoce de talentos desportivos em natação
- Conhecer o estado actual de desenvolvimento do conhecimento no domínio dos factores condicionantes do rendimento desportivo em natação

Sport Methodology II - Sport Training - Gymnastics

323 - ECTS

Conhecer o desporto de rendimento e o meio desportivo específico da Ginástica.

Integrar o estudante na equipa técnica de um clube (colaboração), sendo progressivamente confrontado com os conhecimentos e competências necessárias ao respectivo exercício profissional.

 Conduzir o processo de treino em regime de Centro de Treino – CT, através da orientação de ginastas em treino e em competição.

Desenvolver e aplicar conhecimentos no âmbito da planificação, implementação, condução e avaliação do processo de treino em Ginástica.

 Adquirir conhecimentos teóricos complementares face ao conjunto de limitações, obstáculos ou dificuldades decorrentes da aplicação prática.

 Desenvolver as competências necessárias para a organização de uma competição oficial de Ginástica.

Sport Methodology II - Sport Training - Volleyball

336 - ECTS

a) Aplicar e desenvolver os conhecimentos teóricos adquiridos no âmbito do treino desportivo na modalidade de Voleibol.
b) Adquirir competências básicas para o exercício da função de treinador em contextos reais de treino e de competição em Voleibol.
c) Identificar e resolver os constrangimentos afetos à função e intervenção do treinador desportivo em contextos reais de prática.
d) Desenvolver a reflexão crítica dos problemas emergentes dos contextos reais de prática.
e) Desenvolver a capacidade de aprender autónoma e deliberadamente pelo recurso a fontes de conhecimento diversificadas.
f) Desenvolver capacidades no domínio da investigação científica, nomeadamente no campo metodológico.

Sport Methodology II - Sport Training - Handball

318 - ECTS
i. Aplicar e desenvolver os conhecimentos teóricos adquiridos no âmbito do treino desportivo na modalidade de andebol.
ii. Adquirir competências básicas para o exercício da função de treinador em contextos reais de treino e de competição no âmbito do Desporto de participação ou de rendimento em andebol.
iii. Identificar e resolver os constrangimentos afetos à função e intervenção do treinador desportivo em contextos reais de prática.
iv. Desenvolver a reflexão crítica dos problemas emergentes dos contextos reais de prática.
v. Desenvolver a capacidade de aprender autónoma e deliberadamente pelo recurso a fontes de conhecimento diversificadas.

Sport Methodology II - Sport Training - Athletics

331 - ECTS
1.    Desenvolver as competências teóricas específicas dos sectores de velocidade e saltos
2.    Desenvolver e aperfeiçoar os conhecimentos teóricos adquiridos no âmbito do treino desportivo no Atletismo.
3.    Adquirir competências básicas para o exercício da função de treinador em contexto teórico de treino.
4.    Identificar e resolver os constrangimentos inerentes à função e intervenção do treinador desportivo em contextos reais de prática.
5.    Desenvolver capacidade de análise/reflexão/discussão crítica a partir dos problemas emergentes dos contextos reais de prática.
6.    Desenvolver capacidade de sustentar teoricamente os problemas da prática.
7.    Perspetivar a capacidade de intervir no processo de treino de forma autónoma.
8.    Perspetivar a transferência dos conteúdos cognitivos e práticos para outras esferas de intervenção.
9.    Receber aportes de experiências individuais dos diversos campos de intervenção desportiva (outras modalidades).

Sport Methodology II - Sport Training - Basketball

332 - ECTS
a) Aplicar e desenvolver os conhecimentos teóricos adquiridos no âmbito do treino desportivo na modalidade de Basquetebol.
b) Adquirir competências básicas para o exercício da função de treinador em contextos reais de treino e de competição no âmbito do Desporto de participação ou de rendimento em Basquetebol.
c) Identificar e resolver os constrangimentos afetos à função e intervenção do treinador desportivo em contextos reais de prática.
d) Desenvolver a reflexão crítica dos problemas emergentes dos contextos reais de prática.

Sport Methodology II - Sport Training - Soccer

333 - ECTS

• Conhecer o quadro desportivo específico do jogo de Futebol (Parte I).
• Aplicar e desenvolver os conhecimentos teóricos adquiridos no âmbito do treino desportivo em Futebol (Parte I).
• Desenvolver competências para intervir no quadro do treino desportivo e da competição no Futebol, nomeadamente no que respeita à organização, condução e controlo do treino de equipas (Parte I).

Sport Methodology II - Sport Training - Swimming

335 - ECTS

- Conhecer o desporto de rendimento e o meio desportivo específico da natação

- Conhecer o estado da arte no domínio da definição dos fatores condicionantes do rendimento desportivo em natação

- Aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos relativos à natureza, processos de potenciação e controlo do desenvolvimento dos diferentes pressupostos de rendimento da Natação, tendo em vista a obtenção de elevadas prestações competitivas

- Desenvolver competências práticas para a intervenção no âmbito do planeamento, condução, controle e avaliação do treino desportivo em natação e orientação competitiva de nadadores e de equipas de nadadores.  

Sport Methodology III - Sport Training - Handball

337 - ECTS
i. Aplicar e desenvolver os conhecimentos teóricos adquiridos no âmbito do treino desportivo na modalidade de andebol.
ii. Adquirir competências básicas para o exercício da função de treinador em contextos reais de treino e de competição no âmbito do Desporto de participação ou de rendimento em andebol.
iii. Identificar e resolver os constrangimentos afetos à função e intervenção do treinador desportivo em contextos reais de prática.
iv. Desenvolver a reflexão crítica dos problemas emergentes dos contextos reais de prática.
v. Desenvolver a capacidade de aprender autónoma e deliberadamente pelo recurso a fontes de conhecimento diversificadas.

Sport Methodology III - Sport Training - Baskeball

339 - ECTS
  1. a) Aplicar e desenvolver os conhecimentos teóricos adquiridos no âmbito do treino desportivo na modalidade de Basquetebol.
    b) Adquirir competências básicas para o exercício da função de treinador em contextos reais de treino e de competição no âmbito do Desporto de participação ou de rendimento em Basquetebol.
    c) Identificar e resolver os constrangimentos afetos à função e intervenção do treinador desportivo em contextos reais de prática.
    d) Desenvolver a reflexão crítica dos problemas emergentes dos contextos reais de prática.

Sport Methodology III - Sport Training - Soccer

340 - ECTS

• Conhecer o quadro desportivo específico do Futebol (Parte II).
• Aplicar e desenvolver os conhecimentos teóricos adquiridos no âmbito do treino desportivo em Futebol (Parte II).
• Desenvolver competências para intervir no quadro do treino desportivo e da competição no Futebol, nomeadamente no que respeita à organização, condução e controlo do treino de equipas (Parte II).

Sport Methodology III - Sport Training - Swimming

341 - ECTS

- Conhecer o desporto de rendimento e o meio desportivo específico da natação
- Conhecer o estado actual de desenvolvimento do conhecimento no domínio dos factores condicionantes do rendimento desportivo em natação
- Aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos relativos à natureza, processos de potenciação e controlo do desenvolvimento dos diferentes pressupostos de rendimento da Natação, tendo em vista a obtenção de elevadas prestações competitivas
- Desenvolver competências práticas para a intervenção no âmbito do planeamento, condução, controlo e avaliação do treino desportivo em natação e orientação competitiva de nadadores e de equipas de nadadores

Sport Methodology III - Sport Training - Volleyball

342 - ECTS

a) Aplicar e desenvolver os conhecimentos teóricos adquiridos no âmbito do treino desportivo na modalidade de Voleibol.
b) Adquirir competências básicas para o exercício da função de treinador em contextos reais de treino e de competição em Voleibol.
c) Identificar e resolver os constrangimentos afetos à função e intervenção do treinador desportivo em contextos reais de prática.
d) Desenvolver a reflexão crítica dos problemas emergentes dos contextos reais de prática.
e) Desenvolver a capacidade de aprender autónoma e deliberadamente pelo recurso a fontes de conhecimento diversificadas.
f) Desenvolver capacidades no domínio da investigação científica, nomeadamente no campo metodológico

Sport Methodology III - Sport Training - Gymnastics

334 - ECTS

Conhecer o desporto de rendimento e o meio desportivo específico da Ginástica.

Integrar o estudante na equipa técnica de um clube (colaboração), sendo progressivamente confrontado com os conhecimentos e competências necessárias ao respectivo exercício profissional.

Conduzir o processo de treino em regime de Centro de Treino – CT, através da orientação de ginastas em treino e em competição.

Desenvolver e aplicar conhecimentos no âmbito da planificação, implementação, condução e avaliação do processo de treino em Ginástica.

Adquirir conhecimentos teóricos complementares face ao conjunto de limitações, obstáculos ou dificuldades decorrentes da aplicação prática.

Desenvolver as competências necessárias para a organização de uma competição oficial de Ginástica.

Sport Methodology III - Sport Training - Athetics

338 - ECTS

1. Aplicar os conhecimentos teóricos adquiridos no âmbito do treino desportivo e da metodologia II, na condução do processo de treino no Atletismo.

2.2. Exercitar e desenvolver as competências básicas para o exercício da função de treinador em contextos reais de treino e de competição no âmbito do Atletismo em diversos níveis de rendimento.

2.3. Identificar e resolver os constrangimentos inerentes à função e intervenção do treinador desportivo em contextos reais de prática.

2.4. Desenvolver capacidade de análise/reflexão/discussão crítica a partir dos problemas emergentes dos contextos reais de prática.

2.5. Desenvolver capacidade de sustentar teoricamente os problemas da prática.

2.6. Perspetivar a capacidade de intervir no processo de treino de forma autónoma.

2.7. Perspetivar a transferência dos conteúdos cognitivos e práticos para outras esferas de intervenção.

2.8. Receber aportes de experiências individuais dos diversos campos de intervenção desportiva (outras modalidades).

Sport Methodology I - Sport and Special Populations

215 - ECTS
1. Sensibilizar para a problemática da Reabilitação, muito particularmente da Atividade Física Adaptada;

2. Promover a aquisição de conhecimentos que permitam aos estudantes vir a intervir na área do Desporto para pessoas populações especiais, nomeadamente no sistema regular de ensino e em associações e clubes desportivos;

Sport Methodology II - Sport and Special Populations

327 - ECTS
1. Sensibilizar para a problemática da Reabilitação, muito particularmente da Atividade Física Adaptada;
2. Promover a aquisição de conhecimentos que permitam aos estudantes vir a intervir na área do Desporto para populações especiais, nomeadamente no sistema regular de ensino, em associações, clubes desportivos, unidade de saúde, entre outros locais;

Sport Methodology III - Sport and Special Population

328 - ECTS
1. Sensibilizar para a problemática da Reabilitação, muito particularmente da Atividade Física Adaptada;
2. Promover a aquisição de conhecimentos que permitam aos estudantes vir a intervir na área do Desporto para populações especiais, nomeadamente no sistema regular de ensino, em associações, clubes desportivos, unidades de saúde, entre outros locais.

Sport Methodology I - Exercise and Health

216 - ECTS

A Unidade Curricular de Metodologia I é uma disciplina semestral e destina-se aos alunos do 2º ano da Licenciatura, com início no 2º semestre. Apresenta uma carga horária de 8h semanais, divididas em 6h de aulas práticas e 2h de teóricas. Nesta disciplina foram consideradas diferentes áreas com uma estreita ligação aos domínios de intervenção preferenciais no que toca às propostas de exercício e saúde.

1. Desenvolver conhecimentos e competências relacionadas com a prática do Exercício e Saúde;

2. Compreender a importância da prática do Exercício e da Atividade Física na promoção de um estilo de vida saudável;

3. Desenvolver competências na área da promoção do exercício em determinadas populações (3ª idade, crianças obesas, diabéticos, etc);

4. Adquirir competências nas Atividades de Ginásio/Academia (Ginástica "Aeróbica"; Step; Hidroginástica; trabalho de resistência muscular), Atividades de Ar Livre e Desportos na Natureza (Escalada, Rappel, Orientação, etc).

5. Adquirir competências na promoção, organização e desenvolvimento de atividades desportivas nos diferentes contextos da prática e populações de intervenção.

6. Adquirir conhecimentos no âmbito da planificação, implementação, condução e avaliação dos Centros de Treino/Estágio

Sport Methodology II - Exercise and Health

325 - ECTS

1. Desenvolver conhecimentos e competências relacionadas com a prática do Exercício e Saúde;
2. Compreender a importância da prática do Exercício e da Atividade Física na promoção de um estilo de vida saudável;
3. Desenvolver competências na área da promoção do exercício em determinadas populações.

Sport Methodology III - Exercise and Health

326 - ECTS
1. Desenvolver conhecimentos e competências relacionadas com a prática do Exercício e Saúde;

2. Compreender a importância da prática do Exercício e da Atividade Física na promoção de um estilo de vida saudável;

3. Desenvolver competências na área da promoção do exercício em determinadas populações (3ª idade, crianças obesas, diabéticos, etc);

4. Adquirir competências nas Atividades de Ginásio/Academia (Ginástica "Aeróbica"; Step; trabalho de resistência muscular), Atividades de Ar Livre e Desportos na Natureza (Escalada, Rappel, Orientação, etc).

5. Mobilizar conhecimentos e competências para resolver problemas da prática do ensino das diferentes atividades dos Centros de Estágio, mediante as particularidades das matérias, dos escalões etários e dos níveis de prática.

6. Adquirir competências na promoção, organização e desenvolvimento de atividades desportivas nos diferentes contextos da prática e populações de intervenção.

7. Integrar e contextualizar os conhecimentos da Metodologia I e II da opção de Exercício e Saúde nos diferentes Centros de Estágio;

8. Adquirir conhecimentos no âmbito da planificação, implementação, condução e avaliação dos Centros de Estágio.

Sport Methodology I - Sport Management

217 - ECTS

Complementar a formação dos alunos nas seguintes áreas de intervenção da gestão desportiva:
- comunicação nas organizaçõe desportivas
- tipologia, ordenamento, planeamento e gestão das instalações desportivas
- gestão de recursos humanos e desenvolvimento das competências dos gestores
- pensamento estratégico e técnicas de análise e planeamento

Reconhecer e operacionalizar os indicadores essencias da gestão das organizações desportivas:
- gerir pessoas
- gerir instalações
- elaborar estratégias
- criar planos de comunicação
- construir e implementar modelos de análise

Sport Methodology II - Sport Management

329 - ECTS

Esta unidade curricular pretende dotar os estudantes dos conhecimentos básicos para a compreensão dos âmbitos de intervenção e investigação da Gestão do Desporto, assim como da organização do sistema desportivo nacional e internacional. Pretende igualmente que os estudantes consigam compreender quais os fatores fundamentais da definição de um cultura organizacional e os principais elementos comportamentais para a efetivação e o alcançar do sucesso no seio das instituições desportivas.
A realização de um estágio em ambiente externo à faculdade, designadamente numa organização desportiva, vai permitir a recolha de informações para a caracterização exaustiva dessa entidade especificamente dos seus pressupostos estruturais, funcionais, humanos, e financeiros, para elaborar um relatório final que será apresentado e discutido em momento de avaliação final. Com este estágio pretende-se que os estudantes tenham um primeiro contacto e vivência com as organizações desportivas para adquirirem competências técnicas e relacionais no sector da gestão do desporto.

Sport Methodology III - Sport Management

330 - ECTS

Esta unidade curricular pretende dotar os estudantes dos conhecimentos fundamentais para a compreensão dos âmbitos de intervenção e investigação da Gestão do Desporto.

Compreender os fatores chave na Contabilidade Analítica e Geral de uma organização.

Familiarizar-se com o processo de Análise de um Investimento.

Identificar e perceber um evento desportivo como um fator de desenvolvimento desportivo sustentado.

Adquirir competências de Marketing Desportivo, presentes no dia a dia de uma organização desportiva. Saber construir um caderno de patrocínio Desportivo.

A realização de um estágio em ambiente externo à faculdade, designadamente numa organização desportiva, irá permitir ao discente entender e familiarizar-se com os processos e procedimentos da gestão do desporto especifica do contexto em causa, assim como da cultura organizacional de uma organização desportiva.

Incentivar os estudantes à investigação da literatura especializada.

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