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Practice Studies IV - Soccer

Code: 238     Acronym: 238

Instance: 2020/2021 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Course/CS Responsible: Sports Sciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LCD 185 First Degree in Sports Sciences (2011/2012) 2 - 3 -

Module of

Code Name
241 Practical Studies IV

Teaching language



  • Acquire and improve the football specific motor skills.

  • Comprehend and identify the logical organization of the game.

  • To know and understand the laws of the game.

  • Understand and to identify the evolutionary trends of the game and of the player.

Learning outcomes and competences

  • Dominate and to apply the football specific motor skills.

  • Recognize the tactical organization of the Football game: tactical principles of the different phases/moments of the game, game systems, structures and functionalities.

  • Recognize and to apply the laws of the game.

  • Recognize and know to evaluate the evolutionary perspective of the game and the player.

Working method



  • Historical perspective of the evolution of the game.

  • The laws of the game.

  • Nature, structure, and organization of the football game.

  • The game phases vs game moments.

  • Tactical principles of the game.

  • Game factors.

  • 11-a-side game positional and functional organization.


Mandatory literature

Zerhouni Med; Principes de base du football contemporain
Garganta Júlio; Futebol
Castelo Jorge; Futebol
Castelo Jorge Fernando Ferreira; Futebol modelo técnico-táctico do jogo. ISBN: 972-735-015-1
Garganta Júlio; O^ensino do futebol
Pacheco Rui; O^Ensino do futebol.
Mahlo Friedrich; O Acto táctico no jogo
Grehaigne Jean-Francis; L.organisation du jeu en football. ISBN: 2-906411-08-6
Hargreaves Alan; Skills and strategies for coaching soccer. ISBN: 0-88011-328-6
Estrutura e organização dos exercícios de treino em futebol

Teaching methods and learning activities

Experience and practice with theoretical support.


Social sciences > Educational sciences > Education > Physical education > Sport

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 75,00
Teste 25,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Frequência das aulas 30,00
Trabalho de campo 35,00
Estudo autónomo 16,00
Total: 81,00

Eligibility for exams

Attendance to at least 75% of classes. With medical proof, attendance to at least 50% of classes.

The cases included in the law, namely the working-students and the high performance athletes, are not covered by the referred above.

Calculation formula of final grade

The evaluation is divided in two parts – one practical and one theoretical. In both the evaluation moments the student need to obtain a final mark equal or superior to 8,0 points.

The evaluation is composed by the following parts:

  • Practical: a practical continuous evaluation and two defined moments of practical evaluation will be performed: 1st) between 6th and 10th April 2019; and 2nd) between 11th and 15th May 2020;
  • Practical sessions correspond to 75% of the final mark.

Theoretical component: a written test will be performed on the 29th of April 2020, between 13:15 and 14:00. Its value corresponds to 25% of the final mark.

  • The final mark is obtained by calculating the weighted average of the practical and the theoretical tasks.

If the student does not reach the minimum mark (8,0 points) on the written test, he can perform a second test. This case is not applied to the practical evaluation component.

Final mark – mean 8,0 points (minimum), according to “Regulamento Geral para a Avaliação dos Discentes das Unidades Curriculares Estudos Práticos I, II, III e IV”.


Examinations or Special Assignments


Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Special evaluations under the general and specific regulations of the course.

Classification improvement

When justified, the student has the possibility to perform an extra evaluation moment, according to the abovementioned in “calculation of final grade”.



BAYER, C. (1994): O ensino dos desportos colectivos. Col. Desporto. Ed. Dinalivro. Lisboa. CASTELO, J. (1996): Futebol – A organização do jogo. Edição do autor.

CID, J. L. (1995): Experiencias tacticas. Real Federacion Española de Futbol, Madrid. DUGRAND, M. (1989): Football, de la transparence à la complexité. P.U.F. Paris.

GARGANTA, J. (1997): Modelação táctica do jogo de futebol – Estudo da organização da fase ofensiva em equipas de Alto Rendimento. Tese de Doutoramento. FCDEF. Universidade do Porto.

GARGANTA, J. & PINTO, J. (1995): O ensino do futebol. In O ensino dos jogos desportivos: 95-135. A, Graça & J. Oliveira (Eds.). CEJD. FCDEF-UP.

GRÉHAIGNE, J.F. (1992): L´Organisation du jeu en football. Editions Actio. Joinville-le-Pont.

HAINAULT, K. & BENOIT, J. (1980): Enseignement des prátiques physiques spécifiques - Le football moderne, tactique, technique, lois du jeu. Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles.

HARGREAVES, A. (1990): Skills and strategies for coaching soccer. Leisure Press. Human Kinetics. Champaign. Illinois.

MAHLO, F.(1980): O acto táctico no jogo. Edições Compendium.

PINTO, J. & GARGANTA, J. (1989): Futebol português: importância do modelo de jogo no seu desenvolvimento. Horizonte ,VI, 33.

QUEIROZ, C. (1983): Para uma teoria do Ensino/Treino do Futebol. Futebol em Revista, 1 (4ª série): 47-49.

TEODORESCU, L. (1984): Problemas de teoria e metodologia nos jogos desportivos. Ed. Livros Horizonte.

WORTHINGTON, E. (1974): Learning & Teaching Soccer Skills. Publ. buy Wilshire Book Company, USA. WRZOS, J. (1984): La tactique de l´attaque. Brakel. Ed. Broodcoorens.

ZERHOUNI, M. (1980): Principes de base du football contemporain. Fleury éditions. Suisse.

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