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Practical Studies I - Swimming

Code: 120     Acronym: 120

Instance: 2020/2021 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Web Page: http://moodle.up.pt/course/view.php?id=2321
Course/CS Responsible: Sports Sciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LCD 296 First Degree in Sports Sciences (2011/2012) 1 - 3 -

Module of

Code Name
124 Practical Studies I

Teaching language



Provide students with the specific experiences and basic knowledge of swimming.

Learning outcomes and competences

To apply the mechanical principles of swimming (hydrostatics and hydrodynamics) to justify the aquatic exercise.

To know and to apply the pedagogical progression for the aquatic adaptation.

To know and to apply the basic movements of synchronized swimming.

To know and to apply the basic movements of water polo.

To know and to applyt the technical rules of synchronizes swimming and water polo.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Those required to access to Faculty of Sport.


1. The specificity of the aquatic medium as a distinguished element of sport-motor experience;
2. Broad understanding of the term "swimming": design of sports training in swimming;
3. Swimming mechanical bases;
4.Adaptation to Aquatic environment;
5.Synchronizes Swimming and Water Polo
5.1. Technical regulations;
5.2. Basic habilities

Mandatory literature

Canossa, S.; Fernandes, R.; Carmo, C.; Andrade, A.; Soares, S.; Ensino multidisciplinar em natação: reflexão metodológica e proposta de lista de verificação,, Rev. Motricidade, 2007
Carmo, C. e Fernandes, R.J.; Natação sincronizada, Documento de apoio à disciplina Estudos Práticos I - Natação) do 1º Ciclo em Ciências do Desporto da Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto. , 2010
Lorincz, L.; Paz, N.; Heitor, C.; Polo Aquático: manual técnico de apoio ao primeiro nível, FPN, s.d.
Soares, S.; Natação, CMP, 2000
Soares, S.; Fernandes, R.; Vilas-Boas, J.P. ; Adaptação ao meio aquático em palavras simples: da academia à prática quotidiana., In: J. O. Bento, G. Tani, A. Prista (eds.), Desporto e Educação Física em Português, pp. 172-187., 2010
Vilas-Boas, J. P.; Determinantes mecânicas do equilíbrio humano em meio aquático, FCDEF, 1989

Complementary Bibliography

Abrantes, j.; Biomecânica e natação, FCDEF, 1989
Vilas-Boas, J. P.; Bases mecânicas da natação, FCDEF, 1989

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical and practical transmission and delivery of content.


Moodle platform

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Teste 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 51,00
Frequência das aulas 30,00
Total: 81,00

Eligibility for exams

Do not exceed the maximum number of faults equal to 25% of the classes provided, allowing that number amounts to 50%, since excessive absences is substantiated by a medical report confirming incapacity for regular participation in class.

Are exempted from verification of the conditions of attendance as provided by law workers and students athletes integrated in high-competition legislation. The students, who by law are exempted from attendance in the classroom, need to introduce at the beginning of the school year with their teachers, the set of tests or special assignments, to demonstrate the mastery of matter and the skills required in this form course.

Students who are exempt from the actual practice of the classes may be asked to perform tasks to demonstrate mastery of subject matter expertise and skills required in this form of course.

Note: the justification of absences is through the presentation by the student of a request addressed to the Pedagogical Council, which is attached to the relevant medical report within 5 working days after the first foul. The ruling will be delivered to him, leaving the student to present it to teachers in the areas which have been endorsed faults.

Calculation formula of final grade

Practical component (75%) - water polo (37.5%) and synchronized swimming (37.5%)
Theoretical (25%) - written test 
Minimum final grade - 9.5 points

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Recovery test of the theoretical components (written test, and final test regulations) and practical assessment (synchronized swimming, and Water polo) to be held at the time of application and until the end of the semester in which the discipline was taught.

Classification improvement

Students can apply for grade improvement in any item of evaluation. This test could be performed by students that were not evaluated in the regular data by health, injury, cirgury, campus frequency or others related too. The teachers of the discipline will analise the opportunity of each request and will decide about if the evaluation will be perform. If the students perform the test, the obtained classification its the final, independently of being inferior to the one obtained in the anterior evaluation. For the final classification calculation the weight factors set out above will be keep.

1) The students that were not evaluated in the regular date only could perform its evaluation when recovery testes will happen. Only cases preview in law, namely working students ou for conclusion of studies cicles, could perform a second evaluation in a special date.

2) The students that do not approve in the disciplinary area, in the sequent year will be evaluated in all the components and in the same date as the other students. It will be allowed, for the students who had frequency in the last year, if they need (namely if superposition with other disciplines will happen), to not to be present in a minimum of classes.


The final classification will be rounded to tenths.

The use of googles, nose clips or others during the practical evaluations is not allowed.

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