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Master Degree in Educational Sciences

General information

Official Code: 6031
Acronym: MCED
Description: Founded on the FPCEUP's strong tradition of Educational Sciences, the Master's Degree in Educational Sciences (MCED) is integrative, rigorous and innovative in its approach to research and intervention in socio-educational realities, providing education adapted to the transformations in education and the demands of the job market. The course is aimed at students and professionals of Educational Sciences and other fields who value knowledge and reflection on ways to act in the social, cultural and economic sphere and where education and training take on a decisive role.


  • Master's Degree in Educational Sciences (120 ECTS credits)
  • Advanced Studies (2nd cycle) in Educational Sciences (60 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Critical Analysis of Educational Theories


Problematization of the socio-historical process of producing a scientific perspective of the educational object, in order to allow students to understand the ambiguities of modern educational scientificity, the development of a complex and heterogeneous thought with implications in the ways in which are built the Educational problems and their legitimate solutions and the construction of intelligibility frameworks on processes, practices and problems that mark the field of education from the point of view of research and intervention.

Educational Policy Analysis

DE209 - ECTS The curricular unit aims at providing students with
competences to analyse the texts, the discourses and the political processes in education, by identifying their discursive matrices and the mandates addressed to the social systems by the actors involved in the policy process. The curricular unit intends to broaden the analysis of  political discourses and practices and to their social and educational effects. Having in mind the profile of graduates aimed at, this latter dimension pretends to develop individual, social and professional reflexivity and, by doing so, to create the conditions for the exercise of the ‘sociological imagination’, i.e., the competence to build and to propose alternatives.

- To identify the discursive matrixes of educational discourses.
- To relate mandates addressed to education at a global, national and local levels.
- To know theories and methodologies in field of policy studies in education.
To analyse texts of education policies.

Evaluation as a Field of Action in Education: Frameworks and Reconfigurations of Professional Intervention

DE238 - ECTS The curricular unit aims to deepen theoretical frameworks on evaluation as a field of action in education, and problematize reconfigurations of professional intervention leading to the construction of knowledge about the evaluation as a professionalizing field.

It is expected that the UC constitutes a training space that contributes to think the evaluation as a professional field in education.

Development Cooperation in Education: theories, issues and agendas

DE240 - ECTS In progress

Intergenerational Dialogues, Education and Challenges of Contemporary Societies

OP129 - ECTS The increase in life expectancy, the very strong technological development in the last three decades and the structural and subjective changes underlying the transformations of modern societies have increased the distance between generations and qualitatively reconfigured it, with an impact on forms of communication and cultural reproduction and production. . This situation is felt in different contexts of life (eg in families), in education (eg in schools) and in professional work (eg in the new forms taken by employment). In all cases, it is the conditions of socialization and its main actors that are strongly questioned, appealing to creative intentionality in promoting intergenerational dialogue.
Reflect on the conditions of intergenerational dialogue
Know the research already developed within the scope of intergenerational dialogue
Map projects and initiatives developed in different contexts
Explore the possibilities of creating and developing the promotion of intergenerational dialogue

Education with the Arts and Citizenship

DE135 - ECTS


  • To acquire knowledge about education in Portugal and in Europe, as a place for the arts and citizenship
  • To understand the potential of the arts as an ethical, aesthetic and supportive human experience
  • To develop appropriate skills to work with the arts in education
  • To develop critical and reflexive thinking

Experience, Social Context and Adult Education

EFA12 - ECTS The goal of the CE is to foster a comprehensive and critical perspective of the methodologies of recognition, validation and certification of prior learning in the context of adult education and training and of lifelong learning.

Foundations and Epistemological Implications in the Field of Pedagogical Debates

DE130 - ECTS Build spaces for consistent and sustained reflection on:

a. the foundations of pedagogical approaches that identify with the field of educational innovation;
b. the implications, from the point of view of teaching action, of the pedagogical approaches that are built with reference to the learning and communication paradigms;
c. the centrality of epistemological reflection to address pedagogical innovation as an object of study.

Management and Organization of Educational Work

OP207 - ECTS
The main purpose of this curricular unit is to provide students with a set of skills that allow them to promote sustained and consequent reflection processes, capable of supporting the design, implementation and evaluation of intervention projects in the field of pedagogical supervision and consultancy, within the scope of the support and development of initial and continuing teacher training projects or in the field of supervision of teacher training projects.

Research Methodologies in Education


In this UC, there is a central concern en inform the basic choices underlying the research process, seeking to equip students with theoretical and methodological frames of reference, founders of research in Education, which enable a critical condition for methodological choices adjusted to the object of research. Thus, the learning objectives are

- deepen and broaden the reflection on the founding frames of reference of research in education;
- to provide structuring knowledge of the research procedure
- to allow theoretical and practical contact with specific research methods and techniques
- to inform the choices underlying the research process
- to stimulate critical activity for methodological choices adjusted to the research object
- to know how to develop an exploratory research work.

Evaluation Policies and Institutional and Pedagogical Management of Quality in Education

DE134 - ECTS The curricular unit focuses on the analysis of evaluation policies in education as a political technology, regulating the educational system, its institutions and pedagogical practices. Develops these issues by identifying what is the scope of evaluation in education and training, the role it plays in the regulation and coordination of the educational system and institutions and the various approaches, procedures and actors involved.

- Identify the construction of the evaluation policies.
- Conceptually delimit the meanings of evaluation and quality in education.
- To know the forms of European coordination of policies and evaluation practices.
- To relate the policies and practices of evaluation of the institutional and pedagogical management of quality in education.
- To identify the rationales of evaluation in education.

Political Psychology and Political Education

OP123 - ECTS This CU aims to provide students with an understanding of research in political psychology and political education, and with the skills to analyze political situations from a psychological perspective and to design educational interventions on this field.

Emancipatory Traditions in Education

DE239 - ECTS


  • To acquire knowledge about key questions on emancipatory education
  • To understand the global challenges for the implementation of an emancipatory movement in the 21st century
  • To develop appropriate skills to work in the ambit of emancipatory education with diverse social groups
  • To develop critical and reflexive thinking

Citizenship and Diversity


Citizenship and Diversity aims to address citizenship as a concept and its relationship with the state, the community and with individuals.  Civil, political, and social rights as well as  the new generation rights - the cultural rights are debated as central to rethink society and social democratic relationships. The issues of inclusion and exclusion and socio-cultural diversity are equally approached.  


. to debate education as social right

. to debate concepts of citizenship, inclusion/exclusion and cultural diversity

. to acknowledge relevant contributions produced around these concepts and issues, including intersectionality
. to acquire relevant knowledge towards social transformation



Deconstruction of Patriarchal Culture for the Prevention of Gender Violence

OP213 - ECTS

- Develop concepts on culture and gender and domestic violence, in diverse theoretical perspectives;

- Critical analysis on educational and cultural settings and power mechanisms in the social production of a culture that tolerates gender violence;

- Reflect upon the connection between power dinamics, social movements and social change in the socio-historic construction around gender violence, family violence, as well as violence against elderly and against children;

- Identify and critical analysis of models and social policies in intervention for cultural and educational change concerning gender violence;

- Elaboration of small educative intervention projects in the field of social and cultural change of gender violence in a multidisciplinary perspective.

School, Democracy and Community: Domains, Problems and Research and Intervention Projects

DE336 - ECTS Contribute to the development of literature reviews on domains and problematics that concern the domain of Pedagogy, Literacies and Innovation.

Reflect on research and intervention projects, from the point of view of their 
contribution to the development of student literacy, as an objective of initiatives that claim to be pedagogical innovation.

Public School, Teachers' Work and Justice in Education

OP225 - ECTS - To know conceptual, epistemological and methodological perspectives in the field of research in public school education, teaching work and teacher training.

- Know a cartography of theories about teaching work.

- Understand the conceptual and practical systems that shape teacher training.

- To question the educational policy of incidence in the teaching work and in the formation of teachers.

- Discuss the effects of public education on the lives of children and young people.

-Build issues in the field of teaching work and teacher training, referenced by an ethical perspective of justice in education.

Ethics and Work in Education

MED202 - ECTS 1. Take ownership of a set of structural concepts that make it possible to distinguish a moral enterprise from an ethical one.

2. Confront your personal knowledge with the speeches and culturally validated concepts related to the area of knowledge that Ethics constitutes.

Intervention Methodologies in Education

MED102 - ECTS This course aims to develop knowledge and competencies of educational, social and community intervention methods, assuming a contextualist, ecological and situated view of intervention.

Policies of the difference, Education and Social Inclusion

OP126 - ECTS

Introduction: Education, especially formal education, is framed by  the State, the economy and civil society and aims at training citizens, workers and the development of individuals and groups. With public education organized around this triple mandate, in the first historical stage of development of educational systems, differences (ethnicity, gender, age, way of life, etc.) were absent from their political concern. With the emergence of 'disorganized' capitalism, with the growing affirmation of the identities of groups, individuals and 'new social movements', in the context of globalization, the triple mandate is reconfigured both around the new demands of the global economy and around what could be called "new forms of citizenship". This curricular unit aims to analyze the emerging relations between education, with an emphasis on formal / public education, economic and social development and the emergence of 'differences' and their social and political demands in their various dimensions. This analysis of the politics and policies of difference will be carried out on the basis of the five 'sites' where educational mandates and differences meet and confront: body, work, citizenship, identity and territory.


-To identify the modern matrix of discourses in education

      • To relate the mandates addressed to education with the development of capitalism.

- To relate the educational mandates to global, national and local levels (and their interactions).

- To know theories about how the state, economy and society are developing and reconfiguring educational mandates.

-  To characterize emerging forms of citizenship based on identity affirmation and social reflexivity.

- To analyze the 'sites' (the body, work, citizenship, identity and territory) in their interaction with education.

       • To identify the impacts of (and on) the 'sites' in the educational policies and education texts.

- To analyze  educational policies in Portugal in the context of the “knowledge economy” and society.

  • To draw conclusions for the Portuguese context of the reconfiguration of the mandate addressed to the education system by the "Europe of knowledge".

Advanced Debates in Education, Arts and Citizenship

DE343 - ECTS


  • To extend the theoretical knowledge about education, arts, citizenship and their relationships
  • To expand knowledge about working with the arts in different educational-formative contexts
  • To develop suitable skills to research with the arts in education and in the promotion of citizenship
  • To develop critical and reflective thinking

Advanced Issues on Evaluation and Quality Management in Education: Policies and Practices

DE342 - ECTS The curricular unit aims to deepen and problematize concepts and practices related to policies, structures and evaluation processes and institutional and pedagogical management of quality in education, also aims to provide the construction by students of knowledge about the professional responsibilities and ethical principles that characterize the professionals in the field of evaluation and quality management in education. Students will be given the possibility to contact institutional research projects and quality evaluation monitoring processes.

- To identify the structures and evaluation processes of institutional and pedagogical management of quality in education.
- To highlight the importance of the effects of evaluation in education.
- To relate the theoretical perspectives and practices of evaluation and quality management in education.

Key issues in Education and International Development Cooperation

DE344 - ECTS In progress

Theories, Contexts and Practice of Research in Education and Adult Education

OP220 - ECTS

This curricular unit approaches the management of training in 3 axis: - organizations and adults' education and training programs; - specific procedures in adults' education and training; - interaction processes in the production of training work. Thus, the unit's specific goals are: - to understand the relationship between training and work in the specific context of adults' education and training; - to identify specific characteristics of the targets of adult training; - to distinguish different approaches in negotiation.


MED304 - ECTS The UC aims at the production by each student of their Master's dissertation and its defense, according to level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework. It also aims to:

- the acquisition of specialized knowledge in the field of research, revealing the capacity for critical reflection and openness to the diversity of knowledge

- the development of new knowledge and procedures in the fields, populations and contexts under study

- the mastery of conducting and discussing research skills in its different phasesThe UC aims at the production by each student of their Master's dissertation and its defense, according to level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework. It also aims to:


MED303 - ECTS The curricular internship of the Education Sciences Master  aims to encourage the initiation of autonomous professional practice and the integration into professional contexts,  through the systematic contact with the fields of potential professional practice.



The project as a way to materialize a master degree in Educational Sciences has the purpose to allow the student to develop an intervention program in his professional field, grounded in the Social and Human Sciences facing the specificities of the contexts where that intervention is taking place.

The proposal of a quaternary structure for the project does not limit its diversity but highlights the essential dimensions of its execution. As a phase of the education and formation process it is not supposed that the implementation of the project should be done during it, although it should enhance the ability to articulate the aims and the guidelines of the project already described in order to be capable of ensure its implementation.

Depth Issues on Intervention Methodologies in Education


The project and internship, as means of completing this SC, aim at the realization, by the student, of an intervention proposal in the professional field. This is based on the knowledge of the SHS, namely those that configure intervention methodologies in the educational field, confronted by the specificities of the contexts where this intervention is intended to be put into practice.

Advanced Issues on Methodologies of Research in Education (with Laboratory)

MED307 - ECTS The Curricular Unit (UC) of In-Depth Questions in Research Methodology (with laboratory) seeks, through diversified teaching and learning modalities, to provide students with the conceptual and procedural tools that allow them to develop relevant, rigorous, innovative and criticism in the field of education, responding to the training objectives of the study cycle and contributing to the construction of the competences foreseen in its scope.
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