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First degree in Educational Sciences

General information

Official Code: 9026
Acronym: LCED


  • First degree in Educational Sciences (180 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Introduction to Educational Sciences

E100 - ECTS


Introduction to Social Sciences

E101 - ECTS This course, as a moment of initiation to knowledge in the social sciences, outline at the same time, complementary lines with other disciplines of the first half and of continuity with the subsequent study plan.

Accordingly, the following objectives are defined:

a) to communicate theoretical perspectives and concepts essential to the understanding of the human being as a biosociocultural being and as a product and producer of the society, emphasizing the centrality of socialization processes;

b) to communicate theoretical perspectives and essential concepts to the understanding of science as a particular form of knowledge and as a scientific practice

c) to draw attention to the specific procedures of epistemological, theoretical, methodological and ethical issues envolved in the production of knowledge in Social Sciences and Sciences of Education

d) to situate socio-historically the construction of Natural Sciences and the emergence and affirmation of the social sciences, and some of the most persistent debates

e) to contribute to the construction of a mentalityt that percept educational phenomena as social phenomena and as particular expressions of more general social processes, mobilizing the History, Anthropology and Sociology

f) to mobilize emerging themes of social reality to reflect on the specificity of human reality as a social reality, rehearsing the epistemological break with naturalistic, individualistc and ethnocentric explanations

g) to encourage the development of sociological imagination

h) to adopt working methods with responsibility, autonomy, cooperation;

i) to initiate contact with formal academic procedures

Laboratory of Multimedia Education

E108 - ECTS

1. To explore the possibilities of multimedia in education.
2. To know the specific educational models of the filed of multimedia in education and to explore other models in what they bring to the use of multimedia in education.
3. To understand the uses of multimedia resources in education and to be able to plan for their adequate use.
4. To promote the use of digital resources in education.
5. To create collaboratively multimedia resources to be used in educational contexts.

Developmental Psychology

E106 - ECTS
  1. Master basic knowledge on the organization of the main regulation systems that influence developmental processes and foster the emergence of individual differences in life course trajectories.
  2. Understand the changing patterns of psychological functioning throughout the different phases of development with a primary focus on cognitive, social, and emotional areas.
  3. Identify behaviors and skills that signal the major milestones of human development across the lifespan.
  4. Develop skills to apply knowledge on developmental processes for analyzing human activities in real-life participation contexts.
  5. Build abilities to seek, select, and organize relevant information for deepen knowledge on topics related with developmental processes in a largely self-directed or autonomous manner.

SIMF: Contexts of Work and Mediation in Education

E107 - ECTS This uc seeks to introduce fields and professional experiences of graduates in education according to the different areas of professional pre-specialization under the program. It is intended, by this means, to make a first approach to the field of work, susceptible to clarify for students what are contexts and work situations in  educational sciences.

Communication and Human Relationships

E204 - ECTS

This curricular unit focus interpersonal communication, refering to people involved on communication processes of communication giving rise, maintaining and giving up human relationships. Its development is informed by Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychosociology and the Sociology of the actor.

Training objectives are as follows:

- to improve the understanding of the role of interpersonal communication on social action and research;

- to foster abilities to analyse situations of interpersonal communication;

- to give room to the developement of communication competences relevant to mediation processes

- to improve students social and personal development

Expressions and Group Dynamics

E207 - ECTS


History of Contemporary Education

E200 - ECTS



Workshop on Writing

E208 - ECTS

The course of workshop on writing seeks to respond to different objectives for the training of students in the field of writing pratices. The course represents a prime unit of students ' self-employed work around narrative, imaginative and argumentative writing pratices. In the light of this principle, the present  course seeks to constitute a broad space of training, whose favor the emergence of a dynamic relationship with writing subjectively situated, but built in the light of their learning capability to the field of textual production of critical and argumentative type. After a first block of classes that aims to open and diversify the universe writing practices, attention will be subsequently focused into an academic exercise written production, whose essay aims to develop the set of capabilities that imply argumentative writing on an academic context.

-Reflecting on the diversity of operations that imply writing processes;
-Perform and share different writing activities, in view of their importance from the personal, critical and academic point of view;
-Invest in personal modes of writing, with special emphasis on its narratives, autobiographical, projection, creative, critical and argumentative dimensions;
-Write texts through the use of individual and group exercises;
-Contact with the types of academic texts and their production orders.

Psychology of Education

E206 - ECTS
  1. Read, study and analyse reference texts, in Educational Psychology domain, related to curricular unit syllabus;

  2. Think over, individually or in groups, about texts, narratives and case studies related to the relation between education and learning;

  3. Promote and participate in discussions, face to face or in e-learning platforms, about relevant education and learning relationship issues;

  4. Think over, individually or in groups, about narratives and case studies related to pedagogical relationship;

  5. Promote and participate in discussions, face to face or in e-learning platforms, about relevant pedagogical relationship issues;

  6. Write texts, individually or in groups, that constitutes both the memory of students learning situations and the repository of students study projects and students reflection projects.

Social Mediation and Educational Work

E310 - ECTS The discipline aims to provide knowledge acquisition, skills development and the analysis and reflection on professional contexts and situations in the field of socio-educational mediation and training, contributing to the profile setting of an undergraduate in Educational Sciences. The course highlights a multireferential approach of mediation departing from conceptual contributions, especially from sociology and social psychology, establishing connections with issues related to cognition, communication and human relationships and organizational and educational policies.

Research Methods: Laboratory of Qualitative Research Methods

E309 - ECTS

This curricular unit aims at providing students with the necessary knowledge to research social and educational phenomena, integrating theoretical, methodological and analytical concerns.It is intended to debate the nature of the scientific knowledge and the truth in its joint with the process of scientific inquiry. These debates and traditions will be articulated with the analysis of the socio-historical construction of the cientificity of education, aiming at the development of a critical sense in research.
This unit also provides a space for exercising theoretical and methodological knowledge. Ethical and technical research issues will be discussed based on the students' own experience.
At the end of the curricular unit, students should know how to:

- To identify different distinct paradigms that accuse démarches of inquiry that have underlying them different considerações on the citizens, the objects and the problem;
- To argue on the concept of scientific knowledge and truth from the contact with several authors;
- characterize different theoretical and methodological research devices;
- analyze different devices for collecting and treating data, connecting them with wider theoretical concerns;
- recognise the production of different types of knowledge about one phenomenon;
- demonstrate critical analytical and reading skills.
At the end of the curricular unit, students should have acquired the following competencies:
- the ability to identify and analyse problems, situations and behaviours;
- the ability to adapt to different situations and contexts;
- the ability to develop a research project in different contexts, with the aim of social-educational interventions.

Psychosociology of Adult Education

E302 - ECTS


Sociology of Education

E307 - ECTS

The program focuses its attention in the problematisation of the relationship between youth, equal opportunities and citizenship, following different theoretical contributions, such as those of the processes of social and cultural reproduction; cultural production; the theories of gender, diversity and ethnic relations; and social and educational exclusion. The aim is to understand the diverse ways formal and non-formal educational institutions contribute to the construction of particular identities and to legitimise dominant forms of knowledge. It will equally focus on the ways educational agents manipulate, negociate or resist those identities, questionning the dominant forms of knowledge. A reflection on broad understandings of citizenship will serve as the structuring axis of the program. A biographical narrative of education pathways will be constructed by students and will be interpreted in the light of perspectives and theories that have already been the focus of Education ociological contributions. Social and cultural reproduction and social inequalities (social class, gender, ethnic origin, etc) will be central to interpret this biographical narrative as well as perceiving education also as a process of cultural production and of opportunities for the expansion of social rights and social justice. 

- to identify socio-educational issues, mainly around Equal Opportunities, Youth and Citizenship, for the making of inclusive practices and policies; 
- to identify, from the work of seminal authors in this domain, relevant sociological perspectives on education; 

- to analyse formal (and non-formal) educational situations and actions, mobilizing the ability to read social and educational realities in their complexity;
- to elaborate a small biolgraphical narrative (bographical method) embodying issues ane problems approached in sociology of education
- to stimulate an interpretative perspective on  the biographical narrative production on social and educational processes of social change.


Curricular Theory and Development

E308 - ECTS The UC "Curriculum Theory and Development," structure around two dimensions: one, which relates to the acquisition of knowledge in this area of ¿¿knowledge; another, with regard to the processes of formation and development of skills of analysis and critical intervention.In this sense, the PA objectives are: Acquire concepts, theories and paradigms that integrate education and curriculum; - Build critical thinking, and theoretically based on the curriculum in Portuguese Educational System - To analyze the role of mediator in childcare contexts of formal and non-formal education -Produce analyzes supported the organization of the Portuguese Educational System -Analyze themes / texts and organize your presentation to the class - Advancing thematic debates with the class

Evaluation in Education and Training

E414 - ECTS
  • To understand key concepts of evaluation
  • To explore the  multiple functions and purposes of evaluation
  • To gain awareness on diverse modalities and perspectives about evaluation
  • To analyze the pertinence of different evaluation models in relation to the object being evaluated
  • To discuss the implications and consequences of mobilizing evaluation processes of a diverse nature
  • To acquire evaluation skills

Design and Project Management

E416 - ECTS The curricular unit focuses on the design and management of projects as means for social change. Assuming that the projects have a political dimension derived from the social changes they intend to promote, they are also contexts of production of meaning for the actors involved (at different levels of enactment). The UC develops these issues, identifying the scope of social and educational policies in which the projects are developed, the role they play in the social change aimed at and the different approaches, procedures and actors involved. The UC aims at students to build knowledge about the development of projects as a means of implementing social and educational policies, as well as to promote practical skills in the field of project management. These competences involve relational dimensions, communication and personal and social development, and, in these terms, create the conditions for the promotion of capacity to configure and propose alternatives in the area of ​​design and project management.

Research Methods: Laboratory of Quantitative Research Methods

E415 - ECTS

This laboratory aims to complement students training on research methodologies by promoting the knowledge and competencies regarding quantitative data collection and analysis through the implementation of small research projects on relevant educational issues.

Conflict Mediation Workshop

E417 - ECTS

 this curricular unit aims at providing students an a wide understanding of conflict and its management, with an emphasis on mediation processes. It also aims at identifying and discussing potentialities and limitations of mediation as an instrument for managing social change and social conflicts, especially in educational contexts. 
In addition to specific knowledge from the field of conflict management, the fields of philosophy, psychology, sociology and history are also mobilized.
As indicated by its name, this curricular unit is strongly oriented to training skills in negotiation and mediation (mediation is understood here as a type of assisted negotiation, the mediator acting as an independent third party). Its syllabus seeks to incorporate this practical dimension. Thus, the first classes (where the first 3 items of the syllabus are developed) deal with historical and philosophical issues and conceptual problems related with transformations in the definitions of conflict and justice. Later, and progressively, the syllabus acquires a more operational nature. It is this part of the syllabus that occupies most of the scheduled classes (about 75% of them), in an attempt to make it coherent with the very operational objectives that have been defined for this curricular unit.

Organizations and Educational Management

E401 - ECTS his curricular unit intends to contribute to the study and characterization of Portuguese Educational Organizations and Public Administration by bringing contributions from the organizational, psychosociological and political domains. Perspectives on Educational Administration, Organizational Theory and Psychosociology of Organizations are developed. Educational (and non-educational) organizations, as well as their general administration, are critically analysed and interpreted, particularly in this course, regarding the processes of democratic governance and school autonomy. Objectives: — To promote the study of Organizational and Administration issues and the recognition of their impact in Education; — To contribute to the theoretical development in the psychosociological, organizational and administration domains of education, focusing on educational organizations and the school; 

— To study the organizational processes of 'democratic governance', leadership and mediation; — To analyse the processes of development of school governance and school autonomy. Competencies: — To analyse organizational and administration phenomena and ideologies, in Portuguese Education (in school and non-school contexts); — To identify and apply different models and organizational images in analysing and understanding educational organizations; — To problematize the 'Democratic School' — To study the organizational processes of 'democratic governance', leadership and mediation; — To analyse the processes of development of school governance and school autonomy.

Analysis of Social and Educational Policies

E500 - ECTS

The Curricular Unit Social and Education Policies Analysis aims at providing an approach to policies focused on their analysis and de-construction and at a deeper understanding of the “policy cycle”, from agenda setting to implementation levels. These stages (ideology, agenda, decision-making, policy formation and implementation) are simultaneously references for the development of the curricular unit.

- To introduce and discuss the theoretical perspectives on the elaboration and implementation of social and education policies;
- To identify methodologies used for the analysis of social and education policies;
- To identify and start to develop a sociological approach to social and education policies.
– To conceptualize social and education policies while projects of social change;
- To introduce and develop procedures of sociological analysis of social and education policies allowing a critical reflexion about the concepts and management of social change that they purport.

Crianças e Adolescentes Como Atores Políticos: Construção de uma cidadania participatória em contexto escolar e desportivo

E526 - ECTS
Children and adolescents as political actors: Building a participatory citizenship in schools and sports contexts is an optional half-yearly curricular unit (CU) included in the field citizenship education.

This CU seeks to perceive children and adolescents as citizens, with critical and civic awareness, and as being able to express opinions and participate in socio-political decision-making on themes and contexts that are directly related to them.

Assuming the current research in education (formal and non-formal), childhood sociology, developmental psychology and political science, this CU intends to deepen the concepts of citizenship and participation in childhood and adolescence. It's based on the assumption that they are active and participative citizens and, in particular, it aims to contribute to the reflection and problematization in educational contexts as spaces of participatory citizenship.


Identify and explore the different conceptions of citizenship among children and adolescents;

Promote critical reflection of educational contexts as spaces of citizenship;

Reflect on the different levels and perspectives of participation among children and adolescents in school and sports context;

Identify participatory citizenship practices in educational contexts (schools and sports organizations).

Educação, Ambiente e Sustentabilidade

E527 - ECTS This optional semester course (UC) is part of the field of education for citizenship. It aims at promoting the understanding of the emergence of environmental issues and the search for solutions/actions of sustainable development for human societies and all the Planet's inhabitants, as well as the possibilities of the educational field in the increment of these actions. It begins covering a theoretical and practical contextualization of some topics on Environment, Sustainability and the roles of Education, moving on, afterwards, to the critical analysis of projects and activities of environmental education and finishing with the challenge of designing an intervention project.
To this end, the following objectives are established:

- Explore some challenges brought by environmental problems and the emergency of sustainable development to the fields of citizenship and education.

- Analyze documents and reference actions in the field of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development.

- Design and discuss interventions of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development in diverse socioeducational contexts.

Communitarian and Local Development

E503 - ECTS UC presentation and objectives
The uc's main purpose is to constitute a space for an exploration of community intervention and local development as educational dynamics and theoretical problems that complicate the thinking about educational processes and on the praxeological modalities of enrollment of socio-educational intervention in social reality.

Considering the objectives of acquiring knowledge about theoretical and methodological options involved in community intervention processes, in order to understand the socio-educational implications of community intervention for local development, and to be able to use them to support educational intervention projects in a Community education, the methodology of teaching in this unit privileges: i) the reflection on the theoretical and methodological options of community intervention and local development and its various educational senses in order to highlight the complex nature of its object, namely from the Presentation and analysis of community and / or local development projects; and (ii) the problem of the professional action of the graduates in Education Sciences in this area, particularly from the presentation and discussion of the processes involved in the Stages of the design, implementation and evaluation of community intervention processes, by reference to the roles, roles and know-how that education and training specialists can play there.

In this way, the UC refers to the confrontation between various sources and processes of legitimation of community intervention, forms of social action and community / community projects that shape the meaning of social development and have in them different conceptions of educational work, As a contribution in the curricular plan of the LCE for the discussion of the tensions between conservative education and critical and transformative education.

In its contribution to the skills profile of education and training specialists, and in coherence with the praxeological nature of knowledge and action in the field of community intervention, the UC focuses on the development of provisions that, in situations of intervention that are always unique, allow graduates to initiate problem definition / diagnosis procedures, based on informed data collection and analysis processes, to promote communication processes that are sensitive to the subjectivities and cultures present in different intervention contexts and within possible multidisciplinary work teams and to construct Community intervention devices and local development that come from a contextually negotiated application of acquired technical and scientific knowledge.

The dynamic character of the community intervention processes and their praxeological nature also presuppose that the provisions to be promoted within the framework of the CU are formative provisions, that is, in future contexts of professional intervention, - formation from the reflection on the experience and/or the acquisition and appropriation of new theoretical-methodological knowledge.

Mentoria Interpares no Ensino Superior

E528 - ECTS xx

SIMF: Initiation to the areas of professionalization in Education/Training

E512 - ECTS

To activate reading frames of the Education Sciences, in the areas of professional practice (Education / Adult Education and Local Development, Education, Citizenship and Social Protection, School and Educational Management, Education and Contexts of Culture and Leisure) and related to diverse publics.
Know how to contact contexts and institutions of a formal, non-formal and informal nature, collecting, selecting, analyzing and interpreting information of various nature.
Produce a structured reflection on: contexts, projects and programs in school and lifelong education, training of human development professionals, personal and social development, animation and community intervention and local development, culture, cultural heritage , environment and leisure.
Produce and communicate reasoned information that considers the scientific, ethical and social aspects relevant to the educational field, in oral and written form, through communications and reporting.


Sociology of the Family and Family Education

E511 - ECTS The family as an educational institution is the central object of this curricular unit. Taking as a disciplinary framework the sociology of the family, structuring dimensions of the thematic and the programmatic contents are the approach of the transformations of the family in a sociological perspective and historical partner; The structures and dynamics of family relations in contemporary societies; The emergence and centrality of children and schools in family life and family education; The family and parenting as a field of research and as a field of social intervention in the field of protection of children and youth.

This curricular unit aims to provide the students with intellectual contributions capable of contributing to: i) the knowledge of the family in a sociological perspective, namely those that concern the transformation of family morphology in the contemporaneousness (constitution, dimension and structure of families); Ii) the knowledge of the family as an educational institution, especially in relation to the relationship with the school; Iii) family education as an object of research and as an object of intervention.v

Diversidade na Educação: Migração e Multiculturalismo

E523 - ECTS The program aims to problematize the concept of multiculturalism in its relationship with the issues of diversity and migration, both in educational and other contexts. Different theoretical contributions will be used, especially from migration theory, cultural studies and different theoretical perspectives on multiculturalism. The concept of diversity will be approached at several levels, focusing mainly on issues of ethnic and cultural diversity. The aim is to understand the issue of diversity in Educational Sciences and the challenges that the education of diversified groups brings to educational institutions. The main objective of this discipline resides in the understanding of migration and its place in society, with the aim to develop competencies of analysis and promotion of interculturality. A consistent reflection upon the way in which diversity can represent an enriching and fundamental element for a successful educational process will be the structural axis of the program. In this sense, concepts such as global citizenship, cosmopolitanism, education for interculturality will be discussed not only at a theoretical level but also through practical examples.

Learning objectives

  • identify socio-educative issues, especially regarding ethnical and cultural diversity, migration and regarding policies and practices of inclusion;
  • identify relevant theoretical perspectives for the Educational Sciences starting from the contribution of central authors in this field;
  • reflect upon different forms of diversity, encouraging and strengthening reading and critical analysis competencies.

Introdução à Ética e Deontologia em Educação

E615 - ECTS
Identify, recognize and reflect critically on the ethical dimensions in education, both in the professional and scientific fields;
     To develop the domain of constitutive concepts of the problem under study;
     Understand ethics and deontology as regulatory dimensions of professional practices.
     Understand and critically appraise guidance documents of research in education, such as the SPCE Ethical Regulation
     To develop capacities to analyze educational situations in an ethical perspective.

Research-Action in Education

E603 - ECTS

The aims of this subject matter is to be an alternative to certain naturalistic points of view (Amsterdam 1996) and conversely to instrumental reason which separates scientific production from its aims and ethics. Science will be placed at the center of epistemological reflection.
- to develop awareness about the conventional approach and value judgments involved in the separation of science from other forms of knowledge;
- to understand the social constructed nature of subjects;
- to analyze the possible spaces and limits of intervention in educational / social problems;
- to analyze philosophies which frame different kinds of intervention;
- to understand that action research is more than a methodology and is an epistemological alternative;
- to develop epistemological awareness of the importance of questions of communication and language in the emergence of a transformative and innovative dialogic space in action research;
- to involve different social actors in the same research effort and problem-solving, in a collaborative self-training;
- to understand training as a critical point of an innovative project;
- to promote awareness about the orientation of change, using human emancipation as a horizon.

Specific objectives:
- to identify resources students can offer;
- to critically analyze the paradigms of research;
- to understand context and theories where research develops;
- to develop skills to improve horizontalization of communication in action research, in a dynamic hermeneutic framework;
- to analyze action research experiences;
- to conceptualize action research projects;
- to analyze possibilities of creating change and innovation in education;
- to identify different kinds of innovation;
- to analyze conflict between reproduction and change which are in confrontation training, in different pedagogical methods;
- to analyze possible relations between social and educational change.

Social Justice and School Evaluation Policies

E614 - ECTS • To develop critical and theoretically supported thinking about social justice and the school evaluation policies;

• To promote the understanding of the synergies between the concepts approached in the curricular unit,

• To critically analyse the school external evaluation model used in Portugal, based on the ideal of social justice

• To analyse educational situations based in the theoretical referents;

SIMF: Unit Contact with the outside

E608 - ECTS
Mobilize articulately knowledge acquired during the 1st cycle in Educational Science; 
Contact with institutions in different areas of professionalization in the fields of education (formal, non-formal and informal), related to different publics (children, youth, adults and seniors);
Observe and problematize formal, non-formal and informal education contexts, projects, programs and practices
Integrate teams and collaborate with professionals in processes of socio-educational intervention.

Socio anthropology of Development and Culture

E606 - ECTS

1. The course of Socioanthropology of Development and Culture (SDC) is a curricular unit (6 ECTS)of the 6th semestre of the 1st degree in Education Sciences.

2. SDC belongs to the scientific area of social sciences and draws on anthropological and sociological theories of development and culture. Its main goal is to convene and deepen previous knowledge and competencies developed in other curricular units, namely those located in the same scientific area.

3. SDC aims at contributing to a deeper understanding of the impacts of globalisation on the present social contexts, mainly in Portuguese society,with an emphasis on the education field.

SDC approaches three core concepts: tradition, modernity and postmodernity. It idoes so by convening empirical work developed in the field of Sociology and Antrhropology of Education. Globalisation and its impacts on social and educational policies frame the development of the course underlining their implications for the professional practices of the graduates.


• To contribute for the reflexive conceptualisation of the social practices, namely in the field of education, whereas processes of management of social change.

• To Problematise the concept od 'development' 

• To contextualise the issues of the managment of social change in the context of Portuguese society in the light of the processes of globalisation.

• To identify the impacts of globalisation on the existing and emerging sociabilities.

• To contribute to professenial reflexivity of those who are engaged in projects elaborated for 'the others' (defined as ethny, class, gender, life styles, etc.) .

• To identify individual and group 'differences' as active subjects of their own individual and social action.



Work, Economy and Social Justice

E607 - ECTS

-To clarify the evolution and transformation of the relations between training contexts and work on the genesis of social and economic models; Understand the connections betweeen social protection and labour in the genesis of social justice; -Understand the concept of work-value in the perspective of Economic Sciences;; -Deepen the relevance of curricular unit to the formation of a socioeducational and training mediator, particularly in the field of education and work.

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