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Communitarian and Local Development

Code: E503     Acronym: ICDL

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Adult Education

Instance: 2020/2021 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Education Sciences
Course/CS Responsible: First degree in Educational Sciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LCED 45 Official Curricular Structure 3 - 6 57 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


UC presentation and objectives
The uc's main purpose is to constitute a space for an exploration of community intervention and local development as educational dynamics and theoretical problems that complicate the thinking about educational processes and on the praxeological modalities of enrollment of socio-educational intervention in social reality.

Considering the objectives of acquiring knowledge about theoretical and methodological options involved in community intervention processes, in order to understand the socio-educational implications of community intervention for local development, and to be able to use them to support educational intervention projects in a Community education, the methodology of teaching in this unit privileges: i) the reflection on the theoretical and methodological options of community intervention and local development and its various educational senses in order to highlight the complex nature of its object, namely from the Presentation and analysis of community and / or local development projects; and (ii) the problem of the professional action of the graduates in Education Sciences in this area, particularly from the presentation and discussion of the processes involved in the Stages of the design, implementation and evaluation of community intervention processes, by reference to the roles, roles and know-how that education and training specialists can play there.

In this way, the UC refers to the confrontation between various sources and processes of legitimation of community intervention, forms of social action and community / community projects that shape the meaning of social development and have in them different conceptions of educational work, As a contribution in the curricular plan of the LCE for the discussion of the tensions between conservative education and critical and transformative education.

In its contribution to the skills profile of education and training specialists, and in coherence with the praxeological nature of knowledge and action in the field of community intervention, the UC focuses on the development of provisions that, in situations of intervention that are always unique, allow graduates to initiate problem definition / diagnosis procedures, based on informed data collection and analysis processes, to promote communication processes that are sensitive to the subjectivities and cultures present in different intervention contexts and within possible multidisciplinary work teams and to construct Community intervention devices and local development that come from a contextually negotiated application of acquired technical and scientific knowledge.

The dynamic character of the community intervention processes and their praxeological nature also presuppose that the provisions to be promoted within the framework of the CU are formative provisions, that is, in future contexts of professional intervention, - formation from the reflection on the experience and/or the acquisition and appropriation of new theoretical-methodological knowledge.

Learning outcomes and competences

- Acquisition of knowledge about theoretical and methodological options involved in community intervention processes;

- Use of theoretical references in the analysis of the educational dimension of IC and DL processes

- Understanding the socio-educational implications of community intervention for local development;

- Analysis of Community intervention processes and local community development;

- Fundamentation of projects of educational intervention in a logic of community animation and DL;

- Appropriate use specific tools of the socio-educational methodology in the practice of community educational intervention.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)



I. Community intervention and local development:

1. Intervention, community and development: problematization of theoretical concepts and affiliations

2. Sociohistorical approach of theories and practices of local community development: from community organization to human development

3. The relationship between education and community intervention: from subordination to mutual interpellation


II. Contributions to a socio-educational methodology of community intervention in community development

1. The sociopolitical options in the intervention and its complexity: participation, democracy, citizenship and empowerment

2. The methodological steps of community intervention processes and their educational dimensions

3. Community development processes and routes: animation, education / training and research

4. Community intervention agents as educational actors: from intervention to community mediation

5. The evaluation of Community intervention projects in Community development

Mandatory literature

Matos Manuel Santos e; Intervenção comunitária em educação
Caramelo João Carlos Pereira; Educação e desenvolvimento comunitário num processo de transição autogestionário
Berger, G.; Reflexões sobre democracia, participação e cidadania. Cadernos Ice “Inovação, Cidadania e Desenvolvimento Local" 7: 13-30., 2004
Guerra, I. C.; Fundamentos e Processos de uma Sociologia da Acção: o planeamento em Ciências Sociais. São João do Estoril, Principia., 2006
Melo, A.; Educação e Formação para o desenvolvimento rural. Fórum Educação de Adultos. L. Lima. Braga, Universidade do Minho/Unidade de Educação de Adultos. I: 137-149., 1994
Matos, Manuel; Desenvolvimento e Cidadania: intervenção associativa e acção comunitária, in Cadernos ICE 7 (Inovação, Cidadania e Desenvolvimento Local), Setúbal, ICE: 135-149, 2004
Nóvoa António 070; Formação para o desenvolvimento
Vachon, B. ; Le développement local: théorie et pratique: Réintroduire l’humain dans la logique de développement. Montréal, Gaëtan Morin Éditeur., 1993
Melo, A.; A acção local dos cidadãos como forma de resistência à nova onda de colonização global: o caso da Associação In Loco no Sul de Portugal. Produzir para viver: os caminhos da produção não capitalista. B. d. S. Santos. Rio de Janeiro, Civilização, 2002
Correia, J. A. and R. D’Espiney, Eds.; Inovação, Cidadania e Desenvolvimento Local. Cadernos do ICE. Setúbal., 2004
Gómez José António Caride; Educação e desenvolvimento comunitário local. ISBN: 978-972-8562-44-1
Matos, M.; "Da Intervenção Comunitária à Mediação Comunitária." Educação, Sociedade & Culturas 29: 175-189., 2009
Menezes, Isabel; Intervenção Comunitária: uma perspectiva psicológica, Porto, Livpsic/Legis Editora, 2007
Correia, J. A.; Políticas e lógicas da territorialização: contributos para a produção emancipatória do local. Fênix - Revista Pernambucana de Educação Popular e de Educação de Adultos Ano 4 - Nº5(1): 33-42., 2005

Complementary Bibliography

Paulo, J. C.; O que faz falta. Educação de Adultos e Intervenção Comunitária. Instituto de Educação e Psicologia. Braga, Universidade do Minho: 23-59., 1999
Freire, P.; Extensão ou comunicação. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Paz e Terra., 1971
Enriquez, E.; Problématique du changement. Connexions 4: 5-45., 1972
Veen, R. V. D. ; Community development as citizen education. International Journal of Lifelong Education 22 (6): 580-596., 2003
Busino, G. ; Comunidade. Enciclopédia Einaudi. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda. 38: 146-160., 1998
Nisbet, R.; Comunidade. Sociologias e Sociedades. Leituras de Introdução à Sociologia. M. Foracchi and J. S. Martins. São Paulo, Livros Técnicos e Científicos: 255-262., 1977
Teisserenc, P.; Développement local et mobilisation des acteurs. Contemporaines 18/19: 187-213., 1994
Melo, A.; Formação de adultos e desenvolvimento local. Educação e Formação de Adultos: mutações e convergências. R. Canário and B. Cabrito. Lisboa, Educa. 11: 97-113., 2005
Fraser, H.; Four different approaches to community participation. Community Development Journal 40(3): 286-300., 2005
Freire, P.; Extensão ou comunicação. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Paz e Terra., 1971
Laverack, G.; Using a "domains" approach to build community empowerment. Community Development Journal 41(1): 4-12., 2005
Silva, A. S.; Sociedade civil, democracia local e desenvolvimento. Democracia: novos desafios e novos horizontes. J. M. L. Viegas, A. C. Pinto & S. Faria. Oeiras, Celta Editora: 11-34., 2004
Silva Augusto Santos; Cultura e desenvolvimento. ISBN: ISBN 972-774-077-4
Silva Augusto Santos; Educação de adultos
Garcia, O.; Animação comunitária nos processos de desenvolvimento. Inovação, Cidadania e Desenvolvimento Local. J. A. Correia & R. D’Espiney. Setúbal, ICE. 7: 123-134., 2004

Teaching methods and learning activities

Teaching and Learning Methodologies in contact time
Dialogued lecturing
Group analysis of community intervention and local development projects
Visualisation of audiovisual records and their discussion in a large group
Reading and analysis of bibliographic materials in support of UC
Assessment of learning

Teaching and Learning Methodologies in students’ autonomous work

Bibliographical and documentary research
Reading and analysis of main and complementary bibliography
Preparation and group organization of the dynamization of teaching activities
Analysis of community intervention projects and local development
Participation in scientific initiatives in the field of Community intervention and development




Social sciences > Educational sciences > Education > Social pedagogy
Social sciences > Ethics in social sciences
Social sciences > Educational sciences > Education > Adult education

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Teste 60,00
Trabalho escrito 40,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 102,00
Frequência das aulas 45,00
Trabalho de investigação 15,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

 The assessment regime implies presence in ¾ of lectures, except for students legally authorized to do not attend lectures (as for instance student-workers)

Calculation formula of final grade

The final classification in the UC will be obtained through the approval of two evaluation components: i) group work; ii) individual comment:

- The group work consists in the accomplishment of a written work that takes as it starting point a text, to be made available by the teacher in the first classes of the semester, regarding a process of community intervention and/or community development. The groups should consist of 4 or, exceptionally, 3 students. It is intended that the work carried out demonstrates competencies in the field of understanding, interpretation, analysis and critical integration of the themes addressed in the UC by reference to reports and reflections available on concrete processes of community intervention and/or community development. The group work should have an extension between 8 and 10 pages, including the systematic presentation of the interpretation of the text and a reflection on the implications of its contributions to equate community intervention and / or local development, mobilising the theoretical frameworks and concepts seized in the UC. Throughout the semester the elements of support to the structuring and development of group work will be made available by the teacher.

The criteria for evaluating group work are: i) formal rigour; ii) the quality of the argument and the theoretical basis of the analysis; iii) the logical and scientific consistency of the interpretation performed. Although the work can be done during the semester, the delivery of the finished work can be done until the date defined for the individual comment.

- The individual comment without consultation will have a duration of 2.30 hours (plus 30m tolerance) and will be carried out on the date defined by the competent services in the period devoted to the frequencies and exams at the end of the academic semester. The individual commentary, up to a maximum of 5 pages, focuses on a project of community intervention and / or local development (an excerpt / summary available at the moment) and aims to assess the knowledge about the theoretical problems and the concepts addressed throughout the Semester in class and resulting from the students' autonomous work of reading and analyzing the main bibliography of the UC (to be made available by the teacher).

The criteria to be applied for the evaluation of the individual comment are i) the degree of consistency and internal consistency; (Ii) mobilising a critical, personal and integrated approach; Iii) the correctness and relevance of the theoretical contributions mobilised; Iv) formal correction.

For the calculation of the final classification, the group work will be attributed the weight of 40% (the group work is classified on a scale of 0-20 values and the classification converted up to a maximum of 8 values), and to the individual comment the weight Of 60% (individual comments are graded on a scale of 0-20 values and the rating converted to a maximum of 12 values).

In the event of situations that constitute the practice of fraud, it will be carried out in accordance with article 14 of the Evaluation Regulation of students of the FPCEUP where it can be read that "fraud committed in the performance of a test implies the annulment of the same and Communication to the competent statutory body (Pedagogical Council) for possible disciplinary proceedings. Within the framework of the FPCEUP, copying, plagiarism or any other practice from which an illicit benefit to the student's classification is considered to be fraud is understood as a fraud. "

Examinations or Special Assignments

The achievement of a classification of less than 8 values or non-achievement in / of one of the evaluation elements will have as a mechanism of appeal in the scope of the evaluation distributed to:

- completion of new group work (or exceptionally individual work by each of the group members) and their discussion with the teacher;

- completion of a new individual commentary in the period of subsequent examinations.

Internship work/project


Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Students legally authorized to do not attend lectures are required to present a written essay concerning one of the textbooks. This written essay must include an introduction where students are asked to justificate the pertinence of the theme and the linkage with their own learning project. Sucess in this written essay will allow students to develop the individual paper, as the second assessment moment 

Classification improvement

To improve the final classification obtained, students must accomplish a written examination concerning the whole contents of the subject, as defined above.


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