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Dominus Exercitum. Apotropaic guardians at the entranceses of Portuguese Romanesque churches

Dominus Exercitum. Apotropaic guardians at the entranceses of Portuguese Romanesque churches
Artigo em Livro de Atas de Conferência Internacional
Ata de Conferência Internacional
5th International Congress of Medieval Studies
Porto, 25 a 29 de Junho de 2013
Classificação Científica
FOS: Humanidades > História e arqueologia
CORDIS: Humanidades > História > História da arte ; Humanidades > História > História medieval
Outras Informações
Abstract (EN): The Greek etymology of the word apotropaic (αποτροπαϊκό, apotrépaios) remits to the idea of withdrawal of evilness. Starting from the proposals of the Portuguese author, Carlos Alberto Ferreira de Almeida (1934-1996), still up to date and scattered through his immense historiography consecrated to the Romanesque architecture, one intends to identify specific examples, revealers of apotropaic power. The popular origin of the apotropaic symbols strategically placed at the portals of Romanesque churches of this time is quite evident. As were the Guardians of the Gates of Heaven, these symbols were endowed with the mission of removing evils, or rather, to ensure that they stay confined to the exterior of sacred spaces, at the time understood as a representation of the Heavenly Jerusalem. After its analysis, one will try to question how relevant the will of casting away evilness was, through sculpture, within the architectural patrimony of the remaining Romanesque Period in Portugal.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Notas: Submetido para publicação.
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