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First Insights on the Bioaccessibility and Absorption of Anthocyanins from Edible Flowers: Wild Pansy, Cosmos, and Cornflower

First Insights on the Bioaccessibility and Absorption of Anthocyanins from Edible Flowers: Wild Pansy, Cosmos, and Cornflower
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Teixeira, M
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De Luca, L
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Faria, A
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Bordiga, M
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Victor de Freitas
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Oliveira, H
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Título: PharmaceuticalsImportada do Authenticus Pesquisar Publicações da Revista
Vol. 17
Página Final: 191
ISSN: 1424-8247
Editora: MDPI
Publicação em ISI Web of Knowledge ISI Web of Knowledge - 0 Citações
Publicação em Scopus Scopus - 0 Citações
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-010-39G
Abstract (EN): Edible flowers are regaining interest among both the scientific community and the general population, not only for their appealing sensorial characteristics but also from the growing evidence about their health benefits. Among edible flowers, those that contain anthocyanins are among the most consumed worldwide. However, little is known regarding the bioaccessibility and absorption of their bioactive compounds upon ingestion. The aim of this work was to explore, for the first time, the behavior of anthocyanin-rich extracts from selected edible flowers under different food processing conditions and after ingestion using simulated digestions, as well as their absorption at the intestinal level. Overall, the results showed that the monoglucoside and rutinoside anthocyanin extracts were less stable under different pH, temperature, and time conditions as well as different digestive processes in the gastrointestinal tract. There was a prominent decrease in the free anthocyanin content after the intestinal phase, which was more pronounced for the rutinoside anthocyanin extract (78.41% decrease from the oral phase). In contrast, diglucoside and rutinoside anthocyanin extracts showed the highest absorption efficiencies at the intestinal level, of approximately 5% after 4 h of experiment. Altogether, the current results emphasize the influence of anthocyanins' structural arrangement on both their chemical stability as well as their intestinal absorption. These results bring the first insights about the bioaccessibility and absorption of anthocyanins from wild pansy, cosmos, and cornflower and the potential outcomes of such alternative food sources.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 19
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