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Nearness results for real tridiagonal 2-Toeplitz matrices

Nearness results for real tridiagonal 2-Toeplitz matrices
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Bebiano, N
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Susana Borges Furtado
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Nº de Série 2257 Vol. 26 Ed. 5
Páginas: 1-17
ISSN: 1070-5325
Editora: Wiley-Blackwell
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-00Q-RHW
Abstract (EN): In this article, we extend the results for Toeplitz matrices obtained by Noschese, Pasquini, and Reichel. We study the distance d, measured in the Frobenius norm, of a real tridiagonal 2-Toeplitz matrix T to the closure NTR of the set formed by the real irreducible tridiagonal normal matrices. The matrices in NTR, whose distance to T is d, are characterized, and the location of their eigenvalues is shown to be in a region determined by the field of values of the operator associated with T, when T is in a certain class of matrices that contains the Toeplitz matrices. When T has an odd dimension, the eigenvalues of the closest matrices to T in NTR are explicitly described. Finally, a measure of nonnormality of T is studied for a certain class of matrices T. The theoretical results are illustrated with examples. In addition, known results in the literature for the case in which T is a Toeplitz matrix are recovered.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 17
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