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Morphophysiology of the Cardiovascular System and Blood

Code: MI221     Acronym: MSCS

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Medicine

Instance: 2020/2021 - 1S (of 14-09-2020 to 07-02-2021) Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Surgery and Physiology Department
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master in Medicine

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIMED 348 Mestrado Integrado em Medicina- Plano oficial 2013 (Reforma Curricular) 2 - 9 85 243

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students
Obs.: Português - Inglês


At the end of this course unit, students should :

- Be acquainted with the general principles of Anatomy, Histology and Physiology. This course unit will stimulate students’ observation skills by acquainting them with the anatomical terminology. It will also endow them with description techniques, which will make them apply the adequate terminology;

- Be acquainted with the normal structure, both macroscopic and microscopic and the normal function of the cardiovascular apparatus and blood; 

- Have acquired knowledge which can be used in the different fields of morphophysiology, in other course units and in upcoming clinical activities. 

Learning outcomes and competences

During the semester, students should also acquire the following competencies:

- Problem-solving skills;

- Self-learning skills;

- Critical reasoning;

- Practical ability to evaluate the function of the different systems;

- Identification of morphophysiological problems in selected clinical cases.

In order to provide students with the aforementioned skills and knowledge, this course unit will apply an integrated morphofunctional approach. Additionally, anatomists, histologists and physiologists will be part of the teaching staff.

Working method



Cardiac muscle. Cardiac cycle. Electrical activity of the heart. Electrocardiogram. Physiological principles, method of execution and interpretation. Hemodynamics and hemorheology. Microcirculation and lymphatic vessels. The genesis of heart sound: physiological and pathophysiological meaning. Cardiac auscultation. Arterial and venous pulses: physiological principles. Determinants of systolic function. Determinants of diastolic function. Analysis of ventricular curves function. Interpretation of cardiovascular physiology graphs. Echocardiographic indices of cardiac function: physiological meaning and interpretation. Physiology of the cardiac and vascular endothelium. Regulation of vascular function. Regulation of blood pressure. Pathophysiological implications. Regulation of cardiac output and venous return. Evaluation methods of cardiac output. Pathophysiology and case problems: heart failure. Physiology of coronary circulation and special circulations. Right Ventricle Phisiology. Primary and secondary hemostasis. Fibrinolytic system. Evaluation of hemostatic function. Case problems: Hemostasis.

 Developmental Biology of the Cardiovascular System. Histology of the Heart. Histology of Blood and Lymph Vessels. Histology of the Blood. Hematopoiesis. Histology of the Spleen, Thymus, Tonsiles and Lymph Nodes.

 General anatomy of the arterial and venous systems. Heart. Pericardium. Large thoracic vessels. Vascularization of the chest wall. Large vessels in the abdomen and its branches and tributaries. Vascularization of the walls of the abdomen. Vascularization of the pelvic walls and pelvic organs. Vascularization of the perineum. Blood vessels of the upper limb. Blood vessels of the lower limb. Common carotid artery. Internal carotid artery and its branches. External carotid artery and its branches. Venous drainage of the brain, head and neck. Lymphoid organs. Lymphatic system.

Mandatory literature

Walter F. Boron; Emile L. Boulpaep; Medical Physiology, 3rd Edition, 2017
Hall J.E. ; Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 13th Edition, Saunders Elsevier, 2016
Young, B. Lowe, J.S., Stevens, A., & Heath, J.W.; Wheater's Functional Histology - A Text and Colour Atlas, 5th edition, Churchill Livingstone, 2009
Junqueira & Carneiro; Histologia Básica , 11ª edição, Guanabara Koogan, 2008
Stevens and Lowe; Human Histology , 3rd Edition, Elsevier-Mosby, 2005
Sadler, T.W.; Langman's Medical Embryology , 11ª Ed, Williams and Wilkins, 2009
Gilbert, S.F.; Developmental Biology, 9ª Ed, Sinauer Associates Inc., 2010
Abraham L. Kierszenbaum anda Laura Tres; Histology and Cell Biology - An introduction to Pathology, Elsevier, 2012
Larsen, W.J.; Human Embryology , 4ª Ed., Churchill & Livingston, 2008
R. L. Drake, W. Vogl, A. W. M. Mitchel; GRAY’S ANATOMY FOR STUDENTS, Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2010
S. Standring; GRAY’S ANATOMY , Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 40ª edição, 2008

Teaching methods and learning activities

The syllabus is related to the field of morphophysiology of the cardiovascular apparatus and blood. The syllabus also includes problem solving discussions and seminars, which are designed to integrate the themes of this course unit and directed by specialists of different areas.

The teaching methodologies of this course unit will be based on theoretical classes (1h), seminars (1,5h), theoretical-practical classes (26h), practical classes (51h) and tutorials (2,5h). There will be a total amount of 85 contact hours, including evaluation (3h).

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 158,00
Frequência das aulas 85,00
Total: 243,00

Eligibility for exams

According to the rules of "Conselho Pedagógico" of our Faculty

Calculation formula of final grade


Theoretical classes will be taught online (via Zoom) and made available for deferred viewing throughout the semester.

With regard to practical physiology classes, in order to allow the reduction of the number of students per classroom and in the college spaces, without compromising the proximity and characteristic quality of practical classroom teaching on an ongoing basis, the total number of classes will be maintained, dividing each into two parts: class x.1 and class x.2. Practical classes will be taught in college every week for each class, according to the available calendar, and, in a given week, half of the class (x.1) attend the class in person, while the other half (x.2 ) attends the same class, via online and live, alternating halves each week.

Regarding practical anatomy classes, all 20 classes will be divided in half (Class N.a and class N.b); in a given week only the "a" classes will have class, at the respective time and, during the two hours of the class, the subjects scheduled for that week and the next will be covered; in the following week all classes "b" will have class, in the respective schedule and, during the two hours of the class, the subjects scheduled for the previous week and for the current week will be approached. That is, every fifteen days, all students will approach the subjects scheduled for those two weeks; although with two "classes" at a time and with a week apart. Theoretical introductions (the theoretical part of TP classes) will all be made asynchronously and made available in Moodle, before the respective classes, so that students can prepare in advance.

The practical classes of Histology and Embriology will be non-presential, via Zoom, with slide viewing through a virtual microscope through a website in preparation.

All this information and teaching methodologies are inserted in the pandemic state at the date of publication of this document, however they may be revised and adapted during the school year according to the epidemiological evolution.


All practical tests will be graded on a 0-20 scale. The classification obtained in the practical exam (P) will be the weighted average of the classifications obtained in Anatomy (32.5%), Histology (20%) and Physiology (47.5%).

Students who have to take a practical exam during the appeal period will be evaluated on the three components (Physiology, Anatomy and Histology and Embryology) on the day prior to the theoretical exam.

 The practical assessment of Physiology consists of an exam consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions. It will be held, in normal season, on December 16 and, in relation to the appeal season, on the day prior to the respective theoretical exam.

The practical anatomy test is of the "gymkhana" type and consists of the identification of 14 anatomical structures. These will be placed in pairs, with the students having 1 minute to identify each set of two structures. This test will take place on the day before the theoretical exam.

The practical assessment of Histology and Embryology will result from a continuous assessment (50%) throughout the classes, in addition to a practical exam (50%). The latter lasts for 16 minutes (8 questions) and consists of identifying structures in the microscope or in electron microscopy photographs. In the normal season, this practical test will take place on October 28, 2020; at the time of appeal, the practical test will take place on the day before the theoretical exam.

Final Theoretical Evaluation

Theoretical exam will be admitted to students who, in the set of practical tests, obtain an average rating of at least 10 values. This classification remains valid for the other assessment periods of the same academic year if students fail the theoretical test.

The theoretical test (T) lasts 120 minutes and consists of 80 questions (0.25 points / question), of which 26 will be open and short answer and 54 multiple choice.

Students who obtain a classification of at least 10 points will be considered approved in the theoretical exam.

Final classification

The final classification (CF) of students who have passed the practical exam and the theoretical exam will be calculated using the formula: CF = (2T + 1P) / 3




Classification improvement

If the student pretends to improve his grade, he must repeat both the practical and theoretical exams.


The student is allowed to mantain the practical exam rate for the next season of the same scholar year in the case of failure or non-appearance to the theoretical exam.

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