The Master in Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (MMED-FMUP) confers the MSc in Medicine degree upon the conclusion of 360 ECTS credits for 12 semesters. The completion of the first 180 ECTS credits entitles the graduation in Basic Health Sciences.
In 2016/2017, the current MMED-FMUP Study Plan, established in 2013-2014, will cover the 4th year, which is also the first clinical year. In 2017/2018, it will include the remaining 5th and 6th years, thus completing the installing process.
Among the 360 ECTS necessary for the MSc Degree, 336 ECTS are obtained upon successful completion of 63 nuclear Curricular Units from Basic, Pre-Clinical and Clinical Sciences. The remaining 24 ECTS result from the free choice among 106 units (as of 2016/2017) categorized in four areas: Biomedical Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Clinical Sciences and Information and Epidemiology Sciences. These units will invite students to an exploration of personal interests in specific areas through the acquisition of further knowledge, the diversification of experience or the improvement of scientific skills. Moreover, they will challenge students to the assumption of responsibility of building their own educational pathway.
Along the first 10 semesters, competence acquisition in the respective fields is accomplished through teaching activities as theoretical sessions, practical sessions (laboratory or patient or simulation mannequins), mixed and seminar sessions, among other; in the remaining 2 semesters, emphasis is put on Clinical Practice units that take place at FMUP affiliated health facilities, mostly based in the north of the country. They include public hospitals (S. João Hospital Centre is the most interactive one), private hospitals and health centers. That period of time is also employed in the completion and public discussion of a clinical or biomedical research project that frequently starts early in the course and whose manuscript is often submitted and published in a journal having an impact factor.
In addition to the existing formal educational spaces, considerably extended with the 2012 opening of the new facilities, the MMED-FMUP has benefited from important FMUP investments in laboratories, library service and the center of biomedical simulation
The MSc in Medicine of FMUP main purpose is to prepare physicians for the current and future society. The learning path includes basic biomedical and clinical sciences, developed in a harmonious and integrated way under the supervision of a set of professors with extensive healthcare and scientific experience, evidenced by the qualified exercise of Medicine in important health institutions and the relevant annual collection of peer reviewed publications.
Upon 6 years, FMUP physicians will be endowed with systematic and integrated scientific knowledge, will know how to organize medical problems and narratives in a rational and coherent way and will be able to summarize and transmit the key issues in an appropriate language. In addition, they will recognize the unique dynamic character of medical knowledge.
Moreover, they will be aware of the multidimensional nature of the human condition and the holistic and tolerant approach necessary to fulfill the medical mission.MD career
Medical Research
Pharmaceutical Consulting
Medical Teaching
Official Code: | 9813 |
Director: | José Gerardo Oliveira |
Acronym: | MIMED |
Academic Degree: | Master |
Type of course/cycle of study: | Integrated Master |
Start: | 2007/2008 |
Duration: | 6 Years |