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6th Meeting of Doctoral Students of FMUP (ED-FMUP)

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October 25th, at the Auditorium of the Medical Research Center (CIM-FMUP)

On October 25th, the Auditorium of the Medical Research Center will host the 6th Meeting of Doctoral students of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP).

This meeting, promoted annually by FMUP's Research and Graduate Support Department (daIPG) and this year in partnership with the Doctoral Program in Medicine, is aimed at gathering students and professors of all PhD Programs, with the objective of fostering the exchange of experiences and knowledge, the establishment of collaborations and the creation of a community of young people capable of thinking science in a perspective and comprehensive manner.

The Meeting will have as guest speakers Professors Alexandre Quintanilha and Óscar Ribeiro. There will also be a lecture by the Vice-Rector of the UP for the Training and Academic Organization - Professor Pedro Teixeira.

The program further encompasses a roundtable discussion on topics such as the relevance of the doctoral program in the career, the future of biomedical research, the role of the research environment, how to adapt doctoral research to the aging population paradigm, and how to accomplish a PhD in parallel with clinical activity.

At the beginning of the afternoon a "Seminars-FMUP" session will be held at Room 4, CIM-FMUP, with the presentation of works developed by PhD candidates of the distinct doctoral programs.


Registration until October 18th at https://encontrodoutorandos.med.up.pt/

The programme is available at: https://encontrodoutorandos.med.up.pt/index.php/program


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