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Sociology of Culture

Code: SOCI025     Acronym: SCULT

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Sociology

Instance: 2024/2025 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Sociology
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Sociology

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
SOCI 35 SOCI - Study Plan 3 - 6 41 162

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
João Miguel Trancoso Vaz Teixeira Lopes

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical and practical : 2,50
Tutorial Supervision: 0,50
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical and practical Totals 1 2,50
João Miguel Trancoso Vaz Teixeira Lopes 2,50
Tutorial Supervision Totals 1 0,50
João Miguel Trancoso Vaz Teixeira Lopes 0,50

Teaching language



It is intended, at the level of objectives, that students understand and analyze the theoretical structure of the main field of the sociology of culture; analyze sociologically processes of production, diffusion and reception of culture; related to the complexity of the worlds of culture with the main trends of late modernity and capitalism «advanced» and/or «flexible»; apply the concepts acquired/seized to the analysis of contemporary Portuguese society; understand the impact of cultural globalization, as well as the 'glocal' processes of negotiation and interaction of meanings.

Learning outcomes and competences

The level of skills and competencies to be acquired to focus on development of autonomous research work; in the development of reading and writing scientific work; in the consolidation of the curricular skills, through an appropriation and deepening critics of the contents taught and in the development of oral and interpersonal communication.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Does not apply.


1. Culture as a subject of study
1.1. Anthropological and sociological design perspective of culture:
diversity of theoretical perspectives
1.2. The cultural field: from a hierarchized model of culture to a model of syncretisms, crosses and miscegenations
2. Public and cultural practices
2.1. Cultural reception, cultural practices and cultural publics
2.2. Cultural practices of the Portuguese and international comparisons: empirical examples from studies based on Portuguese reality
3. Culture and cultural policies 
3.1. Three generations of cultural policies and the Portuguese case: from democratization to cultural democracy 
3.2. The professional intervention of sociologists in cultural domains

Mandatory literature

AZEVEDO, Natália (2014); Políticas culturais, turismo e desenvolvimento local na Área Metropolitana do Porto. Fragmentos de um estudo de caso (1980-2001). Porto: Afrontamento. ISBN 978-972-36-1356-8.
BOURDIEU, Pierre (2010); A distinção: uma crítica social da faculdade do juízo. Lisboa: Edições 70. ISBN 978-972-44-1577-2.
CRANE, Diana (1994); The sociology of culture: emerging theoretical perspectives. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 1-55786-463-2.
GARCIA, José Luís, coord. (2014); Mapear os recursos, levantamento da legislação, caracterização dos atores, comparação internacional. Relatório final [Em linha]. Lisboa: SEC/GEPAC; ICS-UL. Disponível em http://www.gepac.gov.pt/cultura-2020.aspx.
HALL, John R.; GRINDSTAFF, Laura; LO, Ming-Cheng, eds. (2012); Handbook of cultural sociology. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-54012-4.
LAHIRE, Bernard (2006); A cultura dos indivíduos. Porto Alegre: Artmed. ISBN 85-363-0593-2.
LOPES, João Teixeira (2000); A cidade e a cultura: um estudo sobre práticas culturais urbanas. Porto: Afrontamento. ISBN 972-36-0529-5.
SANTOS, Maria de Lourdes Lima dos, coord. (1998); As políticas culturais em Portugal. Relatório nacional: programa europeu de avaliação das políticas culturais nacionais. Lisboa: Observatório das Atividades Culturais. ISBN 972-8488-02-5.
SILVA, Augusto Santos; Fortuna, Carlos, orgs. (2002); Projeto e circunstância: culturas urbanas em Portugal. Porto: Afrontamento. ISBN 972-36-0575-9.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Classes are structured around a joint exhibition between sessions, moments of discussion and presentations organized by groups of students. Various "cultural" materials are used, including plastic works, music, performing arts, also using quantitative databases about cultural practices and cultural policy indicators. Discussions, seminars and site visit are others practical activities.


Social sciences > Sociology

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 30,00
Teste 30,00
Trabalho escrito 40,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 75,00
Frequência das aulas 39,00
Trabalho escrito 48,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Attendance is not considered to obtain attendance (Article 9 of the FLUP Assessment Rules). Still, it is considered for assessment in tutorial classes whenever these involve activities related to group work.
The planned assessment components are:
- 1 individual essay on a topic from the programme;
- 1 individual face-to-face test on points 1 and 2 of the programme;
- 1 group assignment developed in tutorial classes (based on a set of documentary corpus chosen by the students and related to the field of culture).
All the assessment components will be carried out throughout the 2nd semester and handed in on dates specified by the lecturer at the start of classes. All tests are compulsory.
Failure to pass the course unit (with a fail for missing an assessment component) implies that the student must take new assessment components in an appeal period on dates to be indicated by the lecturer. The respective statements are available on the course page on the first day of the assessment.

Calculation formula of final grade

Weighting criteria of tests in the final course unit grade: the individual written report (40%); written test (30%); work developed in tutorials (30%).
In order to be approved in this course, the final classification must be equal to or higher than 10. The minimum note in each component will be of 9,5 values.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Does not apply.

Internship work/project

Does not apply.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Under the terms of the law and the FLUP Assessment Rules, students who are exempt from attending classes (student-workers, students with ENEE and other statuses provided for by law) are obliged to contact the lecturer at the beginning of the course period to clarify the respective knowledge assessment procedures. Regarding the assessment components provided, these students will take the individual test (30 per cent) and the personal thematic essay (40 per cent). As for the work component of analysing a corpus of documents, the same students carry out the planned work individually and without an oral presentation in class (30%). If there are students with a specific status who wish to join OT groups, this is possible on the condition that they give an oral presentation.
The same applies to students who fulfil the conditions to be assessed at a particular end-of-course period.

Classification improvement

Improvement of the final mark is carried out by the FLUP Norms for the Assessment of Knowledge. It is possible to improve the final grade by completing the two assessment components: a new test and a new essay. Given the specific nature of tutorial activities (group work carried out in tutorial classes), improving your grade in this component is impossible. The final classification is the result of the weighted average, according to the weights assigned, of the highest marks obtained by the student in the assessment components provided for in the course unit.


The course will be taught in Portuguese. The students should consult the assessment document and all materials available online.
Teacher will display at the beginning of the classes the opening hours for students.

Teacher contact:

João Teixeira Lopes
Office 253, Tower B; 
Email: jlopes@letras.up.pt

Sociology Department, FLUP
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto
Phone.: 351 226077100, 4248 /4215
URL: www.letras.up.pt; www.isociologia.pt

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