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Theater in Portuguese Language

Code: LEI017     Acronym: TLP

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Portuguese Literature

Instance: 2024/2025 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
E-learning page: https://moodle.up.pt/
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Literature and Interart Studies

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEI 37 Study plan 2 - 6 41 162

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Maria Luísa Malato da Rosa Borralho Ferreira da Cunha

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical and practical : 2,50
Tutorial Supervision: 0,50
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical and practical Totals 1 2,50
Maria Luísa Malato da Rosa Borralho Ferreira da Cunha 2,50
Tutorial Supervision Totals 1 0,50
Maria Luísa Malato da Rosa Borralho Ferreira da Cunha 0,50

Teaching language




This course aims to acquire a panoramic view of the history of theatre in Portuguese, from its emergence to the present times. It is intended that the student can: identify the most significant moments of this multifaceted History; understand and integrate its determining stages in the various contexts (social, historical, geographical, aesthetic and political ones) in which the texts emerge; acquire skills to understand some works representative of this path, in its dialogue with over time and space codes and, above all, with regard to contemporary theatre, with other artistic traditions. It is sought that the student develops a solid knowledge, supported by authors and authorities, enabling him to produce a critical discourse on theatre and dramatization in Portuguese language.

Learning outcomes and competences

This UC must familiarize the student with theatre concepts inserted in cultural systems (in different times and spaces of Portuguese language).

Consequently, this course presents a wide chronological space to be covered by students, which implies, for each point of the Program, the building of a “network”, which may sustain and contextualize the emergence of the various authors, works and trends, as well as the close dialogue between art and social, political, religious and artistic contexts. But also the geographical scope implies necessarily the use of fundamental texts from the Western matrix.

Given that the dramatic text only reaches its completeness when it is staged, students are encouraged to attend the theater whenever stagings that exemplify the chronological and thematic arc of the program are accessible to them, to allow the development of a critical spirit. Complementing this goal, the projection of recordings of performances will also be an alternative pedagogical strategy.

As far as possible, it is sought that students will produce and present works in these areas (even if they are not included in the program), covering other authors, interartistic practices and cultures that reinforce the consistency of their knowlodge and skills.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)




I –THE DEFINITION OF A THEATER IN PORTUGUESE 1. The origins of Theatre: facts or myths? 2. “Homo sapiens” and “Homo ludens”. 3. The concept of “Theatricality”. 4. Theater vs. Literature?

II. THEATER IN THE MODERN ERA 1. The beginnings of Portuguese Theater and the Vincentian matrix. 2. Spanish influence vs. French influence. 3. Classical genres (Tragedy, Comedy) and the hybridization of genres. The bourgeois drama. 4. Opera: from the Camerata of the Count of Fiori to the Theater of António José da Silva.

III. THEATER IN THE 19TH CENTURY 1. The century. XVIII read by the century. XIX: the “Volksgeist” and the genesis of the “national theater”; the “climatic theory of beauty”; "icastic" and "fantastic" mimesis. 2. Garrett and the project for a "national theater". The (in)definitions of “romantic drama”. The (r)evolution of Melodrama. 3. Realistic/naturalistic drama. 4. Theater in Brazil.

IV- THEATER IN THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES 1. Symbolist and modernist theater. The "static drama". 2. A dramaturgy beyond text-centrism. 3. An ignored theater in India and Cape Verde. 4. The performance. 5. Other proposals.


AA, VV. (2011). Estética Teatral. De Platão a Brecht. Lisboa; F. C. Gulbenkian.

Barata, J. O. (1998).História do Teatro em Portugal. Lisboa:Difel.

Barbosa, C. (2009).A identidade caboverdiana na dramaturgia (Tese de Mestrado,Univ. Porto, Portugal).

Costa Filho, J. (2009).Teatro contemporâneo no Brasil: criações partilhadas e presença diferida.Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras.

Ferreira, A. (1984 [1598]).Castro.Porto: Domingos Barreira.

Malato, M. L. (1995).Uma perspectiva do Neoclassicismo português (…).Lisboa: IN-CM.

Morujão, I. (2018)."Meu espelho, eu não te tolho”:Possibilidades para o corpo em cena (…).Em Vilas Boas, G. & Morujão. I. (Eds). Figurinus: o corpo em cena, Porto: Afrontamento, 93-114.

Rebello, L. F.  (1980).O teatro romântico (1838-1869).Lisboa:ICLP.
Rebello, L. F. (1979).O Teatro Simbolista e Modernista em Portugal.Lisboa: IN-CM.

Reynaud, M. J. (2018).Raul Brandão e o Teatro (…). CEM 9, 301-307.

Rodrigues, M. I. R. (2006).De Gil Vicente a "Um auto de Gil Vicente",Lisboa:  IN-CM.

Vicente, G. (1983 [1562]).Copilaçam de tôdalas obras de Gil Vicente. Lisboa: IN-CM.

Mandatory literature

José Oliveira Barata; História do Teatro em Portugal, Lisboa: Difel, 1998
Rebello, L. F. ; O Teatro Simbolista e Modernista em Portugal, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1979
Rebello, L. F. ; O teatro romântico (1838-1869)., Lisboa: ICLP, 1980
Malato, M. L. ; Uma perspectiva do Neoclassicismo português , Lisboa: IN-CM, 1995
Morujão, I. ; "Meu espelho, eu não te tolho”:Possibilidades para o corpo em cena (…).Em Vilas Boas, G. & Morujão, I - Figurinus: o corpo em Cena, Afrontamento, 2018
Rodrigues, M.I.R.; De Gil Vicente a "Um auto de Gil Vicente, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda, 2006
Vicente, Gil; Copilaçam de tôdalas obras de Gil Vicente, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional- Casa da Moeda, 1983
Ferreira, António; Castro, Domingos Barreira, 1984

Complementary Bibliography

Costa Filho, J. ; Teatro contemporâneo no Brasil: criações partilhadas e presença diferida, Rio de janeiro: 7Letras, 2009
Reynaud, Maria João; Raul Brandão e o Teatro (…). , CITCEM/Afrontamento, 2018
Morujão, I e Vilas Boas, G. (Edits); Figurinus: o corpo em cena, Afrontamento, 2018

Teaching methods and learning activities


The teaching methodology is based on theoretical-practical classes and thus it oscillates between more expository classes (construction of the cultural framework of the theatre in Portuguese) and more practical classes (analysis of dramatic texts), complemented by tutorial guidance classes (where students respond to interpretative challenges of texts, aesthetics, authors and trends). By attending theatre performances and by the visualization of performances in digital support the students will understand the scenic mechanisms of the early centuries, as well as the trends and challenges faced by present staging, mainly of the classic authors. 


Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 50,00
Trabalho prático ou de projeto 50,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 70,00
Frequência das aulas 42,00
Elaboração de projeto 50,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Mandatory attendance of at least 75% of classes.

Students with a special status, namely those covered by the status of Association Manager, Student Athlete, Student Firefighter, Military Student, National Team Athlete, High Performance Sports Practitioner or Student Worker" (Art. 14, point 1 of the Assessment Regulations), with regard to the participation component, cannot ensure face-to-face participation, but must ensure their regular participation in the tasks proposed on the Moodle platform.

Calculation formula of final grade

Portfolio: 50%
Exam: 50%

Examinations or Special Assignments

See Elements of evaluation.

Internship work/project


Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Students with a special status, namely those covered by the status of Association Manager, Student Athlete, Student Firefighter, Military Student, National Team Athlete, High Performance Sports Practitioner or Student Worker" (Art. 14, point 1 of the Assessment Regulations), with regard to the participation component, cannot ensure face-to-face participation, but must ensure their regular participation in the tasks proposed on the Moodle platform.

Classification improvement

Only the exam classification (Normal Season) is subject to improvement (Appeal Season).
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