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Spanish B2.2

Code: LLC032     Acronym: EB2.2

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2017/2018 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Web Page: http://sigarra.up.pt/flup/pt/ucurr_geral.ficha_uc_view?pv_ocorrencia_id=133797
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LA 14 LA - Study Plan 2 - 6 52 162
LLC 37 LLC - Monodisciplinary Study Plan 2 - 6 52 162
LLC - Bidisciplinar Study Plan (Portuguese Studies) 2 - 6 52 162
LLC - Bidisciplinar Study Plan (Two Foreign Languages) 2 - 6 52 162
LRI 14 LRI - Study Plan 2 - 6 52 162
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2018-02-04.

Fields changed: Components of Evaluation and Contact Hours, Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final

Teaching language



Our aim is for the student to understand main ideas in complex texts about concrete and abstract topics. He must communicate spontaneously and freely enough with native speakers. Furthermore, we expect him to be able to express himself clearly and in detail about various themes, explain his point of view about current affairs as well as stating advantages and disadvantages. As for the written language, he must be able to produce long texts with details such as compositions, formal letters and reports, where he shall mention the important aspects. As for reading comprehension, he shall be able to understand contemporary literary language as well as long and complex texts which are based on facts, and appreciate style differences. With regards to listening comprehension, the learner must be able to understand long speech even if it includes implicit information and it is not clearly structured. 

Learning outcomes and competences

In such interventions students should also be able to use native speaker resources to handle implicit and explicit information. According to the European framework of reference for languages, students must be able to produce clear and detailed written texts on a variety of topics, as well as defend your point of view in general discussions and reflect upon the language and control their own learning process. Students should write relatively long texts, applying usual syntactic structures of the Spanish language. Therefore students should demonstrate an acceptable knowledge of textual coherence and cohesion procedures according to different types of texts: proper use of paragraphs, textual structuring, lexical and semantic elements, cultural awareness, etc.

Working method



I. COMMUNICATIVE FUNCTIONS: Express commands, norms and instructions. Express purpose Express permission Express cause and consequence. Express complaints and claims. II. GRAMMAR CONTENTS: Causal clauses, consecutive clauses. Concession clauses. Difference between indicative/ subjunctive. Contrast between direct and reported speech. Passive voice and the «se» form meanings. Periphrastic forms of the verb and other contructions with non-personal verb forms. Verbs of change. III. LEXICON CONTENTS: Resources to describe an object (appliance, technological or communicative device, furniture…) Resources to describe a service (in a hotel, in a shop…); Lexical collocations; Polysemy words;Words used in multiple contexts and with multiple purposes (palabras comodín); Latin American Spanish; IV. TEXTS: Reading: formal texts (requests, complaints…); public instructions (norms, prescriptions, prohibitions, restrictions…). Graphics interpretation. Samples of different dialects and styles will be used. Writing: formal texts (requests, complaints…), public instructions (norms, prescriptions, prohibitions, restrictions…), reviews, graphics interpretation. Listening: formal and informal personal and transactional conversations (complaints), face to face and on the telephone; press interviews; newscasts on the radio and on television. Samples of different dialects and styles will be used. Speaking: formal and informal personal and transactional conversations (complaints), face to face and on the telephone; public presentations on cultural topics or current issues.

Mandatory literature

Marisa de Prada et ál.; Uso interactivo del vocabulario y sus combinaciones más frecuentes, Edelsa, 2012. ISBN: 978-84-7711-979-1
Concha Moreno; Temas de gramática, Sgel, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-9778-4290
Carmen Hernández et ál.; En gramática- Avanzado B2, Anaya-Ele, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-6676-4339
VV.AA.; Abanico (Nueva edición), Difusion, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-8443-6867
VV.AA.; Prisma Avanza (nivel B2), Edinumen, 2003. ISBN: 978-84-9598-6221
Concha Moreno et ál.; Nuevo avance 6, SGEL, 2011. ISBN: 9788497786539
VV.AA.; Sueña 3: libro del alumno, Anaya ELE, 2007. ISBN: 9788466763684
Ruiz Zafón, Carlos; La sombra del viento, Planeta, 2002

Complementary Bibliography

Concepción Bados Ciria; Textos literarios y ejercicios-Nivel superior, Anaya-Ele, 2001. ISBN: 978-84-6670-0580
Cristina Aparecida Duarte; Diferencias de usos gramaticales entre español/portugués (temas de español 1), Edinumen, 2005. ISBN: 978-84-8975-6090
Juan Vicente Piqueras; Yo que tú: manual de gramática y poesía, Difusion, 2012. ISBN: 9788484439998
Inmaculada Penades et ál.; Ni da igual ni da lo mismo: para conocer y usar las locuciones verbales en el aula de español, Edinumen, 2006. ISBN: 9788495986733

Teaching methods and learning activities

Practical and theoretical lessons; tutorial sessions. 
This syllabus unit aims at achieving the balance between the theory and the practice, relating the formal structures of the Spanish language to the corresponding communicative structures, techniques and pragmatic strategies, speech genre and textual products. We shall propose oral and written communication, without dismissing receptive skills and communicative tasks in real life, which make the learner able to understand and produce texts and have a self-domain of the end of the level B2 of the QECRL. In the teaching of the UC, we use diverse resources like the theoretical grammar explanations, exercises taken out of books or ad hoc prepared by teachers, authentic documents (taken from radio programmes or from television), games, literary texts, technological tools, etc.  





Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Prova oral 35,00
Teste 35,00
Trabalho escrito 10,00
Trabalho prático ou de projeto 20,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 73,00
Frequência das aulas 54,00
Trabalho de investigação 35,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Not mandatory class attendance.

Calculation formula of final grade

The evaluation mentioned below is done without a final exam and it consists on the following components:
A written test 1 and a written test 2: 35% of the final mark
Oral test: 35% of the final mark
Individual oral presentation (optional): 20% of the final mark
Written essay (optional): 10% of the final mark

The first written test will take place at the end of March and the second one at the end of May. Those exams will be taken outside of class time, on two Saturday morning. Each written test corresponds to 7/14 points. In order to do the oral test, which it will be taken by pairs and it will take place at the end of the semester, the student will have to minimally obtain 6/14 points as a final result in the two written tests. This way, in order to add the final qualification from the oral test to the one of the written tests, the student is obliged to get 6/14 points for the oral test.
As for the other assignments (oral presentation and written essay), which are optional, if the student does not take them, he or she will lose its corresponding points. For calculating the final assignment´s qualification, the average of the punctuation obtained as a result of the total from the written tests as well as the oral test (whenever students obtain the minimum qualification of 6/14 points for each of the two components), we shall add the punctuation obtained in the optional assignments (in case the students choose to do them).
Taking into consideration the fact that there is no final exam for this course, we aim a recovery exam for the students who do not pass any of the written tests (or both) or the oral test. Therefore, the students who do not obtain 6/14 points for the written tests, and choose to take the recovery exam, shall do it completely (written an oral), whilst the students who have not pass the oral test can take the recovery exam and only be evaluated for such component.
Those who work and study or are doing Erasmus in a foreign country will have the possibility to take the complete recovery exam at the end of the semester, as they are not facing the ordinary evaluation. In these cases, the recovery exam (written and oral) will count for 20 points and it will be the only component of the evaluation.

Examinations or Special Assignments

There is a reading to do, which is obliged to be presented orally in all examination sessions, includind the extraordinary one in September.
The proposed reading for the academic year 2017/2018 is the following:
 Ruiz Zafón, Carlos (2002): La sombra del viento, Madrid: Planeta.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

In accordance with the Assessment Regulations in force.

Classification improvement

In accordance with the Assessment Regulations in force.


All information needed to complete this class will be handed in throughout the first class sessions and will be available online since the first days of the course.

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