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French B1.2

Code: LLC040     Acronym: FB1.2

Instance: 2007/2008 - 1S

Active? Yes
Web Page: http://web.letras.up.pt/patrick/default_alt.htm
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LLC 4 Portuguese and Foreign Language only for 2007/2008 1 - 6 52 162
English Studies Plan (Teaching) only for 2007/2008 1 - 6 52 162

Teaching language


Mandatory literature

REY, A. et alii; Le Petit Robert, dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française, Le Robert, 2007
BLANCHE-BENVENISTE C.; ARRIVE M.; CHEVALIER J.C. & PEYTARD J. ; Grammaire Larousse du français contemporain, Larousse, 2003
MARTINS, C. et MABILAT, J.-C; Conversations (livre + CD inclus)- , DIDIER FLE, 2004
Le Trésor de la langue française informatisé
Le Grand Dictionnaire Terminologique
Dictionnaire Multifonctions TV5 Monde
Arte radio
TV5 Monde
Carole Netter; Clicnet
Isabelle Aveline; Zazieweb
Le Devoir Conjugal
Linguateca UP


MSN Messenger
Plataforma de e-learning
Microsoft Office

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Subject Classes Participação presencial 56,00
Total: - 0,00
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