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Publications with the same authors as the O que os adolescentes brasileiros e portugueses pensam quando pensam em comprar? publication

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Chapter or Part of a Book

Samuel Lins (Author) (Other); Gabrielle Poeschl (Author) (FPCEUP)

Article in National Scientific Journal

Samuel Lins (Author) (FPCEUP); Gabrielle Poeschl (Author) (FPCEUP); Ana Eberhardt (Author) (Other)

Article in International Scientific Journal

Hérica Melo (Author) (Other); Samuel Lins (Author) (FPCEUP); Gabrielle Poeschl (Author) (FPCEUP)
Samuel Lins (Author) (FPCEUP); Gabrielle Poeschl (Author) (FPCEUP)
Samuel Lins (Author) (FPCEUP); Gabrielle Poeschl (Author) (FPCEUP)
Samuel Lins (Author) (FPCEUP); Gabrielle Poeschl (Author) (FPCEUP); Tiago Jessé Souza de Lima (Author) (Other); Luana Elayne Cunha de Souza (Author) (Other); Cícero Roberto Pereira (Author) (Other)

Article in International Conference Proceedings Book

Maria Angélica Padilha de Souza (Author) (Other); Raquel Coutinho Amaral (Author) (Other); Samuel Lins (Author) (FPCEUP); Gabrielle Poeschl (Author) (FPCEUP)

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