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Mário Barroca

Fotografia de Mário Jorge Lopes Neto Barroca
Name: Mário Jorge Lopes Neto Barroca
Sigla: MJLNB
Estado: Active
Email Institucional: mbarroca@letras.up.pt
Extensão Telefónica: 4158
Salas: B304


Categoria: Professor Catedrático
Carreira: Pessoal Docente de Universidades
Professional Group: Docente
Department: Department of Heritage Studies


Cargo Data de Início
Vice-Dean 2019-02-01
Member of the Executive Committee Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto 2023-02-10
Member of the Scientific Board 2014-10-07
Member of the Evaluation Coordinating Committee Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto 2021-01-11
Member of the Scientific Committee 3º ciclo em Arqueologia 2011-03-11
Member of the Program Follow-up Committee 3º ciclo em Arqueologia 2011-03-11
Docente Responsável de Curso de Educação contínua Iniciação à conservação de material arqueológico: do sítio arqueológico ao laboratório 2020-11-18

Apresentação Pessoal

PhD in Pre-History and Archaeology (Faculty of Arts of the University of Oporto -FLUP) in 1996. His Dissertation (Portuguese Medieval Epigraphy (862-1422), Oporto, Portugal, 1995) obtained the maximum grade. He is currently a Full Professor at FLUP and Sub-Dean of the same Faculty.

Researcher of CITCEM (FCT). Member of the Executive Committee of CITCEM (2018-). Coordinator of the Research Group «Territories and Landscapes» (2018-). 

Member of the Academia Europaea, of the Spanish Association of Medieval Archaeology, of the Iberian Military History Association, of the Portuguese Archaeologists Association, of the Portuguese Society of Medieval Studies, of the Portuguese Numismatic Society and of the Portuguese Society of Anthropology and Ethnology.

He is a member of the Architectural and Archaeological Heritage Section (SPAA) of the National Council of Culture (CNC), an advisory body of the Ministry of Culture.
He is a member of the Municipal Council of Culture of the Municipality of Porto.

Director of PORTVGALIA since 1999.

Member of the Scientific Board of FLUP since 2014, Course Director of the First Degree in Archaeology from 2014 up until 2019.
Member of the Cientific Council of the Fundação Instituto Marques da Silva (FIMS) (UP) (2019-). 

Member of the Scientific Board of the journals: Portvgalia (FLUP), Medievalista (FCHS-UNL), Conimbriga (FLUC), CEM (CITCEM), Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos (Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento, CSIC, Santiago de Compostela), Revelar, (FLUP) and “M” (Numismatic review of IN-CM).

His research interests cover Castles and Military Architecture, Medieval Arms and Armour, Manor Houses (domus fortis) and Medieval Epigraphy.

He has supervised over 30 dissertations and thesis of M.A. and Ph.D..

He has published over 160 titles, including books and articles of the speciality, including:

Epigrafia Medieval Portuguesa (862-1422). 4 vols., Lisboa: FCG-FCT, 2000.

Pera Guerrejar. Armamento Medieval no Espaço Português. Palmela: Câmara Municipal de Palmela, 2000 (with João Gouveia Monteiro and Isabel Cristina Ferreira Fernandes).

As Fortificações do Litoral Portuense. Lisboa: Edições Inapa, 2001.

História da Arte em Portugal, Vol. II: O Gótico. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2002 (with Carlos Alberto Ferreira de Almeida).

- “Da Reconquista a D. Dinis”, in Nova História Militar de Portugal. Vol. I, Coord. by José Mattoso, Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 2003, pp. 20-161.

Terena - O Castelo e a Ermida da Boa Nova. Lisboa: IPPAR, 2006.

Dicionário de Arqueologia Portuguesa. Coord. of Jorge de Alarcão and Mário Barroca, Porto: Figueirinhas, 2012.

Teresa, a Condessa-Rainha. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 2012 (with Luís Carlos Amaral).

- Portvgaliae Monvmenta Historica, New Series, vol. VIII(1), Inscriptiones – Corpvs Epigraphicvm Portvgalensivm. Pars Prima: IX-XII Saecula, Lisboa: Academia das Ciências, 2017.

With Lúcia Maria Cardoso Rosas, Maria Leonor Botelho and César Guedes, he is one of the Scientific Coordinators of the Encyclopedia of the Romanesque in Portugal (Fundación Santa Maria La Real del Património, Aguilar de Campoo).

He is the author of texts used in various Visitor Interpretive Centres, including the Battle of Aljubarrota Interpretive Centre (CIBA), the Paço de Giela Interpretive Centre (Arcos de Valdevez), the Castle of Guimarães Interpretive Centre (with Luis Carlos Amaral) and the medieval section of the Ponte de Lima Military History Interpretive Centre.

He was Scientific Commissioner of the following exhibitions: «Aux Confins du Moyen Âge - Portugal (XIIe-XVe Siècles)», Europalia-91, Gant, 1991; «Pera Guerrejar - Medieval Arms and Armour in Portuguese Space», Lisbon / Palmela, National Archaeological Museum / Church of Santiago de Palmela 2000; «Guimarães – Mil anos a construir Portugal», Guimarães, Alberto Sampaio Museum, 2000; Co-Coordinator of "Military Romanesque Architecture in Portugal" in the exhibition «The Romanesque in Portugal and Galicia», La Coruna / Lisbon, Pedro Barrié Foundation de la Maza / Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2000-01.



Categoria: Não definida
Research and Development Centre: Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memória
Faculdade: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto


Categoria: Não definida
Body: Conselho Científico
Faculdade: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Categoria: Não definida
Body: Conselho Executivo
Faculdade: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
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