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Paula Homem

Fotografia de Paula Cristina Menino Duarte Homem
Name: Paula Cristina Menino Duarte Homem
Sigla: PCMDH
Estado: Active
Email Institucional: phomem@letras.up.pt
Extensão Telefónica: 4271
Salas: B302


Categoria: Professor Auxiliar
Carreira: Pessoal Docente de Universidades
Professional Group: Docente
Department: Department of Heritage Studies


Cargo Data de Início
Member of the Scientific Committee 3º Ciclo em Museologia 2014-02-25
Member of the Scientific Committee Mestrado em Museologia 2023-03-01
Member of the Scientific Committee 3º Ciclo em Estudos do Património 2023-03-01
Member of the Scientific Committee Mestrado em História e Património 2023-03-06
Laboratory Manager Conservação e Restauro 2014-01-22
Docente Responsável de Curso de Educação contínua Especialização em Conservação preventiva de documentos gráficos e fotográficos 2017-08-11
Docente Responsável de Curso de Educação contínua Competências para os Profissionais de Museus do Século XXI 2019-12-01
Docente Responsável de Curso de Educação contínua PRR - Introdução à gestão da emergência em instituições culturais 2023-08-03
Docente Responsável de Curso de Educação contínua PRR - Metodologias de preparação de documentos fotográficos para a digitalização 2023-08-08

Apresentação Pessoal

Paula Menino Homem holds a Combined Degree in History and Archaeology (U.Coimbra), a First Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological and Ethnographic Assets (framed in the laboratory at the Museu Monográfico de Conimbriga), a MSC in Chemistry Applied to Cultural Heritage (U.Lisbon) and a PhD in Museology (U.PORTO), studying and developing innovative methods for monitoring and understanding the atmospheric corrosion process of silver collections and contributing to its preventive conservation.

She is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Department of Heritage Studies (DCTP), U.PORTO, where she was the Director of the Museum Studies (MMUS) MA Programme (Jan. 2014 - Feb. 2023) and is the responsible for the Conservation and Restoration Lab (LabCR). Besides the development of competences and training of museum professionals, she teaches research methodologies, materials technologies and alteration processes, museum risks and vulnerabilities, risk management and preventive conservation, and preservation and management of cultural heritage, in addition to (co)supervising students of different cycles of studies, some of them within the Erasmus+ mobility grants programme, actively publishing and participating, with different roles, in multiple scientific meetings and editions.

She has been a consultant for many public and private cultural organisations (since 1990). Was the Technical and Scientific Coordinator of the Sector for Glazed Tiles Conservation and Restoration at the Centre for Conservation and Restoration – Tibães (CCR-T), in Braga (1995-98), where coordinated the course for Assistant Technician for Glazed Tiles Conservation and Restoration, promoted by former Portuguese Institute for Architectonic and Archaeological Heritage (IPPAR), in collaboration with the Institute for Employment and Professional Education (IEFP). She authored and was the Scientific Coordinator of the Professional Course for Conservation Assistant for Cultural Heritage, a full time vocational training of 3 years at the Professional School of Archaeology (EPA), in Marco de Canavezes (1997-2001).

Her overall research interests include the domain of risk management, preventive conservation, integrated and sustainable protection of cultural heritage and its education and multifaceted and multi-supported communication, especially in museum contexts and in those with communities’ inclusiveness policies.  She was a researcher at  the Department of Materials, Faculty of Engineering of U.PORTO (DMFEUP), at the Centre of Studies in Technologies and Communication Sciences (CETAC.MEDIA), U.Aveiro and U.PORTO, and at the Centre for Molecular Sciences and Materials (CCMM), Faculty of Sciences, U.Lisbon. Currently, she’s a researcher at the Transdisciplinary “Culture, Space and Memory” Research Centre (CITCEM), Education and Societal Challenges Group, U.PORTO.

She was the Portuguese Delegate and national representative of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education for the COST Action D42 - Chemical Interactions Between Cultural Artefacts and Indoor Environment (EnviArt) Management Committee. She has participated in some European and International projects:
- LiDO. A Light Dosimeter for Monitoring Cultural Heritage: Development, Testing and Transfer to Market;
- MASTER. Preventive Conservation Strategies for Protection of Organic Objects in Museums, Historic Buildings and Archives;
- IMPACT. Innovative Modelling of Museum Pollution and Conservation Thresholds;
- NOÉ. Patrimoine et Prévention des Risques;
- EU-LAC Museums. Museums and Community: Concepts, Experiences and Sustainability in Europe, Latin America and Caribbean. ICOM-EU & ICOM LAC. National coordination of the Youth Mobility Program, in consultation with the National Museum of Archaeology;
Mu.SA. Museum Sector Alliance. Erasmus+, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices - Sector Skills Alliances. Coordination of WP 4 - Piloting the MOOC;
- DIGITARCH. Digital Collection Curator for Archaeology;

- SENSMAT. Preventive Solutions for Sensitive Materials of Cultural Heritage. Member of the Advisory Board;
- ENDLESS Metal. European Network for the Dissemination of portable, Low-cost, minimally invasive, EaSy-to-uSe and easily accessible analytical tools to meet the needs of Metal heritage conservation. COST Innovators Grant_IG16215.

She is a member of the International Blue Shield Expert Group. She is a member of the Preventive Conservation Working Group and the Metals Working Group of the International Council of Museums - Conservation Committee (ICOM-CC). She was a member of the Governing Bodies (Management Board) of the Portuguese National Commission of the International Council of Museums (ICOM-PT), from 2008 to 2014. She is, again, a member of its Governing Bodies (Supervisory Board) (2023-).


Categoria: Não definida
Research and Development Centre: Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memória
Faculdade: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
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