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Third cycle of studies in Heritage Studies

InformationO curso/CE encontra-se acreditado pela Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior (A3ES).

Image with quote from Marc Guillaume, French economist:

The Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES), accredited this study cycle unconditionally (see the documents here).
Please consult the study cycle official documents.

This course lasts for six semesters and Students must attend during the first two a curricular component called 'PhD Course' (non-degree awarding), comprising of: a seminar - Theory and Integrated Cultural Heritage Management (20 ECTS) – which is common to all three branches and deemed relevant for its comprehensive contents facilitating reading and updating of global issues of Heritage Sciences; a CU (1st semester) - Thesis Preparation I – now with specification by Branch and designed to outline research leading to the thesis and which will be further developed during the 2nd semester Thesis Preparation II so that at the end of this first year the student has constructed a research proposal to be submitted to a jury, which will determine whether it is in a position toproceed.
At the beginning of the second year the student must register the thesis at the National Register of Doctoral Dissertations of the General Directorate of Statistics of Education and Science after the Scientific Council of the Faculty confirms the appointed Supervisor that will monitor the development of research relevant to the project – CU Thesis (biannual).

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Social Sciences) and the Heritage Studies PhD lecturers have a consolidated list of contacts / protocols with universities as well as with national and international heritage protection institutions. In recent decades the Heritage Department has trained researchers coming not only from Portugal but also from the vast range of CPLP countries.


The PhD in Heritage Studies aims to:
  1. To provide advanced training in the field of Heritage Sciences, in particular in the fields of Archaeology, Art History and Museology, supporting the renewal of knowledge and synergies between specialized programs with a long teaching tradition in the Faculty.
  2. To reinforce the cohesion of advanced training within DCTP and foster interdisciplinarity, so that research produced is innovative and critically reflects interconnected heritage discussions.

Fields of Specialization

Archaeology | History of Art | Museology

Professional Abilities

With this program, students are expected to:

  1. Obtain a solid theoretical background in the field of Cultural Heritage in general, and particularly in their area of ​​expertise;
  2. Be able to lead fundamental and applied research programs, either in their area of ​​expertise, and in the interface between archaeology, art history and museology;
  3. Obtain skills for the practice of scientific communication, higher education teaching and other advanced training;
  4. Be able to play consultancy roles in institutions, businesses and other public and private organizations in the area of ​​Heritage Studies.


For more information see:
Candidate webpage | Academic Portal

  Applications calendar and number of vacancies
  Admission requirements - Applicants will be selected by the Scientific Commission of the programme, taking into account the following parameters:
  1. Academic curriculum;
  2. Scientific curriculum;
  3. Professional curriculum;
  4. Objectives and motivation to enroll in the programme;
  5. Interview.

 APPLICATIONS 2nd PHASE: February 24 to April 21 

Degree approved under Art. 54 of the Teaching Career Statute, regulated by Ordinance number 334/2008, of 30/04, for the groups: 200, 400 and 600 (Order of July 13th, 2023).This degree enables those who are already in the teaching profession to advance in their career, but it is not a teaching qualification degree.

Ciclos de estudo



For scientific and academic issues - contact the course director (Prof. Doutor Rui Morais): dep@letras.up.pt
For administrative issues
- contact the Academic Management Office: sga@letras.up.pt
For international mobility students - contact the International Office: sri@letras.up.pt

General information

Official Code: 5891
Director: Rui Manuel Lopes de Sousa Morais
Acronym: DEP
Academic Degree: Doctor
Type of course/cycle of studies: Doctoral Degree
Start: 2016/2017
Duration: 3 Years

Study Plan


  • 3rd Cycle of Studies in Heritage Studies - Archaeology (180 ECTS credits)
  • 3rd Cycle of Studies in Heritage Studies - Museology (180 ECTS credits)
  • 3rd Cycle of Studies in Heritage Studies - History of Art (180 ECTS credits)
  • Studies in Heritage Studies - Museology (60 ECTS credits)
  • Studies in Heritage Studies - History of Art (60 ECTS credits)
  • Studies in Heritage Studies - Archaeology (60 ECTS credits)

Main Scientific Areas

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