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Masters in Museology

General information

Official Code: 9318
Acronym: MMUS


  • Master of Arts in Museology (120 ECTS credits)
  • Specialization Course in Museology (60 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Museum Architecture


The curricular unit proposes an approach to the diversity of the contemporary condition of museum buildings, based on a transversal reading between the museological models and the architectural spaces that embody them, in order to understand their symbolic, typological, morphological, functional and technical characteristics.

Museum Studies and Collections Management

The general objective of this course relates to the understanding of the complex nature of museum collections; and its impact and meaning in museum making and interpretation. It also aims at introducing and exploring tools for the study, inventory and documentation of museum collections. The CU also looks into the concept of collections management and the range of approaches and activities available, as well as at current trends and external factors that influence different models.

Museums and Museology

This Course aims not only to provide a general context for a reflexive discussion of issues that relate to the nature of the Museum, Museology and its professional contexts, but also, and in general terms, the development of skills that relate to critical thinking, to learn to work collaboratively and research autonomously. 


Museums, Identities and Representations

MMUS018 - ECTS 1 – Discriminate the anthropological notion of “culture” and the notion of “material culture”;
2 – Recognize that the status and meaning of “things” are not intrinsic and that this is extending to "museological", everyday and/or mass-produced objects;
3 – Identify the ethnographic methodology as a useful strategy for the dynamic contextualization of museological collections;
4 – Identify the museum as cultural institution, recognizing the ethical and political dimentions of its role in contemporary times; 
5 – Recognize the Exhibition as central axis of the museum’s action and develop a critical view about its role in museum communication;
6 – Discuss the museum and the exhibition as places of construction of representations, whose effects are never
7 – Discuss the poetics and the politics of the exhibition representation;
8 – Summarize information about the most recent exhibition models and museographic pratices.

Museum Planning and Management


This curricular unit aims to:

- Provide  students with knowledge on good planning and management practices in museums, presenting and exploring concepts, methods and tools considered essential for the improvement of the functions of museological institutions, as well as for their adaptation to the context in which they are involved in the sense of consolidating their social and cultural responsibility;

- Address introductory legal aspects, namely basic laws in which the Portuguese Museums Framework Law stands out, and the topic of museum sustainability;

- Provide the opportunity to construct a critical reflection on the Portuguese museological panorama, presenting specific cases that make it possible to draw a diagnosis on management and financing models, by analyzing their limitations, potentialities, advantages and disadvantages.

Risks, Museums and Vulnerabilities

MMUS003 - ECTS General objective

1. To equip students with methodological instruments that allow them to research on risk in museums, plan, implement and evaluate procedures, dynamically validating and reviewing them, as well as to support decisions.

Specific objectives

1. To make materials known, distinguishing origins and natures, processes of their obtention, and main characteristics.

2. To make known technologies and techniques for the production and decoration of artefacts.

3. To present and discuss spatial and environmental contexts of interaction with the building support materials and museological collections, their agents and evidence of action.

4. To present the conceptual universe associated with risk, the researchers/professionals who developed assessment models in museums and the dynamics of its evolution.

5. To promote the practice and critical reflection, integrated and interdisciplinary, of prediction, analysis and risk assessment in museums.

Anthropology and Ethnographic Museums


1 - Identify the interrelations between concerns of anthropological discipline and the museology reformulations arising since 1980; 
2 - Discriminate two realities within ethnographic museums/collections (exotic ethnography versus European ethnography) and recognize the political and ideological dynamics underlying each one;
3 – Discuss the implications of restitution requests of collections put by countries that were former European colonies;
4 - Discuss the implications of 1980' regional museums boom in Portugal and their persistent pre-industrial narratives;
5 - Discuss the need of "decolonize" museums, namely the ethnographic ones, and make them to be permeate to postcolonial approaches.

Preventive Conservation

MMUS008 - ECTS General objective

1. To equip students with methodological tools that allow them to research on preventive conservation in museums, plan, implement and evaluate procedures, dynamically validating and reviewing them, as well as supporting decisions.

Specific objectives

1. To introduce concepts and support the principles of Precaution and Sustainability.

2. To raise awareness of the need to establish intervention priorities.

3. To develop knowledge in the sense of defining an integrated, proactive, dynamic and documented strategy for risk mitigation/elimination and protection of both the building and the museum collections, in order to ensure their preventive conservation, in conjunction with their fruition.

Models and Research Design

  1. Recognize the constructed character of the scientific knowledge;
  2. Recognize the current relevance gain of constructivist epistemology and qualitative methodology;
  3. Associate theory and empirical data as the components necessarily present in the research process;
  4. Discriminate the necessary steps to elaborate a research project;
  5. Summarize relevant information on the challenges of developing a research analysis model;
  6. Formule a first draft of one research plan.

Museums and Contemporary Art Centres

MMUS015 - ECTS This curricular unit aims to promote a discussion on:

a) The contexts that underlie the creation and consolidation of Museums and Centers of Contemporary Art, providing a critical analysis of the institutional models that have become paradigmatic over the last two centuries;

b) The issues and concepts underlying the updating of the processes of collecting, documenting, exhibiting and mediating contemporary art.

It also provides the opportunity to produce a critical reflection on the confluence between Museology and Contemporary Art, focusing on the discussion about the challenges and potential of the profession of museologist in Museums and Contemporary Art Centers, and on possible research approaches that arise in this context.

Poetics and Politics of Interpretation and Education in Museums

MMUS026 - ECTS This Course not only aims to provide a general context for a reflexive and critical discussion about issues that relate to key communication, mediation and museums and heritage theories and approaches and, in general terms, to the development of skills related to critical thinking, learn to work collaboratively and research autonomous.

Theory and Practice of Exhibition in Museums


This curricular unit aims to provide students with knowledge on exhibition theory and practice, presenting and exploring concepts and problems raised by “exhibition studies” considered fundamental for a framework on the possibilities, functions, and implications of contemporary exhibitions, especially in a museological context. It also presents and explores more practical topics underlying the development of exhibition projects in physical and virtual environments, including aspects related to the reception and experience of the public.

Theory, Practice and Digital Trends in Museums


- Understand and supervise the activities of museums in the Information Era and Digital Culture;

- Know the theoretical and methodological principles applied to the study, analysis and evaluation of information and artifacts management with ICT support; 

- Identify and understand the application of ICT, national and international standards and guidelines used in the production, storage, use, communication, long-term preservation and permanent access to information and artefacts and evaluate the main impact areas (information management, access and communication).


MMUS022 - ECTS This curricular unit has as main objective the deepening and development of knowledge in museology, by carrying out scientific research, guided but autonomous, in the form of a Dissertation.


MMUS024 - ECTS The main objective of this curricular unit is to deepen and develop knowledge in museology, through an Internship, understood as an essential element for the integration of students in the work environment in museums.


MMUS023 - ECTS This curricular unit has as main objective the deepening and development of knowledge in museology, by carrying out scientific research, guided but autonomous, in the form of Project.

Supervision Seminar

MMUS030 - ECTS This curricular unit aims to guide and accompany students in the development and communication of their dissertations, projects and internships.
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