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José Carlos Pires

Fotografia de José Carlos Magalhães Pires
Nome: José Carlos Magalhães Pires
Sigla: JCMP1
Estado: Ativo
Email Institucional:
Voip: 3685
Salas: E223


Categoria: Investigador Auxiliar
Carreira: Pessoal Investigador das Universidades
Grupo profissional: Investigação Científica
Departamento: Departamento de Engenharia Química e Biológica

Apresentação Pessoal

JCM Pires graduated in Chemical Engineering by the Faculty of Engineering of Porto University (FEUP) in 2004 with a final classification of 16. He worked in two chemical companies (SunChemical and Tagol) and then started his PhD in Environmental Engineering in 2006 at FEUP. From 2010 to 2016, he was a postdoctoral researcher in environmental applications of microalgal cultures, focusing on the integration of processes to reduce operational costs and environmental impact. He has also participated in a research project to define methodologies to assess the sustainability of chemical processes. From 2017, he is an assistant researcher in FEUP. He was an Invited Assistant Professor at FEUP and the Faculty of Engineering of Agostinho Neto University (FEUAN) in Luanda, Angola. His teaching activity comprises several multidisciplinary topics, such as Project of Engineering (for Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Bioengineering), Air Pollution, among others.

JCM Pires received a merit scholarship from the University of Porto for his highest grade in Chemical Engineering in 2003 and the best student prize from Fundação Engenheiro António de Almeida in 2005. To support his research activity, he was awarded by FCT fellowships (PhD SFRH/BD/23302/2005 and Postdoc SFRH/BPD/66721/2009 and SFRH/BPD/112849/2015). One of his research papers was ranked in ScienceDirect Top25 Hottest Articles of the journal Chem. Eng. Res. Des. in 2011 (4th), 2012 (1st), 2013 (1st) and 2014 (2nd) and was considered as the Top Cited Paper for 2011 and 2012. He was on the list of the world's most cited scientists (career-long impact and single-year impact) released by Stanford University in 2020, 2021 and 2022 (the list contains all scientists who are among the top 100,000 in all fields or the top 2% in their main research sub-area, according to their composite citation index when self-citations are excluded). Due to his scientific outputs, he received the Scientific Recognition Award on 2019, 2021, 2023 and 2024 FEUP’s Day.

JCM Pires is an integrated member of LEPABE-FEUP in the research line of Process Systems Engineering, holding a position on the Scientific Steering Committee since 2023. Considering the acquired knowledge during his PhD, he also develops works within the field of Environmental Sciences, mainly in air and water pollution. Concerning research projects, he is/was the principal investigator of five research projects: (i) FCT Investigator Grant IF/01341/2015 - Design configurations of photobioreactors for cultivation of microalgae: bioprocess modelling and sustainability assessment (2017-2021); (ii) project PIV4Algae - Process Intensification for microalgal production and Valorisation (2018-2022); (iii) Power2Biofuel – Storing Renewable Energy in Liquid Biofuels through Microalgae (2021-2022); (iv) Environmental Management at IMPETUS (2021-2022); and (v) PhotoBioValue - Light effect on photobioreactor design for microalgae cultivation: enhancement of photosynthetic efficiency and biomass value (2022-2025). He was also involved in other research projects (11).

JCM Pires published 95 papers (23 as first author, 3 as a single author; 57 as the corresponding author; 43 as senior/last author; 69 papers were published independently from his PhD supervisor) in international peer-reviewed journals (mainly in Environmental Science; >85% of the papers were published within 50% of the highest impact factor-Q1 and Q2- in their area of knowledge) with an accumulated impact factor of 574 and with 5773 citations (Google Scholar h-index=42; SCOPUS h-index=36). JCM Pires published 8 books (7 of them edited ones) and 29 book chapters (3 as single author), and his research work was discussed in 79 international meetings and 7 national meetings. Since completion of PhD degree, JCM Pires was the reviewer of more than 430 papers for international journals, including Chemical Reviews (impact factor 2020 - IF 72.087), Nature Communications (IF 17.694) and Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF 16.799). His work was recognised by several international journals. He is an editorial board member of Algal Research (Elsevier), Bioengineering and Biotechnology (Frontiers – Bioprocess Engineering), Applied Sciences, Energies, Sustainability (MDPI), The Open Microalgae Biotechnology (Bentham) and Highlights of Sustainability.

JCM Pires completed the supervision of 6 postdoctoral researchers (1 ongoing), 3 PhD students (5 ongoing), 27 master students and 13 research fellows (1 ongoing). Concerning established international collaborations, he worked at the Institute of Chemical Technology (Czech Republic) for 5 months. Since 2015, he has developed research studies with the University of Seville and Joint Research Centre (Spain) regarding air quality characterisation and modelling. In FEUAN (Angola), he supervised two research studies for two years. For the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brasil), he co-supervised a PhD student for one year regarding wastewater treatment with microalgae. He supervised the work developed by Dr. Jacqueline Rodrigues (Federal University of Sergipe) about the application of natural flocculants for microalgal harvesting. He also established collaborations with researchers in Portugal (LSRE/LCM, CEFT, among others) and abroad (Univ. of Cambridge - UK, Univ. of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, National Central University – Taiwan, among others), resulting in 35 papers and 26 presentations in international conferences.

Áreas de Interesse

  1. Ciências Naturais > Ciências do ambiente
  2. Ciências Tecnológicas > Engenharia > Engenharia de processos
  3. Ciências Tecnológicas > Engenharia > Engenharia de projecto
  4. Ciências Tecnológicas > Engenharia > Engenharia de simulação


Categoria: Membro Integrado
Unidades de Investigação e Desenvolvimento: LEPABE - Laboratório de Engenharia de Processos, Ambiente, Biotecnologia e Energia
Universidade do Porto: Universidade do Porto
Faculdade: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
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