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Master in Occupational Safety and Hygiene Engineering

InformationCourse/CS accredited by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).


The study plan comprises a teaching component of 90 ECTS and a dissertation with 30 ECTS in two main areas:


-Safety and Emergency

The Master degree is obtained after dissertation's approval in one of the two areas and allows apply for the Professional Competencies Certificate (PCC) in Occupational Safety and Health to the Portuguese Authority for Working Conditions (ACT).

Main Goal:

The Master course in Occupational Safety and Hygiene Engineering aims:

  • Training top level professionals, holders of the qualifications and skills needed to develop, coordinate and control the activities of prevention and protection against occupational risks in the different sectors of economic activity.

Admission Requirements:

The application is allowed to graduates from any academic area. It is, however, made a curricular analysis case by case, to verify the suitability of scientific preparation. It may be required to attendance in an interview.


Please note that MESHO's timetable tend to be after work (Monday to Friday from 18:00 to 22:00h) except for optional course units which, being of candidate choice, may be in daytime. Are also planned some classes on Saturday mornings.

Optional Curricular Units:

The student can choose between 0 and 36 ECTS among optional curricular units (CU) according to the following criteria:

Technology Option: The student can choose, between 0 and 36 ECTS, any UC of an Independent Master or from the last two years (4th and 5th) of any other Master from FEUP. This choice is subject to approval by the Course's Tutor.

Safety and Emergency option: The student must apply for a minimum of 12 ECTS of CU of Emergency area provided by MESHO. Can also choose between 0 and 18 ECTS, any CU of an Independent Master or from the last two years (4th and 5th) of any other Master from FEUP. This last choice is subject to approval by the Course Tutor.


Course syllabus



The MESHO is a multidisciplinary study programme,focused on engineering approaches,but with
contributions from other areas of knowledge such as psychology and health sciences.The defined
objectives are:
•Instruct specialised professionals,with the proper skills and with the necessary professional
competencies to develop, coordinate and manage prevention and protection activities against
occupational risks in different economic activity sectors;
•Contribute to the development of R&D activities within a technical and scientific multidisciplinary area
whilst simultaneously socially sensitive;
•To place FEUP as the national leader in a rapidly developing area of knowledge, at a national level, thus
contributing to Portugal’s international visibility in this field.
To achieve these goals, the MESHO is structured in two branches: technology and safety and emergency.
It has a curricular structure with 48 ECTS of mandatory course units (CU), 30ECTS of optional CUs and 42
for the Dissertation.

Fields of Specialization

Safety Technology.

Professional Abilities

By the end of the Masters, students should be able to proficiently correspond to scientific and professional
goals, such as:
1. Cooperate in the definition of the company’s general policy in what concerns risk prevention, and to plan
and implement the correspondent management system;
2. To develop professional risk assessment procedures;
3. To conceive, programme, develop, manage and evaluate prevention and protection measures;
4. To technically coordinate the activities within the scope of health and safety at work, ensuring the
insertion and technical orientation of the professionals in the area of security and hygiene at work;
5. To participate in the organisation of work in design, construction and fruition phases;
6. To manage the process of external resources usage in prevention and protection activities;
7. To ensure the organisation of the necessary documentation for company prevention management;
8. Promote information and training for workers and other members in the workplace;
9. To promote the integration of prevention in the companies’ communication systems, preparing and
providing the necessary specific information;
10. Dynamize the processes of consultation and participation of workers;
11. Develop business relations with prevention network agencies.
The confirmation of the operationalisation of objectives and its degree of compliance is done by evaluating
the technical and scientific skills of students in the different curricular units, including the dissertation.

Employment Prospects

Safety and Health at Work, level 7.



For more information  for applications: click here!

Tel: (+351) 22 508 1929 (13h00-18h00)
Email: mesho@fe.up.pt


Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto
Edifício F, Sala 214
Tel: (+351) 22 508 1929 (13h00-18h00)
Email: mesho@fe.up.pt

General information

Official Code: 6090
Director: Mário Vaz
Acronym: MESHO
Academic Degree: Master
Type of course/cycle of study: Masters Degree
Start: 2005/2006
Duration: 2 Years

Study Plan


  • Master in Occupational Safety and Hygiene Engineering (120 ECTS credits)
  • Specialization in Occupational Safety and Hygiene Engineering (90 ECTS credits)

Predominant Scientific Areas

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