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Bachelor in Materials Engineering

General information

Official Code: 9096
Acronym: L.EMAT
Description: The First Cycle Degree in Materials Engineering (LiEMAT) aims to provide graduates with comprehensive knowledge in Materials Science and Engineering. During the six semesters of the study cycle, a solid education in basic sciences (mathematics, chemistry, physics), engineering sciences (design and computational methods) and materials science and technology is provided, with a strong practical teaching and laboratory practice component.

It also provides the development of transferrable skills for the engineering activity and an experience in real work context within the scope of the curricular unit “Graduation Project”.


  • Bachelor in Materials Engineering (180 ECTS credits)

National Applications

The average grade of the last approved student in the last 5 years

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
- - - - -


Scheme Phase Vacancies
General Admissions 1 35
Applications and deadlines are managed by Directorate-General for Higher Education.

Courses Units



The promotion of logical reasoning, methods of analysis and the theoretical development of mathematical concepts is fundamental to support the study of the majority of course units along this programme of studies.

This course unit aims to introduce the basic fundamental concepts of Linear Algebra, Vector Algebra and Analytic Geometry.

The student must be acquainted with basic notions on trigonometry, real functions, plane analytic geometry, systems of linear equations and logic operations.

The scientific component is100%.

Mathematical Analysis I


Justification The mathematical analysis is an indispensable tool for a engineer. Objectives Provide the requisite mathematical foundations for the formation of an engineering professional.

Materials Engineering I


This is the first course of the Integrated Master Programme dealing with the science and engineering of materials, and is centered on the acquisition of fundamental concepts of metallic materials and its properties, processing and applications.

This subject aims at attaining the following objectives:
1. To provide students with a broad knowledge of the properties and processing of metals and its alloys.
2. To demonstrate the dependence between processing conditions and properties of metallic materials.
3. To give students hands-on experience in a few experimental techniques used for materials.
4. To have contact with the research carried out in DEMM on materials. Visit industrial companies and research institutes.


Physics I


The Physics I course aims to provide students with operational knowledge in heat transfer, electrostatics, electricity, materials and electrical devices that are fundamental areas of knowledge for contemporary engineering. The termal and electromagnetic behavior of materials has a growing technological utility.

During this course students will:

  1. develop physical intuition by discussing and analysing situations of an electrical nature observed in nature and used in devices, identifying the physical laws governing them;
  2. Identify these situations, making use of approximations.
  3. measure in the laboratory electrical quantities, in a variety of situations, with critical sense, comparing with predictions of the models.
  4. Practice the work in a team and written communication.

Project FEUP

  • To welcome and integrate the new coming students.
  • To introduce the most important services of the campus
  • To teach “Soft Skills” and to stress their importance (soft skills: team work, communication, etc) 
  • To discuss a scientific Theme / Project of limited complexity in engineering areas.

Chemistry I


Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. Basic knowledge of chemistry is essential for students in many areas because chemistry is a science that is of vital importance to our world, whether in nature or in society. Chemistry has been, and remains, a principal agent in all areas of science and technology. In fact, chemical research and development in recent centuries have provided new materials that profoundly improved our quality of life, and helped advance technology in many ways.

OBJECTIVES Review and develop a clear and fairly comprehensive basic principle essential to the rational understanding of the physical and chemical behaviour of matter. Show the importance of chemistry in all its aspects: life, industry and society. Awareness, motivate and develop skills to work in the laboratory: correct handling of materials, equipment and simple experimental techniques.


Mathematical Analysis II


It aims to act as a continuation of Mathematical Analysis I.

Computing and Programming

  1. Development of the following capabilities:
    • Problem analysis, objective and concise description of the steps that lead to problem solving;
    • Description of procedures;
    • Algorithms through symbolic language;
  2. Development of computer applications in Visual Basic .Net;
  3. Aquaintance with some of the most common programming techniques;
  4. During the course students are confronted with other issues such as:
    • Pseudo-random numbers;
    • Calculation errors resulting from decimal-binary and binary-decimal conversions;
    • Digital signatures and encryption. 

Technical Drawing


Provide students with the ability to use a 2D CAD system, in order to proceed with the acquisition of geometric knowledge for use in orthographic representation. Introduction of the concept of standardization in general and of its importance in Engineering. Acquisition of deep knowledge about the representation of the nominal shape and size of objects. Development of spatial visualization and technical communication skills.

PERCENTUAL DISTRIBUTION: Estimated percentual distribution for the scientific and technological contents: - Scientific component: 30 %. - Technological component: 70 %.

Materials Engineering II

L.EMAT010 - ECTS The main objectives are: to study the basic concepts about ceramics and polymers, to identify the structure (crystalline and non-crystalline) of these materials and the physical and chemical factors that condition it, to analyse the main properties of these materials and to establish relationships between the structure and properties. Students should acquire skills to identify and interpret the structures of ceramic and polymeric materials and to know the fundamental concepts of these materials with regard to their structure and properties

Introduction to data analysis in Excel


In this training in transversal skills, students are expected to acquire skills in the use of Spreadsheets, in particular MS Excel, for solving management problems and analyzing large volumes of data, namely using data series available in Pordata, INE and others.


Chemistry II


This course is a continuation of Chemistry I. Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. A basic knowledge of chemistry is essential for students in many areas, because chemistry is a science that is of vital importance to our world, whether in nature or in society. The chemistry has been, and remains, a principal agent in all areas of science and technology. In fact chemical research and development in recent centuries have provided new materials that profoundly improved our quality of life, and helped advance the technology in many ways.


Review and develop a clear and fairly comprehensive basic principle essential to the rational understanding of the physical and chemical behavior of matter. Show the importance of chemistry in all its aspects: life, industry and society. Awareness, motivate and develop skills to work in the laboratory: correct handling of materials, equipment and simple experimental techniques.


Numerical Analysis


The promotion of logical reasoning, methods of analysis and the theoretical development of mathematical concepts is fundamental to support the study of the majority of course units along this programme of studies.
This UC aims to ensure the acquisition of solid knowledge in numerical techniques for solving engineering problems, which are of vital importance, as well as to familiarize them with the most varied methods and their implementation, advantages and disadvantages of its application in solving numerical problems. It is intended that students develop numerical manipulation capabilities as well as independent and analytical thinking and ability to apply mathematical concepts to solve practical problems. The students will be able to choose the most efficient methods for the solution of each basic Numerical Analysis problem. The students are expected to understand the theorems and convergence conditions of each of the methods described, to be able to program them, to test them effectively and discuss the results obtained.
The students are supposed to know the subjects taught in Linear Algebra and Mathematical Analysis.

The scientific component is 100%.

Computer Aided Design

  1. Development of skills to read and design 2D technical drawings.
  2. Introduction to moulds and tools for the manufacture of parts.
  3. Learning how to use a hybrid 3D CAD application (surfaces and solids).
  4. Application of acquired knowledge to develop a consumer product (outer plastic shell).
  5. Planning and development of a project within a team. 

Equilibrium Diagrams


Knowledge and understanding of Phase Equilibrium Diagrams are important to Materials Engineering since the properties of materials are controlled by the thermal history of the alloys. Phase Equilibrium Diagrams are the foundation for performing basic materials research in solidification, crystal growth, joining, solid-state reaction, phase transformation, oxidation, etc. On the other hand, a phase diagram also serves as a road map for materials design and process optimization since it is the starting point in manipulating the processing variables to achieve the desired microstructures.

This curricular unit aims to use Phase Equilibrium Diagrams to understand the phase transformations and the interpretation of the microstructural evolution of the alloys. Even if most phase equilibrium diagrams relate to equilibrium state and microstructure, they are also helpful to understand nonequilibrium structures, which are often more desirable than those of equilibrium states due to the properties values attained. Materials of interest range from single to multi-component systems. While binary equilibrium diagrams can adequately represent many industrial systems, ternary or higher-order diagrams are often necessary to understand more complex systems, like certain industrial alloys, slags, or ceramic materials.

Physics II


The Physics II course aims to provide students with operational knowledge (cf. Learning outcomes and competences) in Electrical Circuits and Electromagnetism – areas of knowledge absolutely fundamental to contemporary engineering. In particular, the physical laws to be addressed explain a wide range of technologies, from motors, instruments, sensors, to energy transport networks and information or electromagnetic radiation. They also explain some of the electromagnetic behaviour of materials that have an increasing technological utility.

At a macro level it is expected in this curricular unit:

  1. a) to develop physical intuition about situations of electromagnetic nature observed in nature and used in devices by discussing, analysing and identifying the physical laws that govern them;
  2. b) to model these situations, making use of approximations, using analytical and numerical tools, judging the results obtained.
  3. c) to measure in the laboratory electromagnetic quantities, in a variety of situations, comparing with predictions of the models.


The curricular unit is essentially integrated in the descriptors "1. Scientific and Technical Knowledge and Reasoning "and" 2. Personal and professional skills "of the CDIO (Conceiving - Designing - Implementing - Operating) quality system. In particular: (a) "1.1. Knowledge of fundamental sciences "; "1.2. Nuclear Knowledge of Engineering (Engineering Sciences) "; (c) "2.1. Thinking and solving engineering problems "; (d) "2.2. Experimentation and discovery of knowledge ". The descriptor "3.1. Group work "of" 3. Interpersonal skills " is partially addressed.

At the level of the EUR-ACE quality system, the curricular unit is essentially integrated into the descriptor "Knowledge and understanding" and, to a lesser extent, the descriptors "Engineering Analysis" and "Communication and Teamwork".

Materials Lab

 The knowledge of metallographic techniques and their application to the study and characterization of the various engineering materials is fundamental to all materials engineers and, therefore, essential to MIEMM programme. Considering future professional jobs in which students could be involved in manufacturing process control and product conformity inspection, this course will enable students to act autonomously and in accordance to relevant standards. Thus, this course is also expected to provide students skills in the preparation and analysis of material's samples, essential for developing experimental work in other courses or reasearch projects.


Mechanical Behaviour of Materials


The crystalline structure of a material influences decisively the generality of the properties of importance to an engineer. Understand how the structure influences the mechanical response is essential to tailor the mechanical properties of a material to the demands that their use requires. The Mechanical Behavior of Materials course emphasizes the relationship between the structure of materials and its mechanical behavior. Students will learn how engineering materials, with a focus on metallic materials, respond to mechanical loads in both a macroscopic and microscopic view.

This course aims to cover the mechanical behaviour of materials, by giving an emphasis to:
(1) the introduction of the concepts of defect, in particular the linear ones, and set its effects on physical and mechanical properties of materials;
(2) the description of the physical mechanisms and/or mechanical behaviour of monocrystals and polycrystals under plastic deformation;
(3) the influence of recovery and recrystallization on mechanical behaviour of materials.
The engineering knowledge acquired in this course unit will be integrated in the planning and development of laboratory assignments. They will be group assignments, so that students can develop their interpersonal, cooperation and communication skills.



The promotion of logical reasoning, methods of analysis and the theoretical development of mathematical concepts is fundamental to support the study of the majority of course units along this programme of studies.

This UC aims to ensure the acquisition of solid knowledge in the calculation of probabilities and statistics, considered an essential tool in many areas and situations of uncertainty, fundamental in Engineering. Another objective is to develop in students the ability to communicate accurate when referring to subjects that are based on concepts of Probability and Statistics. This UC also intends to develop a critical attitude when necessary to the analysis of statistical problems as well as the ability to apply the concepts acquired solving them. The acquisition of fundamental knowledge will give students the ability to acquire more advanced concepts that arise in the course and / or professional.

The student must be acquainted with basic notions on trigonometry, real functions, derivatives and integration.

The scientific component is 100%.

Fundamentals of Materials Science

L.EMAT018 - ECTS This curricular unit was designed to incorporate theoretical and practical foundations of Materials Science, so that students are able to apply them to real situations and contexts. Knowledge of electronic and crystalline structure are fundamental to understanding the physical and mechanical behavior of engineering materials.
Afterwards, the basic concepts of diffusion, which control most of the phase transformations, are introduced, and examples of its application to real cases are discussed.
The theoretical knowledge that governs phase transformations controlled by diffusion, solidification and solid state transformations, allow students to know the microstructure manipulation strategies. Its application to concrete cases will be essential to acquire a comprehensive view of the relationship between processing and the structure of materials.


Physical Chemistry


The importance of a sound foundation in Chemical Metallurgy to the Extractive Metallurgy as well as the rise in importance of corrosion and surface treatment of metals, the realization that the Physical Metallurgist needs to master the applications of Thermodynamics had led the Physical Chemistry as a crucial subject to be taught on the Materials Engineering course.

The main objectives of this course unit are to provide students:

- hands-on knowledge on the basic principles of Thermodynamics;

- broad knowledge of Thermodynamics underlying the metals processing techniques commonly used in extraction metallurgy, forming, and heat-treating;

- knowledge of the production and recovery processes of various metals by pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy.

Materials Characterization Techniques


The objective of this curricular unit is to present and describe concepts about the various forms of characterization of materials, at morphological, structural, and chemical levels. The basic knowledge of each technique includes knowledge about instrumentation, preparation of samples, and the applicability of these techniques to provide the essential bases for the application in the characterization of the materials being studied. The acquisition of this knowledge will allow the identification and the distinction of the applicability of each characterization technique to associate, relate, and select the characterization techniques of the study material. The student group will aim not only to acquire greater competency in communication strategies but also to provide an opportunity to select, research and present a technique of characterization of materials that can be applied to real situations.

Transferable Skills: Professional Communication

  • Identify different styles of interpersonal relationships and determine the most adequate behavioral, attitudinal and relational factors for the efficiency of each professional communication situation.
  • Apply attitudes that generate satisfaction in the professional environment and practical communication techniques to manage interaction situations whose demands and/or difficulties imply a high level of control over the communication process.
  • Self-diagnose needs for the evolution of their communication potential and be aware of the changes to be promoted to ensure a strong proficiency in their communication performance in the exercise of professional functions in the areas of engineering and information, communication and electronics technologies.

Swarm Robotics Competitions

  • provide students with basic skills in the design, development and implementation of simple algorithms for cooperation and consensus of multiple agents with a special focus on robotic swarm competitions. Swarm intelligence and control algorithms have applications in many scientific fields, including, environmental, bioengineering, civil, data science, computer and information science, electrotechnics, physics, mechanics, nanotechnology and chemistry; what makes this topic cross-cutting.
  • prepare students for the robotics swarm competition, promoting the development of complementary skills (soft skills), namely: teamwork, cooperation, peer communication, time management, resource management, stress management.

Complements of Materials Science


Materials Science is an area of knowledge that explores the relationship between the structure, processing and properties of materials, providing the scientific basis for the selection of existing materials as well as for the development of new ones. The manipulation of the microstructure, through composition modification, and/ore the use of different processing techniques, has been successfully used to improve materials performance.
Thus, the mechanical behavior and the main hardening mechanisms of materials are approached. These concepts allow the student to be aware of the main strategies to improve the strength of materials. Also covered will be concepts of component time-life and different causes of service failure: the presence of cracks analyzed by fracture mechanics; temperature, which at very low values can cause embrittlement, while at high causes creep; cyclic stresses responsible for fatigue fractures.

Students acquire a broader view of the relationship between structure, processing and material properties. Acquiring skills in selecting the most suitable processing for each material, according to the service conditions

Lifelong Employability


Gestão de Conflitos e Negociação


Introduction to data analysis in Excel


In this training in transversal skills, students are expected to acquire skills in the use of Spreadsheets, in particular MS Excel, for solving management problems and analyzing large volumes of data, namely using data series available in Pordata, INE and others.


Introduction to MATLAB programming

IPMATLAB01 - ECTS The main goal of this course is to endow students with the ability to model numerical problems and implement simple MATLAB programs to solve them.

Introduction to Robotics

The introduction to Robotics aims to allow the development of competences of development and integration of diverse knowledge in a very attractive way and based on practical work with real equipment. Understanding the working principle of various sensors and actuators and their application in real systems will broaden the understanding and attractiveness of Physics and Mathematics.

Introduction to programming languages is relevant in any engineering, technology and exact sciences course. By acquiring basic programming skills applied to robotics, students will increase their potential to develop applications that involve hardware and software/firmware; being so that this training in TC is transversal to several study areas.

It is also an objective of this course to promote the development of soft skills. Thus, it will be through group work to be developed on the subject matter taught and for the application of learning that students will have the opportunity to develop soft-skills such as the ability to work in a team and develop various roles and cooperation among team members.

The assessment will allow students to develop soft-skills in the areas of scientific report writing and communication/oral presentations with the defence of ideas and argumentation.

Ceramic Materials

L.EMAT022 - ECTS Students are expected to have a solid background in ceramic materials, including the characterization techniques of ceramic powders, the mechanisms of mass transport and the thermodynamic and kinetic factors that lead to the densification of these materials. The different classes of sintering are also studied. The glassy materials are also addressed from the point of view of the mechanisms of formation, structure and preparation, as well as the phenomena involving controlled crystallization to obtain ceramic glass.

Polymeric Materials

L.EMAT023 - ECTS The objectives to achieve are as follows:
1. To identify the importance of polymeric materials in engineering and in today's society. To recognize the
environmental problems associated with polymers and how to recycle them
2. To know the main polymer synthesis methods, as well as the most used technologies for the industrial manufacture
of polymers

3. To master the relationship between the structure, the chemistry and the properties of polymers
4. To be able to define a polymer(s) or polymer adhesive suitable for a particular engineering application
5. To learn how to develop polymer synthesis and characterization work in a chemistry lab safely and efficiently
6. To develop teamwork skills.



Nanomaterials are an appealing and relatively recent area of research and development on Materials Engineering; modifying the properties attained by reducing material dimensions to the nanoscale has driven its expansion. This course curricular unit aims to introduce the concepts of nanoscience and nanomaterials, so that students acquire the knowledge and tools needed to participate in research and/or development of these products.

It is also intended that students acquire skills on engineering and technology of nanomaterials and be able to analyze their impact on society. The selection of published works to prepare written monographies and oral presentations aims to enable students to deepen their knowledge and at the same time, develop communication strategies and skills of teamwork

Heat Treating


This course addresses the study of the heat treatment of steels, which is a relevant activity in the metallurgical and metalworking industry, contributing to the improvement of the properties and performance in service of steel parts. The aim is to address the theoretical principals that rule the heat treatments, to characterize the industrial heat treatment techniques and to discuss the influence of the variables of the heat treatment on the microstructure and properties of the steels. With this knowledge, students will acquire the domain, theoretical and practical, of the heat treatment.




Biomaterials have been undergoing a massive expansion and begin to be used in numerous clinical applications to repair, rebuild, replace or regenerate damaged areas of the body. This expansion is strongly associated with technological advances in reconstructive and regenerative medicine and the exponential increase in average life expectancy in modern societies. The science of biomaterials is an interdisciplinary field, and the Materials Engineering Branch of paramount importance for the development of new materials, using innovative technologies.


The course aims to provide students with the fundamental concepts on the various types of materials that are used in medicine. Are also covered aspects such as structural and surface characteristics of biomaterials, their interaction with the surrounding tissue, the ethical and regulatory aspects of medical devices and their clinical applications. For the attendance of this subject is necessary that students have previously knowledgeable about science and materials engineering.


Operational Research



This course focuses on the application of analytical methods to take better decisions and provides students with tools for modelling and optimization that will be very useful in various roles in several types of organizations (industry and services).


The main objective of this course is, through the creation of models, develop skills for analysing a wide range of real situations. These competencies are based on the ability to recognize the key problem in a non-structured situation, on the ability to develop a framework for analysing and treating the problem and on the application of analytical methods for its resolution.


Endow the students with the skills to:

  • identify and address decision problems in a structured way;
  • build models of decision problems;
  • identify and use analytical methods to obtain solutions for the models, that should act as a support for informed decisions;
  • use spreadsheets to analyse and obtain solutions for the models;
  • extract information from the models to communicate and motivate organizational changes.

Metallic Materials

L.EMAT026 - ECTS The main objective of this course is to provide students with specific knowledge about the different types of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys available in the market. The emphasis on processing, the relationship between properties and applications and recycling potential contributes to the development of students' skills in material selection and processing.


Graduation Project


The main objective is to face each student with a professional contact in the area of Materials Engineering. It is expected that the student will develop, with high autonomy, an experimental work, under the supervision of a teacher of LiEMAT, although there might also exist a supervisor from the other participating institution.

The work may consist of:
1) internship in a business environment or in an R&D unit;
2) participation in an R&D project;
3) solving a problem of a company (a group with 2-3 students may be constituted for this);
4) participation in a multidisciplinary project relevant to the area of Materials Engineering.
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