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FC6 - Departamento de Ciência de Computadores FC5 - Edifício Central FC4 - Departamento de Biologia FC3 - Departamento de Física e Astronomia e Departamento GAOT FC2 - Departamento de Química e Bioquímica FC1 - Departamento de Matemática


Master's Degree in Physical Engineering

General information

Official Code: 9368
Acronym: MI:EF


  • Physical Engineering (300 ECTS credits)
  • Technological Physics (180 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry

M1004 - ECTS

Upon completing this course, the student should master the main concepts of Linear Algebra and Analytic GeometryNamely, he must understand, be able to work with and use the main properties of the concepts of matrix, determinant, vector space and linear function.

Real Analysis I

M1017 - ECTS To develop the basic theory of differential and integral calculus for real functions of a real variable.

Communication in Science

DPI1002 - ECTS The course sensitizes students to the importance of developing personal skills in Communication in Science.
The students contact with techniques and methods that will improve oral and written communication skills, as well as tools to support the production of scientific communication material. In particular, the course approachs  the preparation of scientific reports, the preparation and execution of oral communications, and the elaboration of scientific articles.
The acquired skills will have immediate application in other graduation courses and in the professional future of the students.


F1006 - ECTS

This course aims to present the concepts and the basic principles of Classic Mechanics, and relativity, with emphasis on  understanding and application in the analysis of  real world situations . Students should have the ability to manipulate fundamental concepts and knowi how to apply them to solve problems. Students will be motivated to consider the principles of Mechanics in other areas of knowledge and in technology. Particular attention will be paid to training in problem solving by familiarizing students with heuristics and modes of thinking of experienced physicists.

Programming I

CC1015 - ECTS

Introduction to the use of computers running GNU/Linux operating systems.

Introduction to programming using the Python language.

Notions of low and high-level languages; interpreters and compilers; editor and development environments. Values, types, and expressions. Functions and procedures. Conditionals and selection. Iteration and recursion. Basic data structures: lists, tuples, and dictionaries. Plotting.


Analysis II

M1015 - ECTS

To introduce the concepts and basic results of Vector Analysis.

Eletromagnetism I

FIS1004 - ECTS
  • Learn the basics of Electromagnetism
  • Derive and present the laws and methods of Electromagnetism under a phenomenological perspective
  • Establish links and parallels between Electromagnetism and Mechanics, using concepts such as force and energy
  • Emphasize the relevance of the concept of field in the formulation of the laws of Electromagnetism, as an entity responsible for the mediation of physical interactions
  • Apply, in the context of Electromagnetism, the concepts and methods of Vector Analysis and Integral Calculus in space
  • Present and describe relevant applications of Electromagnetism in Science and Technology

Fundamentals of Chemistry

Q1004 - ECTS

The main objective of "Fundamentos de Química is to provide a solid understanding of the essential chemistry concepts.

Physics Laboratory I

FIS1005 - ECTS To make the students at ease with laboratorial instruments, measurement techniques and data acquisition.
To perform practical activities on the area of Physics.

General Chemistry Laboratory

Q1005 - ECTS

The Chemistry Lab (Q1005) course comprises a set of practical works, involving several experimental techniques and procedures.

Analysis III

M2009 - ECTS

Introduction to methods of solving ordinary differential equations with emphasis on equations and systems of linear differential equations.  Regular surfaces of R^3, Line Integrals and Surface integrals. Classical theorems of Vector Analysis: Green's theorem, divergencetheorem and Stokes theorems.


FIS2008 - ECTS To be inserted later

Thermal Physics

FIS2001 - ECTS

Introduction to thermal Physics. Basics on classical thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Applications to simple classical and quantum systems.

Physics Laboratory II

FIS2004 - ECTS

Laboratory Practice in Physics and Electronics.

Familizarization of students with aspects of electronics and instrumentation needed to carry out experimental work, through the execution of a set of representative works in Physics and Electronics, including analysis of experimental data, calculation of errors, graphical representation  and critical evaluation of the obtained results;

Promotion of the search of information relevant to the experimental work;

Preparation and writing of reports of experimental activities;
Development of group work skills.

Waves and Continuous Media

FIS2002 - ECTS

Train ideas and methods of wave mechanics, elasticity and hydrodynamics. • Understand the linear coupling between oscillators, the basic of normal modes. • Understand the concept of wave, and their description and their applications in various areas of applied physics. • Perform Fourier analysis, as well as understand its importance in the study of linear waves. • Understand the result of overlapping waves and the phenomenon of interference and diffraction. • Understand the concepts of phase velocity and group velocity and the concept of dispersion. • Understand and describe the state of deformation and the stresses applied in isotropic elastic body, as well as relate the two. • Analyze simple problems of fluid dynamics and fluid balance. • Connecting to technology issues.

Electromagnetism II

FIS2006 - ECTS Deepen knowledge of the fundamental phenomena and principles of electromagnetism. Apply differential and integral calculus techniques to formulate problems. Integrate knowledge obtained in other courses for a comprehensive approach of the physical phenomena. Describe physical situations involving the issues addressed in the course, to solve problems, and to establish links to experimental and technological situations. Present and describe relevant applications of Electromagnetism in science and technology. Prepare the students to advanced courses.

Applied Statistics

M2026 - ECTS

Upon completing this course, the student should:

- have a good insight of the fundamental concepts and principles of statistics, and in particular those from basic inference statistics.

- know the common inference statistical  methods and how to apply them to concrete situations;

- be able to identify and formulate a problem, to choose adequate statistical methods and to analyze and interpret in a critical way the obtained results.

It is also expected that the student acquires familiarity with the programing language and software environment R, in the framework of problems solving.

Computational Physics

FIS2009 - ECTS

The students will be introduced to a set of computational methods and to its application in several fields of Physics and Engineering.

Modern Physics

FIS2003 - ECTS

To understand the inadequacy of classical concepts in the interpretation of some experimental results and the need for a new formulation of physics. To introduce wave mechanics, making applications to one-dimensional systems. To understand the nuclear structure and nuclear processes. To Study applications of quantum physics in astrophysics, condensed matter and/or optics.

Signals and Systems

FIS2012 - ECTS To know the methodologies and physical / mathematical techniques for the study of signals and important systems in physics and engineering. • Understand the central characteristics of linear and time invariant systems (LTI). • Master the behavior of LTI systems actuated by continuous or discrete signals, including the actual situation where signals are degraded by the presence of noise. • Understand the principles of system control and the techniques used in its study. • Understand the vast domain of application of the principles, methodologies and techniques studied.

We intend to give a clear and modern view of the techniques used in the study of signals and systems. In particular we study the Fourier series, Fourier integrals, FFT and Laplace transforms of continuous and discrete time signals. The concept of transfer function is fundamental and studied in detail as well as the impulse response. Communication systems are also studied.

Statistical Physics

FIS3008 - ECTS

To get familiar with the ideas and methods of statistical physics. To introduce the fundamental results of classical and quantum statistical physics of systems in equilibrium. To discuss some applications of statistical physics to classical and quantum systems.

Physics Laboratory III

FIS3011 - ECTS To develop the mastering of experimental techniques and tools of modern physics and engineering, by laboratory practice, and involving the accomplishment of experiments, the data analysis, and the critical interpretation of the results. In particular, it is intended to:
  • introduce techniques for measurement and analysis of radioactive processes;
  • develop basic laboratory skills in optical assemblies;
  • introduce precision optical measurement techniques, in particular: interferometry, spectroscopy.
  • expand the skills in precision laboratory measurement equipment (LCR meter, Hall Sensors, Geiger)
  • introduce advanced methods of measuring the physical properties of condensed matter at different cryogenic temperatures and high temperatures.
  • use efficiently automatic data acquisition systems.

Fluid Mechanics


Quantum Mechanics I

FIS3003 - ECTS

 This is a 1st formal course in Quantum Mechanics. After completing this course the student should have a working knowledge of the foundations and techniques in Quantum Mechanics.

Measurement, Sensors and Instrumentation

EEC0070 - ECTS

Technical Drawing, CAD and Workshops

D3001 - ECTS

Objectives: • Identify the set of methods and procedures necessary for the development and communication of projects. • Develop the capacity of communication and graphics representation, and the acquisition of knowledge of a technological nature in the area of Technical Drawing. • Develop creative thinking skills and spatial visualization, to convey ideas, forms and concepts through graphics. • Represent a technical drawing, computer aided (CAD) •  . Acquire a basic knowledge of electronic circuit simulation . Acquire a basic knowledge of PCB design. Key Skills: • Modelling and solving problems. • Basic concepts of design and manufacturing of printed electronic circuit boards, and testing. • 2D/3D representation respecting the rules of technical drawing • Use of the electronic workshops • Design, manufacture and testing of simple electronic printed circuit boards.

Digital Electronics and Microprocessors

FIS3004 - ECTS

Condensed Matter Physics

FIS3005 - ECTS

To acquire knowledge of the basic concepts of condensed matter physics such as crystal structures, Drude model and Sommerfeld theory, phonons, Bloch’s theorem, reciprocal space, tight binding model, the nearly free electron model, energy bands, semiconductors (an introduction). To introduce different types of materials, and how their properties depend on the microscopic structure. To familiarize oneself with experimental techniques for fundamental studies of materials.

Plasma Physics

FIS3007 - ECTS

Guided Waves

FIS3013 - ECTS Understand and characterize key concepts of time-varying fields and Maxwell equations,in integral and diferential forms. To study transmission lines using the corresponding distributed parameters and the Smith diagram. Model plane-parallel waveguides, rectangular and cylindrical and their modes of operation. Introduce resonant cavities and its applications.Charactrization of radiating systems and antennas.


FIS3014 - ECTS

Provide an overview of Optics. Present the principles and methods  of Geometrical Optics and its applications in optical instrumentation. Address the phenomenology and applications of polarization, interference and diffraction of optical waves. Present aspects of Modern Optics relevant to science and technology.

Data Acquisition and Control Project

FIS3015 - ECTS

To be able to plan experiments. To be able to do literature research, including analysis of technical papers, and to show results either orally or in written form. To be able to plan and automatize experiments using LabVIEW as a control tool. To develop small projects, within a well defined field, using as much as possible LabVIEW tools.

Science and Technology of Materials

F4005 - ECTS The course is designed to provide the fundamental concepts of science and technology of materials.

The aim of the course is to describe the structure, properties, applications and processing of different types of technologically relevant materials. The course also aims to provide understanding of the structure/property relationship controlling the mechanical, electrical, thermodynamic and magnetic behavior of materials.

RF and Microwave Engineering

EEC0036 - ECTS

Optical Materials and Devices

F4023 - ECTS

It is sought with this course: a) Develop competences and knowledge that foster research and evelopment activity, in particular those that facilitate reading and understanding the available literature and expand the needed knowledge  in a systematic and autonomous fashion; b) Understand light matter interaction; c) Describe the characteristics that lead to particular optical properties of materials, be it natural or man-made; d) Understand the functioning of devices based on those properties.

Computational Methods in Engineering

F4021 - ECTS

• Learn methods and algorithms used in numerical simulation in physics. • Analyze a set of problems in different areas of physics in view of their numerical solution. • Build models fo the  problems. • Describe and apply some basic numerical techniques. • Contact with simulation methods.

Micro and Nano Fabrication

F4022 - ECTS


To be able to answer quantitative and qualitative questions about cleanrooms, micro and nanofabrication techniques.

To be able to plan and execute experiments

To be able to perform literature searches, including critical assessment; development of correct oral and written expression.

To be able to develop well defined mini-projects


FIS4010 - ECTS

- Technological importance of emerging nanotechnologies.

 - Understanding of basic physical concepts.

 - Relation between physical size reduction and modification of physical properties

 - Technologies required in nanofabrication.

 - Physical properties of nanostructures: mechanical, electronic, optical and magnetic.

 - Nano-biological systems: form and function.

- Applications of nano - materials and devices.


Aquire good background knowledge of the science of Nanosystems as indicated in the objectives.


FIS4012 - ECTS Know in detail the characteristics of the propagation of radiation in optical fibers and planar guided optics. Understand the coupling between optical waveguides, and among guides and optical transmitters. Knowing basic aspects of coupling modes theory and its applications in the analysis of important devices (directional couplers, periodic networks). Master the principles of AWG devices operation. Knowing the principles of BPM technique of computer simulation devices. Understand the operating principles of optoelectronic devices photodetectors, its structure, characteristics and applications.

Digital Systems Design

EEC0055 - ECTS

Dynamic Systems and Control


Advanced Laboratory Techniques I

FIS4015 - ECTS

Objectives Getting Acquainted with microfabrication technologies in controlled environments. Performing design and planning experience. Knowing to conduct literature searches, including critical analysis of technical articles, and oral and written communication Effective management of team work Development of mini-projects with well-defined themes Major competences • ability to design, conduct experiments, analysis and critical interpretation of data • ability to work in multidisciplinary teams • ability to identifyto formulate and solve problems Materials Science • abilities for designing processes and / or systems for achieve specific specifications • ability to use techniques and advanced research tools • presentation and communication skills • knowledge of contemporary issues in physics and engineering of materials.

Materials Characterisation Techniques

FIS4020 - ECTS

Learning experimental techniques in materials science. Mastering technical analysis of the internal structure of materials. Knowing methods for determining the distribution of atomic units and molecular materials and their interaction. Get advanced training in Materials Science

Antennas and Propagation

EEC0042 - ECTS

Acquisition and Signal Processing




Optical Communications

EEC0038 - ECTS

Medical Imaging

EBE0193 - ECTS


F4018 - ECTS

Training in basic laser physics, comprising the study of light-matter interaction from different approaches (classical, semi-classical and quantum), the study of gaussian beams and spherical optical cavities, laser amplification and oscillation in continuous-wave (cw) and in time-dependent (relaxation, Q-switching, mode-locking) regimes. Examples of specific laser systems and relevant recent applications in science and technology.
Laser physics and technology is a rapidly evolving field with a strong impact both in fundamental science and in applications. A solid training in the fundamentals of laser physics is therefore paramount for the succesful enrolment of students in new scientific and technological developments in the field.

Magnetic Materials and Devices

F4019 - ECTS

• Highlight the enormous technological importance of magnetic materials.

• Understand the basic concepts of magnetism in materials, and the parameters / characteristics relevant to applications.

 • Systematic use of  the SI system in Magnetism

 • To know the different classes of conventional magnetic materials and their applications in engineering.

• Enter the new magneto-electronica (spintronics). Multilayers, spin valves, tunnel junctions effect, hybrid devices.

• Meet the new functional materials, principles and potential technological

Multifunctional Nanostructures

FIS4009 - ECTS Obtain advanced training in modern concepts involving Materials Science namely in the new trends and research of materials and their functionalities.

Master techniques of analysis of the internal structure of materials.

To know methods of determining the distribution of atomic and molecular units of materials and their interaction.

Knowing in detail the physical properties of materials

Understand the role of shape and dimensions in changing the physical properties of materials

Know the relevant aspects of multifunctionality

Acquire advanced training in the control of the functionality of the materials considering the interdependence of their physical properties with the aim of their application in advanced technology.

Statistical Signal Processing


Semiconductors and Devices

F4029 - ECTS

i) the physical principles of semiconductor and their conduction processes;
ii) the physical principles of semiconductors devices and their fabrication technology;
iii) theoretical and practical aspects of the major steps in semiconductor device fabrication.

Embedded systems

EEC0150 - ECTS

Advanced Laboratory Techniques II

FIS4016 - ECTS Objectives • Know how to answer questions about qualitative and quantitative microfabrication techniques. • Carry out design and planning experience. • Conduct literature searches, including a critical analysis of articles, written and oral expression. • Develop mini-projects with well-defined themes.

Telescopes and Detectors for Spacial Sciences

FIS4017 - ECTS
The main objective of this course is to give students basic training in instrumentation concepts for space sciences, giving them the tools to become, one day, leaders in developing this type of technology used at ESO and ESA. This includes both the hardware component and data reduction. The course will allow students to understand the language used in the area, the various types of telescopes and instruments, and the type of data that is collected, as well as some details about its analysis. Thus this course can open strong collaborations among students (future professionals) and international institutions such as the ESO and ESA. These collaborations can materialize from the
point of view of employment but also in the context of providing technology for these institutions (because the course allows the students, as clients, to understand the language used from the companies side and better indentify potential interests)


FIS5001 - ECTS The UC dissertation aims to the final thesis.

The Dissertation reports work associated with scientific research activities, primarily academic in nature.


FIS5002 - ECTS The UC Estágio aims to the final thesis.

The UC report regards the work done in a business environment, usually containing either a technological component, either one component associated with economic, management and organization.


FIS5005 - ECTS The UC Projecto aims to the final thesis.

The report of the UC Projecto regards the work, essentially of applied character and engineering, typically associated with the development of equipment, simulators and software packages, experimental techniques, and testing with specific practical application.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation


Renewable Energies

EQ0138 - ECTS

Materials and devices for energy harvesting and storage

FIS5003 - ECTS

Nonlinear and Ultrafast Optics

F4024 - ECTS

Fundamentals of nonlinear optics, with a focus on the optics of ultrashort laser pulses (ultrafast optics) allowing for a more comprehensive and up-to-date approach to the field.

This is not a classic course (it is taught only at a few institutions aroung the World) and its subject is a particularly young and rapidly evolving field, encompassing a growing number of areas of physics, engineering and nonlinear science. Therefore, this will be a dynamical course, illustrated with recent and relevant research results.

Telecommunication Systems Project

EEC0154 - ECTS

Engineering Systems Automation and Instrumentation


Electronic Systems

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