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Communication in Science

Code: DPI1002     Acronym: DPI1002

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Personal and Communicational Development

Instance: 2018/2019 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Web Page: https://moodle.up.pt/course/view.php?id=725
Responsible unit: Department of Physics and Astronomy
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Physics

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
L:F 55 Official Study Plan 1 - 3 30 81
MI:EF 73 study plan from 2017/18 1 - 3 30 81

Teaching language



The course sensitizes students to the importance of developing personal skills in Communication in Science.
The students contact with techniques and methods that will improve oral and written communication skills, as well as tools to support the production of scientific communication material. In particular, the course approachs  the preparation of scientific reports, the preparation and execution of oral communications, and the elaboration of scientific articles.
The acquired skills will have immediate application in other graduation courses and in the professional future of the students.

Learning outcomes and competences

  • awareness of the importance of effective, written and oral communication, providing students with:

    • techniques for improving oral and body expression in public

    • techniques and resources for improving written expression.

  • development of skills and use of tools in:

    • bibliographic research

    • scientific text editing

    • graphical representation of experimental data

  • development of basic skills in the treatment of experimental data: measurement, sampling, errors, linearizations and adjustments of experimental data to curves

  • learning of the steps and timeline associated with scientific communication acts: submission of papers, review, poster presentation and oral communication

  • awareness of strict compliance with deadlines

Working method



  1. Oral and written communication in science

    1. phases of the scientific process

    2. the circulation of information in science (logbook, data, report, conference, proceedings, article / patent)

    3. the structure of scientific documents: report, article, thesis

    4. techniques and resources for improving written expression.

  2. tools to support scientific writing

    1. scientific text editing

    2. research and management of bibliographic references

    3. production of schemes

  3. tools for experimental data processing

    1. experimental measure and errors

    2. average and average error

    3. data tables

    4. graphical representation of data and errors

    5. analysis of experimental data: linearizations, data fitting

    6. graphics production

  4. Oral scientific communication

    1. Poster

    2. oral presentations

    3. techniques for improving oral and body expression in public

  5. Other relevant documents

    1. memo

    2. curriculum vitae

    3. motivational letters

Mandatory literature

Strunk Junior William; The elements of style. ISBN: 978-0-14-311272-3
Estrela Edite; Saber escrever, saber falar. ISBN: 972-20-2534-1
Sarah Jacobsson Purewal (PC World); The world's worst PowerPoint presentations , 2016
Garr Reynolds; Top Ten Slide tips, 2016
Taylor John R; An introduction to error analysis. ISBN: 0-935702-75-X (measure and error analysis)
Berendsen Herman J. C.; A student.s guide to data and error analysis. ISBN: 9780521134927

Complementary Bibliography

Zinsser William Knowlton; On writing well. ISBN: 9780060891541
Lagendijk Ad; Survival guide for scientists. ISBN: 978-90-5356-512-4
TeX Users Group; TeX Users Group Website (URL: http://www.tug.org/begin.html), 2016
BIPM; International Vocabulary of Metrology, 2012
Amanda Zantal-Wiener (blog.hubspot.com); How to Create the Best PowerPoint Presentations, With Examples [+ Free Powerpoint Templates], 2017
Tobias Oetiker; Uma não tão pequena introdução ao LaTeX2e; ou LaTeX2e em 137 minutos,, 2011 ( URL: ftp://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/portuguese/pt-lshort.pdf)

Comments from the literature

Addional information is available in the Moodle webpage for the curricular unit.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The curricular unit is composed of theoretical-practical classes, and practical classes in a computer lab.

Theoretical-Practical classes(TP):
Exposition and collective discussion of the topics under analysis, and practical examples, constantly encouraging the participation of students in the discussion of the examples of communication under analysis. (these classes start at the beginning of the semester)

Laboratory Practices(PL):
In a computer lab, students have access to the tools presented in the course; specific tasks are carried out to develop the target competences in the production of scientific documents. The PL begin out of phase of TPs so that students have a quick learning curve of using text, bibliographical and graphic production tools.


Mendeley Desktop
Jupyter notebook


Physical sciences
Natural sciences
Technological sciences

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Prova oral 40,00
Trabalho escrito 60,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 41,00
Frequência das aulas 30,00
Trabalho escrito 10,00
Total: 81,00

Eligibility for exams

The achievement of frequency is guaranteed by the cumulative fulfillment of:

  1. attendance, in accordance with the Regulations for the Evaluation of Student Achievement;
  2. confirmation of acceptance of the Summary Article submitted by the student within the due dates, in accordance with formal requirements;
  3. the accomplishment of the respective oral communication in the sessions of Communication in Science, in date in the Period of Examination.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final mark for students who satisfy attendance requirements:

X - Evaluation of the short article (0-12)

Y - Evaluation of the oral presentation (0-8)

C = 10 + (X + Y) / 2

Examinations or Special Assignments

The evaluation is individual, and it emulates the process of submitting papers to scientific meetings with revision. It is performed in two phases:

  1. evaluation of a summary article submitted by the student;
  2. evaluation of the respective oral communication, in public session - presentation (10mins) and discussion (2mins).

To this end, a list of mini-projects and / or scientific articles will be published in a timely manner, open to suggestions from the students (validated by the teachers). Each student individually chooses their topic.

The submitted papers will be pre-analyzed by the faculty of the UC, which will result in feedback to students on aspects to improve in the elaboration of the article. Within a short notice period, students will be able to re-submit the corrected version of the article. For evaluation, only the last version received will be considered.

The deadlines for either topic choice or submission of the summary article will be set at the beginning of the semester in Moodle.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)


Classification improvement

Improvement requires the repetition of the assessment process (submission of short article and presentation) on the dates established for the students of the CU.
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