The 1st cycle in Agricultural Engineering aims to provide the student with a solid training anchored in the basic sciences of Agronomy, with a course focused on Agrarian Production (major) and an alternative course (minor) focused on Food Science and Technology. It is intended to create and consolidate indispensable skills to a future qualified professionalization in the areas of primary and secondary production, respectively. In the last year, Agronomic Engineering student will carry out an internship that will give him the contact with the professional reality.
Employment Prospects
Graduates in Agriculture Engineering, major in Agriculture Engineering, will have good knowledge in plant and animal physiology, skills in agro-system management and a good understanding of agricultural ecosystem dynamics; this will able them to integrate agronomic engineer positions in primary production companies or consultancy services as well as services or entities related to agriculture, environment, industry and rural development. They will also be able to enrol 2nd cycle courses namely the Master in Agricultural Engineering and Masters in Engineering of Viticulture and Oenology of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto.
Graduates in Agriculture Engineering, minor in Food Technology and Science, for their training in microbiology, food chemistry, food quality and safety, and food processing and preservation technologies, as well as marketing and management concepts, will be able to exercise functions in companies in the sectors of processing, distribution and marketing of food products and services in support of the food industry (consultancy firms, analysis laboratories, packaging companies, etc.). Alternatively, graduates may pursue 2nd cycle studies, namely the Master degree in Food Science and Nutrition, Master in Food Science and Technology, Master in Viticulture and Oenology and in the Erasmus Mundus Masters in Wine, Tourism and Innovation (WINTOUR).
Structure of the Study Cycle
The course lasts 6 academic semesters and consists of 180 credits (ECTS). The curricular structure, focused in the area of agricultural sciences (87 ECTS), has the first year and part of the second one supported mainly on fundamental subjects in the areas of biology (24 ECTS), mathematics (18 ECTS), chemistry (12 to 18 ECTS ) and also computer science, geology, physics and management. These lectures take place in Campo Alegre Campus of the Faculty of Sciences, most of them together with students from other undergraduate degrees. In the first year, 1st semester, there will be a curricular unit at Vairão Campus, and throughout the course students will have more and more syllabus, lectures, field and laboratory workshops, in this agrarian Pole of the University of Porto, about 30 km from the city of Porto. Note that in the second year each student opts for the major or minor training path with define the subjects each one will enrol in 2nd and 3rd year.
Application Procedures 2021/2022
(*) As vagas foram aprovadas por despacho reitoral de 8 de março de 2021 mas a aprovação das vagas do Regime Geral, Concursos Especiais e Mudança de Par Instituição/Curso (1ºano curricular) está dependente do despacho orientador para a fixação de vagas, que venha a ser publicado pelo Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) e podem, consequentemente, sofrer alterações.
(**) As vagas foram aprovadas por despacho reitoral de 12 de novembro de 2020 e a aprovação das vagas poderá sofrer alterações por força da publicação do despacho orientador para a fixação de vagas para o ano letivo 2021/2022 do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES).